alekskya · 1 year
Juliett Seeking
Juliet Seeking Where I am is quiet most days, there are those who visit daily; rarely any one who stays.  My bell rings on its own, as the wind dictates,  or as the storm rages and shakes. My prison is stifling above all else, dreams for us long since tattered oh, how stupid I felt, nothing now mattered.  I heard the sound of your footsteps, frantically searching among the places where I and…
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alekskya · 1 year
What’s Up Now
Israel suffers invasion and terrorism at its worst while politicians glean bully pulpit points from American and Israel’s victims. Sad.
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alekskya · 2 years
A Picture: Just for A Moment Or A Lifetime
A Picture: Just for A Moment Or A Lifetime
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alekskya · 2 years
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“I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty, against racism, against all sorts of social wrongs. I knew at that point I had to have a camera.” – Gordon Parks
Segregation history, Gordon parks. 1956
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alekskya · 2 years
What's Up Now
What’s Up Now
Under the exercise of free speech, how can an elected official or former elected official become the litmus test of determining an individual United States Citizen’s Patriotism or measure their love of country – I pose this as a question to all American Citizens. Photo Courtesy of Pexels Free Photos Event staged Unknown
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alekskya · 2 years
What's Up Now
Without a doubt I cannot compare the fate of one human being over another when under the penalty of another country's legal system.
When Political Theater decides the fate of Human Being’s, who have value and worth and a Nation’s Mandate-where is the answer? Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com
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alekskya · 2 years
Lovely Beauty
\ \ \ \ Lovely Beauty / / / /    Her steps measured, the softness of her silken hair, adorns her worn majestically.  <><><><>  Her smile a tender mystery, lends  a sense of Mona Lisa’s smile that has spanned timeless over centuries.  <><><><>  Eyes a dark golden hue, draw all who chance to peer into them a view.  <><><><>  Of passion and a love of life, for your family and friends, all is true.…
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alekskya · 2 years
What's Up Now
Often Veteran's Day is difficult to express into words. The horror and misery death machines spew forth are often too real reminders of War's toll. Thank GOD for their Strengths and Sacrifices.
Dedicated Men and Women, lest we forget Children, who paved the way to Freedom by accomplishing great and near impossible things. Photo by Pascal Ingelrest on Pexels.com
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alekskya · 2 years
Fall Fall Image
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alekskya · 2 years
Encountering Venus
              Skin shone while nestled in black, every touch of light softly radiates beauty from face to back.   How to measure the longing, how to tame the desire, how to channel the wish for adventure that tears my heart hour by hour.   Skin illuminated like the gentle winks of stars arrayed in night sky, I long to touch both but keep inside while hiding true feelings– it is safer to…
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alekskya · 2 years
Captured Beauty: The Kiss
Captured Beauty: The Kiss The subway was crowded as this was the norm, more so today by the multitudes driven to shelter by the storm. I saw no reason to rush with initial throngs of people so I picked up a cup of tea from the kiosk, she was just approaching and I heard her order the same as I turned away. Overhearing a voice say the storm has passed I decided to enjoy the fresh air and walk to…
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alekskya · 2 years
Gwen I turned to the bar and you were there, waiting patiently for your order to be filled. I gathered my senses my heart was light as a feather seeing you gave me a thrill. I wondered have you returned to walk your path as it was destined for you. Would it be crass, froward or rude if I walked up and spoke to you two. Would I upset your plans or the image you wanted to set, if minutes I…
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alekskya · 2 years
Sunshine Awakens Beauty
Night shrouds the beauty of the day; blossoms closed against the nights decay. Spirits move about endlessly searching, while sleeping flowers are resting. Darkness encompasses like the arms about a friend, ensures the most basic need of desire without end. To wayward night creatures darting to and fro, a sense that bounty is near for those that glow. Power of sunlight held deeply within…
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alekskya · 2 years
Divide I stood witness as the tears began their trek down her cheeks, nothing to stop them, or to ease her pain, she spoke not of relief. my heart was taken, my soul was shaken; I felt I should do something, say some words of comfort, try to massage her unseen hurt, lift her face then cupped in my hands and tell her forget work. take all the time you wish, take every measure to heal, your agony…
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alekskya · 2 years
Almond Creme
Almond Creme Skin the color of almonds, highly prized for one who chanced by. Sorely pressed for time became I. Your skin soft as down and radiated like light from above, your serene look was like heightened love. On my knees I would implore you, accept my touch, for without you I am but gathered dust. See my soul as it twists freely in the wind; carry this memory in your mind and next you are…
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alekskya · 2 years
When;  words not spoken are most profound when life expects more, hears not a sound.    Would we speak as neighbors, I believe so – yes, true. I would eventually say hello to you.    Perhaps though today, would my words tickle as does the feather escaping its pillowcase.    We have yet to regain the wonderful union of words, when as early writers struggled, debated poetry or verse, with the…
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alekskya · 2 years
What's Up Now
What’s Up Now
Just addressing an issue that concerns the NBA and just how does it view WNBA Players? When a player of Skill and having contributed to the NBA and WNBA success must seek overseas employment to reach equitable pay. What then for former athletes when the cheering stops each player is alone to suffer the debilitating toll upon their bodies. Owing that family support is critical. Physically time…
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