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the hetalia fandom’s never ending struggle
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Summarizing Hetalia in one sentence
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Bae: Wanna come over?
Me: Eating.
Bae: I’m home alone.
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aph america. reblog if yes
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Things That Would Make a Better President Than Donald Trump
Tubbs the cat
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Submitted by @mizuki-akatsuki
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The citizens of South Korea are currently being oppressed with brute force by the government, Please reblog and help spread the word and bring awareness to the current situation
The recap:
Korea’s current PM, Park Geun hye has proposed to make complete alterations to the nation-wide textbook, consiting of heavily biased views about past events in order to manipulate and warp both history and it’s citizens. The new textbook condemns the Korean independence movement as well as glazing over the dictatorship of her father, erasing the history of thousands who were abused over his leadership.
A group of protestors, consisting mainly of uni and young high school students has decided to gather at Gwanghwamun for a PEACEFUL PROTEST (met all regulations, has been reported/notified to the police PRIOR the protest) when all areas leading to the area was cut off by police.
They have since fired WATERCANNONS (WATCH VIDEO) laced with capsaicin/tear gas (X) and oil, blasting at random at protestors AS WELL as ambulances and other volunteers trying to give first aid. A man has been blased in the face and is in critical condition while many others are injured or currently are being brutally mishandled by police. The tear gas used by the government has been notified to consist dangerous levels of capsaicin and  465.75 LITRES has already been spent already in close proximity of the protestors in just few hours. (Korea is also undergoing the worst drought in 40 years. Yay) BUT MOST OF ALL, THE GOVERNMENT IS HEAVILY CENSORING ALL THIS. They have censored the most popular website naver.com, erased all of the news headlines and refused to broadcast the current situation in all national TV news channels. We have no way of communicating without the censorship of the Government without depending on SNS.
Please share and help us from being silenced by this dictatorship.
(tag used by Koreans)  
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person: are you a boy or a girl?
nico: i'm an iDOL
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let us take a moment to appreciate aph romano
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Girls in a cliche highschool love story
Belgium: The main character, who is new to the school. The one always being teased by the “popular crowd”. The male character falls for her either by bulling her then coming to like her/against the bullying and defends her from the others. Eventually is able to stand up for herself.
Hungary: The best friend, who protects the main character from most of the bullying. She is considered somewhat “popular”, but chooses to stay out of the crowd. Shows absolute anger to those who hurt her beloved, and kind to the ones in need. One who acts like a mother, when main character gets a boyfriend she stomps up to the guy and gives him the “talk”, on how to be gentle and such.
Monaco: A part of the popular crowd/leader’s best friend. Everyone adores her because of her beauty, and she always has at least two people beside her, often mocking the unfortunate. Later shown she has a terrible past, with a dead mother and an alcoholic father, which is the reason she is afraid of being alone again. Befriends the main character at the end.
Belarus: Leader of the popular crowd/the jealous one. Former girlfriend of the male character, absolutely despises the main girl. She and her group plan ways to get rid of her, but in the end, the boy protects his girl from his ex. In the end, the popular crowd leaves her for the main character, and she is left as the new “lame kid”. If she is lucky she finds another guy to show her love to.
Liechtenstein: Male character’s little sister. When main character knocks on the door to his house, she answered the door with “big brother isn’t here”. Treats main character as a big sister and is treated like a younger one. When “big brother” comes home she and main character are already best friends. Together they plan out how to surprise him on his birthday, tease him, and other my-girlfriend-and-my-sister things. The one who conveys her older brother’s feelings to main character.
Ukraine: The girl who was alone since day one of kindergarten. She is constantly being bullied for her large chest, bawling, and is called names like “bitch”, “slut”, etc. Main character finds her alone and crying, and soon she lets her under the arms of the main character’s safety. Most loyal to main character.
Vietnam: Student Council President. Grades soaring and athletic abilities aren’t too bad. Often seen alone, or with vice president (see below). At first gives off the smart-mature impression, but when she meets main character she turns out to be somewhat naive and childish. In the beginning, she acts like she doesn’t need any friends, but warms up to main character sooner or later.
Taiwan: Vice President. Becomes with main character right away, with her cute jokes and childishness. Always seen with Vietnam, reassuring her about her insecurities. Is the one who bonds main character and Vietnam together. Her rank is the school is “not popular, but is not one to be tolerated”. She can be fierce at times. The one girl who nudges and whispers whenever main character’s crush walks nearby.
Seychelles: The awkward, dorky supporting character. When main character becomes friends with her, she is able to tell her of her crush. This girls runs off and flirts with main character’s crush, and keeps annoying him with questions. She repeatedly asks him if he likes the main character, and accidently spills the secret. When main character confronts her about it she is genuinely sorry and confidently tells her he likes her back, even without true evidence. The one who keeps the mood up with her cheerful personality.
((heh, i just got bored. i have a science essay to type up and a world studies project, so wish me luck on that. just when i was hoping for a peaceful weekend ; n ; oh well. btw, which one would you be, or like to be? i really like liechtenstein’s role, but i’m more taiwan haha~ REMEMBER, YOU CAN REQUEST THESE! ~admin))
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HETALIA MUSICAL CAST MEMBERS ARE OUT  http://musical-hetalia.com/
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school: make time for your interests and hobbies!
school: oh btw we're going to keep you here for about 6 1/2 hours. and after that, we're going to give you hours of homework.
school: eat 3 meals a day!
school: you don't have time for breakfast if you want to get here on time, though. and here's lunch, it's cardboard.
school: school is free!
school: oh, but you have to pay for any ap classes, textbooks, folders, supplies, and materials for projects :)
school: you earn the grades you get!
school: what do you mean this teacher gives you bad grades because they don't like you? that's ridiculous!
school: respect your teachers.
school: oh, but they don't have to respect you. even if you don't know the answer they can still call you out in front of the whole class. and don't forget, if you correct them, we'll lower your grade.
school: everyone is an individual!
school: here's a standardized test to figure out how smart you all are.
school: balance your social life and academics.
school: but you also have to do homework and study for the rest of the day.
school: we accept all love!
school: stop kissing and hugging eachother. that's gross.
school: bullying is bad!
school: but our teachers won't help you if you don't say anything.
school: it's okay to be out sick.
school: but the teacher won't explain it to you if you were. that's /your/ fault that you were sick.
school: act like adults.
school: but we're going to treat you like children.
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Please look at this child wearing a tie
Thank you
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