akinformation · 7 months
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Website: akinformation.com
Warning: The author of this book is not responsible for any consequences of reading it. This resource is for informational purposes only and is not intended to offend anyone. The information is not recommended for readers under age of 18 or people with mental disorders. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
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akinformation · 7 months
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Alexandr Korol Author's photo
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Alexandr Korol
illustrations by the author
Saint Petersburg 2010 – 2023
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“In September 2010, I set out to write this novel for the first time. And for over 10 years, whenever I was in the Spirit, I kept writing this book. It is now August 26, 2023, and I have finished this book. This novel is written from a first-person perspective . Not everyone will be able to read it; only those with pure hearts will comprehend its depth. This book is a living entity.. it’s endless...”
ISNB 9789083362755
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akinformation · 7 months
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The subject matter I will present in this book is merely information we will research together. It will make a powerful impact, and your mind may get startled and try to resist. Sometimes, your mind will want to shut off because it cannot handle the process. Sometimes, it will be very proactive as it attempts to decipher the information. From time to time, you will comprehend the material with your heart and observe. And there will be moments when you need to use your mind and logic. So, we intend to treat this information as data and deeply research it until we find its true integrity. I have a story to tell. About what happened to me, why, and how I became what I am. We will study this story from my perspective: how I see the world, how it is structured, who sets the rules, and how it all works. We will review the story from this position in an attempt to tap into the essence of all things. I will explain why I think this way and how I got here. The main point of this study is to allow yourself to go on a journey. It will be an exercise for your brain that will shake and rattle your mind. And if you feel shocked, inspired, upset, silly, agitated, or even scared, remember that it is all part of the game.
Our quest. Our “Digital Crusade”. More than likely, you will go through a whole load of different emotions. Your angels and demons will all wake up. Just understand that it is how it is supposed to be. But don’t let yourself get lost in these emotions. As soon as the quest is over, tell yourself – “The quest is over.” And the rollercoaster of emotions is over, too. You are fine. You will go back to your real life, and all your thoughts and feelings will be left behind in the game. And it was an awesome experience. This is how we will approach it. Of course, along with the action of the game, we can fight and worry, fall in love, and feel inspired. Everything is possible in this quest. But always keep in mind that it is just a game. And you are a player in it. It is a particular mechanism, and we are evolving by participating in it. It is the format of this book. It is a novel, a fairytale in the first person, and I am just a writer!
Some people will have a hard time. Those of you who have read too much and heard too much. Each of you has your own opinion, and you feel like you know
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something, which may persuade you to stop reading. Because your brain is not ready to give up and unveil another version, and something is stuck in your mind, some old perspective about how this world is constructed.
Please try to approach this information from scratch, starting from zero. Imagine that you are a stone, ground to a certain point, and this process will continue to polish you. Are you with me? It is like initiation, and it will sharpen your mentality. Everything that you have a strong reaction to will emerge. Everything inside of you that you are scared to touch will grow and expand. Remember, we don’t have to think about it or do any work on it. It will just naturally occur. This journey will make you stronger and more open. It will change your firmware. All of us have a different set of knowledge and experience. Besides that, we are all somewhat similar on the surface, somehow different. Some of you have good qualities, some bad, and so on. It is all relevant. For some, a certain quality is positive; for others, it is negative. Some people have a strong belief that they carry hope, faith, love, humbleness, forgiveness, trust, and respect. Some people have fear, jealousy, anger, cowardliness, resentment. And these qualities make us different from each other. And we are going to work towards diminishing all the bad qualities. But first, they will need to come up to the surface. And then you will become cleansed by the circumstances that will be activated by this book. Thanks to the Digital Crusade!
That’s why I want to tell you what happened and how I got here. I will tell the story about what I faced and describe to you this adventure of mine. I will share with you the details, and we will eventually arrive at the point where I stopped. This alone will give you a huge boost, and then we will continue to travel further from that point. It might be quite scary for some, but it will be so interesting! And it can only be a positive thing! It is just a fairytale, a good one. It will be beneficial for anyone who feels closed, indecisive, and lost. People who feel suppressed, shut down, and stuck at some personal frequency level. All this will be loosened up by the contents of this book. It will wake you up and shutter your weaknesses as they come up to the surface. The excitement will leave you clear- headed and alive.
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1. Story about keys from Paradise
I want to tell you how I got hold of this information. And even if some of you already know it, we still need to go over it. It is important that we study and research all of it. I want to give you an opportunity to dig into it deeply and to shape your own opinion of it. Are you with me?
My first book, a draft, was based on the notes I wrote during insomnia when I poured my heart onto the paper. It all started in high school when I realized that my perspective of life and my understanding of human relationships was completely different from how people usually understood it. When I realized that my understanding was very different, I started a diary. I began to write that I don’t understand why people tell lies. Why do people suffer? Why are they scared to be truthful, and why do they pretend? Why are people friends with people they don’t even like? Why do they betray? Why do they keep relationships only for profit and gain? Why do parents ignore their kids? Why do people deceive one another? I was deeply touched by these questions that arose in me. So, I described various situations that I witnessed and shared my vision and views.
That is how it all started. Later, when I left home, I became even more sensitive to everything; I began to feel people – what they think, what they feel, what hurts them, I understood them for who they were. Like I lived the life of each person. And many paradoxical situations happened to me, and I wrote about them in my diary. I wrote in my diary how I see people, how I feel them, how I feel energies, how the palms of my hands get hot, how I feel chakras, how I dived into an unusual state of mind when I listened to music and how later I found out from some people online that what I experience is a state of meditation. And when I shared this, people started calling me “indigo child” and other terms. I didn’t understand what was happening to me and who I was. And I had this feeling that there was “Me,” and there were “people,” and there was “They.” I just called it “They,” as I’ve always had this feeling that someone is listening to me up there and they are watching me, and they know everything about me, like what I feel and what I want and don’t want. You can’t hide from Them, that’s how I feel. And then, some unusual things happened to me that I want to talk about, and we will
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study these experiences together to find out who I am and why this knowledge was given to me.
How I got to the point of writing a second book. When I was approximately seventeen or eighteen, I met a friend. I told her that I left my family home and I felt very strange. I told her that I couldn’t close my palms or squeeze my fingers. My palms are always open because I feel such a thick pressure between them. Also, I told her that I hear an internal voice and I can ask it any question and get an answer to it. I told her that I could see through everyone. I sense who they are and what they are about, and I don’t understand how I do it. So my friend told me that I needed to meet her mom. That her mom is the same way as me. I was like: “Which way is that?”. And she told me: “The magical way”. So I agreed and met her mom, her name was Valentina. And she was not some crazy old woman wearing weird clothes and possessions. She was a very modern, active, and quite young woman, a business lady. So I spoke to Valentina and told her about myself, how strange I feel about the world and myself, and that I don’t understand who I am. I told her that I was called an “indigo child” and an empath and that I felt an altered state of mind, a meditative state of mind. She listened to me and told me that I was a “Golden Child.” I was like: “What? What does it mean?” She said: “You are a Golden Child, Alex, and your life will be uneasy and complicated. “ She also told me that complicated doesn’t mean bad, it’s intricate. I told her that I received so much information and insights, and I was not interested in being around people my age. I don’t know what to do and where to go, and I feel such strength and power inside of me that I could create some kind of psychological weapon like I know everything. And then she told me to write a book, and I told her that I’m writing a diary.
– Great. When you finish your notes in your diary, put them into a book and give it a name.
– What name?
– Well, what are you writing about? Why are you doing it? What for?
– I am looking for an answer. – So call it “An Answer”.
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She called me the next day and said:
– Alex, don’t tell anyone about yourself.
– OK, but what happened?
– Well, a guy called, he is your namesake, Alexander, and was asking about you. He somehow knew that we’d spoken and was asking all about you. I told him that you are young, just eighteen, and you know nothing. Just a guy who watched too many movies, and I asked him to stay away from you.
– Why did you tell him that?
– I want him to leave you alone. You don’t need any of this.
– What’s “this”?
– Forget about everything. Live your life like everyone else. Be ordinary, be simple, be free.
She tells me that they can take me away, that Alexander, who called her, is interested in people like me. Well, after that, we did not communicate for some time. I continued to live my strange life. And then, six months later, I called Valentina and said: “Hey, I want to talk to Alexander.” I want him to take me with him. Valentina asked me why. I told her that I didn’t want to be among ordinary people and their low values. Everyone just wants a car, an apartment, a family, and they don’t want anything else. I have nothing to talk to them about.
My thought patterns were massive, global, out of this world. I was constantly wondering why there are so many planets and why we are on this planet. Is it a planet at all? And who is God? And who is in charge of everything? How is everything arranged? Why was I born into this family? Why in this city? What is this city? When and where is everything going, and ultimately, what is the meaning of life? I had so many questions.
And no one ever asked me such questions. Even those who already knew that I was an indigo child, even they only ever asked me stupid and primitive questions. And I told Valentina that I wanted to be among my own kind. And I gave her this example. Imagine that I live in a small village, and I have millions of dollars, and I have already bought everything in that village, and I don’t know
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what to do with the rest of my money. I’m merely heating the stove with this money, and naturally, what does such a situation like this do to someone like me? It motivates and pushes you to go to a big city to spend your money. It’s really the same here. I have so much knowledge and so much potential, and among mere mortals, this information might as well be in the trash. She says “okay” and nothing more. Another six months went by, and then she called me and said:
– Hey, Alex, are you still interested in talking to Alexander?
– Sure, I am.
– OK, I will call him now and tell him that you want to meet.
Now, to make it clear who I’m talking about, let’s name this guy “Big Alexander.” Most of you already know this, but I will tell you later why I gave him this name.
Finally, Valentina calls me and tells me to come to this cafe to meet him. There, I was introduced to a man of around fifty years old, who smiled at me and said:
– Hey Alex, I see you. In you, I see a young version of myself. Valentina told me about your abilities. That you can obtain any knowledge you wish from the cosmos, that you see through people. However, this is all crap, children’s toys.
And then he tells me that moving objects or setting fire to a piece of paper with a glance is the wrong use of my abilities, that if I strive for this, I will be nothing more than a jester. And I will not become healthier, wealthier, or stronger, nor give people health or anything good. “You will be a clown,” he said. And so he redirected me so that I would not fall for such nonsense as levitation, walking on water, telekinesis. He told me to get this nonsense out of my head right away. And I thank Big Alexander for this because I have a lot of readers who ask these questions. This immediately shows their current level of development and their low level of frequency. Please take note.
He said that the most important thing is to influence people. Gain the ability to look at a person to make him get up or lie down. Gain the ability to make
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a massive crowd of people go out onto the streets. That’s a strength! He told me that it used to be different. And how I am lucky. He was taken to the crematorium. He and others were shown how people were burned, and he was told that if he said something inappropriate, then this would happen to him. And they were also taken to a psychiatric hospital and showed the mentally ill and told that if they abuse their abilities, this would be their fate.
Here are the two examples he gave me. We can either take them literally or consider the possibility that he invented a story to which I would definitely respond. Then Big Alexander tells me that I am still growing and developing, that I am still young, and that I am a stone that will become a diamond. I must know the “red dragon,” and when I know it, then I will have everything. And he added that there is a grandfather who rules everything, and he must die. When he dies, then my time will begin. He also told me that in St. Petersburg, there is some kind of equipment that was used in the nineties to shoot at the parliament. And then he asked me if I could answer this question: “Is there a philosopher’s stone?” And, of course, being young at that time, I instantly thought of “Harry Potter.” And so I told him, yes, there is. Big Alexander said, “Okay, go home, get into your meditative state, and then call me.” I am sure that the philosopher’s stone exists because everything we are talking about exists. What we don’t talk about does not. He began to tell me that the philosopher’s stone is located in the east and that people have been looking for it all their lives. What if you find it? You could control the world, be immortal!. I asked him why he told me this. And he said: “Alex, remember this.” He said that I should continue to write books, that I will really need them, and that everything that happens to me, I must write down. I have been writing ever since.
He said you must pay attention to your dreams, and when you wake up from them, do not look out the window. The windows should be curtained. Have some kind of picture frame hung in front of you to look at when you open your eyes, and then you will not forget the dream that you had. If you look out the window, the sun will immediately erase everything. I didn’t understand why he was telling me this. I rarely had dreams. But I clearly knew their meaning when I did. After that, he gave me a business card. Nothing was said about the fact that I would be
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useful or needed by anyone, or that I would meet someone, or that I would have any work to do, nothing. A few days later, he called me and asked me what I was dreaming about. I had begun to have some very strange dreams. Dreams that seemed very real. And he tells me that I have no power there. Here, I am strong, and there, I am weak. And that I have to learn how to defend myself there. But of course, I didn’t understand what he meant. But it is not important right now. What’s important is that you now know how I met Big Alexander. Because it’s all interconnected. We will decipher the rest together, adding to our development.
What happens next is even more interesting. I rented an apartment from Valentina. Valentina is like a spiritual mother to me now, and Big Alexander is a spiritual father. They were the only people who knew who I was. They understood me. They did not look at me through a primitive human prism. And this was very important to me. If it wasn’t for them, I would not know where I would be. But then, I mustn’t forget that it would have been someone else if it weren’t for them. I know it; these are just the elements of circumstances.
Six months to a year later, Valentina calls me and says:
– Alex, there is an old lady named Tamara, she lives in the village. And she is the keeper of the keys to heaven. And she is waiting for the chosen boy to whom they must be transferred.
Well, imagine hearing this as a young boy. My mind was present then. Turned on, yes, but a super primitive mind. You know, only developed by, say, two percent, and what was my reaction? Simply “cool”. It interested me that my reaction was so subtle.
– Valentina, why are you telling me all this?
– Well, Alex, I just thought that you might be interested, – she laughed.
Then she hung up. Well, put yourself in my shoes. After everything I’d been through, I began to think that the boy was me. And that “They” would be handing me the keys to paradise. I won’t go into details about what the keys
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are or what they mean. I didn’t even know myself, but just so you have some idea, the keys to paradise are something ecclesiastical. I took it as completely unrelated to the church. I didn’t even know what a church was at that point. I did not attend church, and in no way was I disposed towards it. I understood that there is something, that there is some kind of cosmos. But that’s how primitively I perceived it at that point. I didn’t understand what church had to do with it.
I told my friends, and they just laughed at me. I told them about the connection to all “space” that I felt, and they laughed even more. I told them, “You shouldn’t laugh, cos soon. “They” will get in touch with me and hand over the keys to paradise.” And then my friends got scared, they thought I had gone cuckoo, they called my parents and told them: “Alex was already strange, but now he is completely crazy... He considers himself the chosen one; he is waiting for the keys from someone.”
My parents, with whom I did not communicate at all, asked me whom I communicate with? Are you in a sect or what? What is this all about? What keys? I told them nothing. I told them not to listen to anyone and that I was normal. I am the most normal person on the whole planet.
Well, some time passed, and I called one of my friends:
– Hey, let’s meet tomorrow.
– Sorry, Alex, I can’t because my mother found an old lady who heals people and I have to go to that province.
– What is the lady’s name?
– Tamara.
– And she lives in a “such and such” village?
– Yes.
– This is the lady that Valentina told me about!
– Really? Well, if you want, come with me.
He picked me up, and we went to the region. There, we found a one-story little wooden house painted green, and we went inside. A woman in her fifties
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is sitting behind a school table surrounded by a whole bunch of old icons. She looked at me and said:
– Sit down. Tell me what hurts, what bothers you.
People come to her with all sorts of problems, even cancer. Reporters even came and interviewed her...
– I’m from St. Petersburg; we have a mutual friend there, Valentina; she told me about you.
– There is no Valentina, I don’t know no Valentina.
– You don’t know Valentina? She told me there was a woman who wanted to hand over the keys to paradise.
– What? What are the keys for? From what paradise? What the hell are you talking about? – she scolded me.
So I told her about what happened to me, how I left home, how I went into this meditative state, how I hear and feel whoever is there, how I see through them all, and that nothing in the human realm stimulates. From here, the conversation opened up; we talked about many things, and we talked about Russia. I said:
– I know that Russia will have a good future.
– How soon?
– Soon. But in order for it to be good, it must first be bad. There will be hard times, there will be terrible times in Russia. And then there will be a bright future. Everything will get worse. After that, it will be good. I know that Russia has a future.
She said that she built some kind of church, and we talked about the church. Then she asked me about her daughter and how I know if she needs to work in the church or not. But not a word about the keys to paradise. Then she sent my friend Vlad away to fetch some water, and I went outside to wait for him. Tamara came up to me, looked into my eyes and pointed to the sky, and said:
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– Keys from there?
– Yes, – I answered.
– Okay, just don’t tell anyone, do you understand me?
– Understood.
And at that moment, my friend returned and heard everything, and when we got into the car with him, I felt his shock, the whistling in his ears, and the buzz of his body, burning with the concentration of energy. I said, “Hey, it’s all good; we can go back to St. Petersburg now and tell everyone that I’m not crazy, that all this is true!” He was silent. And then he said: “Alex, I don’t want to talk about these things, please leave me alone,” and turned on the music very loudly, and all the way to St. Petersburg, he didn’t say a word. That’s how scared he was. It didn’t occur to me to take a number from this old lady or get her surname. I mean, I didn’t have any thoughts at all. It happened just as it was meant to happen. And there was nothing that I was waiting for or longing for.
A couple of months later, I shot a video clip in a classroom on the blackboard in an attempt to break into the material world. And this video became super popular. People started getting in touch from all over the world, and the phone was going crazy. Even Channel 1 called me from that TV show “Let them talk.” Okay, I know it’s generally trashy, but I was young, and I didn’t understand what was going on.
And then a friend called me and said:
– Alex, someone I know, wants to talk to you, but they can’t get through to you. Let me bring you this client, and you can give me a percentage – Is that okay?
And so we met at a cafe in St. Petersburg. And my senses start tingling. And when I look up, a woman of about fifty is sitting there. I look at her and feel a crazy fear, as if she has no soul like she’s a demon. She looked at me, and I felt like something inside her was looking at me. Some kind of entity, as if she had no soul. But then I was confused.
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