alfredezra · 2 years
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alfredezra · 2 years
el oh el
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alfredezra · 2 years
about / connections / wanted coming soon 
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alfredezra · 2 years
closed starter —@itsjoeywilson​
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“joey? what are you doing in here?” alfie had garnered a headache from being downstairs in the middle of yet another one of delta psi’s weekend ragers. he had only gone upstairs to pop a couple of ibuprofen before he went back down until he walked in his room by what he could only assume was an accident. “you good?” alfie asked softly , he couldn’t tell if joey was too drunk to register where he was or if he too had just gotten a little worn out from being downstairs with the rest of everyone. whatever the reason was , alfie was happy to see him. it had been a while since the two had last spoken but he really didn’t want things to be awkward , having joey even as only a friend was something he didn’t want to lose but after everything had went down between them alfie just wanted to give him a little bit of space. “do you need anything? like water or something?” 
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alfredezra · 2 years
closed starter — @marcusbooth​
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“damn , couldn’t even wait for me until you got started?” marcus and alfie had become somewhat of friends ever since he had found him beaten up in some random classroom. he was desperate for a drink , and even more desperate to get out of the house , so it was a no brainer to invite the other over to the local bar for a few shots and more than a few pints of beer. “How you been? I don’t think I’ve even seen you since before the ski trip” 
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alfredezra · 2 years
closed starter — @celinecapaldi​
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“thanks for meeting me on such short notice” alfie was out of breath from practically sprinting across campus to meet cel on time. “i don’t really know if this has a lot of sentimental value to you but it looked expensive so i figured i’d bring it back to you” he dug deep down into his pocket and pulled out a ring , one which must have slipped off of cel’s finger during their time snowed into the ski lodge.  “i heard you had a pretty eventful weekend after we left … something about the ‘slap heard ‘round the world’ or something” he chuckled , pulling out the seat across from her and sitting down. “hope you didn’t break a nail” he teased. 
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alfredezra · 2 years
closed starter — @itscambrie-holmes​
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there was absolutely nothing like having a full house at delta psi on a friday night. music was blaring , people were dancing , beers were flowing - - but of course alfie had rehearsal early the next morning , which meant he was stuck on sober patrol for the entirety of the night. a red cup of beer was held in his hand that he had been babysitting most of the night , even if he couldn’t get hammered he definitely wasn’t gonna have all this alcohol in his house and not drink some of it. “hey wait — i think you dropped these” alfie was lucky he was looking down at the floor and spotted a shiny ring of keys falling from the girl’s back pocket. “i would disinfect those first if i were you though , who knows what fucking diseases are lying around on this disgusting floor” he chuckled as he held the keys out to her , gripping them with only his fingertips as if they were some kind of toxic waste. “do you want me to take them upstaitrs? pretty sure there’s some lysol or some shit under the sink that’ll do the job” 
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alfredezra · 2 years
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alfredezra · 2 years
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Hearing that he was there for her was all she needed to hear. It meant he wasn’t scared of this. He wasn’t going to run away because she wasn’t as perfect as she tried to always be. She didn’t really answer him on that front, simply moving to wrap her arms around his torso and pressed her head in to his chest as a means of saying thank you without directly saying it. Right now, that was the support she needed. She only pulled back at his question so she could look at him when she answered. “Not as much as you’d think. It’s a stressful environment but stress was never the issue for me. I thrive in stress, it’s what I’ve always kinda known growing up on army bases.” She wasn’t actually sure if she’d told Alfie about growing up on army bases but she continued. “At the hospital, I’m not in fear of my life and when it comes to the lives of those I am trying to help, I can disassociate from them. They’re strangers to me so I can be professional so it doesn’t bring back any triggering matters. I worried about it when I first started studying but once I was actually in that environment, it wasn’t so bad.” Esme explained. “Don’t get me wrong, there are days where I wonder if I’m going to be able to pull this off at all but I feel like that’s natural. I think every med student or any student in general has those days.”
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As soon as esme reached over to wrap her arms around alfie he stopped walking so that he could do the same , pressing a kiss onto her head as they stood under the dim light of the moon. the topic may have been heavy , and honestly he was kind of anticipating for he and esme to have to discuss things like this but it made him feel relief more than anything. part of him was scared that esme would always keep that part of herself bottled up , she wanted her to feel safe with him , to be able to be vulnerable like this with him so in his mind this was a good sign. he didn’t completely let go of her as she pulled away , his arms stayed wrapped around her body but loosely so that she could have enough space to look up at him as she had wanted. his eyes kept steady contact with hers, as if to tell her he was listening to every single word she said and writing it down in some kind of mental notebook so he could make sure he kept it in mind. “it’s good you know , for you to still be able to do the thing you love without constantly being reminded of those terrible experiences” he spoke softly , pushing a bit of her hair behind her ears when she continued to speak. “have you ever reached out for help? like a therapist or a psychiatrist or something — those are provided to medical professionals right? it might help , to talk about it with someone who can break it down for you” he hoped he wasn’t overstepping his bounds, but he cared about seme and wanted her to have all the support and help that she may have needed. “is there anything more i can do? i don’t want to completely smother you but you know i’m here whenever you need it ”
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alfredezra · 2 years
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alfredezra · 2 years
open starter for @egustarters location: delta psi beta house
spencer had a low tolerance for drunk people, but that tolerance only got lower whenever it came to a party in his frat house. it wasn’t his job to get rid of the people who stayed behind after the parties were over, but there he was, trying to get rid of the one person that had stayed behind. he needed to sleep, he had to wake up early the next day to study and this person was just cooperating. spencer grabbed them by the arm as he slowly and patiently started dragging them towards the door. “okay, c’mon, let’s get you out of here before i have to someone else who’s much stronger than me to actually throw you out. and trust me, you don’t want to see what brad is capable of, i’ve heard he’s…” he started saying, but then he realized that the person seemed like they were about to throw up all over his shoes. spencer didn’t think that he could move that quickly, but he moved away and then glared at them. “are you fucking stupid? were you really just about to throw up all over my shoes? these cost more than your entire closet, what the fuck?” he asked, looking around for someone who could help him out with this, but it didn’t seem like anyone was around.
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alfie was on a mission to clean up as much as he could before the cleaning service got to the house in the morning — it was a little pointless sure but since he was leaning on the more sober side tonight he figured he’d at least try to make their lives a little bit easier. he was busy wiping beer cans and stray napkins into a trash bucket when he heard the commotion coming from the other room. “Everything good in here? “ he peered around the corner , black trash bag in his grip as he watched spencer gear up to tear their poor new pledge a new asshole. “he’s one of ours , i’ll get brad to carry him upstairs and hang him over the bathtub just in case he tries to hurl” this is always the worst part of rush , having to take care of all of the new members who always tried too hard to keep up with the vetted members. “you’re alright kid , we’ll get you some help” he squatted down to rub their pledge on the back and leave the trash bag in front of him before turning his attention back to spencer. “you hungry? i’m not even wasted but it feels wrong to end the night without going to get one of those dpb burritos — i still can’t believe we go in there and order that thing so much that they named it after us” 
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alfredezra · 2 years
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Esme stayed still when Alfie got up, taking a moment to just breathe. Her eyes only looked up from the ground when Alfie was squatted down in front of her. She nodded, taking the sweatshirt from him and wrapping it around her, her hands poking out the sleeves but opting to hide her hands in the sleeves for comfort and warmth. She got up and put her jeans on and her trainers that she’d come in the night before. 
They’d made it out of the campus and in to a quiet area, Esme mostly focusing on regulating her breathing again and getting her heartrate back to normal. When Alfie broke the silence, she listened and squeezed his hand as his found hers. She shook her head initially but she wasn’t entirely sure if he was looking at her. “Not often. I think the last time this happened was a few months ago. About four months?” She answered. “I, uh, I don’t actually remember if I told you… You know I used to be in the army, I know that, but I also did a, uh, six month tour of Afghanistan. Obviously as a medic but I still saw a lot. Waking up in a war zone for six months straight with bombs going off miles away, alarms waking you up when casualties come in. Seeing the destruction first hand. Identifying your friends by tattoos on their bodies rather than being able to see their face. It kinda fucks with your head. I came back and passed all the psyche exams but then just every so often I get nightmares and I think I’m right back in that place.” Esme explained as transparently as possible. She wanted Alfie to understand why rather than trying to hide a part of herself from him. If this scared him, she’d understand but she had to know if he’d accept the ugly side of her too. “It’s why I left the army. I still wanted to help people in need but I needed to be away from the personal side of being a medical professional. At least being a doctor, you don’t have to watch someone you care about die. They’re all strangers which means you don’t have to be as affected by it as awful as that sounds.”
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alfie could feel his heart slightly begin to break as esme told him about her history with the military and therefore the cause of her nightmares. “oh sweetheart” he mumbled , mostly to himself as he shook his head — he hurt for her , how could he not now that she had unveiled this piece of herself to him. he intently listened to every word she said , down the way that the stress in her tone changed as her sentences went on. when alfie had first learned that esme was a former military medic he had admired her for her bravery , it was always so admirable to him that she was willing to put her life on the line in order to deliver help to those who needed it. but he never could have imagined the horror I must have put her through , even as esme stood there describing the details to him he knew he would never even be able to begin to fathom the kinds of things she must have seen. “i’m proud of you es, for putting yourself first and leaving — i won’t ever understand what must be like for you to have to keep those memories with you but just know that i’m here for you when they feel like too much to bare” the one thing alfie knew he could do was offer his support in any way she needed it. “does it ever effect you at work? those types of environments must have some similarities right?” 
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alfredezra · 2 years
“Well if you’re teaching me an instrument, I’d happily teach you some fighting moves. I promise I’m a very hands on teacher.” Esme teasingly offered. A smile eased on to her lips when he told her she was all he’d thought about. “It’s like our first vacation together… if you ignore the other students and the fact we aren’t in the same room.” She laughed. She leaned in to his as they walked. Esmeralda loved nothing more than being close to Alfie when they were together. She was going to take her bag from him once they got to the room but before she could, he’d already put it down and had his hands pulling her closer. She didn’t hesitate for a second to kiss him back - even deepening the kiss like having to hold it back had just made her even more hungry to kiss him. Her hands rested on his cheeks until she pulled back and ran her thumb over his lip. “If we keep kissing, I don’t think we’ll make it close to the hot tub for a while.” She warned him but still found herself leaned up to kiss him again. 
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like instinct, alfie’s hands moved to squeeze esme’s waist the slightest bit tighter and pull her closer to him while they kissed, then snaked his hands around to her back and resting them on its small. “you say that like it’s a bad thing” he spoke softly before leaning in to kiss her again just as she did. alfie was totally that guy , the one who couldn’t stand to keep his hands and lips off of his girlfriend whenever they were together — his love language was definitely physical affection and he was sure esme knew that. but even so he found himself (reluctantly) pulling away , because god forbid his own roommate walk in on them like this. “i guess we should go huh? we can finish this conversation in the hot tub” he planted one last peck on her lips before letting her go so that he could grab a pair of swim trunks. it was when he looked in his suitcase that he remembered there was something he wanted to give her. “shit—es , close your eyes for a moment will you?” he said , a soft laugh leaving his lips as he pulled a gift bag out of his suitcase and set it on the bed in front of her. “i wasn’t sure if you’d have packed a dress for a trip like this so i went and got you this one that i saw you looking at on your laptop while we were in bed back home , figured it be nice to wear on our first date , yea?” he couldn’t help but let a goofy grin grow across her face as he watched her open it. 
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alfredezra · 2 years
closed starter — @alfredwaynemu​
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          As things stood, none of the Wayne siblings seemed to ever see each other. Alix saw Alicia every so often, sure, but only because she’d go crazy if they went longer than a few weeks without at least getting a coffee together. He was sure she was the same way with Alfred too ; that’s just how she was. Always making sure her brothers were okay. Alix wasn’t really the type to do that though, and there really wasn’t an excuse for that. He knew that. And he wanted to fix that.
          ‘do you have some free time right now?’ 
          He’d sent that text a few minutes ago and honestly he hadn’t been expecting a text back. To his surprise he’d gotten one and that’s how Alix Wayne, a local recluse, had found himself inside a frat house to see his brother. “I should’ve asked if you wanted to get lunch somewhere,” Was the first thing he said when he’d come face to face with the Beethoven reincarnation. “I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb, and it’s not even that bad in here.”
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out of all the things alfie was expecting to happen today , getting a text from his little brother definitely wasn’t one of them. not in a bad way though , alix was probably the sibling he had always felt like he had gotten along with the most but recently they had only ever really seen each other when they were with the family all together. he wasn’t doing anything other than getting a head start on a couple of assignments when the text rolled through , so he didn’t hesitate to send a quick text back : 
‘ of course , you know where to find me ‘ 
and within a matter of minutes he found himself turning his chair around “hold on hold on, i need a minute to process that the alix wayne is standing in my doorway right now” he playfully pretended to be deep in thought before breaking out in laughter and standing up to greet his brother. “to be honest i think if you were just walking around in here and didn’t mention the fact that you’re not in the frat, no one would suspect a thing” and with that he was letting out a grunt while he got up from his chair. “we can go to the pizza place down the street for lunch , yea?” he didn’t really give alix much of a choice , alfie had been craving that pizza for days on end and decided that now was as good a time as any to get it. “how you been man? you and ollie getting married yet or will i still have to wait a while to break out my reception speech” a hand reach up to pat him on the shoulder as he began to make his way out of the room for alix to follow. “dude can you tell alicia to stop asking me wether or not i like her boyfriend — i met the guy and i like him , i don’t know what else I can do to prove to her that I like him other than fucking kissing him at this point” 
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alfredezra · 2 years
“It’s okay, me and Austin are still good friends. We mutually broke up when I got accepted in to the army so we’re on good terms. There are definitely worse people I could be sharing a room with, it’s just kinda weird sharing a room with him.” Esme explained, realising in that moment that they’d never actually talked about exes before. She smiled when he picked the red bikini and put that in to her bag with the towel ready for the hot tub. “I’ve not actually seen too much of it, I’m more looking forward to the outdoor stuff than things in the lodge.” Esmeralda explained. A smile grew on her lips when he mentioned teaching her a few things. “So I get to spend time with you in a hot tub, an actual date and you’re finally going to teach me how to play an instrument? This might already be the best trip of my life.” She commented as she took his hand. “Now let’s get out of here so I can actually kiss you.” 
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“Yea? Well it’s good you guys aren’t at each other’s throat then—I’m shit at combat you know” he joked, taking her bah from her and hanging it over his shoulder while the two made their way out. “I’m just feeling like spoiling you today , you’re all I’ve been thinking about since we got here so I want to make our time worth it” he smiled, intertwining their fingers as he held the door open for her , not hesitating to kiss her head as they began their walk over to his. alfie had always been a very outwardly affectionate person when he was in a relationship , so keeping his hands and lips all over her was simply like second nature. he let out a sigh as he opened the door to an empty room, thanking all the gods there were that he could have a minute alone with esme. honestly the fact that he couldn’t kiss her before made him all the more eager to shut the door behind them , placing the bag down on his bed in favor of putting his hands on her waist , pulling her closer to him before speaking again. “last I checked, you owed me a kiss or two” he smirked, leaning down to close the gaps between their lips as he finally gave her the kiss he had really been wanting to earlier. 
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alfredezra · 2 years
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        her  hand  is  reaching  out  to  grab  his  phone  when  it  buzzes  and  the  notif  pops  up  .  i’m  not  going  to  kiss  you  for  a  week  .  céline  isn’t  trying  to  be  nosy   (  that’s  a  lie  )  ,   but  he  just  makes  it  too  easy  .  she  shoots  a  knowing  look  his  way  before  pushing  the  device  back  towards  him  .   “  you’d  better  answer  the  missus  .  something  tells  me  she’s  not  joking  .  ”   it’s  a  bit  funny  ,  she  thinks  ,  how  a  soft  pink  flush  has  spread  across  his  nose  and  spilled  over  onto  his  cheeks  .  it’s  not  something  to  be  embarrassed  about  .  cel’s  happy  for  him  ,  truthfully  ,  and  esme  too   —-   they  both  deserved  good  people  ,  and  they  both  were  good  people  .  honestly  ,  it  was  a  match  made  in  heaven  .   she  points  to  the  phone  ,  then  back  to  him  .   “  have  you  two  gone  and  made  things  official  yet  ?   because  if  you  haven’t  ,  this  is  me  telling  you  to  get  a  move  on  .  ”   does  she  have  any  right  to  go  and  tell  him  what  to  do  ?   no  .  but  that’s  never  stopped  her  before  .  cel  doesn’t  wait  for  an  invitation  before  she’s  pulling  the  chair  across  from  him  out  and  perching  herself  down  delicately  .   “  why  is  the  power  out  ?  ”
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“I can’t even pretend to be mad about what you said because the truth is even I probably can’t even comprehend how serious she is” esme’s a woman to stick to her word , he knows that much even in situations like this. He can’t help but chuckle as he looks back up at celine, it was of course like her to be telling him about his relationship even when she hadn’t known a thing about it in the first place. “For your information I have made things official , we’ve been together for a little over a month now” he knew cel didn’t really ask the specifics but he just liked to brag. a slight smile stayed tugging at his lips as cel sat down across from him , to be completely honest he couldn’t even remember the last time he had spoken to her outside of getting everything sorted for his suit so maybe the universe was working in a mysterious way by trapping the two of them together. “There’s a storm…a blizzard or whatever the fuck it’s called—it’ll probably blow over soon so don’t worry , I’m sure your instagram will survive” he couldn’t resit the opportunity to tease her even if just a little bit. “ how have you been cel , like really .  I feel like it’s been ages since I knew what the hell was going on in the glamorous life of the Celine Capaldi”  
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alfredezra · 2 years
📱 Alfie x Esme
Esme: With 8 minutes to spare 😜
Esme: Oh, good luck to you both. I am here for support if you need a life line
Esme: I'm at the bar with whiskey, I count that as safe place and a warm drink
alfie: I'm sure I'm gonna need all the luck I can get
alfie: damn I wish I was you right now
alfie: don't get too carried away without me , okay?
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