akumatoainori-blog · 8 years
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((like for a short starter! cap at 3, castmates exempt!))
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akumatoainori-blog · 8 years
Hello! I would like to reapply Philip from Kamen Rider W if no one's beaten me to it yet! His app is under /app and his old stuff is under /stats
Welcome back, Philip!
You’ll be housed in apartment j-4.
You’ll retain everything you had during your previous stay.
Enjoy your stay!
– mod o12
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akumatoainori-blog · 9 years
Primly wrapped in cool colors was a small box. Topped off with a neatly tied ribbon, attached with a tag that read: Merry Christmas, Partner! -Shoutarou Upon unwrapping, one would find Cyclone, Heat, and Luna memories neatly centered on top of tissue paper. (They're toys.)
      One look at the package, and Philip already knew who it was from without even looking at the card. Upon opening it, Philip's brows furrow at its contents.
      "Gaia Memories...? But no.... these are... counterfeit?" Philip takes Luna and presses the button, testing it out.
        "It announces its name, as it should, but it would most definitely fail to function in a driver... why would counterfeits exist? How did Shoutarou acquire these? Is he aware that these are not real?"
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      His eyes glimmering, he flips open his blank book. "This certainly warrants further research!"
      Expect a barrage of texts to your phone, Shoutarou.
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akumatoainori-blog · 9 years
Merry Christmas, Philip! The wizard’s left you plenty of material to work with! Books, texts, novels, oh my! All perfect material for studying and learning new information! How compelling. Study to your heart’s content, researcher!
Looks like the Mage knew just how to keep Philip busy!
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"This selection of books, most compelling! I have never seen these before!" Reading them in the Gaia Library was one thing, but reading them in the physical world was an entirely different experience.
Philip makes a note to thank Haruto Souma later, after weeks of disappearing behind these books probably.
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akumatoainori-blog · 9 years
You awake to discover 4 or 5 presents stowed away in your abode, all of which have been boxed in pristine, vibrantly wrapped boxes adorned with bows. Some of these boxes contain: an assortment of knitted sweaters and scarves, a fridge's worth of mochi, a collection of books of your preference and a treadmill. (This is not to be published or responded to until the 25th. Merry Christmas!)
      "Fascinating! I see that the traditions surrounding nativity is alive here, as well." 
      Philip looks over the parcels with great interest, glossing over the books and planning what to do with the treadmill. Maybe look-up an interesting exercise routine?
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      "Hm, I wonder if Shoutarou would like some mocchi..."
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akumatoainori-blog · 9 years
The researcher had holed himself up for way too long again and when he checked the calendar that morning....
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"Ah. January 5th already?"
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akumatoainori-blog · 9 years
did it hurt when you fell from heaven? [@jibril]
      Hive City never ran out of fascinating things-- this was Philip's thought, as a particular person caught his eye. They were looking around at the city's Christmas illuminations, rather fascinatedly, but that wasn't really what caught his attention.
... Actually, the researcher highly doubted they were even human. A halo, wings, an ethereal aura-- undoubtedly fitting the archetype of a common figure in mythology,
      "An Angel?"
He was right in front of her, peering unabashedly at her face, conveniently forgetting the warnings advice his partner had given him several times about approaching random strangers. 
      "But, the halo is of a curious shape, and the wing placement is also different from what is usually depicted--" perhaps, a different kind of being? Another form of angels to be found in a world different from his? What could it possibly be? 
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"How compelling!
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
      This was most definitely odd. Not only was his reaction off, their memories seemed to be off, as well. Philip felt it was an important matter that needs to be addressed, but it would seem that his partner was in no mood at all to listen.
       "Really, why are you so impatient? Are you even sure it's a dopant?" Philip knew well that this city had things worse than dopants. He sighed, digging the Gaia Memory he had out of his pocket.
       "And besides, there would be quite a problem if the dopant is where you are, and we were to transform now."
       As though to emphasize his point, he held out his own Gaia Memory, and pressed it.
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The Two are...A/Connections Transcend Dimensions // @Philip
"Long-lost? What are you saying? You’ve been around since after you got a body again!" Somehow the two didn’t seem to be on the same wavelength as they always had been. Though Shoutarou didn’t let that bother him at the moment.
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"What?" Just as always, his partner’s rambling flew right over the detective’s brain. Surely it was of importance, but really, it wasn’t the time. "Whether it was on purpose or not doesn’t matter right now! Let’s transform before that Dopant harms anyone!" 
He pressed the Joker memory that he was holding out, a small sign of impatience on his end. 
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
      The mildly inconvenienced look was wiped from Philip's face at the change of the other man's tone. He was.... interested?
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      "Yes, pizza." He echoed, now peering curiously at the other man, "Have you heard of pizzas? They are a kind of oven-baked flat bread, usually circular and in varying sizes, often topped with tomato sauce and cheese and various other ingredients!"
      Philip now opened the blank book he always carried, flipping through it as though reading from it. "It first originated in Southern Italy, but the way it has evolved over time now is simply compelling! Other than commonplace flavors, there are a wide assortment of flavors and combinations available now, and even dessert pizzas! It is certainly most curious!" All of that, all in one breath.
lookup: pizza
At least District oo4 has nice hangout spots. That was the only good thing Romano could think of that cold, miserable, Christmas-y day. He’d grabbed a cup of extra hot, extra sweet coffee and sat himself down on a bench to enjoy the little piece heaven hidden in the taste of caffeine. The smells around the city were delicious and pleasant that time of the year - ok, so there were two good things he could think of - as they formed from a mixture of sweet food and warm beverages. 
Of course, nothing was that easy. Out of the corner of his eye, Romano spotted a young looking man crouch-walking in his direction. It was… perplexing, to put it nicely, but not the weirdest thing he had seen since arriving to that city. He sipped slower and slower from his cup as the man approached and paused at his feet. At his words, he frowned. "You’re the one walking like a damn crab, not me. What are you even—" He threw his eyes over the chalk trail he’d left in his wake and… everything Romano wanted to complain about died in his mouth. "Pizza? Really?"
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
lookup: odd fur colors? [@groucho]
     Philip looked once. Twice. A pause to think, and then a third time, before getting up from the bench he was sitting on, having found something most definitely compelling.
      He weaved through the crowds of the shopping district, and approached his target person of interest, to a distance close enough to perhaps make others feel uncomfortable. He peered interestedly at the person's face, and spoke, more to himself than to the person he was rudely oogling at.
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      "A... bear? A blue bear?"
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
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To: Shoutarou
[1/5] Oh, not at all, Shoutarou! I have already finished looking into this matter just before I texted you.
[2/5] Also, I feel 'warm bed-tables' is a rather crude way to put it, but you would be correct, as people sometimes do use kotatsus as beds. There are in fact two types of this heating device, but the more modern one utilizes a heater pre-installed underneath a low table frame,
[3/5] covered by a blanket or a futon, with a table top placed on top of it. Sometimes, a second blanket is placed on top, to match the home decor. People usually sit on zabutons with their lower limbs under the table and body covered in the blanket, and the heat is trapped and radiates under the table.
[4/5] It's truly fascinating, but merely texting about my findings is somewhat limiting... 
[5/5] But surely, even now you must see how neccessary it would be? Shoutarou.You live in an apartment, do you not?
lookup: kotatsu [@shoutarou]
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To: Philip
[1/3] Kotatsu? Those really warm bed-tables right?
[2/3] While I must admit they would be useful for the winter, I don’t see what you’re trying to drive at, partner.
[3/3] Don’t tell me you’re doing a look-up on them right now…
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
      Philip tilted his head to the side, observing his companion's facial expression, but said nothing. 
      "Oh?" Her query took him by mild surprise. "Who told you of this?" It wasn't really a point of interest for him, but he supposed it wouldn't be too surprising if someone else knew-- maybe it was one of the other Kamen Riders he met recently.
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     "But yes," he nodded, casually, "I am a Kamen Rider. Or, half of one, to be precise."
[ ♬ ]—— Ibuki startles, inwardly grumbling at herself for unknowingly showing her feeling once again, though not in the way Philip externated. “Nooo, this is all perfect! It’s… because of that Ibuki’s a little surprised! You did nothing wrong, it’s just your talent that swayed her!”
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      “Pff— no, no, Ibuki’s fine with this, really! Philip-chan is fantastic just as she was told…” Her conversation with Eiji the other day suddenly resurfaces to mind. “This may come as sudden, but… you’re a Kamen Rider, aren’t you? Someone told Ibuki about you! Or maybe she’s mixing you up and there’s another Philip out there…”
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
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To: Shoutarou
[1/3] It is not a case, but it is a matter of great importance, regardless.
[2/3] It's about an item vital to our survival, especially this winter!
[3/3] Shoutarou. Have you heard of 'kotatsu'?
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lookup: kotatsu [@shoutarou]
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To: Philip
[1/3] Oh! Philip! It’s unfortunate these aren’t our original phones, but this phone sure is high tech! Latest model and everything… The sleek and thin design fits a cool man like me. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ✧
[2/3] I’d have to agree, there’s just something hard-boiled about discussing things through phones…
[3/3] Important matter? Is it a case?
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
       Shoutarou had told him, 'Do NOT approach strangers randomly, it's not nice!' In fact, he was told this several times, in different terms of phrase. Even rather threateningly. He supposed it was because it went against the codes of social decorum or whatever it was (it didn't really interest him), but now that the young lady had addressed him, specifically, would it not be rude to simply not respond?
      He scooted over without hesitation, zooming in on the young lady's.... pets? Were they pets? One seemed to be a feline, and the other a bird-- both well beyond the size of their master and that of his own size. Yet they both sat obediently by her side, meek as lambs-- except maybe for the discerning stare they were shooting him at the moment.
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      "Your... companions! They are of impressive size and appearance! What are they? This is simply most intriguing!"
Thirty seconds had turned to a minute. A minute had turned to five minutes. Five minutes had turned to ten. And as that ten reached fifteen, Arietta had finally gathered the will to say something.
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"W-Why do you keep staring at us!?" Yes, it seems that a certain walking library had been looking at Arietta and her two animal companions, or maybe it’d be better to say he was gazing at her friends more than herself.
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
lookup: pizza [@Italy]
       Since he didn't have his old whiteboard, Philip had taken to scribbling on whatever surface he could find, with whatever he could find, when he was in one of his 'lookup sprees' (as Shoutarou had called it). At that moment, one would behold a young lad crouching on the floor, chalk on hand, with what appears to be a trail of chalk scribbles on the asphalted ground.
       From afar, it may have looked like some kind of complicated formula, or a diagram of some scientific breakthrough, but upon closer inspection it was the lad's ridiculously thorough investigation on.... pizza.
      Instead of asphalt, there was a pair of feet where he had his chalk poised to write on. Looking up to address the owner of said feet, he asked:
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"You're in the way. Do you mind moving?"
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
My threads are inactive/on hold at the moment (if i missed your reply, please do tell me!), so does anyone want a (non-event) mini with this literal walking library? Just like this post! d>u o
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akumatoainori-blog · 10 years
lookup: kotatsu [@shoutarou]
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To: Shoutarou
[1/3] Congratulations on obtaining a cellphone, as well!
[2/3] With this, communication should be easier when we are apart, without us having to put the belt on. Especially in dire situations.
[3/3] Speaking of dire situations, there is a matter of great importance that I simply MUST discuss with you.
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