alectocarrowx · 17 minutes
"I never give away my secrets, but I can assure you, poison is not one of them." Alecto accepted the tea from the house elf, waiting for Emma to take hers before indulging in a small, cautious, sip. "That is very...." Ordinary, unoriginal, boring, but she wouldn't say that. If someone was going to make her theirs, she would laugh in their face if it was like that. "sweet. Who would have thought Thorfinn Rowle was capable of that." She quite enjoyed putting him at unease. "Does everyone know yet?"
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"I'm afraid to ask what your weapon of choice would be." Emma furrowed her brows, looking over at Alecto. She was pretty sure the other woman was kidding, she had no idea that most of the people she was close to were death eaters. "We are." Emma nods. She did consider Alecto a friend. "It was. He asked me on the beach. It was very romantic."
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alectocarrowx · 18 hours
A wickedness erupted, bubbled to the surface, revealing a confession that no longer wished to remain hidden. Her subconscious tired of her own games, given the circumstances they both found themselves in, removing the coloured eyeglasses. Denying sentiments did neither of them sound; or at least on her part. The fork in the path had come and despite a promise to be at each other's side, forces would inevitably pull them apart — unless.
"My dear Rabastan, there is one I would worship." Salacious emerald swirls found within her hazel hues, honey dripped undertone to her delicious words. Alecto held a side that played the seductress with an expertise only few were privileged to encounter. The devilish side of her wishes to expose a glimpse of pent up frustration she endured with his close proximity and dire need to be dressed in those bloody vests. Pay him in kind.
It pleased her to hear that he was improving. The feverish, consuming, gaze dissolved, catching the sudden skip of her heart beat he caused. Slender fingers curl around the other potion, pulling it back to drink, shifting her figure within the oversized chair in his direction. Alecto knew of one, one of his visitors, that caused her strife, igniting the fear of that senseless fork. "We shall find a better way to spend the time." A hint of carnal innuendo in her words.
The mention of her incident snapped her back. He would not be pleased with her antics. "It is really nothing." A hand waves in the air dismissively, playing the scenario down. "I was sent on a mission." That was the beginning to the unfortunate events. "My head space lacking. Mother wished to speak to me beforehand. It appears she has grown tired with Amycus and his forever engagement, that her efforts will be put on me." Her words followed by a bitter laugh. There would be no suitable suitors that willing, nor imposed, who would wish to take her hand; that is what she hoped.
A silence filled the space around them, finishing her potion, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I may have ventured alone." Cautiously her eyes lifted to his.
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He held her stare as she spoke, noting the familiar, devilish glint that had risen in her eyes' depths. He had no inclination to turn away from her wickedness. It enthralled him. But he did not expect the shameless salacity that poured snake-like from her lithe lips. They did not speak to each other in such a way. He remained impassive, the cut of his eyes pinching as he sharply answered, though his mind was thrown unexpectedly to a moment forgotten until now; a rage-filled instant, pressed against the harsh wood of a ramshackle building, lust swirling between them as they prepared for violence. "I'd have thought you more likely to bite off the appendage than to pleasure it, Alecto."
He dryly laughed, a darkly humoured sound. He could not imagine Alecto submitting to any man. She would sooner shred her husband to pieces. Just as he was about to reach for the tray, she bit into the cake. The moan, while light, caused him the shortest pause. Nothing she did was accidental. This, combined with her unusual comment, was a suspicious revelation. One of her ploys. He had dismissed the almost-kiss, both too unwell to consider it and judging it to have been nothing more than an anomaly. Now, he sensed her rekindling it, and as he looked at her with studious calm, he considered whether he would take the bait and play her game. He couldn't deny what he'd felt and he would not be against exploring it further. But not at the expense of their relationship. He valued her too much for that.
"I feel greatly improved," he agreed. Then withdrawing his piercing stare, he retrieved one of the potions from the tray and sat back to drink it. "They have. But this lingering curse is becoming very tedious. I cannot sit here doing nothing for much longer. You must tell me how you were injured."
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alectocarrowx · 18 hours
Emma's presence was not the issue, the reason for the visit was. The idea of what might have been said up in his room and promises made. She wasn't ready to lose her best friend, not without them seeing if there was something between them. "Poison is not my weapon of choice." Could she have eased the others nerves, perhaps, but what was a little game? "You may relax, we are friends." Her head nods. "Thank you, that is kind of you." She was feeling better, being around the manor and Rabastan always did that for her. "That must have been peaceful. Is that where you two decided to be more?" She inquired.
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"You seemed less than thrilled to find me here, is all. So I thought it was something that would do good being said out loud." Emma felt like she entered the lion's den so she had her guard up a little. She didn't think Alecto would try to kill her or anything like that. "I am glad you are feeling better." Honestly, she was. Emma sat down in the chair opposite to Alecto. "Spain was amazing. We were in our own little bubble, no outside voices or distractions so we could focus on each other."
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alectocarrowx · 24 hours
Alecto was pleased to see Athena. Her body shifted on the couch to face the other. There were so many thoughts bombarding her mind, the chaos nothing new, and there was no need to quiet the voices. They calmed her. "Until I have my full strength, I am home bound." It wasn't unnatural for her to call the Lestrange Manor home. "This is my second home, and since Rabastan and I are both healing, I prefer to be close to him." It wasn't uncommon to see them together. "We haven't seen each other since the gala. I feel we have a lot to catch up on." A hand waves, a house elf scurries out to start preparing their drinks.
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An owl had visited the night before with an invitation she found quite delightful. There was plenty she needed to discuss with the older witch– from her own adventures to finding out the reason she was resting at the Lestrange Manor instead of her own. The brunette also hoped to discuss some details from the Ministry Gala that had come to her attention and she had yet to share with Alecto. Ready for the trouble that might be stirred after tea was finished, Athena showed up at her mentor’s manor, rapidly being led to the tearoom by one of the house elves. “My dearest.” She greeted the witch as she came into the room, a gentle squeeze of the other’s hand before sitting on the couch beside her. “Thank you for inviting me over, but pardon me for asking why is it we are at the Lestranges?”
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alectocarrowx · 1 day
Relief washed over her. "Thank you. I was worried. That doesn't seem too painful. How many days do you think it might take?" Alecto was committed and planned to see it through. "I do appreciate you helping me out." There was one she was trying to avoid, not particularly interested in going down memory lane.
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Lily was good at what she did. She could tell when people were telling the truth. Most of the time. The witch in front of her was putting on a good show, but she wasn't wholly sure that she believed her. Raising a brow, she nodded at Alecto's words, continuing to do her assessment. "I think that if you monitor it and keep it elevated, it should get better. Seems as if it's just a sprain."
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alectocarrowx · 1 day
"Why would I do that?" Alecto would never admit it if she was going to poison someone, and if she was being honest, that wasn't her preference for death. She had a more creative flair in that respect. "We are having tea, Emma." The witch stops outside double doors, flicking of her wrist, wand in hand, the doors open, stepping inside a spacious room with a table and four lounge chairs in the middle, shelves along the walls, a bar style table hosting all the tea ingredients. "I am feeling better." She sits in one chair. "Do tell me about Spain." A house elf appears, hurrying about.
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"You aren't going to poision me right? I got a game coming up, as you know and that would be quite inconvenient as it would cut into my practice time. I need to be in top form." Emma explained as she walked after Alecto, her heels clacking against the floor. "I do hope you feel better soon."
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alectocarrowx · 1 day
Rodolphus had his own darkness, Alecto could feel the vibration, but it was nothing compared to Rabastan's. A lull that beckoned her mania and at its full potential, a glorious spectacle that sang to her. She would read his features, similar expressions that carried to her best friend, curious how the conversation went between brothers.
"A day after Rabastan." The witch takes a sip of the herbal tea that they continuously fed her, to help with her healing. "Two different incidents." At least with hers, the mission was successful in that she retrieved what was required, but getting out unscathed, she failed.
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Rodolphus has paced the manor. He was angry. Angry about what happened and angry at Rabastan for letting it happen. But his pacing showed concern. Thankfully no one saw such a thing. He didn't want anyone to know that he was worried. It wasn't in his nature to share it with much of anyone. He didn't appreciate lowering his facade. So he paced.
It led him to the observatory. The air rushed over him as he walked out. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his dark mark, hands in his pockets. Rodolphus looked over and saw the face of the young witch he called a younger sister. He wanted to be mad at her as well but, for some reason, couldn't be. He wanted to be mad at the world but Alecto's presence was actually welcome.
"I've been home long enough," he replied in a lowered tone as he sat down beside her. "I assume you've been here longer."
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alectocarrowx · 1 day
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
It took a deep breath, abundant restraint, and a stoic expression written on her features to keep from exposing that the sight of him dressed like that rendered her into oblivion. This was her own timely undoing, her own demise, still Alecto would travel the same path. Despite the new developing feelings, Rabastan still brought that same mode of peacefulness. Denying herself that, would surely be her undoing, opposite of what she required for her healing.
"Tsk, Rabastan." She tuts at him,. "Let me practice my future wife skills." The corner of her mouth twitches into a sly smirk, devious hazel hues zero in on his. "A good wife would also be down on her knees for her husband, relieving built up tension. Would you not agree?" The words uttered before fully processing what spilled from her lips, her years of maintaining an icy demeanour proved in her favour. It was her eyes that gave away her true intent, the flame of greed enveloping them.
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A head shakes softly at the smile adorning his features, fingers plucking up one of the Madeleine's in question. "It seems that each day two dozen are brought from a little bakery." The brunette hums, sinking her teeth into the sponge soft cookie, a faint moan escaping, consumed by how delicious the pastry tasted. "Tart, something." The bakery held no importance to the witch to concern in knowing the full name of the shop.
"You are looking better." Alecto points out, refraining from letting her eyes wander over him, afraid of what else she might confess. Cursing herself inwardly for even letting the idea of wishing to worship at his alter cross her mind. Enough. If anything, he would worship at hers; as he should. "Have your visits faired well?"
As the days passed, Rabastan's health slowly improved. He could feel the curse's poison leaving his body, as though evaporating from his skin. Tiredness still plagued him like an unwanted houseguest, at times his mind not as sharp as he would like. But he was physically stronger and no longer languished mindlessly. He did not like feeling useless. He was not accustomed to lacking awareness, and he loathed that he was in this position at all. Part of it had been his own doing, and he rued himself for it. If only he had not gone to work. It had been a fool's errand to attempt to handle that curse while feeling less than able. But he had been stubborn. He had not wanted to waste more of that day, having already spent most of it asleep, thanks to Apolline.
So it was with great irony that he now insisted on reapplying himself to functional matters, despite recognising that he had not helped himself by pushing his limits in the first place. Rabastan could be wilfully blind. His lack of awareness extended to Alecto, whose attentions he viewed as no different than usual. Too selfishly consumed by his own affairs, he did not pay her much heed, as her health was also recovering and she was occupied with her own meetings. But he did want to speak with her. So he was glad to hear her outside the door, and was willing to set aside his aims to spend time with her. Her injury had played on his mind, his previous anxiety proving most persistent as he continued to wonder what had happened. He wanted to know the full story.
"That is elf work, Alecto," he stated, setting down his quill as he watched her struggle through the door. "You did not need to bring it yourself. In fact, you shouldn't have."
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Nonetheless, he stood and moved to join her, undeterred by the savage caution in her stare. Quite the opposite, he looked at her and casually smiled, sitting opposite before lowering his study to the tray. "Where are all these madeleines coming from? We have been eating them for over a week."
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
Alecto halts in her pacing, taking a seat at the end of her bed, one that had not been slept in for long, hands grasping at the fabric of the blanket. Her brows pinch together in confusion.
"I do not know what you are speaking of? Did something happen to my brother?" She was concerned about his well being.
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Val had visited Rabastan first at Lestrange Manor earlier that day. It was clear that he was unable to sit still. She had updated him on her personal situation after she had also given him some information about poison. She had told him with a headshake. She hadn't wanted to tell him because he needed to focus on his health.
After visiting Rabastan, Val had made her way over to Alecto's room. A woman she had expected to be calling her sister-in-law soon and also had been doing so for a few years now. But as it turned out right now, unfortunately the betrothal fell through. Their parents had enough of it.
Val wasn't so sad about it in the end. Especially due to the fact that it meant that she had a bit more freedom again. She wasn't expected to have children anymore. It was just clear that it felt as a relief. But she wasn't certain if she should tell Alecto that as well.
"I just visited Rab. I thought I would pay you a visit next. I don't think I will have to tell you what happened with Amycus and me?"
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
If Alecto was being honest, the grand staircase was one of her favourite features of the Lestrange Manor. An elegance about it and feeling like royalty each time she would descend down the steps. "The tearoom is around the corner." His family took great care of their home "If I am feeling better, I'll have to come watch." She was tempted to bring up Seth's team, but she already knew when that game was and planned to attend.
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"Alright then." Emma nodded, letting Alecto lead the way. She hadn't been around Lestrange Manor more than a handful of times so she couldn't know where the tearoom was so her only option was to follow Alecto. "Well we have a game coming up against Bellycastle."
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
Dumbledore was going to owe her, subjecting her with the company of the ill-mannered, self-absorbed, egotistical wizard that drove her nuts. There was no looking behind, hearing his footsteps behind her. "I'd rather your existence was not in my presence." Her tone begrudgingly. Disgust rolled off her body when he mentioned her brother. Evan would be vile like that, aiding the continued notion that he was merely using her, and if her brother would have indulged, he would have paid her any consideration, would have saved her the disappointment that fell upon her when it came to him. A small growl slipped her lips at the sight of him standing in front of her, half way down the staircase leading to where he wished to finish. Her hands fall on her hips. A shiver ripples down her spine, refusing to let him see he was getting to her. "Why would I admit something that never was?" The witch would never admit it, how she relished in what he could do to her as a teenager. The excitement and thrill that came with their naughty deeds around the castle. "There is no need to talk about the past." She scoffs, shaking her head.
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He did enjoy pestering her, it had almost become a quirk of his and a good way to kill time when around the witch. However, much to her ignorance and his own refusal of the matter, being around Alecto wasn't exactly pleasant nor insufferable-- he couldn't help but feel some corrupted excitement, intricate desire better left unexplained. The wizard scoffed at her words, following her as she stormed down the hall, quickly catching up to her with his long strides. "You don't think you're leaving me behind with those wee legs of yours, do you?" He remarked, his eyes showcasing a hint of enjoyment even as he remained serious. "Don't flatter yourself, my dear, the odds actually paid higher if I took the other Carrow instead." Evan teased her, a brow piking as she refused to acknowledge what had happened between them, taking a step ahead to stand in her way, leaning in to whisper in the witch's ear. "Don't you think it's time you admit your moans were mine all along?"
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
"I only wish to know about you and Thorfinn." There was no need to further investigate what was said between the two. Later she would steal some time alone in his room and have a nice conversation with the portraits. They would be willing to share information with her. "The tearoom is one of my favourite places in the manor." Alecto leads her down the hall towards the grand staircase. "I was thinking about coming to a game."
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She shrugged after looking at her watch, deciding that she could squeeze in tea before continuing on with her day. "As long as the interrogation about my meeting with Rabastan is over, sure, why not."
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
Alecto was amused by the change in tone by Emma, slightly impressed, but it still didn't change her thoughts when it came to her and Rabastan. Something else caught her attention, and she wished to know more. "I am heading down for tea, in the tearoom. Join me?" A few hours with someone would keep her distracted from other thoughts and she could use it.
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Clearly Alecto didn't find her joke as funny as she did. Her expression told Emma as much. She never thought Alecto had a problem with her but she was rethinking her statement with how she was getting analysed. It could make a lesser witch feel self conscious, but Emma had never been one to doubt her appearance. Emma raised an eyebrow, looking over at Alecto, holding eye contact. "Now do you want to continue this interview or am I free to leave?" It felt like Alecto was trying to mark her territory. "Indeed it was. It was just what we needed."
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
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Alicia Vikander in “Light Years” by The National
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alectocarrowx · 2 days
Starter: @ggathena
After her run in with Emma, that night an owl was sent to a certain witch.
Dear Miss. Greengrass, You have been invited to the Lestrange Manor for tea tomorrow at noon at my request. As I am manor bound and could use some friendly company. Please arrive outside of the manor and you will be escorted to the tearoom. Sinecerly, Alecto Carrow
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