Understanding Meaning
Understanding Meaning is a difficult thing to do. In the paper it explains how to find the means and what tools to use to help better understand the message. Some of the tools are depicting codes and signs. Defining a sign could be wirting it out, drawing. Finding the mean of an article or reading is to decode the signs and messages to help societies people be able to function. 
No person is exactly alike and that is what the paper was getting at. Each person learns in a different way weather be hands on work, book and reading but finding the meaning behind it all takes another deep thinking. By understanding the meaning and the message be hind the text i will be able to enhance my writing capabilities and decoding. 
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Class Reflection
This class was very insightful for me and looking at media. Media is the biggest impact in our daily lives today. Looking at these advertisements or documentaries they helped shape a different image in my head. This class has taught me many things dealing with media, to help me realizes the stereotyping, racial, and sexuality views in the media. The first imagine is what we always think of and our knowledgeable form it. But there is a bigger picture that still today we as a society are missing. This will help out in the future to look at what your’re reviewing or either promoting must be down in a way to please as many people as you can. Just one person isn’t able to do that though with our first thoughts of the greater number for the greater good, it’s important to please the greater majority than it is the few; that is not always the case. 
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The Black Press Soldiers Without Swords
Throughout time blacks have been discriminated against. From the times of slavery we have come a long way to become an equality nation. 
In the early 1800′s African Americans were lynched for crimes which were certainly unfair for people of different skin tones. The killings of many were tragic but not only were they killed through a brutal way, but in from of the towns people to show the consequences of misbehavior.
The “American people” have for so been bending the constitutional laws on equality and create this separation between races.
It is good to see change and progress that has been made in the United States dealing with race. There is still work to be done to fix these problems for minorities. 
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Love The Way You Lie
Eminem has become an icon in last decade. His music talks about the real life factors that has gone through and seen. in his hit “Not Afraid” he motivated for a stand against suicide. Lot of his music is to stand for what is write. In the music video with Rihanna a very hustle situation occurs and there is abuse and violence. After watching this video again with a different set of mind toward the song it creates the realizations of how impact these abuses can be. As a society there is so much to focus on to fix but throughout time this has been shown to the public to almost normalize their thinking towards it. To start we need to stop dehumanizing individuals. Societies defy what is acceptable and what is not; the fact that this is still found acceptable in some forms is complete wrong and should be corrected. 
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Ted Talk: Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave
Many are affected by domestic violence but for some reason we are still with the person who does the actions. Data has found that many of these findings are in long term relationships such as a long couple together engagements, and even into wife and husband and as a mother and father. Families are supposed to stick together make it through the hard parts of life together. Some feel obligated  to stick with the family for their kids. from ages 16-22 women are 3 times more likely to be a domestic violence victims. A person who is very manipulating is able to show you a certain image that they want you to see. Emotions are interesting because they aren’t real, it is a chemical in your body which shows you a certain way of looking at something and you eventually develop feelings for a certain person. People who suffer from childhood abuse can cause a further in the future psychological problem. 1 in 3 women in america are stalked or have been evolved with a domestic violence abuse. and 15 million children are abused every year. This made her shape her mind to believe that she was a strong women who was helping a troubled human. In the last step of the domestic violence would be kill, and this fear is put into peoples heads which force them to stay and be unhappy. 
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Out  In The Night
This is video had an interesting view point on this subject. As a society we have progressed in many ways. There are many things that are not caught up to date as they should be such as the racism, sexism or homophobia.  The treatment that police have shown in the black communities have been big in this nations history. It still show today in some incidents. Many don’t feel safe in this world to be them selves and in the video it was nice to see they were able to find a safe haven. The night of the stabbing was tragic event to occur to these people. The treatment that was given was awful calling them racial and sexist terms. When the group was being accused they were being stereotyped in a gang affiliation situation. The trial was changed the way the court saw this trial due to the medias look at them being lesbian and black. The recording was hidden from the jury and if they would have listened to the recording these women could have reduced their sentence. They aftermath of it all is that these women were taken away from their friends, children and other families. This also increases the difficult of getting jobs after being released. In many ways this is how our society has shaped the way we deal with bullying, fights, and crimes. In school if there are fights or bullying the other party retaliates and in many situations they are the ones in fault or who are charged. In this situation it is the same situation these women were assaulted first and fought to stay alive for themselves and loved ones. This is very unfortunate that these events are still happening and the unfairness that is given to a certain person solely based on race or sexuality. I believe these women did exactly what they had to do. As innocent as they were this sad event took place and their families were forced to suffer with the courts decision. 
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Mickey Mouse Monopoly
Disney movies were many of this generations childhood. It is amazing to see the expansion that Disney has made in the many years since the first mickey mouse cartoon.  Disney movies will be one of the first influential impacts on how children view certain identities. Not only does Disney entertain and rule the children movie world, but it has grown to become a big corporation. It hides in incidents tho which changes our views on them. it gives us a fantasy thought of mind. It is amazing to think about how much impact Disney has on the media with is owning many of the public viewings they are able to display the image they want the public to see.  Many movies have used images that portray the Masculinity and the way princesses should act and represent a woman. The man has been represented to come save the helpless women in movies. It is also insane that Disney doesn’t allow images of theirs to be on anything that they don’t have control over. Writers tried to put a photo of Disneyland on their book you have to get authorization. in a book the author put a picture of space explain and showing that Disney doesn’t allow it. They are dominate in the image that influence people in the way they want to. With high power of control of media it shapes our mind to believe that they associate to a certain idea. In Disney movies the characters are not diversified very well.  In the older movies the villains were chosen to be darker skinned or different from white.  In 2017 date shows on Hollywood diversity report that 77% White, 9% Black, 5.2% Latino, 3.4% Asian, 5% Mixed, and 0.4% Native. This represents the share of all film roles by race. Whites are dominate in the media world with a small diversity only amount to 23% in films.
Disney films have been here before i was born and they will be here surely after I am gone, but Disney has shaped our minds believe a certain way and make them look all innocent. With insightful detail we can see there are racism stereotyping and gender problems throughout their movies. As we move to another decade we will have to wait and see the improvements Disney will make.
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League of Denial
There are a lot of things to football as a fan to watch for in football. One that is not followed up on is the injuries and the impact it has on the players lives. With concussions being a very scary problem throughout football and the it is at least nice to see that the NFL is trying it’s best to improve helmets and protection. 
As Americans we think of football as a fun fall weekend to watch or participate. Big hits on players may be fun to watch but we don’t think of the long term effect of the players health.
It is a little aggravating to see that a few coaches and representatives believe that their will be no long lasting effects on players and only worry about the short term weather or not the player will be ready to go in an hour or if he prepared for the game next week. 
As a fan of the sport whenever a wide receiver is it hit with a head to head contact play it is vital to keep them off until full being sure the safety for the player. 
Concussions are very important to reduce but not only that but their violent tempers and psychological changes in the player after their playing years.
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UW- Madison Homecoming Controversial Video
This year the Wisconsin Badgers were able to win there big homecoming game, but the game wasn’t the only thing that was around the news with UW’s name on it. Early that week the Homecoming video was released for all to see. UW-Madison talked about how it is home to students who go there. Most would watch this video and see nothing wrong with it.  Epsilon Delta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, inc. tweeted a response to this video finding one extreme reason that many didn’t find the first time watching.  In the video they explained that they associated with 127 different countries and home to all students. The Sorority was promised a spot in the homecoming video  and were not in it. There were no diversity in the video stating that it is home when they aren’t even represented as home. The problem with all of this is that a board of double digit panel of people had time to review this video and found nothing wrong. As humans we aren’t thinking so critically until viewed into detail little more. About a mouth later a vandalism was cause on a residential hall sign. It had black spray paint written with racial slurs. It is unacceptable that the diversities are unable to feel home at college when their have been many acts feeling hurt. This made me think very critical and the way i look at advertisements or even clips.
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Role of race
Alex Betthauser
Journalism 224
Role of Race
When I first read this article it was shocking to me. WIth nearly 90% new reporters being white, many minorities are not given the chance to showcase their academic skills. In the article they talk about the theory of incognizant racism. It is the idea that journalists cover white communities differently than colored communities. Speaking on the terms of being ethical; it’s not fair to cover a story differently because of someone's race. In some circumstances the livelihood, and the culture is different in these communities. Reporters are the gateway to creating an image and a stereotype to the public. With a wide amount of people viewing the story it creates a certain view which we categorize and make into a stereotype. The idea of incognizant racism exists in the media. With technology being what it is today, anybody is able to see current news, or anything that blows up on instagram. With everything there is a consequence for what you post or what you release. 
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Danger of a Single Story
Alex Betthauser 
Journalism 224-01
Danger of a single story
The presentation was very interesting. To create a single story is repeating a certain subject to influence the public to support or disprove. I went to high school in a small town, which, in a small town everyone knows everyone. The same idea applies to creating the first image which sticks with the public.  I found it shocking to hear her talk about her roommate and the perception she had on her.  The roommate was already feeling bad for her without really knowing her. At the beginning she talks about her friend's house in the village. She had that perception that her friend had to survive in that sort of environment. Her roommate felt this way because she only had one side of the story. If a person has never been to another country such as Nigeria, they only see images. Society has given each place a different name for itself.  I found it interesting when she was explaining the childrens books. She made me think a different way of how much influence children's books, and toys have on a child. With today’s new technology and social media sites this has influence the public highly.  When the media cover a topic continuously the people decide to see the one big story about the topic. I give a lot of credit to the one random lady talk to the author herself and tell her what to write. The inspiration that Chimamanda was able to bring to this person's life. I found it fascinating that 5,000 people apply for one job vacancy in Nigeria. There are so many people who are not given the opportunity to display their skills. Media has created a stereotype towards certain races But it is something that has been around since the beginning of media. The gatekeepers are the ones who allow what is aired or published. The more that the media continues these stereotypes the longer it will stay.
With the images put into our head that is the image that we associate the person or organization with is what we have already seen. The company is able to try to recreate that image that you already have. All of this is only one single story. In which Chimamanda expresses her experiences with it and the way others have viewed it onto her.  Each person has a different story. We are unable to fully understand the full story till we open up and view things from another side. 
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