li-lonnie · 3 years
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Mulan dir. Tony Bancroft & Barry Cook | 1998
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li-lonnie · 3 years
I’ve been told that the dares I come up with for Truth or Dare are a bit “extreme” and “undoable” so if anyone can give me dare inspiration that the average person wouldn’t back down from, that’d be awesome.
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What are the dares you’ve been giving, because I don’t think I can really give you any ideas without knowing what’s being shot down, you know? I’m sure my ideas are nowhere near your caliber, I’m kind of a rookie when it comes to Truth and Dare though. Not that I don’t like the game, I just always would rather be out playing tourney or R.O.A.R instead.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 malonnie
Lonnie: Just woke up with an entire pack of Oreos in my cheetah onesie. Not the hot girl summer I was imagining for myself, but honestly I'm not mad at it. It kind of feels like I've been waiting for this moment forever.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 jonnie
Lonnie: So I went to visit the campus because why not, most everyone was gone, it'd be a nice quiet walk.
Lonnie: Instead, I find a lube slip n slide down the hallway in front of my old dorm.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 lia
Lonnie: You should ask for a sheep as a wedding gift. Okay, yes, it sounds a little old school but hear me out. A) you get an awesome pet. B) Free coat. I mean, really, what other reason do you need?
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 lonli
Li: ...why is that, exactly?
Lonnie: It's a vibe, you know? I was chilling in a kiddie pool, mojito in hand, and idk. Felt like a mermaid.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 marlonnie
marley: you know I have a weakness when it comes to sweets! okay don't eat the whole thing, we can make like a nutella snack when I get back.
Lonnie: Okay, but it has to be like, semi-healthy. Just because it's summer and I don't have to work as much doesn't mean I can just like.... destroy my diet 😂
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 laisy
maisy: that's all kinds of inappropriate. did you see who it was?
Lonnie: Tell me about it. Like, I don't mind being told I'm hot or anything, but that was a disgusting way to go about it. But guys like this are why I didn't want to get a job on the college campus. I'll stick to elementary, thanks.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 lotumn
Autumn: Are you just Googling pictures of food? Because there are way better ways of entertaining yourself!
Autumn: Buuuut if you want to do something like, I don't know, race, I'll buy you onion rings if you win!
Lonnie: It didn't start out that way, the pictures of food are just the end to a long, dark journey.
Lonnie: Or, here's an idea, I can buy YOU the onion rings and no race. Just a date 😘
Lonnie: I mean, if that still included a race I wouldn't be against it.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 ronnie
Ryan: A gym themed bar...? Yeah, that's certainly a new one. It didn't have actual exercise equipment available, did it? If someone gets really drunk and were to hurt themselves with said equipment, I see a lawsuit in this bar's future.
Lonnie: You know, I didn't even try that? I couldn't get past the dumbbell shaped martini glasses, tbh. I mean, they really went with the theme, gotta give it to them.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 lonli
Lonnie: I think I’m a mermaid 🧜‍♀️
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 laisy
Lonnie: I just walked into a room at this party and someone yelled “dibs!” 😑😑😑
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 marlonnie
Lonnie: I need a good reason NOT to eat this entire jar of nutella right now because I can't think of one.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 lotumn
Lonnie: I have a tab of a google image search of onion rings open and it is making me so happy... but also hungry.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬 ronnie
Lonnie: Last night was interesting... I went to what I thought was a gym... turns out it was a gym themed bar. Thought I'd seen everything, but that was a first.
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li-lonnie · 3 years
text 💬ø lia
Jia: Which do you think is more likely, suits of armor being haunted and walking around on their own, or 4 am pranksters trying to borrow and wear them through the hallways?
Lonnie: Definitely the second one. You could always prank them back. Not that I have any ideas, really, but seems like a wasted opportunity if you don't.
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li-lonnie · 4 years
If you weren't a fan of the Matchmaker's Valentine's suggestion for you, then who would you choose for yourself instead?
Yeah, um, I’m gonna keep that private, thanks. Besides, it kinda seemed like @maisy-macguffin would rather we not cross into that territory so....
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