aladysthoughts · 10 years
Spring break sucked
Spring used to be a time of rest, mental rest. No school no work no worries. Well those days ended when you left high school. On the week iff college a work a double I can't afford to take a week off work just yet blahhh. Spring work not break
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aladysthoughts · 10 years
I remember when I first learned to drive I loved it!!!!! I would offer to drive everywhere. It was so exciting. But now…. I freaking hate it! It sucks soooo bad. I always try to make my husband drive but I know he gets tired too. And now that im not the topic of driving I also hate putting gas lol. I hate javing to stop to put gas. Thank god there is the pay at pump option because going in makes it that much worse. Aghh my husband thinks I’m crazy and he gladly does it but it is a little nuts. I wounder if anyone else hate putting gas or if its just my weird ass… ?
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aladysthoughts · 10 years
I'm soo hungry. I want tacos! With beans meat and chilee.
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aladysthoughts · 10 years
Knowing the Queen Bee
So here we go.. I'm 21yrs old. I am married to my high school sweet heart :) although im not sure if thats the proper word. We started dating while we were seniors in highschool and got married a little less than a year after graduating. We are coming up on our 2nd anniversary. I'm currently enrolled in community college. I hope to receive my associates degree in science by the end of this semester. I have two dogs but im only the human of one. The other loves my husband. I'm short, about 5ft tall and very average looking. I love to cook and would say I'm very smart. I have my flaws like anybody else, I get frustrated and mad easily. Contrary to my post title, I'm not the most confident. I hate my nose and forehead. I've thought a lot about making vlogs but wasn't sure if I was ready for that yet. Blog first. Im currently TTC (for those that dont know what that is, Trying To Conceive) and well thats another post for a different day. I would say my life is pretty good! I'm very happy. Well thats all I can think of now. More on another day.
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aladysthoughts · 10 years
Next One
I guess I should tell a little about myself before I go on rambling if anyone decides to read any of this mumbojumbo.. next one post. . Cuz work is busy. :P
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aladysthoughts · 10 years
Morning after
I'm sooo tired was up way to late lastnight to be up this early in the morning. But its spring break and for those older people (I mean like 20 and up) that are out on break from school but still have to work. Yup thats me. I think my holidays are filled with more work than my regular days. I guess I can't complain to much because the money is definitely good. And I can always go back to sleep after... anyways, I want to write about specific topics on somedays not just about what im doing and somedays the topuc will be about something that happened to me that day or maybe a year ago. So expect those. For now I leave you bacause the job is calling :)
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aladysthoughts · 10 years
Late Night talk
As I lie in my bed now at 1:42am listening to my husband snore I wonder... will I actually stick to this blog? Or am I starting something I won't stick too, again? I want to keep this going but sometimes life gets in the way of things. But it is because of life that I want to start this. An outlet from reality to a world where I can say what I want to say and not be polite or worry who I am offending with my words, somewhere to find someone who may be able to relate to me and tell me how they cope with things. My mind runs a hundred miles a minute and my story is not always intrresting, but its my story and I feel I must write it.
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