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did you guys see the ambulance outiside? you better check on your loved ones algernon students, could be anyone.
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Unfortunately, darling, I’m just wrapping up. I’ve done the damage and planted the seeds. Until next time skanks. Keep it trashy. You’re all best at that anyway 
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It’s cute you don’t think I’m already in.  You underestimate me, and quite frankly my dear you make me laugh.  Good luck with that “relationship”. Maybe have Kai DTR before you post another shirtless pictures of him. Though I don’t mind the view.
Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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That’s fine, I can move on.  How’s Kai? What’s that like? Do you still think he’s your boyfriend but he has no idea you’re dating. To be completely honest with you dear, he doesn’t seem interested in dating you either.  Sometimes school really does come first.  At this place, I know it’s shocking. It happens every now and again, though
Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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Would you like a list of everyone that has been involved? I’ll try to make it short. You, our dear psycho friend Mati, Wyatt, Mia, Axel for a bit, but he went MIA. I’m pretty sure Taybree knows about this relationship, I’m sure someone has told JJ because she’s friends with Taybree and psycho girl. So don’t get me confused for what she’s done. I’m just reminding everyone.  And are her actions, which are similar to what his ex did do, not fucked up? Is it not manipulative? It sure seems like it to me, but that’s just my opinion.
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Would you like a list of everyone that has been involved? I’ll try to make it short. You, our dear psycho friend Mati, Wyatt, Mia, Axel for a bit, but he went MIA. I’m pretty sure Taybree knows about this relationship, I’m sure someone has told JJ because she’s friends with Taybree and psycho girl. So don’t get me confused for what she’s done. I’m just reminding everyone.  And are her actions, which are similar to what his ex did do, not fucked up? Is it not manipulative? It sure seems like it to me, but that’s just my opinion.
Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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Me-ow, Ivy.  Pretty sure you just proved my point that you aren't nearly as sweet as you want us all to believe.  I've never liked you more.  You’re contradicting yourself, sweetie, because it's not just between you and TJ.  You’ve allowed everyone in, which means you’ve let me in. That's why he had trust issues with the last girlfriend, and will have them with you now too.
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Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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At least one of you has a brain. Otherwise I would be very concerned about you two going into the real world.  Snaps for you, Ivy.  Keep that brain locked up nice and tight.  Now, let’s all just face the facts. Wyatt and Ivy are manipulative. Ivy kissed Axel, then essentially guilt-tripped TJ into asking her out. Maybe she didn’t cheat, but neither Wyatt or Ivy actually remember, and the fact that it was even a possibility is where the trust issues will stem from at the end of the day.  What keeps Ivy from not having kinky lesbian sex the next time the opportunity presents itself? Do you really want to have a relationship with trust issues right off the bat, TJ?
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At least one of you has a brain. Otherwise I would be very concerned about you two going into the real world.  Snaps for you, Ivy.  Keep that brain locked up nice and tight.  Now, let’s all just face the facts. Wyatt and Ivy are manipulative. Ivy kissed Axel, then essentially guilt-tripped TJ into asking her out. Maybe she didn’t cheat, but neither Wyatt or Ivy actually remember, and the fact that it was even a possibility is where the trust issues will stem from at the end of the day.  What keeps Ivy from not having kinky lesbian sex the next time the opportunity presents itself? Do you really want to have a relationship with trust issues right off the bat, TJ?
Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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I’ve gotta spread the love. It’ll come back to you two in no time, I’m sure
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Who knew not being involved in Tumblr drama could be entertaining too?
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Oh sweetheart. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. Ivy constantly complains about how TJ isn't there for her. Yet he spent all night searching for her. And what was she doing? Having kinky lesbian sex with you and Mia. He's the good one here.  Ivy and you all bullied him into making a commitment to her before he was ready.  Not listening or talking about his needs or feelings.  I wouldn't use the words "kind, sweet and thoughtful" to describe her.  More like a whiney bitch who is constantly searching for attention and validation.  That's the sign of a really healthy relationship. Keep rolling you eyes, honey. Maybe one day you'll find a brain back there
Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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Who knew not being involved in Tumblr drama could be entertaining too?
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Well you know, I do aim to please.
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I just love how you conveniently leave out my most recent text to Ivy explaining what happened. I mean, you want me to post that or are you going to? I shouldn’t have to do your job for you but… I guess sometimes people get lazy.
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Originally posted by annsquake
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And it’s totally ok that all her friends talk shit about him and she doesn’t defend him?  Doesn’t prevent her from being a shit girlfriend, great try though.  I think it sounds more like backtracking to prevent him from realizing he could do so much better.
Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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I thought Karma died for a minute there.
Nah, bitch.  I never die.
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Don’t worry. 
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Ivy didn’t cheat on you
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You can have people try and cover for you @english-roses-and-ivy, but the texts say it all.  But what does @mati-themad have against @tj-inprime? He seems like a pretty stand up guy to me.
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Sullivyx Party Recap
hey algernon, hope you’ve all recovered from your hangovers from last night. the sullivan twins and ryx had a joint 18th birthday party and if you weren’t there, then you’re definitely a nobody who lives under a rock. but lucky for you, my spies caught some juicy deets last night, so let’s review their findings, shall we?
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1. enemies becoming makeout buddies?
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care to take a guess who these people locking lips are? here’s a hint - everyone knows they’re always fighting like cats and dogs, and they’ve all sworn up and down that it would never happen. well, looks like it did, babes. the first picture is @levis-laws and @thebest-ella. the second is @finn-forthewin and @boppinbrianna. i guess all it took were some cheap alcohol and strobe lights.
2. rogue hitman on the loose
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everyone saw @orion-wears-belts get punched last night, but no one knew who the culprit was. other than my spies, of course. it turned out to be @liammickinnion, but the question is, what does liam have against ry? 
3. cheater cheater, pants on fire
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i’ve said before that i’ve got eyes everywhere. don’t believe me? my spies got ahold of these text messages between @english-roses-and-ivy and @wyattwho. looks like these two seemingly innocent nobodies had a little too much fun last night. i’m all for hot kinky lesbian sex, but when cheating’s involved? that’s low, even for you ivy. what does @tj-inprime think about this? now he’s had not one, but two girlfriends cheat on him. you sure know how to pick them, TJ.
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Let’s play a Game
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with people leaving and coming in left and right, let’s see what all you sluts think of each other. so let’s follow this outline. everyone will get a name of someone from school and just follow the outline:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff best quality: worst quality: ship them with: brotp them with: needs to stay away from: misc. thoughts:
Send a character name, and the person receiving the ask can answer the questions about that person
Try to hit everyone (share the love)
Try not to just ask for the same character each time (share the love)
 For every ask you get, you should be sending asks out
DO NOT REBLOG. What you do is post “I’ll play” for the character u want to play, and tag the additional characters u have so people can find all of them
Get it? Got it? Good. Have fun skanks!
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♔ || ◞* JORDELL MUN ─ follow @hot-sun-and-mun
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♔ || ◞* KANNA KOBAYASHI ─ follow @kk-dont-care
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