alecalexanderbaines · 7 years
There was an almost prey and predator like dynamic going on between as neither of them dared to leave the other out of sight, both of their faces holding a rather hard and non-transparent expression, giving only few reactions to the other, and both of them moving in a slow manner. It was tough to tell however which one of them ought to be classified as the prey and which one the predator - the formerly imprisoned gravedigger who wore his murderous crimes on his sleeve or the irresistibly charming head of the motel with a supposedly clean slate. There were people in the world which would not hesitate pointing at Alec to be the bad guy but wasn't it far more dangerous to trust a man who seemed trustworthy? It was one of the reasons why the both of them had clicked the minute they met - because Alec saw past the perfect appearance ( after appreciating the glorious sight of the man in front of him of course ) and found something that intrigued him even more: danger. There was a darkness surrounding Cyrus Ibbott and his ability to hide it entirely was much scarier than a man known to have murdered everyone he ever knew and a lot of those who he met too. But there had been something else too, something that had made Alec a lot more sceptical ( - worried almost ) than facing a fellow murderer: Cyrus had managed to get him to trust him after a few hours at most, and it was like Alec already knew back then that there was more to come but instead of turning the offer of joining the motel down he went with Cyrus, work turned into sex and sex into emotions he didn't think he would ever feel. Cyrus was dangerous and by God, heaven, hell and the devil they worked for, Alec loved every bit of it.
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly then, contemplating his answer to the question. He was going to say ' Anything ' because he did not give a care in the world about what Cyrus sang about to him as long as he did, but considering the man was in a wicked mood Alec was afraid he would be taken too literal once again. Instead he simply shook his head in response, his free hand lifting to the collar of Cyrus' suit and his eyes moving away from his lover's after all to drop to his fingers which were feeling the material of the jacket. Never would he have thought he would ever have any sort of knowledge about suits, but he tried to restrain himself from ruining the expensive ones - or well, the most expensive ones rather considering Cyrus had probably not worn a single cheap suit in his life. "Been a while," he noted, although it was unclear whether he referred to Cyrus singing for him or him 'accidentally' ripping a suit.
The Possibilities
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alecalexanderbaines · 7 years
A non-chalant hum left Alec's lips in response to the promise of a silent night, not really allowing an insight into what his opinion on the lack of work was. To many it would seem like he was attempting ( and being successful at trying ) to hide his true reaction and hide a part of himself, but Alec and without a doubt Cyrus too knew better. This was him, this had always been him and albeit he was allowing more of himself to be seen when he was around Cyrus and allowed him the rare view on Alexander Baines heart, there was always going to be a glimmer of a dark mystery surrounding him.
"No." He didn't have a plan, nor did he have a concrete idea of what he wanted to do. Sunken in his own thoughts he swayed the empty glass in his hands, twirling it as though there was still a rest of whiskey in it to spin. It was almost amusing, but in the most bittersweet way, because as he tried to remember what the normal friday night looked like for them he didn't find such a thing. There was an unpredictability surrounding the Redemption Hotel and it seemed at last it had taken the ordinary out of their life too - not that Alec's life had ever been ordinary to begin with. The terrors and tragedies they had gone through without a doubt overshadowed the simple days.
"I need a shower," he finally decided. It was a statement but it was of course an invitation to save the water and join him too in case Cyrus found himself agreeing with the idea. "Another drink too." Because what relaxed night could start with an already emptied glass? Alec's eyes opened, finding Cyrus green ones already lingering on him and he rose one single eyebrow to ask whether the head of the hotel would join him. "Shower 's good to sing in too."
The Possibilities
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alecalexanderbaines · 7 years
Of course Cyrus knew right away who was coming into his office, he always knew when Alec walked into his office. Not just because of the way he walked – Cyrus recognised people by the way they walked – but because of the way he just walked in and closed the door behind him. No one else did that. Plus of course Cyrus recognised his scent. It wasn’t just the scent of soil, it was more specific one, something probably only Cyrus could smell. 
He continued staying still, waiting for Alec to come to his view. When the man finally did Cyrus’ eyes just followed the man around the room. In a way he took pride of the fact Alec took the glasses off in his company. It was special and it made Cyrus feel special. But well, Cyrus knew he was special, just like Alec was special to him.
Before Alec even sat down Cyrus knew he was about to lose his glass of whiskey soon. And just like that Alec had already stolen it for himself. What Cyrus didn’t expect was the kiss on his knuckles. He tried so hard to not so any expression on his face but the kiss made him smile anyway. His brow raised at the ‘stop’ and he tilted his head a bit. He knew what Alec meant with that stop, he just kinda wanted to know what would happen if he didn’t stop working. But to ask Cyrus to tell something.. Cyrus was in a bit wicked mood, in a way, so he surely was going to be sort of annoying right now. “Something”, he said. “Something something something.”
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The moment of silence between them was not a good omen. Like the silence before a storm, it was giving Alec an uneasy feeling, knowing he wouldn’t get what he wanted —— and needless to say, he didn’t. His head too tilted to the side, eyeing the man in front of him up and down. It was itching a nerve and Alec knew Cyrus would be able to tell due to the slight twitching of his left eyebrow. "Asshole,” he huffed the word, lifting the glass of whiskey back to his lips and emptying it in one big gulp. 
His eyes closed then, nodding to the rhythm Cyrus had spoken the something’s in. Again, it wasn't what he wanted and it was more annoying than he found amusement in the gesture ( although it'd be a lie to say he didn't have to suffocate the smallest of smirks ), but he was in no mood to feel angered by the tease. After all, it was just that - a tease, and there were about a billion worse things they had already gone through. Alec wanted to shudder at the thought, but feeling Cyrus' eyes on himself he refused himself to react to the cold shiver crawling down his spine. It was about time they started thinking about other emotions than the ones they had felt for... how many months had he been gone?
"Is someone... leaving?" he asked, finding it to be the most natural question between them, and yet he was internally hoping Cyrus would have a negative for an answer. There were days which asked for murder and days which begged for the silence between two lovers living alongside each other. Today felt like the latter, today Alec felt more emotional than he did on normal days - which didn't say a lot considering he was known for his lack of emotions, but it meant something nonetheless.
The Possibilities
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alecalexanderbaines · 7 years
Cyrus was sitting in his office, going through some papers like he always did. He hadn’t been downstairs at the reception disk at all today, but then again, he hadn’t been really there ever since Alec had died and since other people were there all the time nowadays there really was no point of being there himself anymore. Even though Alec indeed was back alive and all fine. So now Cyrus was pretty much only doing the stuff a motel owner truly should be doing – taking care of the papers and other official business.
There was also one another detail that had changed since Alec had gotten back – Cyrus was starting to be more alive again. Really, the change was huge already. You could see life in his eyes again, he was smiling like he used to back in the day and the songs he were singing were a lot happier ones too. He was like a changed man and when Cyrus was a lot happier everyone at the motel were as well. After all, the mood of the owner always affected everything around him.
But honestly there was only one thing Cyrus truly cared about and that was Alexander Barnes. Ever since Alec had came back Cyrus had to keep on checking him all the time just to make sure he really was there because honestly he couldn’t take it again if Alec would disappear or die. One time was way too much as it was. Hell, Cyrus felt like some nagging wife for worrying so much, but he couldn’t help it. Somehow he felt like his love towards Alec had only strengthened now that the man was back and Cyrus just wanted to be glued to him around the clock. But he had to let Alec do his work and whatever he needed to do during the days. So no matter how Cyrus wanted to send Alec a message and tell him to come to his office Cyrus decided not to do that. Instead he just poured himself a glass of whiskey just to relax while doing the paperwork.
All of a sudden he heard the door of his office open – no knocking, someone just opened it – and Cyrus’ only reaction was to lift his brow and turn his head slightly towards the door.
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His work for the day had been done about half an hour ago and yet Alec found himself still standing motionless in the middle of the graveyard, staring down at one specific grave. It had been quite a while now since he’d miraculously rosen from the dead and things had slowly started falling back into place — the graveyard looked less like a mess with him being around, Cyrus had regained what Alec could only describe as liveliness and the motel was finally being reigned with passion again — but he still felt out of place from time to time. He belonged here and simultanously, he didn’t.
Alec rolled his shoulders, releasing some of the tension in his back, and finally he turned away from his own grave and walked back towards the motel. He’d begun using the back entrance more frequently. With Cyrus having abandoned the job at the reception and Damien taking over, he found no reason to walk through the entrance hall anymore. Instead, his feet carried him on the direct way to the man’s office. He entered without knocking, as he always had ever since his first day in the motel. The corners of his lips curled ever so slighty into a smirk, remembering back then Cyrus’s reaction hadn’t been as accepting as it was today.
The door fell shut behind Alec, announcing with a soft click that they were officially alone and seperated from the others. Alec reached behind him, locking the door just to make sure. He still loved privacy, felt the safest when there was certainty only Cyrus was able to see this side of him. He pulled his sunglasses from his nose, eyes reflexively narrowing once light hit them. His gaze was fixed on Cyrus and stayed on the man even when he walked further into the room and dropped his beloved sunglasses on the desk. Silently he sunk into the chair across from Cyrus, only leaning forward to with one hand steal the glass of whiskey and with the other to reach for the hand Cyrus had been holding it with, lifting it to his lips to tenderly press a kiss to his knuckles. “Stop,” he muttered, obviously meaning the work and leaned back again, taking a sip of the whiskey now. “Tell me something!” Honestly, it was one of those days when Alec just wanted to hear Cyrus’s voice, whether it was telling him how his day went, how annoying some of these hotel workers were or it was Cyrus reciting the fucking phonebook.
The Possibilities
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alecalexanderbaines · 7 years
The last six months in Cyrus’ life had been more painful than anything ever before. Of course he had done painful things and seen painful things. He had killed people, he had seen others being killed, he had seen extremely painful stuff, hell, he had gone through such himself. But nothing of those things had been as painful as these last six months had been. The pain was so different than any pain before. This was ripping him in parts from the inside. Ripping every organ from their places, putting them into pieces, shredding his muscles from his bones, making him want to scream from the top of his lungs. But the pain in his body was nothing compared to his head, heart and soul. If his body felt like failing, the rest three things felt like a complete darkness. His heart had turned black and cold. There was nothing left. Everything was gone. Cyrus really was like a dead man walking. His eyes were empty, there was no smile on his face anymore and he wasn’t really working at the reception at all anymore. He had given all the hours to someone else and he only took care of the paperwork, which he could do behind closed doors.
Day by day, week by week, month by month Cyrus turned more and more into a ghost. People were talking about him but not that many even saw him anymore. Only few knew he was around and there were only specific few who even had the chance of seeing him at least few times during a week. But lately even those few saw him a lot rarer than before. Cyrus’ food was always left behind his office’s door, or his bedroom’s door, and empty plates returned on the same spot few hours later.
Cyrus had tried to drown himself into work. None of the folders and papers had ever been in such good order as they were now. Not that they weren’t extremely neat before, but now they were extremely strict in so many ways. But when there was no work to do Cyrus was just sitting in his chair staring into emptiness. He hadn’t been able to cry in months anymore. He still felt like doing that every time he remembered the look of one certain pair of eyes, but there was no tears left. The sadness in him had eaten all of that and there was only the empty ache inside of him.
There he was again, sitting behind his office desk, doing nothing. There really was nothing to do, no paperwork or anything. So there he just sat, staring the opposite wall. Then there was a knock. Or something like that behind his door. Slowly Cyrus’ gaze moved on the door and at first he wasn’t going to even bother opening it. But as he considered it the sound had been something else than a knock, so maybe it would be something worth checking.
He got up from his chair, walked to the door and opened it. What he didn’t expect was someone to fall in from the doorway. The green eyes stared down to the person who was lying on the floor and suddenly the pain in Cyrus’ chest got worse. His heart was beating faster, it almost felt like it would get through his rib cage. Cyrus noticed how his hands started to shake, then his knees gave in and he dropped onto the floor. Slowly he moved his hands on the man’s cheeks and as Cyrus stared at the man he found how it was extremely hard to breath. Was he just imagining things? It couldn’t be him.. it just.. couldn’t..
The warmth of fingertips so hesitantly against his skin had Alec feel a sense of aliveness he hadn’t felt in what seemed to be a lifetime looking back. It reminded him of the rapidly beating heart in his chest, of the blood circling through his veins and made him almost painfully aware of the heavy breaths forcing their ways through lungs which had stayed unused for so long. It hurt. Being alive hurt ———— but what a blessing it was.
As peculiar as it sounded, he had never seen life as worth living. It wasn't a gift given to be cherished, not something created so charitably by a higher form that you ought to value every second of it and it certainly was not something extraordinarily worth of keeping. Quite the contrary really: It was fragile as fuck. With necks so easy to snap and bones too quick to break under just a little too much pressure, being alive was a shit deal. Only the humans' stupidity and naivety allowed them not to break under the knowledge that death was constantly around them, always ready for the taking. He knew. He often enough had been said death and if life truly was as unique as humanity preached, it wouldn't be as ridiculously easy to ruin it. Those who knew him would know Alec gave more of a damn about his sunglasses rather than the scabbiness they called 'a life', even if it was his own.
Yet, he was thankful, genuinely and whole-heartedly thankful for having been allowed to return. More than his own life, more than his sunglasses and more than anything he valued the man who was only inches away from him, probably wondering whether this was a sick joke or not. Alec couldn't and matter of factly, hadn't been able to die or rest in peace ( as his gravestone so ironically said ), knowing that Cyrus's life had been turned upside down. Alec could only imagine how he himself would feel if he was the one to have lost the one person who played such a massive role in his life. If Cyrus died, Alec knew his life would lose a sense of purpose —— the only real purpose it might have. Alec was not going to admit to it, like he wasn't going to admit to many of his feelings, but he couldn't bear the thought of Cyrus feeling even just remotely as shallow. As fragile and meaningless as life was, he'd want to live a thousand if it meant he was sharing them with Cyrus.
Although, every fiber of his exhausted body seemed to protest, Alec started moving, pushing himself up a little until their heads were hovering at a similar height and his eyes were able to find green ones. Time seemed to halt right there and then, and Alec could not tell how long he was just staring blandly in the eyes of the other. There was a foul tasting irony to this scene. Two men. One of them being a dead man who was very much alive and the other supposedly alive one who seemed to have died on the inside. Alec felt the urge to say something to fix it, but staring into empty eyes his tongue felt too heavy to form a proper sentence. Not to mention, he had no idea what sentence would be fitting, which words worth of saying. Instead, he pushed his body even further, wrapping one arm around Cyrus's neck and pulling him as close as they could get.  
Six months his mind had tried to recreate his memories of Cyrus — the way he smelled, smiled, how the man’s suit had felt when ripping underneath Alec’s fingers, the wrinkles which would show up whenever he glared at the gravedigger, the look on his face while brutally ending someone’s life, every odd habit and every detail of his body — but none of it had helped to get Alec out of the ( literate ) dirt hole his seemingly dead body had been dumped in. He had been trapped; continuously dying but never reaching that final end. He had suffered. Even more so when every positive thought had carried a bitter taste, knowing Cyrus would consider him dead. He wasn’t. He had never been. Not for a minute. Not for a second. Not for six fucking months.
Now, with everything back not to normal but to the typical chaos they were used to, things were finally able to fall into place again. At least, Alec hoped so.
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alecalexanderbaines · 8 years
The night laid over the motel like a thick black curtain. The only noises were the thunder roaring over the fragile looking building and the heavy sound of rain falling bucket wise from the sky. With the graveyard remaining mainly untouched for the past six months, the place appeared almost abandoned. It was screaming terror, fright and danger — the very reason why thrillseekers, drug dealers and lying cheaters had always found their way to the infamous Redemption Motel. However, as a lightning pierced through the darkness of the night and lit the highway for a short moment it became fairly obvious that no one would be checking in today. It’d be a death sentence to go out there. Yet, as another lightning allowed sight of the motel’s graveyard someone was standing there. A dark figure with broad shoulders stood in front of a specific grave, Alec Baines’ grave, but as soon as the figure had showed up it left again, leaving the few staff members and customers who had indeed noticed, convinced it was a trick of their own mind.
Believing in their naivety, they hid under their vast blankets and pressed their eyes shut so they’d not see through the crack underneath their doors that the hallways’ lights had started flickering. A bad omen? Absolutely not. Instead, it was the technical reaction of another source of electricity ruining the light bulb’s, causing them to flicker or even to fuse with an ear-defening exploding sound. Accompanied by heavy steps dragging across the hallway’s carpet, dirty shoes leaving a trail of mud behind, it was painfully easy to figure out where the cause of the peculiar happenings was heading to: Cyrus Ibbottt’s Office.
Calloused fingers sliding along the wall left another few lines of dirt on the wallpaper, but the man could not help himself for he seemed to need the support to walk in a straight line. His hands were twitching as though electricity was running through him and his entire body would have moments when it'd shake under an invisible might. The memory of the electric chair was at the very front of his mind, replaying over and over again, making him feel the pain over and over again. They had sentenced Alec Baines death by lethal injection, but it wouldn’t have been satisfying, would it? Too many lives had been ended because of the man, too many policemen had struggled with their inability to find proof for his crimes. They wanted redemption. They wanted to see the murderer die slowly and painfully.
Shoulder first Alec stumbled against the closed office door, sinking to his knees as his body finally seemed to give into the exhaustion. It had been six months. Six months of him being dead, or rather trapped in his personal hell without being able to move, to speak, to do anything against it. As he internally rotted ten feet under the ground, he’d even begun to wish he was stuck in that chair again, experiencing the worst pain of his life but at least knowing he’d die soon. Hell wasn’t that merciful.
One hand slowly slid towards the door knob, but before his fingers could even touch it, Alec felt the door he was leaning against being opened by someone else and he fell forward...
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alecalexanderbaines · 8 years
His chest got rammed into the closest wall as two policemen pushed him against it, trapping the criminal in his movements. It hurt. The cuffs still around Alec’s hands cut into his skin and the muscle in his shoulder twitched in a natural response to fingers being dug inside it. Yet, the physical pain didn’t bother Alec. It was the expression on Cyrus’s face – the emotionless. Despite being the head of the motel which killed its own customers, Cyrus had throughout all of it found a way of still having normal, positive or at the very least fitting fake emotions. He was a good enough actor to put on different facades while the world had left Alec with a solid mask. Only now, it appeared to be too much. In any other situation, it might’ve given him some sort of satisfaction – after all, he had a power like no other over the Cyrus Ibbott – but at this very moment, Alec could not bother feeling proud. He couldn’t bother feeling anything. 
Eyes closed, Alec took several deep breaths. To everyone else, it seemed he was calming down from the sudden rage that had apparently taken him over mere seconds ago. In reality, it helped Alec cleansing his body of the poison that was feelings. He exhaled them like invisible smoke, puffing them into the air and naturally, his stance changed. Alec straightened up even under the weight of the men pressing against him, his hands found to each other again, fingers intertwining in a worringly calm manner for a man who was about to be led to court and when he opened his eyes again, they had the same lack of emotion which showed on Cyrus’s face.
He was pulled away from the wall and turned so forceffully towards the exit he would’ve likely tripped, if it wasn’t for the two officers on each of his sides. The slightest of smirks tugged on Alec’s lips – a smirk which would not disappear throughout the entirity of the upcoming sitting, enraging not only the judge but also the jury. He was a psychopath without any hint of regret in his body. They were more positive of it now than ever, but Alec knew even if he had cried and begged for forgiveness there was not the tiniest chance of remission. He hardly looked at the witnesses – at the crying mothers, the heartbroken friends, the traumatised children, the lovers who had lost their other half. Everything moved passed him without even once touching him. ‘Just fucking look at him, this man is heartless,’ a woman had said, and the irony had almost made Alec laugh out loud. Because yes, he was and his heart was lying outside of this courtroom in the hands of the man he supposedly tried to choke.
His mind seemed to have shut down during the sitting or maybe, just maybe it had been stuck on a loop, repeating the same song in his head over and over again. Cyrus’s singing voice so much louder than the judge, the lawyers, the witnesses. He only realised the decision was about to be announced when everyone to their feet. No one was surprised. No one fell to their knees crying for the doomed man. No even felt the least bit of pity. Instead, there was joy and happiness, families hugging because finally the murderer of their beloved was brought to justice. 
Again, he was guided out by policemen surrounding his sides, though this time there seemed to be more. More than ever, even. Alec closed his eyes, shutting them tightly and simply letting the men lead him away. He knew, the minute he’d step outside the courthouse cameras would be surrounding him. They always did, but every last newspaper and every magazine wanted to take the very last picture of the man who murdererd hundreds. They had pushed his stories throughout the last few weeks and months, and at this point everyone seemed to have the same question. “What did the fucker get?”
                           “Execution by Lethal Injection.“ 
Is this the End I Feel?
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alecalexanderbaines · 8 years
Again, only silence followed Cyrus’ words. There were only a few options of what to say and how to response. Even less when Alec wanted to keep his own train of thoughts and the conclusion; the final realisation hidden until the very last moment. It maybe seemed unfair to take the knowledge of this probably being their last conversation to himself, to let Cyrus wonder until he was alone in the motel and thoughts would finally fall into place, to force Cyrus to be alone when he’d have to say one last good bye while Alec had been able to say it in person, but Alec refused to let his mask fall.
His eyes were slowly running over his loved one. He should pity himself. After surviving all this time, he was being brought to an end because a fat bull bastard didn’t want to waste his money on something more fancy than a shitty motel for the anniversary with his wife. They had to die. Everyone in the motel had to die eventually. Even the police. Even the motel’s very own staff. Even Alec Baines. It sickened him to know that he had probably digged his own grave, literally.
“Cyrus Ibbott,” Alec spoke the name slowly, his voice falling into a deeper tone. It sounded almost emotionless, the aftertaste leaving a familiar bitterness on Alec’s tongue and for a moment he lingered as tough to revel in the dark memories who tainted his tongue. Yet, despite all the coldness radiating off the man there also was a seductiveness. Just as it had been there from the very moment Alec laid eyes on Cyrus. The image was still clear in his mind; Cyrus calmly, silently, casually unlocking the handcuffs of a supposely dangerous murderer who would not speak to him more than a few words. Four words. Alec remembered watching him, remembered rubbing the sore spots on his wrists and saying the same four words he chose to repeat now: “Do you trust me?”
There was no time left for an answer, because suddenly, Alec jumped forward. His own chair flew back as he lunged out over the table, his hands wrapped around Cyrus’s neck and the lovers fell along with Cyrus’s chair to the ground. Almost immediately Alec could hear commands being yelled from outside and someone fiddling with keys to open the locked door. Just as he had planned, from the police’ position it seemed as though Alec attempted to strangle his boss. It also meant he didn’t have much time left until several policemen would grab him and drag him outside. 
Alec pressed his lips to Cyrus’s, knowing that in this very moment it would make click in the man’s head. The kiss was filled with passion, but it had an undeniable edge of desperation to it. Because Alec already knew this would be their last kiss, knew the odds were no longer in his favour and time had finally run out for the infamous gravesdigger. 
He was going to die.
Is this the End I Feel?
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alecalexanderbaines · 8 years
It wasn't unusual for Alec to stay silent after being asked a question. The policemen could fill novels with the words he never spoke and the information they were forced to gather on other, much more complicated ways. Cyrus wouldn't be much surprised either, Alec felt, as he had experienced many hours of Alec speaking without ever saying a word. The little things gave his thoughts away. If he allowed them to, that is. Today however, Alec found himself for the first time in his life wondering how much silence was too much silence. He didn't want to irritate Cyrus, possibly make him expect the worst of the worst.
Alec's eyes fell to the cuffs around his wrists. His fingers were intertwined and his hands rested so casually in his lap, the restraints could almost be mistaken for jewelry. Only had they taken everything from him. Alec shifted in his seat, lifting his arms to rest on the table surface. He could basically see the plastic bag with the cheap post-it on top of it, labeling the belonging as his. Would they just throw them away? Send them to wherever his family was hiding from the god-awful man the firstborn had turned into? Or simply drop them in Cyrus's hands?
"They never tell me," Alec answered eventually, his voice becoming quieter as he spoke. He didn't want anyone but Cyrus to hear his next words, especially not the officers who were pressing their ears to the door in this very moment. "You can't be here during the hearing." Honestly, Cyrus probably could if he wanted to. In fact, they'd most likely be happy to question Alec's boss as a witness and to prove their point, but Alec didn't want him around. Not when they decided on the verdict anyway.
Is this the End I Feel?
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alecalexanderbaines · 8 years
Alec could hear Cyrus’s footsteps walking right passed him, could hear the stool in front of him scrape across the floor and finally how something was placed on the table between them. He knew what it was, simply because it was their thing — he complained over the sun and Cyrus magically pulled sunglasses out of his suit like he was some fucking wizard.
Nonetheless, Alec didn’t immediately reach out for them to ease the throbbing pain in his head. It meant he would have to open his eyes and he wasn’t willing yet to look at the other. Instead he just kept harkening, listened to Cyrus’s breath and his own heartbeat, listened to the voices outside and the ticking clock in the room. It was almost like music; an unappreciated song and Alec had a sudden memory of Cyrus singing to him in the graveyard like it was the most normal thing in the world to sing for your lover while he digged a grave. 
         ‘Time flies and then, No need to endure anymore, Time dies,’
“You've never been here,” Alec pointed out. How long did they know each other now? How many times had Alec been taken away only to return at some point and pretend nothing ever happened? Years. For years Cyrus had never seen much of a reason to come to the court house, but now even he realised something was different. Alec’s eyes opened then, looking for a good moment at Cyrus without the filter of his sunglasses, before reaching for them.
          Maybe his time was about to die.
Is this the End I Feel?
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alecalexanderbaines · 8 years
Is this the End I Feel?
There were three reasons why this day couldn’t get any worse. The first being that they had taken him from the motel once again. For the past week he’d lived his life in a small cell while the police searched for the missed and supposedly dead bodies of a married couple. Alec had known their death would be pinned on him the second the police officer and his dumb wife checked into the motel, and the look in Cyrus’s eyes said he knew it too. They only couldn’t do anything against it.
The second reason was the date. They would decide on his future today. In the morning they’d dragged him out of his cell, pushed him into the back of a police car and carried him to the court. No words were spoken, no one dared to look him into the eyes and for once it wasn’t because they were scared of him. They knew something was about to happen. A dark cloud was hanging above Alec Baine’s head and everyone knew. Alec didn’t show it on the outside, but for the first time going to court worried him. He had a terrible presentiment of what was to come.
The last and the third reason were his sunglasses. They had taken them from him and now he was locked into the probably brightest conference room on this entire planet as they waited for his time to come. With his hands resting in his lap (as they were still hand-cuffed) and his eyes pressed shut, he waited. Several minutes passed until he could hear the sound of keys, the door unlocking and someone entering the room. Alec didn’t need to open his eyes to know who it was.
“You shouldn’t have come,” he said plainly, “You’re not allowed to talk to the defendant as a witness either.”
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alecalexanderbaines · 9 years
Cyrus had kinda hoped things would calm down after everything had been almost literally shit, but of course he couldn’t have what he wanted. Now that both of them were working for the same guy, or well, now that both knew who they really were working for, Cyrus was stressing a bit less, but at the same time a bit more. He still didn’t know the detail of Alec’s deal and he still hadn’t asked about it. He just had a feeling Alec wouldn’t tell him anything and maybe it was better if he didn’t. Maybe.
He tried his best not to think about that stuff too much, so he hid in the huge pile of work instead. Most of his time he was behind the reception desk even though it was a bit silent in general, but there was always some paperwork to do. It really wasn’t anything new that Cyrus was standing behind the desk most of the day, especially lately. Sometimes he wasn’t even sure did he sleep at all. Maybe he had became a vampire when he hadn’t noticed..?
Cyrus was completely lost in his thoughts and he was pretty much just staring at the folder in front of him until it got closed all of a sudden. He batted his eyes, raised his brow as he saw the hand on it and then looked up seeing Alec. “Hi”, he said automatically and was about to ask what the other had been doing when the front door opened. Cyrus almost frowned at the sight of a cop uniform and he glanced Alec almost like asking had he done something he hadn’t told him, but then he saw the woman who was with the police officer.
“Welcome to the Redemption Motel”, Cyrus said with a handsome smile as he watched at their new visitors. “How may I help you? Maybe a room for two? For how long?” All those words came from his mouth really automatically an in a way that it was hard to say no or lie to him. Especially when that charming smile was on his lips.
Automatically Alec rolled his eyes, when he heard the door behind him open. Why on earth was there always something interrupting them? Anger started rising in his chest and he was close to turning around to show the newcomer that right now was the worst time they could’ve picked to come. The look Cyrus gave him however stopped him. Frowning Alec eyed Cyrus up and down. Why was he surprised? What kind of guest would surprise Cyrus? 
“Good day!” Alec’s shoulders tensed ever so slightly at hearing the voice and his eyes set on Cyrus. The police wasn’t meant to come today. They hadn’t even told him yet when they would appear the next time to take him along and he hadn’t done anything lately they could blame him for. Alec could hear the steps coming closer. His muscles stiffened, although he was sure if the man was pointing a weapon at him, Cyrus wouldn’t stand still. Out of the corner of his eyes Alec could see the man stopping next to him and he tried to see if he knew the man and more importantly figure out if the man would know him.
“A room for two for a week,” the policeman answered and his wife giggled in a way that made a shiver run down Alec’s spine, “Maybe longer.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Alec didn’t know what the worst thing about this was. That they were here or that they couldn’t leave. If they died, there was only one suspect the police would have. Slowly Alec moved away from the counter, hoping he could just disappear again if he was quiet enough, but of course that was the moment the policeman seemed to recognize him fully. “Stop!” Alec did. “Is he threatening you?” the man asked, taking his eyes from Alec to look at Cyrus, “You’re allowed to lock him away or keep him in handcuffs after his shift. You sure have a special chamber for him.”
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alecalexanderbaines · 9 years
It was a bit of a coincident that left Alec lying in his room. His necklace dangling from his fingers, just so much that the pendants were lying on the palm of his hand. With all the chaos happening around him, he had forgotten about it - the ring he had recently been carrying around his neck. It was the only thing of his past which he had kept. The only thing that showed he once had cared about the people around him, his family and friends. 
One last look at the jewel and Alec closed his fist around it, pushing himself off his bed. Seeing as he was Alec Baines it as ridiculous how much of a meaning this stupid thing had for him and it almost annoyed him that he instantly thought of the man who had come to mean so much to him as well. Almost, but not quite yet. Truthfully, Cyrus drove him insane, but most of the time only in the best ways and Alec would lie if he said he didn’t enjoy it. Enjoy every damn second of it. 
So why not bring those things he cared for together? Why not give Cyrus something he’d look at and have to think of Alec? Besides, truth be told, Alec quite liked the idea of a ring which made every other men and each women wonder if Cyrus was available. He wasn’t and Alec would murder everyone who thought otherwise. His secretary.
Alec made his way through the motel. As always sunglasses were covering his eyes and everyone who had at least a bit of a brain jumped out off the gravedigger’s man, knowing that the man worked at night for a reason and his temper at daylight was even worse than usual.
If he had taken a look out of the window, he’d have seen the trouble which he’d soon have to deal with, but the police car went unnoticed. Alec’s eyes were already sat on Cyrus behind the reception. Silently he rested his lower arms on the counter, eyeing Cyrus for a good moment before reaching out for whatever he was working at and closing it. 
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alecalexanderbaines · 9 years
A feeling of relief filled Alec’s heart and he let his head fall back to rest against the edge of the bathtub. Cyrus actually could feel him again. The devil had kept his promise and Alec could feel the pressure fall from his shoulders. This moment couldn’t be any better or at least he thought so until Cyrus started humming. Alec’s eyes shut, concentrating on the melody, enjoying every second and trying to figure out what it was. While listening his fingers ran over Cyrus’s skin, as though he was making sure that he really was in his arms, as though he needed the soft touch as confirmation that everything was fine now.
Cyrus hummed softly at the kisses on his shoulder, feeling relaxed to just be there close to Alec and the warm water surrounding them. The sudden bite on his neck caused his eyes grow wider and some sort of low yelp come from his lips. At first he was going to get slightly angry at that, since that bite hadn’t been a nice one, but as he turned a bit he realised something. He had felt it, all of it.
“You fucker…” he muttered with a clear amusement in his voice as he let himself sink deeper in the water so it wouldn’t be so easy for Alec to bite his neck again. Cyrus closed his eyes again and started to hum a song that popped into his head, though it was a really silent humming, but a clear sign that he was feeling better again.
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alecalexanderbaines · 9 years
Alec truly didn’t mind that Cyrus was not sitting on the opposite of the tub. Of course, he wasn’t able to watch that beautiful face of Cyrus, but like this, he wasn’t only much closer to Cyrus, he had also gotten a glance at the man’s back tattoo for a few glorious moment.
Willingly Alec wrapped his arms around the man he loved and let Cyrus lean against him. For the first time since over a week, Alec felt a certain normality between them. This was exactly how these two were supposed to be together. They shouldn’t worry or discuss life and dead or argue about stupid things. They were supposed to be here, like this.
Lovingly Alec pressed a few kisses onto Cyrus’s shoulders. However, a grin was slowly forming on his lips and he eventually, bit into Cyrus’s neck. Not enough to draw blood, but enough that one of the first physical pains Cyrus felt after six days of nothing, was his lover showing him how clearly irresistible Cyrus was.
Slowly a soft smile crawled on Cyrus’ lips and he took Alec’s hand squeezing it a bit. Things would be okay.. At least hopefully. Cyrus was getting tired of all the worrying and he just wanted to relax for once. He knew he wouldn’t have to worry about work at the moment and hopefully his mind would stay calm and the only thing he’d be thinking would be Alec and his company.
Cyrus stepped in the tub and instead of sitting opposite to Alec he sat in front of him and leaned his back on the other’s chest. He sighed softly and closed his eyes as he sank a bit deeper in the water so he could easily lean his head on Alec’s shoulder. Cyrus took Alec’s hands in his, laced their fingers together and pulled Alec’s arms under the water and around him. Cyrus wanted to feel the safety and this way it was easiest to feel. Maybe things really would get better again.
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alecalexanderbaines · 9 years
The hot water on his skin slowly got Alec and his muscles to relax. It was like a heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders and he hadn’t felt as easy in a long time anymore. Of course, sometimes his sore skin was burning because of the soap in the water, but even that was a pain he was more than willing to take, because it hurt in a good way.
When he heard steps Alec turned his head to the side to look at Cyrus and a small grin was immediately tugging on his lips. He let his eyes slowly run over the naked figure, not caring that the question due to that was followed by a long silence, and eventually pushed himself in a more upright position. “Come here!”, he grinned and held a hand out for Cyrus to help him into the bath tub.
Cyrus looked at the necklace that was tossed next to him and for a moment he felt like taking it and putting it on his own neck, but for a reason or another he let it be and didn’t touch it. Though when he heard the running water the thought of bath started to feel like the best idea in many weeks. Maybe Alec wouldn’t mind if Cyrus would join him…
Slowly he took off the rest of his clothes and walked to the bathroom door. For a moment he just watched Alec before he took few steps closer to the bath tub. “Can I join you?” Usually he probably wouldn’t even bother to ask, but since things had been rather unnerving lately he thought it would be better to ask than just do. If Alec wouldn’t want him in the bath with him, well, then Cyrus would probably look like a complete idiot for standing naked in the bathroom and then just walk back to the bedroom. But maybe Alec wouldn’t have anything against it..
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alecalexanderbaines · 9 years
Alec followed Cyrus without a word leaving his lips and even when they entered his room he didn’t say something. He simply closed the door behind him, watched Cyrus undress and pushed himself off the wall t walk towards the bathroom. While walking he simply pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the ground, kicked his shoes off and threw his necklace on the bed next to Cyrus. 
He disappeared into the bath, leaving the door gaping open as usual and took his last bit of clothes off before stepping into the shower. After all, he hadn’t had the chance to take a shower for quite a while now and he needed to wash all the things he had gone through from his body.
Cyrus just nodded softly, brushed his jacket and pants a bit after getting down from the table, ran his fingers through his hair again, wiped his cheeks and eyes and once he was rather sure he looked pretty normal again he headed to the door.
Without saying a word Cyrus walked straightly to the door of Alec’s room, and since he actually did have the key there – why wouldn’t he – he just opened the door and headed in. Once he was in that familiar room he took his jacket off and sat on the bed starting to open the laces of his shoes. He still didn’t say a word, just all calmly took the shoes of and started to unbutton his shirt, starting from the cuffs and then moving to the front starting from the top.
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