alaylaz · 4 years
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alaylaz · 4 years
you're going to be sad if you're fat and sad if you're skinny but i'd like to cry in a pair of size 0 jeans
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alaylaz · 4 years
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I love weight loss pics!!! 😩❤️
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alaylaz · 4 years
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alaylaz · 4 years
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8/31/18 ~ 114.5lbs
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alaylaz · 4 years
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alaylaz · 4 years
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alaylaz · 4 years
HW: 138
CW: 130
GW: 118
SGW: 112
UGW: 100
Day one of getting back on track of losing weight and reaching my UGW. I'm trying to stop my b/p cycle and just restricting heavily this month. I know that if I eat less than 300 cals a day and burn all of it by exercise, I can lose 15 lbs by the end of the month.
Date: 8/16/20
GW by 9/1/20: 118
From today to 8/23/20, I will be only taking in as little calories as possible. (This is one week) I will also be exersizing a shit ton.
My last water fast, I lost 7 LBS in 3 days. If I stick to this 7 day calorie fast, I will lose around 10-15 lbs. After the fast, I will introduce vegetables and berries to my diet, still exersizing a lot.
I WILL stick to this plan.
Date: 8/18/20
Since two days ago, I have lost a total of 5 lbs! Very exciting. I'm now at 130.0 lbs. Unfortunately I have in to purging but happily I have not binged at all!
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alaylaz · 4 years
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Angel Faced 💄🌙💫👼 Twitter / Instagram
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alaylaz · 4 years
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The Day We Took Our Masks Off
The day we took our masks off wasn’t a day, exactly. The plague receded slowly, like a winter that had held on too long, sputtering false springs and flash snows until one day we looked out the window and saw the sun shining again.
We each resurfaced in our own time, some so starved for contact they were out as soon as the medical cordons came down. Others waited to check the math of the economists ushering us back to work. A few held on for weeks, like shelter animals wary of the cage’s open door.
Whenever it happened, there was a moment we all shared: when the mask dropped and we saw our smiles naked again, hardened by time and stress but still gleaming like a vein of precious ore that only forms under pressure.
There was still work to do, yes. There were dead to mourn, sick to tend to, and losses too raw to speak of. But for a moment, we felt the weight of our long isolation melting away like snow in sunlight. We thought back to ourselves at the beginning of this calamity, before we lost count of the anxious nights and lonely days. And we whispered into reality what we had been too afraid to say back then.
That all winters end. All masks come off. And we will see each other again before too long.
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alaylaz · 4 years
Getting married has been something I’ve always wanted and simultaneously knew I would never have. I’m not the easiest person to deal with. I’m particular as shit, ornery and I like my space, my independence, my solitude. But at the same time- well. Everyone wants to love. To know and say they have a family that loves them. And my birth family might’ve said they loved me. They certainly loved their daughter. 
It turned out they didn’t love how she insisted she was their son. 
You know how that kind of thing goes. It really doesn’t have too much to do with this story except giving me a complex about belonging to a family that wanted me for myself.
When I saw the ad on Craigslist, I was looking for used furniture. Scrolled too fast, accidentally opened up domestic gigs. The first listing caught my eye.
“Wanted: Compassionate man to marry our recently deceased daughter.”
The initial click was just out of morbid interest.
It read, simply enough, “Our daughter wanted to be married and we want to keep our promise to her that she would be. She has passed away, and we are seeking a kind and compassionate man to engage in a quiet, non-legally binding ceremony and become our in-law. 
“This is not a joke and we are in bereavement. Please keep this in mind when considering your reply.”
It got taken down within the next five minutes, either by the family or moderation, but I’d already texted the number provided.
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alaylaz · 4 years
Some would have said the jeweler on Kaerbaum Street was the best in the city of Aretz, which was itself known as a city of magical arts. It was a city in which air was transformed into song and song spun into thread, and cloth woven from unimaginable colors fluttered from every window.
All day the city resounded with the bright strikes of hammers on metal and the rhythmic clacking of looms, and then at night, as the first stars appeared, with the rise and fall of voices at prayer. On the holy days when no work was done, other senses worked overtime to account for the gentle silence: statues enchanted to help craftsmen danced in the streets instead, perfumeries spilled libations of spicy, orange scents into the dust, and everywhere people ate pastries and candies made the day before, oozing jams and cream.
Aretz was beloved, and it was feared. Those who had never set foot there longed to see it. Those who had seen it never left without some measure of bitterness. And those who lived there—well, it was said that you could not trust a craftsman of Aretz. They were too clever, too subtle, and they did too many wonderful things to be as wonderful as they seemed.
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alaylaz · 4 years
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(more) art icons like/reblog
hiii happy new year ladies ♡ how have you guys been ? i know i havent posted in awhile (like 3 monthsJSJDH) i’ve just been kinda busy i guess ??/?:): but i have a L O T of requests and some of them are kpop related ? I just wanna say that i started this blog specifically to make layouts/icons/headers related to zayn/harry only, but i know that majority of stan twitter literally revolves around the kpop fanbase these days so uh let me know i guess if i should start making kpop edits too, also wtfrick nearly 3.5k ?:?:?: how am i STILL gaining followers everyday despite not posting for like,,, 3 months ? you guys are amazing, luv u all ♡
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alaylaz · 4 years
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toadbert the wizard
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alaylaz · 4 years
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The elusive forest sprite.
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alaylaz · 4 years
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Natural Study Art Prints by RivuletPaperShop
x / x / x / x
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alaylaz · 4 years
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