Radio: *starts playing a Queen song*
Me: Ah yes, "We Are the Champions," By Boob King.
(Dan and Phil have ruined me)
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dan one week ago:
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dan today:
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That little thing Dan and Phil do at the meet&greets where they stand close together and Dan puts his left arm over Phil's right arm so they can sign something at the same time. Reblog if you agree.
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Phil's laugh around the 8:18 mark in this video is one of the most amazing things I've ever heard oh my god. 😂
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Phil Lester isn’t perfect.
Hear me out:
Phil Lester isn’t perfect. He eats the last of other people’s cereal even though he knows they won’t have any for morning. He leaves dirty socks on the furniture. He left a bucket of dirty mop water in a closet for so long a mouse actually..uh..met it’s watery doom in it and he didn’t know until much much later. He orders too much ribena from the shops. Falls down a lot. Trips over his own feet. Makes the same stupid dad joke multiple times (what do you call a fly with no wings?). Kills innocent houseplants. Eats far too much sugar. Eats baking ingredients.Has to buy something from a shop even if they didn’t have what he needed in stock. Makes slime and god knows what else on his bed without putting any kind of covering down and fills the washing machine with glitter. Probably doesn’t actually wash his sheets as often as he says. Tells inappropriate jokes and innuendos that are only innocent about 10% of the time (I don’t actually find this to be a negative).
 And those are just the things we know about.
No, Phil Lester isn’t perfect, he’s human.
He loves his family more than anything, visits as often as possible, and texts or Facetimes his mom every day. He misses his grandma and talks about her often. He loves, and supports, and cares for his best friend (I think it’s romantic but even if it isn’t their bond is still amazing). He orders the shopping and makes sure they have what they need for their home. Makes sure Dan eats fruit because he knows it’s important to him.  He buys giant houseplants and a real Christmas tree to make their flat more cheerful and satisfy his need for a pet (poor poor houseplants). He feeds pigeons and finds them fascinating. He’s kind to, or at least tolerant of, even the strangest of strangers. He’s had the same friends for several years and still sees them as often as he can. He buys the perfect, and most unique, presents for the people he loves. Loves babies and puppies. Has an excellent head for business. Has the most wonderful imagination. Is still a bit anxious in front of a crowd but does the thing anyway. And he has the sweetest heart and sunniest disposition. And ya know what? It has to be damned hard to keep that sunny disposition in this godforsaken world. 
It bothers me when people say that Phil is perfect because he’s not. He’s a human being like the rest of us who tries damned hard to be a good man and a loyal friend and that takes work. It’s something that he makes work. 
tl:dr  Phil Lester isn’t perfect but he’s a pretty amazing person and that means so much more. 
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Ok but their faces after I told them a pun they’d missed gives me life
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These are so CUTE!! 😍
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8 years of dnp! (sorry abt the picture quality, ill scan it properly when i get a chance.) feel free to like or rb!
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So I walked into the dentist this morning. My dentist asked me how my weekend was. I said “Good, I watched Captain America last night. I really liked it.” And my dentist says “Oh, my son is in that movie.” At first I thought he was joking but then I realized
Dr. Robert Evans
I looked it up
My dentist is Captain America’s dad
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Rewatching Dan and Phil play Charades and Dan's face when Phil guesses "scrape my bottom" for "scraping the bottom of the barrel" is killing me.
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Me at 10:44 pm :
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Dan on Instagram 2 minutes later:
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Me: well fuck
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* nyeh heh heh
* I, the Great Papyrus
* heehee (that laugh, you know the one)
things you will read in phils’s voice
hey guys
hello my name’s phil, and welcome to my video blog
hello dan and phil games…
blaaaah vs maaaar
today’s draw phil naked iiiis…
*softly* fuck
come in my lady door
female exit
dan version
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Imagine your otp at a club…
Person A: *Watching someone fail at dancing*
Person A: Haha, who is that drunk idiot??
Person A: *realises that the dancer is Person B*
Person A: *running towards Person B* OMG ThAtS MY IdiOT!
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Dans little laugh literally made my day 💛
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fucking ICONIC
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my favorite Millennial Thing™ is when a group of us are standing around and talking and someone asks a question that no one knows the answer to and suddenly it’s a race to get out your phone and google it and be the first to know, and then someone starts reading the Wikipedia article about the thing aloud to everyone else, and what started as a casual conversation is now A Learning Opportunity and we all walk away a little more knowledgeable about a random topic
Like, Boomers hate when we do that, but I think it’s one of the best things about us.
So long as we have internet or a cell signal, all of the world’s collective knowledge is at our fingertips, and damned if we aren’t going to use it.
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The first time I read this I missed the "incorrect quotes" part & I just assumed this was something that actually happened.
Dan: [coughs violently]
Phil: Don’t die.
Dan: Don’t tell me what to do.
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Phil's gift for Dan's 27th birthday | 20.06.18
Dan: Phil got me something for my birthday and honestly, *softer voice* this is why Phil is my best friend.
Phil: Normally, I buy Dan, like, three things.
Dan: What is your - just think, ask yourself - dream birthday present? Is it like an X box, a mansion or is it like, I don't know, you know me, I'm a person of elephant - I mean, elegant and refined taste.
Phil: Elephant? *sweetest fond laughter* Elephant taste?
Dan: Phil got me-
Phil: Wait! So normally, I would get Dan, like, three presents but I saw this and I was like this is more expensive but he is going to appreciate it more. So I got him an fancy candle in a really fancy pot.
Dan: Literally the only thing I care about.
Phil: It's made out of concrete and tiles. It's like an art piece.
Dan *repeats*: Literally the only thing I care about.
Phil: And it smells freaking amazing.
Dan: Phil was like: I only got you one thing and I don't know if it's kinda crappy but I got you- And I was like, this is the only thing I want.
Phil: It's so heavy. You could kill someone with that.
Dan: It's literally the only thing I want.
Phil: Very fancy. I also got you some chocolate but we ate it.
Dan: You ate most of it.
Phil: I ate most of it.
Dan: But I nearly cried honestly.
Phil: This was a good gift. It's a beautiful candle.
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