alchemicalxsoul · 4 months
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At just five years old, little Remington tried so hard to get things done on her own. To take care of herself as best she could. There was no real dependency on her parents when they could barely depend on themselves. The less she had to bother them, the better her day had the hopes of being. Remi had needed a bowl to make her some cereal for dinner, as it was one of few things she could make a meal of on her own. After pulling out the milk that was three days past its expiration and using the wobbling kitchen chair to grab down the cereal from the small pantry, Remington had pulled the chair over to the counter nearest the sink.
She was so certain there was still a clean bowl in the cupboard since she hadn’t eaten anything all day. From the seat of the chair she’d climbed up into, Remi scootched up onto the counter and opened the door, meeting disappointment when she discovered the bowl wasn’t there. A heavy little sigh escaped her when she realized she would need to do the dishes before she could eat something. There was a low grumbling from her stomach, protesting the idea of postponing food. She was just so hungry.
When she set about trying to get the dishes cleaned up, Remington had attempted to do so as quietly as she could. Disturbing her parents from their drug-induced sleep sprawled out on the couch in the living room had proved ill-fated several times before. What made her think that today would be any less horrible than any other day? Something was bound to happen as it always did, and when she reached over to put the rinsed bowl into the drying rack on the counter, Remi didn’t have to wait any longer to figure out what terrible thing would befall her that day.
It was like witnessing slow-motion replay on one of those sports games her father would often watch on the television on the weekends. She could feel her grip slipping as the weight of the bowl partnered with gravity, pulling the bowl from her wet little fingers. Her head darted to the side, catching sight of the bowl falling as she sucked in a fear laced shocked breath. It connected with the countertop. CLANK. She flinched. It was followed by a sort of gravelly sound as it rolled across the counter to teeter on the ledge for what seemed like the longest five seconds in the world. And then came the drop.
She drew back, wide eyes flickering between the darkened doorway and the bowl that lay broken on the kitchen floor. The shattering echoes still rang in her ears, drowning out the angered shouts coming from further down the hallway as her trembling little hands clutched at her chest. Fear wound tightly through her, rooting her to the spot despite the panic clawing at her mind in its attempts to get her to move. She hadn’t meant to drop it. It had slipped. It was an accident. But she would pay for it, regardless of the fact.
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alchemicalxsoul · 4 months
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[𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔡𝔶]
Life was never meant to be easy, but it certainly didn't have to be so hard. It was like some kind of personal 𝖍 𝖊 𝖑 𝖑.
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