algwriter · 3 years
Thomas Carlyle's "Latter-Day Pamphlets"
Thomas Carlyle’s “Latter-Day Pamphlets”
A book review giving a great introduction to the work of Thomas Carlyle
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algwriter · 3 years
"Crisis? What crisis?"
"Crisis? What crisis?" Is Boris the worst PM in living memory?
Is Boris The Worst PM In Living Memory? Every PM is remembered by some defining moment. Blair will be renumbered for the Iraq War, unchecked immigration and human rights & hate speech laws. Chamberlain with his “Peace in our time” and the promissory note from Hitler. I am old enough to remember PM Callahan’s ‘Winter Of Discontent’ and saying “Crisis? What crisis?” when questioned about the…
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algwriter · 3 years
Communism as it really is
Communism as it really is
Republished by kind permission of the author https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2017/03/04/communism-in-romania-the-anti-humans-by-dumitru-bacu/#comments Communism In Romania: The Anti-Humans by Dumitru Bacu March 4, 2017/63 Comments/in Communism, Featured Articles /by William Sun To this end the students were obliged to crush under-foot everything they held most sacred ­– God, family,…
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algwriter · 3 years
Society, Change and Covid19
Society, Change and the Covid19 pandemic. How this could be a good thing
How society changed in pandemics through history After almost two years of Covid19, masking up, lock downs, virtual house arrest and two week quarantines, we enter a period of reflection How have previous pandemics affected societies? Early on, as many of us locked down and worried about how we would emerge from the pandemic, the only information on covid any of us wanted to know was the one on…
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algwriter · 3 years
The White Mans Burden?
The White Mans Burden?
How many times have you heard that slavery was “the White man’s burden”? I think the idea is that slavery was a uniquely horrible thing that defines the United Kingdom and will stain us forever. The fact is, there has been slavery in every period of history, and just about everywhere. Both the Greeks here and Romans here had it, the ancient Egyptians here also had it, it’s in the Bible and the…
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algwriter · 3 years
England And Diversity
The left have admitted some time ago how they wanted to change the demographic of the UK, permanently. Their goal originally accelerated under the Blair administration back in 1997 are now coming to fruition. Some of the media attention is now on the dinghies escorted into UK waters by the Royal Navy, Border Security and even out very own, benign Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), and…
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algwriter · 3 years
Politics Is Interested In You
Politics Is Interested In You
There’s no hiding and hoping they’ll go away. They won’t. You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you. Many of us,focused on careers, home, and family—prefer to ignore the political battles dividing the UK and of course, a wider Europe. Neutrality is no longer an option. Ever since Trump and Brexit in 2016 the landscape has changed dramatically. Alexis de Tocqueville…
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algwriter · 3 years
While You Were Sleeping...
While You Were Sleeping... A tale of the not so conservative Conservative Party
A tale of the not so conservative Conservative Party In times gone by, it was always a given to think of the Conservatives as the party of patriotism, a strong economy, family values and a secure border. Protecting the nations citizens was a given. Things have changed somewhat, and the Conservatives are not what, or who, we were led to believe. This is a thread of evidence on the ‘conservative’…
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algwriter · 3 years
Liberals And Fake Conservatives
Liberals And Fake Conservatives
“Democracy is the power of equal votes for unequal minds” Charles I In a democracy, every vote is supposed to be equal. If about half the country supports one side and half the country supports another, you may expect major corporations to either be equally divided, or to try to stay politically neutral. This is not so. If it takes a position on the hot button social issues around which our…
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algwriter · 3 years
The 2021 Animal Farm
The 2021 Animal Farm it may help to understand what's coming if you remember that the globalist's mindset is like that of a a zookeeper. Currently, the zookeepers have their animals safely confined...
Apropos to George Orwell Currently the globalists, who right now seem to have the whip hand over us mortals, monitoring if not controlling just about every aspect of our existence, are pushing for a ‘Great Reset.’ This control runs from smart phone data farming, facial recognition street cameras, Facebook listening to us via messenger and our behaviours constantly analysed and the Behaviour…
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algwriter · 3 years
The Digital Money Trap pt 2
The Digital Money Trap pt 2
How To Tax And Account For Every Bit Of Cash You Have In part 1here I looked at how central bank digital currencies are coming and sooner than most expect. About a year ago the Bank of England released a paper on the Opportunities, Challenges, and Design of Central Bank Digital Currencies. This week, the Financial Times reported UK Considers Creating Central Bank Digital Currency. The Financial…
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algwriter · 3 years
The Digital Money Trap pt 1
The Digital Money Trap pt 1
China does it, Sweden does it, and many other countries want to do it: to issue digitised central bank money for everyone. The European Central Bank (ECB) is currently working on such a scheme. It wants to launch “digital euro central bank money” as soon as possible. Many advocates praise the project as an “innovation,”, an important and step in an increasingly digitized world. The ECB is…
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algwriter · 3 years
Covid one Year On pt2
Covid one Year On pt2
A Pubic Servants View In part one was a timeline of one year under the Covid regime we have all endured. The link to it is here The following is an interview I conducted with a public service professional, although their occupation is immaterial, on their thoughts on how the year was. One year on from the first time Covid19 appeared front and centre in the public consciousness. I asked my…
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algwriter · 4 years
Covid One Year On
Covid One Year On
A Timeline On March 23 last year, households were plunged into the first nationwide lockdown as Boris Johnson warned of “the devastating impact of this invisible killer”. One year on from the prime minister’s address, the country is now coming out of its third national lockdown. March 2020 the UK is put under a nationwide lockdown On March 29, it is revealed that Amged El-Hawrani, a 55-year-old…
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algwriter · 4 years
The Green Lobby And A New Car Tax
The Green Lobby And A New Car Tax
With a bit of help from the globalist car manufacturers Elon Musk and Tesla are aggressively lobbying the UK government for a tax incentive to buy his electric cars. The electric car maker’s appeal to the government said grants for battery powered cars could be made ‘revenue-neutral’ (whatever that means). The company told the UK government that making fossil-fuelled cars pay for the damage they…
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algwriter · 4 years
The Harry And Meghan Show
The Harry And Meghan Show
Weddings are usually cause for celebration, and royal weddings are cause for national rejoicing. The hopeful thought is that this wedding would help reunite a currently dis-United Kingdom. Prince Harry risked his life as a soldier for his country, and his partying and roguish behaviour are modest by historic royal standards. That was before Markelgate! We’ve seen embarrassing footage of Prince…
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algwriter · 4 years
A Two Tier Society?
A Two Tier Society?
I’ve had a week away from the matrix, maybe you noticed, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you don’t care! But in that week the whole debate over covid passports seems to have stepped up a gear or so. Setting out his roadmap out of lockdown, the Prime Minister said that a review was in the works to “consider the potential role of Covid status certification in helping venues to open safely” while also being…
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