ali-lie · 2 years
That's one awesome super power to have!
Wrong Child
Warnings: Let me know
Age: 4 and 16
Word Count: 928
Requests: Open
Summary: Thor was given one job by Natasha and that was bringing you home from school safety but he failed.
Requested by:
Date: 15/07/2022
You were at pre-school today and since your mom was going to be stuck in meetings all day. She wasn't going to be able to collect you and the only free person was Thor.
Natasha gave Thor the easiest instructions that anyone could follow.
Step 1. Arrive at Y/N's school by 2:55 pm.
Step 2. Wait for Y/N's teacher to dismiss each student and go up to the door to get her.
Step 3. Bring Y/N home safe and unharmed.
Thor arrived at the school just in time. The school bell rang and he was expecting all the kids to be let out calmly but instead, the double doors swung over and a swarm of children came running and screaming out of the building he was watching all the kids but he couldn't see you.
Thor started to look around the playground when he spotted you. It was actually the red hair that gave it away.
As he started walking over when a large number of kids ran over to him and started shouting questions at him.
"Okay, tiny midguardians I'm looking for Y/N," Thor asked the kids.
They starts looking around and pointed in the direction of where you were.
He looked over and saw you again then walked over to you and took your hand. "Time to go home." Then he took you home.
You were quiet the whole journey home. Thor wasn't sure if this was normal behaviour for you since he's never taken you home from school before so he just left it.
Thor led you inside the compound and then into the common room
"Look who's home," Thor announced.
All eyes turned in his direction. Clint stood up and walked over looking down at the small girl
"Who's that?" Clint asked.
"What do you mean who's that it's Y/N."
"take a good look at her Thor," Clint said.
Thor looked down and not Y/N looked up at him.
Wanda walked in "I've made Y/N a snack. Where is she?"
"Well according to the babysitter of the year Y/N is right here," Tony said sitting down on the sofa.
"What's your name sweetheart?" Wanda asked crouching down to the girl's level.
"Y/N." She replied
"Well, that explains it." Clint sighs sitting down next to Tony.
"Has anyone told Natasha yet?" Wanda asked looking around at the boys.
Suddenly the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to the common room.
"I have a feeling she's going to find out on her own," Tony stated putting his feet up onto the coffee table getting ready to enjoy the show.
"I just got a call from Y/N's Teacher who has just informed me that Y/N is still there and another little girl is missing," Natasha said oddly calm walking over to Thor.
"I gave you three very simple steps and somehow you've managed to fail to do them all now where is this girl?"
Thor stepped to the side and revealed the little girl who was standing behind him.
"Come on sweetheart I'll take you back to your mom." Natasha softly spoke holding out her hand.
Not Y/N took Natasha's hand and followed her.
Natasha stopped and turned around "Don't think that you're getting out of this one. You're coming to explain to my daughter why you didn't pick her up."
Thor didn't say anything since he knew better not to he just followed Natasha out the door.
You were sitting in your classroom drawing when the door opened you looked up and a wide smile grew on your face when you saw who it was.
You stood up and ran over to your mama at the same time, not Y/N ran over to hers.
Natasha lifted you and you wrapped your arms around her neck and hugged her so tightly.
“I waited and waited and waited but no one showed up,” you said with tears forming in your eyes.
Natasha felt her heart shatter. She hates seeing her baby like this
"I'm so sorry baby. Mama promises that it will never happen again." Natasha promised hugging you tightly.
After Natasha and Thor apologised to your teacher and not Y/N’s mom they took you home.
When you got home Natasha took Thor away to have a little chat you didn't see him for a while after that And when he finally made an appearance again it was almost like he was too scared to go near you.
You spent the rest of the day cuddling with your mama in her bed. You were starting to wish that you could get left at school again as you were loving all the attention that you were getting. You even got to eat dinner in your mom's bed which never happens.
Every day after that incident Thor had been apologising and giving you whatever you wanted
*13 years later*
You walked into the kitchen and you saw Thor sitting at the table eating something.
“Hey Thor what are you eating?” you asked.
“Cool can I have one?”
“This is my last one.” He told you.
“Remember that time when I was 4 years old and you took another kid home and left me at school?”
Thor sighed and handed you the pop tart.
You took it from him and gave him a kiss on the cheek “thank you Thor.” then you skipped away happily eating the pop tart
You very much enjoyed using your new superpower And you could wait to start testing it out to see what it could really do.
Taglist - @glxwingrxse // @griffin-girl-r // @uglymammoth // @arinexeisnotworking // @blackwidow-3 // @faesvoid // @ali-lie // @froufrousnowman // @mmmmokdok // @nighttime-dreaming // @lizlil
Go HERE if you want to be added to the taglist.
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ali-lie · 2 years
Awesome writing! Keep it up! Also please add me to the tag list
Maybe This Time (Pt. 2)
Fandom: Wonder Woman/DCEU
Pairings: Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) x fem!Reader
Words: 5.4k+
Summary: You’re dealing with the aftermath of the misunderstanding with Diana. You know you have to tell her everything, about your life, about your escape, about your survival, but emotions are running high. Coping with all of these feelings terrifies you, but maybe you’re safe this time? You could only hope.
Genre: Angst with a bit of Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Brief, vague mentions of torture and kidnapping, and violence. A lot of mentions of burn wounds (but no detail given about them). Please let me know if I need to mention anything else. 
A/N: Sorry this took a minute. I had the beginning and end written for a while it was just the middle that was… difficult. I’m excited for anyone who might know where I’m going with the bad guys in this. 
series masterlist || Part 1
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(gif not mine, credit to creator)
Part 2: Everything All At Once
“Okay, so start from the beginning…” 
Her voice breaks the silence as she gently sits you down on her couch. After the whole being kidnapped by her ordeal, you were in a messy, sobbing, haze state for a good minute. It took you way longer than it should have for you to realize she had guided you out of the warehouse she held you hostage in, into a car, and finally to (what you assumed) was her apartment. All the while whispering words of reassurance “you’re safe now,” “I won’t do that to you again,” “it’ll be okay, little dove.” While also keeping one of her strong hands on you in some way, in an attempt to ground you and calm the panic still coursing through your veins, whether that be a hand placed on your knee, with a gentle squeeze of reassurance as she drove or on your shoulder as she quietly guided you through her apartment. 
As she sat beside you and looked at you with kind, sympathetic eyes, waiting for you to finally answer, you realized something. This felt so different. There was a shift in Diana. Something had changed with her. She was always gentle, always kind, with everyone she was around and that, of course, was something you admired about her, but she was also guarded. You watched her so closely these past few months that you would say you were very familiar with the emotional wall you saw her put up around everyone, yourself included, even if others didn’t see it too. But, as she looked at you with such sad, gentle eyes, you didn’t see that wall. All Diana showed you right now was pure, unfiltered emotions of concern, understanding, and compassion. You realized, as she continued to wait patiently for your response, her hand resting over where yours lay on the couch, that you felt safe. You felt completely safe. The thought utterly shocked you and, finally, you were able to be self-aware enough to answer the woman sitting next to you. 
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ali-lie · 2 years
Wish We Could Be Like That
Part Three
Pairing: WandaNat x fem!Reader
Words: 7k~
Summary: Your relationship with Natasha and Wanda is a secret, but does it have to be?
Based on the song “Secret Love Song” by Little Mix
Warnings: this one does have a more explicit scene, bad words maybe?, Reader finally figures out how to talk about her feelings, bad writing
A/N: ****drum roll please**** HERE IT IS! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Thank you for being patient with me. This really needs another proof read or two, but I didn’t want to keep you guys waiting any longer. Thank you for all of the love you have shown me and this series. I hope you enjoy!
********Font Cheat Sheet:********
~Song Lyrics~
Dream Sequence
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
Everyone files into the conference room for an urgent last minute meeting. No one has any idea why they are here. The alert sent by Fury calling for the meeting was vague. All that was included was the time and location.
The first person you notice is Wanda, of course. No matter where you are, your eyes always search for your girlfriends first. The red head sits with empty seats on either side of her. You know she’s done that on purpose. One for Nat and one for you.
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ali-lie · 2 years
Awesome! Also lol for nogging Hawkey!
You came back to me (Part 2)
Warnings: Griveing
Anymore let me know
Age: 15
Word count: 2024
Summary: After Natasha notices a strange scar on your head, she starts digging up her own past
A/N: Here it's the highly requested part 2. Thank you so much for all the feedback i recived on the first part from all of you. I hope you all like this part.
Personal A/N: @unofficiallym I added a short scene with that shovel like you asked me to. I hope i didn't disappointed you
Mencion: If you would like to read more scenarios related to the story, please let me know and i'll write them
"Why do you want us to go back there Nat?" Clint asked annoyed
"I want you to go there and find everything you possibly can about Y/N."
"But why?!" Clint whined rolling his eyes " An abandoned HYDRA base isn't the nicest place in this world."
"Not your business, Barton!" Natasha shouted angry
Clint imediately shut his mouth and just nodded.
"Don't worry, Nat. We'll try our best." Steve reassured Natasha, placing his hand on her shoulder
"Thank you, Steve. It means a lot." She smiled at him, placing her hand over Steve's, squeezing it a little
And with one last nod between Steve and Natasha, the 2 men took off.
Natasha turned towards Bruce and gaved him a look that said 'i'll need your help later'.
A few hours later Steve and Clint returned with their hands empty much to Natasha's disappointment.
"We're sorry Nat. But we found no records of her." Steve explained
Natasha only stormed out of the room confused and frustrated.
She was almost running towards Bruce's lab when she bumped into someone on the way there.
"Hey Tasha! Where's the rush?" You questioned the woman, rubbing your shoulder that camed into contact with Nat's
"Hey Y/N? Can i ask you a few things?" She nervously asked
You have never seen Natasha this nervous.
"Sure, Tasha. You know you can ask me anything." You smiled
"Do you remember how much time you spent locked in there?" The spy intently watched you
"In the cell?" You raised your eyebrows
Nat nodded.
"I think that, i don't know, maybe 8 or 9 years. I can't remember exactly."
"And they did experiments on you?" Nat kept her gaze on you
"Not really. No." You shook your head" But they used to run tests on me all the time though."
"What kind of tests?" Natasha rushed to ask
"They were testing my agility, reflexes, intelligence, endurance... Things like this."
You only blinked once and when you opened your eyes again, Natasha was already sprinting down the corridor.
"Tasha, where are you running?" You shouted after her
But you recived no answer from her.
Shrugging, you kept walking to your initial destination. The kitchen. To get some snacks and drink some milk.
Natasha banged open the lab's door and speed walked towards Bruce that was sitting at his desk.
"I don't know how but you will find out who are Y/N's biological parents and her medical history." Natasha pointed her finger towards the doctor" You have 48 hours."
And with that Natasha rushed out of the room as fast as she camed, not leaving any space for Bruce to protest.
Leaving him no other choice than to run multiple DNA tests.
Later that night, Natasha was sitting on the edge of her bed, deeply lost in thoughts, when Clint entered the room without even knocking first.
"What are you doing here, Clint?" Natasha sighed tired
"What do you think you're doing Natasha?" Clint snapped back at her" Bruce told me what you asked him to do. Is there something i should know?"
"No..." The woman quietly answered
"I don't think you'll ever go this crazy for nothing. I know it's about Y/N, that by the way, keeps asking for you. But i don't understand what... You've noticed something strange?" Clint crossed his arms, waiting for an answer
After a few moments of considering whether she should tell Clint or not she nodded her head.
"Y/N..." Natasha let out a shakey breath" She has a scar on the back of her head, hidded by her hair."
"And?" Clint encouraged her to go on
"It's in the exact same spot where Dreykov shot my Y/N when he killed her..." She tryed her hardest not to cry
Something clicked in Clint's head and he sat down next to his best friend with a long sigh.
"Do you remember the day we found the grave?" Clint asked, looking at Nat" I know for a fact that i will never be able to forget it. Not even if i tried."
"How could i forget?" The woman finally allowed herself to cry
It's been 2 years since the day Natasha lost everything. Since the day her world camed crushing down and only left a big hole inside her.
For the past 8 months eversince Clint becamed her best friend, he had done nothing but search for the grave of the child he hadn't even met but started to love because of Natasha's stories about her.
And he did. He actually found it with a lot of help from some people that owed a debt to him.
It was a cloudy day when Clint told Nat that he found the grave and she, practically, begged him to take her there in that instance.
Much to Clint surprise, the grave was placed in a really quiet forest not so far from the place they currently lived.
He was there every second of that paintfull encounter and the scene in front of him will haunt his dreams forever, becoming one of his multiple nightmares related to Nat.
Clint felt the cold summer rain starting to pour down the moment Natasha layed eyes on the little gravestone in front of her.
But Natasha didn't.
She didn't felt the cold raindrops soacking her up.
The pain inside her was so strong that she couldn't feel the physical pain anymore.
With small and shy steps the 24 year old woman approched the grave that had becomed the new home of her beloved baby.
She falled to her knees and hugged the gravestone so tight that someone from afar would belive she was actually hugging her child again, planting kisses all over the dirty and cold stone.
"Y/N?" Natasha sobbed out with all her heart" Oh, Y/N. What are you doing here baby? You were supposed to be home playing with your puppy while laughting and running around the house, not lying here in the rain. It's cold out here my love. You might get sick. You have to come with me inside. We can do anything you want. We can play or cuddle or bake cookies or anything you want us to do... Just get up and come with me baby girl. Get up! I love you!"
Natasha kept bragging and bragging over and over again, while uncontrollably sobbing and screaming.
Clint was no longer trying to be strong.
No one in this or any world would had been able to control their tears at the heartbreaking sight of a mother hugging her daughter's gravestone. It was too much pain.
When the man couldn't take more of his friend's pain he slowly lifted her up and took her back to her house, despite Natasha's screams of protest.
Over time, everytime Nat would dissapear, Clint knew exactly where she was.
And he wasn't disappointed when, every single time, he found her asleep next to the grave.
Most of the times, he would just cover her with a blanket and let her sleep, watching over her from a nearby tree.
"I will never be able to forget your painfull screams Nat. And i never want to see you pass through this again. It will be too much for you." Clint sighed" And for me..."
"But what if... What if somehow what i'm thinking it's true Clint?" Natasha asked hopefully
"Look Nat. I don't want you to get too excited only to have your dreams and hopes crushed. Okay?" The archer patted her back
Natasha saddly nodded.
"I want to do something crazy that will be extremly painfull no matter of the result." Nat looked at Clint for confirmation that he's in
"What?" He sighed, letting his head fall in his hands
The next day, Natasha was back at her daughter's grave together with Clint, Steve and two shovels.
"Give me a second guys." Natasha pleaded
She crouched down next to the stone and, kissing it, she whispered" Forgive me baby girl. But i need to know. Always remember that Mama loves you."
She pointed to the grave with her head and the boys nodded. Taking the shovels, they started digging.
Half an hour later, Natasha was holding her breath as Steve and Clint placed down next to her the small white casket her daughter was in.
She lovingly dusted the dirt from it with tears in her eyes and shakey hands.
"Hi..." She whispered as she kept moving her hand from side to side on the casket" Long time no see..."
"Are you sure you want to do this Nat?" Steve asked concerned
"Yeah. I need to." She said not taking her eyes from the casket
Both men got closer to their friend, getting ready for whatever they were about to witness.
Natasha slowly opened the casket and she gasped shocked when she saw what was inside.
"Nothing..." Nat breathed out shocked as she took in the emptiness of the casket, her grip on the side of the casket tightening with each second that passed
Steve and Clint looked at eachother shocked for a moment and then both rushed to talk to Natasha.
"You were right Nat..." Clint exclaimed surprised
"What is this supposed to mean?" Steve asked equally as surprised as Clint
"Either she's burried someplace else, either..." Natasha looked with shimmering and full of hope eyes at her friends" Either she's alive."
Natasha couldn't wrap her mind around the information she just found out and Clint for sure wasn't helping too much.
"It's empty!" Clint cheered for the one hundred time in the last five minutes
"Clint, shut up!" Natasha threatened him
But Clint only kept on celebrating "It's empty. It's empty..." He chanted and started to dance
From one quick move, Natasha picked up one shovel that was beside her and smacked Clint over his upper back with it, the archer falling to the ground with a loud groan.
"I. Said. Shut up!" The woman spitted out
Steve looked shocked at her for a few seconds but dared to say nothing.
"Why?!" Clint started to cry like a little baby and brought his knees to his chest "Just why?!"
Back at the compound, you were chilling on the couch almost falling asleep when you heard voices and recognized Natasha's.
The three heros entered the room and you shot up on your feet with a questioning look on your face as you saw the state they were in.
As soon as Natasha layed her eyes on you, she engulfed you in a really tight hug, the red head starting to cry.
"What have you done to her this time guys?!" You gleared at the men annoyed while holding Natasha in your arms" Robin Hood? America's Ass? Do you have something to say for yourself?"
"Bye!" Clint shouted and runned out of the room, dragging Steve out with him in the process
"Hey Tasha... Are you okay? Why are you crying?" You slightly pulled apart to look at the woman who took care of you this past months
"I-I... I just discovered something really important for me." Nat sniffed
"Is it a good news?" You questioned carefully
"The best!" She smiled
"Yey! I'm happy for you, Tasha!" You cheered
Natasha didn't fully revealed to you what that important news was and you didn't pushed her to tell you.
You just cuddled up with her on the couch, watching movies untill you falled asleep.
Natasha admired you sleeping for a moment and then, gently peeling you off of her, she went streight to Bruce's lab to collect her answers.
"I need answers Banner! And i need them now. I can't wait anymore..." Natasha demanded as she entered the room" Have you found any information about Y/N?"
"I actually did." Bruce announced, making Natasha's confident facade fade away" I found her mother. It wasn't that hard to find her since her mom was already in our database. Y/N's DNA matched almost instantly with her mother's."
Feeling like her feet couldn't support her anymore, Natasha let herself fall in a chair and holding her breath she asked:
"Who's her mother?"
Permanent taglist: @youre-a-total--poser , @ali-lie , @froufrousnowman , @gimaximoff , @sandyche3ks , @gay-trash-in-a-paperbag , @lizlil , @mmmmokdok , @circe143
Story taglist: @xinied , @katethewriter
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ali-lie · 2 years
Please add me to the tag list senpai!
Wish We Could Be Like That
Part Two
Pairing: WandaNat x fem!Reader
Words: 5k~
Summary: Your relationship with Natasha and Wanda is a secret, but does it have to be?
Based on the song “Secret Love Song” by Little Mix
Warnings: curse words, sexual themes, implied cheating, everybody’s mean to Reader, rushed writing
A/N: hi friends, sorry this is later than I wanted to drop it. I was doing my last read through and decided to completely scrap and rework and entire scene. Not sure why I’m so much more nervous posting this part than I was with part one. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
********Font Cheat Sheet:********
~Song Lyrics~
Dream Sequence
Part One  Part Two Part Three
~When you call her name…
…like you do when you’re with me~
It’s a lazy afternoon.
Most everyone is out of the compound, on missions or running errands. So no one noticed the three of you hide away in Wanda and Nat’s shared bedroom all day. It started with watching a movie, but roaming hands and stray kisses quickly distracted the three of you.
As it got later, Wanda volunteered to get dressed long enough to go grab something from the kitchen, allowing you and Nat to lay around the room.
“Say it again,” you lie face down on the bed with Wanda’s pillow beneath your head.
Behind you, Nat delicately runs her fingers along your bare back, every now and again her fingers circle a purple mark left by one of them.
 “Say what?” her touch ghosts over a particularly dark mark.
“My name.”
She smiles, “Y/n.”
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ali-lie · 2 years
You are Awesome ☺️! March ahead!
You came back to me (Part 1)
Warnings: Memory loss,Blood,Guns,Death
Anymore let me know
Age: 15
Word count: 2,845
Summary: After you're saved from a HYDRA base by the Avengers, you start to become closer to a certain red head that took the role of a mother for you. Will she reveal her biggest secret to you?
A/N: I'm alive!!!! My exams are almost over so i'll start posting again if any of you wondered
Personal A/N: A special 'Thank you' to @youre-a-total--poser for helping ne come up with the title ❤
At this point you were running.
Running for your life. Running as fast as you could. Running from...
You have no idea from what you are running anymore.
You've been running for too long in this dark and strange forest, that you don't even remember from what you are running or who you are.
Your feet were hurting you and your energy was running low. Your breathing was heavier and heavier. Your head was pounding.
The rush of adrenaline was so high that you realised you had banged your head on something only when you were already to the ground and with your blury vision, before you passed out, you saw people hovering above you.
The Avengers were assigned to take down a HYDRA base located in some unknown forest.
But the last thing they expected to come upon, when they were going back to the QuinJet, was a young teenage girl running scared from something.
Accidentally, Steve hit her with his shield and the poor girl passed out from the force of the impact.
"Oh God, oh God, oh God." Steve shouted, leaning over the girl "What have i done?"
"Move, Rogers." Natasha pushed Steve aside and got closer to the unconsciouss girl
"What is she doing here?"
"We need to take her to the QuinJet!"
"Who's this?!"
Tony, Natasha and Sam said at the same time but as expected Natasha won.
Steve picked you up and carried you to the Jet. Once inside he lyed you down on the floor, Wanda putting a pillow she found somewhere under your head.
"She's okay. Most probably she has a concusion but no serious demage." Bruce annouced after he quickly checked you up" But i'll still like to take her to my lab and run some more tests, just to make sure she's okay."
The team nodded and each one spread around to do their own things.
But Natasha was the only one to stay by your side just in case anything happend.
The red head found herself stearing at your face. She doesn't know why but your presence made Natasha feel something special towards you. She felt like she needed to protect you.
Three hours later and you were already resting on Natasha's bed back at the compound, with the woman in question watching over you.
You hadn't woken up at all during the journey back or while Bruce examinated you. You haven't even felt the way Natasha helt your hand all this time, trying to provide you with some comfort even in your unconsciouss state.
Opening your eyes slowly, you tryed to adjust your eyes to the light and take in your surroundings.
Before you got time to even start panicing because you didn't recognize your surroundings, a soft voice reassured you.
"Shh... You're safe. Don't worry. We're not going to hurt you. You're safe with me." The voice of a woman whispered softly
You slightly relaxed as your eyes shoot to the place from where the voice camed and you found there a red headed woman, in her early 30's, with the most beautiful green eyes you had ever seen.
But Natasha visibly tensed. Because when she locked her eyes with yours, your also green eyes remainded her of a ghost from her past that, no matter how hard she tried, she will never be able to forget.
"Who are you?" You asked confused" Where am i?"
"Calm down." Natasha kept her voice calm" You're at the Avengers' compound. We've found you a few hours ago running alone in a forest."
"I know who the Avengers are. I've heard stories." You nodded, almost fully relaxing
"That's good." Nat slightly smiled" Then you know that we are no threat. I'm Natasha. Natasha Romanoff."
Your eyes widened at the ex-assassin's name and she could see that you know more than just some simple facts about her work with the Avengers.
When the silence between you two grew too long, Natasha decided to ask you something else.
"What is your name?" Nat asked
You steared at her for a moment, thinking about her question.
"I-I don't know. I don't remember if i ever had one. They call me 'Subject 11'." You answered truthfully
Natasha's heart broked for the girl in front of her. She didn't even had a name. What possibly those monsters could had done more to you?
"Who called you that?"
"The guards." You whispered" They kept me locked in a cell all the time, beat me. And when something happend last night, the guards left me unsupervised and i escaped."
Natasha picks up on what actually happend. You must have been one of the inocent prisoners that were inside the HYDRA base they attacked. And you escaped while they were fighting with the enemy.
"How old are you?" She asked very softly
"Maybe 15. If i remember corectly."
Natasha's breath caught in her throat.
"How about 'Y/N'?" The woman asked trying to put on a poker face "If you're going to stay with us, then you'll need a name, so we could know how to call you."
You smiled and nodded. You love that name. It has a special ring to it.
"I love it. Thank you." You smiled" How did you choose it?"
Natasha's face falled and she looked from you to a wall.
"I've choosed it after months of carefull thinking."
"But you've only known me for a few hours..." You were confused
"I'll come back to you in a few hours. If you need something just say it and we will know."
And with that Natasha stormed out of the room.
You ended up staying at the compound for longer than anticipated.
And everyone grew really attached to you and you also loved them.
But as expected, your relationship with Natasha was the one that grew the strongest.
You two becamed inseparable in a span of a few months.
And Steve kept on saying 'sorry' to you almost each day for accidentally hitting you with his shield. But you always brushed him off saying that if it wasn't for that, you wouldn't had get the chance to be now with them.
"Why are you doing this to yourself Nat?" Clint asked a crying Natasha
Natasha looked up from the picture that was ripped in half from her hands and steared at Clint.
"You know why." She whispered
"Y/N remainds you of her, doesn't she? Of your Y/N? That's why you are treating her like your own child? Because she was able to make you smile again?" Clint sat down next to Natasha on the couch and put his hand on her back
"I miss her so much, Clint. I feel like i also died with her that day." Natasha sobbed" How can i move on?"
"You don't Nat. But it's been almost 10 years since that night. You should stop blaming yourself for something that wasn't your fault and start to at least try to move on. For her. I know she wouldn't had want you to be sad." Clint rubbed her back" Of what you had told me about her, i know she loved you too much to not want your happiness. Even without her."
This only made Natasha sob even louder, like her heart was ripped from her chest.
"9 years, 5 months and 2 days." Natasha whispered the exact date
"What have you done to her, Robin Hood? " You pushed Clint aside and hugged Nat from one side
You were on your way to get yourself a snack when you heard Natasha and Clint talking in the livingroom. You didn't plan on picking up on their conversation but when Natasha started crying you just couldn't help yourself.
"I'll leave you two alone." Clint eyed Nat and then left
You hugged Natasha tight, not observing that she has quickly shoved something in her pocket.
Natasha had treated you with love and affection these past months and you really apreciate everything she did for you.
From waking you up in the morning, to making you lunch and to tucking you in at night. Natasha tryed to make you feel as comfortable and safe as she could.
And seeing her in this state made you sad.
"So you gaved me the name of someone that was once important to you?" You asked after a minute
Natasha just nodded.
Then she got up, took your hand and dragged you towards the car.
"Where are we, Tasha?" You questioned the red head once she stopped the car
"You'll see. Come on." She slightly smiled for you and pointed her head to the car door
You silently followed her.
Turns out she has brought you to some kind of cemetery. It was more like 5 graves spread closely to eachother in a well luminated forest.
She got closer to one lonely gravestone placed near to a tree.
Kneeling down, next to it, Natasha put her forehead on top of the cold stone and absentmindedly traced the words on it with her fingers.
"Hey... I've missed you so much today." Natasha whispered to the stone, tears in her eyes" Who am i trying to fool? I miss you every single second of my cursed life. I only want to have you here with me. To hold you in my arms. To sing to you again that lullaby you love so much. To protect you while you pacefully sleep in my arms at night." Natasha sadly chuckled" But i know that's not possible for me anymore."
She turned her head to you for a second before looking back at the stone.
You awkwardly stood around, not understanding what is going on.
"Today i've brough someone with me and it's not Uncle Clint, as you would expect. Maybe i'll also bring him next time. But right now i've camed with this kind and beautiful girl that made me remember you." Natasha took a deep breath trying to keep her voice steady" I'm not trying to replace you with her and she isn't trying to take your place either. But she just made the time pass easier."
Natasha finally raised up on her feet and you could clearly read now what was written on the grave stone.
The words making your heart fall to your stomach and making you have a slight idea of what is going on.
'Y/N Rose Romanoff
Y/B/D, 2001
September 14, 2007'
"Y/N... Meet my other Y/N. She's my little angel that you heard me talking about with Clint." Natasha smiled sadly
"Y-You had a child?" You asked, the words hardly getting out of your mouth
"Have." Natasha corrected" I have a child. Just because she's not with me, that doesn't mean that i'm not her mother anymore."
You stayed silent in place for a second, trying to process the information you were just given.
"She was born in the Red Room. I was 16, almost 17 when i had her. Her father was a soldier that died before she was born. They knew i was seeing him in secret, that i loved him and he loved me and that i wanted to run away with him." Natasha wiped a tear away" And they let us plan our escape, then brutally separated us. I was 7 months pregnant when we decided to run."
"Then?" You asked
"Then Y/N was born and i focused all my time and energy on her. I tryed to protect her the best i could and i started to think about escapeing again. And we did. We ran away when she was 5. We were on the run for a year but we were living a happy and normal life together. But one night they found us."
Takeing a shy step forward you looked at Natasha. "What happend to her?"
September 14, 2007
A day Natasha will never be able to forget.
"Mama! I'm tired. We still have to run?" Her baby asked
"Yes Y/N. If the bad guys find us, they will punish us. Remember?" Nat helt Y/N tighter in her arms as she kept running through the dark forest
"I love you Mama."
Y/N was small, but not stupid. She maybe was 6 years old but she had the brain of a 16 years old. And Natasha knew that her daughter understood that it will be the end for both of them if they get caught.
"I love you too detka. More than anything."
Natasha had time to only finish her sentance when something hit her in the leg, making her fall to the ground.
On instinct, the mother rolled to one side, trying to take as much of the impact of the fall as she could.
But before she got time to realise what happens, she hears her child scream for her as the little girl is taken from her arms and two men, clearly stronger than Natasha, lifted her from the ground and kept her in place.
Natasha tryed.
She really tryed. She fought with all her strenghts to reach her girl. But it was useless.
"You thought you could run away just like that Natasha?" The man she feared the most said
Dreykov. The man that had made Natasha's life a living hell, was now holding her baby girl by one arm. Pointing a gun to the child's head with his other hand.
"Don't! Please. I'll do anything. You can do whatever you want with me. You can punish me and beat me. Just please let my child go." Natasha cryed
"But this is your punishment Natasha." Dreykov spitted out
And right there. Right in front of her eyes. Dreykov pulled the trigger.
Her Y/N's body falled to the ground with a loud thound.
The sight of the lifeless body is the last thing Natasha remembers before passing out from the sick sight in front of her.
"I woke up a day later back in the Red Room. That day i became a mother without her child. And there is no pain bigger than this one. The pain of losing your child. Your hole world." Natasha finised her story with one last sob "I escaped again after that, met Clint and found the place where they had burried her. My heart and soul are here. Burried six feet under in this forest."
"I'm so sorry, Tasha. I'm so sorry." You jumped forward and hugged Natasha
"Isn't your fault kid." She patted your back, trying her hardest not to break down
"I also think i had a mother once, you know?! I can't remember her. Damn it! I can't even remember my own name. But i dream about her from time to time. Of how much she loved me. I'm not sure if it's only in my head or not, but..." You found yourself saying in hopes to make Natasha feel better
"I understand kid. I do."
Natasha let go of you and with one last kiss and whispered 'I love you' to the gravestone, she drove you back to the compound.
Two months had passed since then and you two haven't talked about it. Not even once.
But one night, you ended up falling asleep in Nat's room and she didn't have the heart to wake you up and take you to your own room. Instead she snuggled closer to you and also falled asleep.
In the middle of the night, you stood up, scared, startling Natasha from her sleep.
"Y/N? What happend?" Natasha asked concerned
"Nothing." You tried to catch your breath "Just a dream."
You weren't brave enough to tell her that you dreamed about your mother again. But this time, your mom had Natasha's face.
Eversince she revealed her secret to you, you keep having this weird dreams.
"Want to go to the livingroom and watch a movie?" Natasha asked sleeply
"I'd love to. Thank you." You smiled gratefully
After everything was set up, you were sitting on the floor in front of Natasha and she was sitting on the couch.
Natasha reached her hand to your hair and shyly asked "Can i braid it?"
"Of course." You laught" If you manage to actually do something with my hair."
You two sat quietly while the movie played, with Natasha braiding your hair. More like playing with it and running her fingers through it.
The woman's focus was broked when her eye catched a glimpse of something on the side if your head, nearly to the back and her fingers ghosted over a small scar.
"Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah?" You answered still focused on the TV
"From where did you got this scar?" She held her breath as she asked
"Oh. That? I don't remember a time where i didn't have it. I think i've always had it."
You kept enjoying the movie after that, but Natasha's mind was fixed on only one thought.
She needs to talk with Bruce, Steve and Clint first thing in the morning.
She needs some answers.
@youre-a-total--poser , @ali-lie , @froufrousnowman , @gimaximoff , @sandyche3ks
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ali-lie · 2 years
I came here to have a good time and now I'm feeling so attacked!
writers will really have a doc titled ‘fic planning’ and then it’s just blank
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ali-lie · 2 years
Okay so I had started writing a HP fic a few years ago and I'm kind of stuck, I know where I want the story to go, how it should flow and everything's down to a pat - atleast in my brain I is - but when I try to put that on paper it's like trying to lift a car using my pinky, so I'd appreciate any pointers, about where I'm going wrong and especially where I'm going right.
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ali-lie · 2 years
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ali-lie · 2 years
Awesome build-up! Can't wait for Nat-Wanda-Y/n to rip the doctor apart piece by piece!
Paring: Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!reader
Warning: Mentions of death
TW: Panick attack
Summary: You feel like the relationship with your mother is decaying but things change when something happens at a friend´s party.
Masterlist // Chp.1 //  Chp.6
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Lonley 6
You run, run as fast as your feet let you. There is a house at the end of forest, lights are on, and the smell of homemade food fill your senses. You cry as your bare feet hit the sticks and stones on the ground making them bleed but everything will be worth it if you can see her, your mother, the person you love most.  She is waiting for you inside the house, you know it. Once you enter you will be hugged with that warmth feeling that only your mother can give you but as much as you run the house seems to stay far away.
You don´t care anymore about that fight or if she doesn’t love you anymore because you have enough love for the both of you. You should have never left, everything was a mistake, all your problems seem so small now, so distant, like a memory that is burning slowly, and you can´t put off the fire. You just watch it burn.
Suddenly you are surrounded by fire, the trees, the leaves, the floor, everything is on fire, but you keep running even if you burn to death, you must go to the house, then you will know you are safe.
The fire engulfs you, between the flames you see the shape of your mother, she is watching you with an expressionless face, you call her, you yell for help, but she just stands there still. Tears running down your face as you feel every muscle in your body burning.
You yell.
You cry.
You scream.
But nothing you do makes her move; you fall on your knees defeated and you close your eyes embracing yourself, but a loud roar makes you open them.
You are no longer in the forest, you are in a white room, flames everywhere and a tiger huddled in a corner staring fearfully at the fire. You watch in horror as the flames are quickly expanding towards you.
“IT WORKED, IT WORKED” A voice you recognise as Dr Dankworth yells through a microphone.
Your lungs expanding and compressing erratically as you feel there is no air in the room, and you can´t breathe. Your heart is pounding hard against your chest causing you pain and your mouth is dry. Your hands are sweating as you rub them in your white hospital gown frantically trying to dry them off.
“You know, I really didn´t thought you would make it this far” He speaks calmly not noticing your distress.  “I must admit I didn´t plan to give you this kind of superpower but it seems like a side effect. A similar thing happened to subject 7 and subject 28, one had air powers and the other shapeshifting, sadly they died a little bit after.” Your vision starts to get blurry, and you can´t entirely comprehend what he is telling you, his words are like distant sounds on your stressed mind.  “But you are different, aren´t you? With that special blood of yours.”
You make yourself a ball, with your knees on your chest and your hands covering your ears. That´s it, you are going to die there, burnt. Your body is trembling furiously, and your ayes are wet from unleash tears.
Two guards enter the room, with fire extinguishers, they put off the fire. As on take care of the tiger, the other one comes near you and place a hand on your knee. Making you flinch.
“Do not touch her” Dr. Dankworth´s voice sound through the speaker. “She is dangerous”
“But sir, she is having a panick atta-”
“DO AS I COMAND or you will be the next” He threaten them.
You look in the eyes of the guard. “Make it stop please” You plead with a small voice almost choking. The guard looks away guiltily as they stand and moves next to his co-worker.
Everything happens quickly, one moment you are on the ground crying and the next your body is bursting into flames burning everything and everyone including the two guards, everything except you.
You look at the guards in horror as they corpse fall to the ground, you make a run for them, they can´t be dead, you can´t have killed them, you didn´t want to. As you fall on your knees next to them Dr. Dankworth speaks again.
“You are powerful child, but you must control your powers.”
“I don´t want these stupid powers, you can keep them if you want, just” Your voice cracks “Just let me go”
A loud laugh echoer the room. “I wish I could have your powers, sadly they will kill me before I could count to five.”
“And why am I not dead?”
“Didn´t you hear my explanation?” Irritation clearly in the tone. You look at the floor a little embarrassed for being treated like a child. He sights. “Your blood is special. It has the ability to cure diseases and wounds. Well, it didn´t before, but we have injected the serum, that mixed with the mutation on your blood, it does work. Although we didn´t planned for it to have these other effects.”
Your mind is pounding with the information. Was it true? Was he lying to you?
“Now, now child, I see hesitation on your eyes. I can show you the miracles your blood can do, only if you promise to behave”
You nod.
Natashas´s pov:
“Here is where the connexion ends” Tony informs to the group, that was standing on a bridge over a river.
“Damn it” Natasha passes a hand through her hair in frustration.
“It´s okay Nat, we will fin her” Steve rests his hand on her shoulder, making her relax under his touch and taking a deep breath. Still, the guilt and concern kept eating her up inside and with a quick movement she was sitting on the ground, her elbows resting on her knees and her hands on her temples holding her head.
“We´ve been searching for days and we have nothing, Wanda, can´t you do something with your superpowers?”
“I´m sorry, to search for her I would need something she has touch recently.” She shakes her head slowly. “Maybe she went down the road”
“Maybe, we should search just in case, there is nothing to lose anyways” Tony supports her which makes her smile a little in gratitude.
“Okay then, into the cars”
Some hours later of seeing nothing they spot a gas station bar and decide to enter and ask if they have seen (Y/N). The place was crowded with old men betting on card games, the place was a large room with green walls and small windows which provided light despite being almost at night.
“Do you think someone might has see her?” Wanda asks while they all stand awkwardly on the counter. A young woman walks close.
“What should I put you?” She doesn´t bother looking away from her notebook.
“We were wondering if you happen to see a teenager girl?” Steve uses his most charming voice and smiles politely.
The girl looks up and arches a brow. “Do you see this place? Is full of old men, last time a saw a teenager was in the city.”
Natasha grunts as she makes her way back to the door, the rest of the team following close with the same frustration.
“But” The woman calls catching everyone´s attention again. “You can ask Kelly”
“¿Kelly?” Natasha crosses her arms staring at her.
“She has work here longer than me, if the person you are looking for has been here, she would probably know”
“And where do we find her?” Tony approaches.
“I don´t know” She shrugs. “But she will come here tomorrow morning, if you are interested, there is a cheap motel near where you can rest for the night” They all look at each other.
No wonder the motel was cheap, the beds were uncomfortable to say the least, and they could feel bugs crawling their legs.
Natasha and Wanda were in the same room. Natasha might have looked put together in front of everyone but behind the door she broke down, falling to the ground in sobs.
Wanda stood up from the bed and sat down next to her. A comforting hand resting on her friend´s back. “It wasn´t your fault, Nat. Everly was playing with your minds, you shouldn´t burden yourself with this” Natasha couldn´t respond in fear of her voice betraying her but Wanda wasn’t looking for a reply, she just wanted to comfort her. She let her cry for as long as she needed and when Natasha felt asleep, she carried her to her bed.
Then she let herself sob in silence, it was hard for herself too beside she was the only one she knew what had really happened and the thinks (Y/N) had gone through. She just hopes that wherever (Y/N) was she would  be happy and safe.
A/n: Hope you liked it :)). As always coments are apreciated. Also you can check my new story: Stereo hearts,  Chp.1. Have a wonderfull day.
A/n 2:   Little reminder that I cannot answer the comments as this is my secondary account but I read them all. And pls don’t be shy commenting, l I love to read them!!!  ;)
Taglist:  @immathinkerg @grxvitye @lainjupi @ihave-committed @mrswidowjohansson @unknowmuser @wandanatblogs @orangelife @lizlil @blackwidow-3 @lufluf-fanfic-blog @ssiimmpp @x666hours @ali-lie @wandaroman0ff @ashadash0904 @i-writes-things @lorsstar1st @violetwitchmcu @tynix @mcu-ladiess @toouncreativeforausername  @samybombshell @snowdrop1026 @battleg03 @waydamnhaught​ @dumpaccdontmindme​ @gimaximoff
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ali-lie · 2 years
Add me to the tag list please!
The Chronicles of a Sweet Toy
Coming Soon: A Training Grounds Mini Series
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This will be a week long event where a drabble about the cutest side of the lovable Toy will be posted every single day!
When to look out for it: 5/29-6/4 @ 4:21pm CST
Approximate Length of drabbles: 600-1.3k words
Pairing: WandaNat x Reader x Kate
Tag list: @simplysimping999 @8bitscarlet @simpfornatasharomanoff @yourtaletotell @s1ut4nat @simpforflorencepugh1 @theperfectlovestory @katebishop-ladyarrow @widowbitessting @uraveragequeer @didujustcallmedumb @caroldantops
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ali-lie · 2 years
Awesome writing looking forward to more of it
Paring: Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!reader
TW: Injury (I guess)
Summary: You feel like the relationship with your mother is decaying but things change when something happens at a friend´s party.
Masterlist // Chp.1 //  Chp.5
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Lonley 6
“Hello Nat”
Steve steps in front of Natasha with an extended arm and ready to fight. Her friends look at her searching for some kind of explanation but the frown in her forehead makes everyone tense.
“Who are you” Tony growls in a low voice closing his fists.
“Oh, you haven´t told them?” The woman in front of them open her mouth and frowns in an offended faux expression looking directly to the red headed. “My my, how rude of me not introducing myself then, I´m known as-”
“Everly” Natasha whispers through greet teeth not really believing what was in front if her was real.
“Precisely” The forming smile on her face is stopped by a hard punch in her jaw and a hand grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. She founds herself inches apart from a very angry assassin, fire in her deep green eyes and a hand retreat ready to hit again if necessary.
“What have you done” More than a question is an order, she puts emphasis on each word.
“Oh, nothing too difficult really, it was an easy task” Natasha slaps her face again, Everly spits some blood.
“I am going to be very clear; you tell me exactly what have you done or I will make sure you won´t see the sunrise of another day.”
“Oh but Nat, darling, you have already tried that and, as I recall, it didn´t go so well as I am standing here, very much alive.” She stops for a moment analysing Natasha´s expression, the frown in her face makes her smile wider “Besides I’m sure I am more useful alive rather than dead.”
Natasha was about to throw another punch in her direction but was stopped by Tony who shakes his head. Nat scoffs but turns around to exit the room. Normally she would use dialogue to make her give information, but she is driving crazy with all the possibilities this could mean.
Steve stayed in there to keep an eye on Everly, but the rest of the team is following her close to the common room.
“Nat who is she?”
“Why do you know her?”
Every muscle on Natasha´s body was tense, and the memories flooded her mind, there is no way that could be her, she was supposed to be dead, she made sure of that. How come she was standing in front of her moments ago? She shakes her head before turning to her friends, a soft breath let her mouth involuntary. Her past was not a secret anymore, they knew the horrible things she did and accept her anyways, she was grateful for that. She has to remember it to gather the strength to speak.
Wanda is sitting next to her on the couch, Tony is in the other side already making possible scenarios in his head and Clint is leaning on the wall looking with a worried expression to Nat.
“Do you remember the red room?” She mutters softly. Everyone´s head snaps to Natasha making her shift uncomfortable under so much attention. She sees the soft and caring smile from Wanda, the small nod of encouragement from Clint and the care in Tony´s eyes. That makes her tensed muscles relax a little.
“Yeah, we do remember” Tony says.
“Well, we know each other from there.” Nat sees how her teammates exchange looks between them before returning their attention to her. “Long story short, she thinks I betrayed her and now she wants to take revenge on me” The words stumble out of her mouth before she could even stop them.
“So, your guess is she took (Y/N) to take revenge on you?”
“Yes, the problem is- “She bites her lips not daring to look away from the floor. “The problem is that she is supposed to be dead”
“Yeah, we supposed much with all the -you already did that- and that stuff.” Tony replies trying to light up a little bit the mood. “But anyway, that is a story I want to hear”
“Maybe another time Mr.Stark, I have the test results of the liquid.” J.A.R.V.I.S informed. Tony sights and stands up to go to the laboratory. “Don´t worry Nat, I´ll find how to restore our memories.” He tries to reassure her.
You wake up to the sound of a bell pounding in your ears, your vision is blurry and the last thing you remember is passing out due the pain. The white light of the room is the same than in a hospital, but the white walls and white floor are what gives you shivers. You notice a strange presence behind you and just in time a sharp pain hits you in the back, your shirt painted in a red stain of blood.
Taking a deep breath, you turn around slowly only to see a tiger. Hunger in his eyes, for the way he looks he seems to have been starving for days and it looks like you are his next meal. Panic rushes through your body, normally you could have a chance of winning, but, right now, you can barely stand on your feet.
The tiger roars as he runs your way, there is no place for you to run or to hide so you cover your face with your arms as you glance away preparing for the pain. You wait but when it doesn’t come you open slowly your eyes to see the tiger held by someone. He roars angrily and tries to scape but the strong grip of the holder makes him stand on his place.
A door you didn´t notice opens behind you and two guards appear to examine you. They check your wound and heal it, then, they grab you and start shoving you away to another room. You are to week to try and fight back so you just let yourself be dragged through a white corridor
“Subject 47, test 1, unsuccessful” The guard on your right informs in a cold voice. Test 1? Were they planning to make more tests on you? You were being treated as someone´s guinea pig, so much suffering for what. You were number 47, that means there had been other 46 people before you. Did they survive? So many questions.
The guards stop in front of a door and soon you are thrown to another room. You take in the place, it is minimalist to say the least. It has a bed, a lavatory, and a sink. There are no natural lights, just a light bulb hanging from the ceiling and the walls and floor are made from concrete. It resembles cells in jails. On top of the bed there is a plate with a sandwich and chips. One of the guards gets close to you, something close to empathy crossing their features “Eat that food, you will need it” Then they both turn around and exit the place locking you in.
Natasha has been pacing around for 3hours, too deep into her thoughts, she doesn´t register Wanda looking at her from the sofa with worry al written over her face. They had known each other for a long time, and she has never seen the redheaded so nervous. Not even when (Y/n) was born or that time (Y/N) went missing for a couple hours on the mall.
Steve was still kipping an eye on Everly while Thor had to go back to Asgard not without promising he would be back whenever needed, Clint went back with his family, he didn´t want to go but Natasha insisted.
Wanda could feel the distress in Nat´s mind and all she wanted to do was comfort her but she wasn´t sure if she would like that. “Nat…” she called in a gentle tone, a small smile on her lips. Nat stopped her pacing and looked at her raising a brow not saying one word. “Do you want to talk about it?” Wanda asks not so confident by the cold look her friend was giving her.
The truth was that Natasha was in the verge of tears, so all she could do was hide her emotions. Everything she has ever done to redeem herself would mean nothing if she had failed the most important person in her life, her daughter, the one that she couldn’t even remember. How was she so stupid to not recognise Everly, to think that she was safe, that Everly wouldn’t come from the hell itself to take revenge. She shakes her head answering her friend´s question, she didn´t trust her voice to not to break.  
Maybe we should eat something, it is getting late, and you need to rest, Wanda tries to comfort Nat. She relents a little bit, but she finally decides to eat something. Just in time, quick footsteps approach both women and a smiling triumphant Tony appear. “Hello ladies” Tony greet. “Do you want a smoothie?” The jest on his tone subsides as Natasha send him the -I´m going to kill you stark- look. “Okay, okay it is not a regular smoothy. This one here, Nat, stores your memories” He says pointing to glass with pink liquid, cream and a cherry on top “I have added some chemicals that neutralize the harmful effects from Everly´s liquid. The taste is not very good, so I decided to sweeten it a bit.”
“How de we know it works?” Nat asks cautiously not trusting anything from Everly.
“Because, I have drink my Smoothy already and I have my memories back”
“So, you remember her?”
“Yes, I do.”
Natasha takes in a breath, all confidence leaving her body, if Tony remembers her too that means she is real, she has been denying the existence of her baby since Wanda came back. How will she ever forgive herself, how will (Y/N) ever forgive her. Without any doubts she gets the drink in a quick movement and drink it in seconds.
She stands still for a moment. “Are you okay?” Wanda asks, a hand reaching for her friend. Nat´s legs wobble and she falls to her knees with her hands on the floor supporting her. Everything comes in a rush to her memory, like a press that had store too much water and gave up to the pressure. Since the day (Y/N) was born to the last moment she had ever seen her. Everything was played in her mind like a movie. Tears now slipping through her cheeks when she remembered the last time, she spoked to you was in an argument about a fight in the school you were involved with. Oh if she could just go back on time to make everything right, to hold you, to reassure you, to listen to you. If she had been the mother, you deserved.
Natasha was trembling, Wanda could see the horror on her eyes, she could feel her regret, like poison consuming her from the inside. All the sudden emotions overwhelming her and making her unable to make any sounds. Natasha could feel her heart shattering into a million pieces.
“So…” Tony starts after a long silence “What now?”
“We find her” Natasha answers wiping furiously the tears, determination in her eyes.
A/n: It feels so good to be writting again, i had a lot of exams recently but now i´m free again. Thank you for your patience. As always I hope you enjoyed the story. 
A/n 2:   Little reminder that I cannot answer the comments as this is my secondary account but I read them all. And pls don’t be shy commenting, l I love to read them!!!  ;)
Taglist:  @immathinkerg @grxvitye @lainjupi @ihave-committed @mrswidowjohansson @unknowmuser @wandanatblogs @orangelife @lizlil @blackwidow-3 @lufluf-fanfic-blog @ssiimmpp @x666hours @ali-lie @wandaroman0ff @ashadash0904 @i-writes-things @lorsstar1st @violetwitchmcu @tynix @mcu-ladiess @toouncreativeforausername  @samybombshell @snowdrop1026 @battleg03 @waydamnhaught​ @dumpaccdontmindme​ 
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ali-lie · 2 years
Good writing! Looking forward to more!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: ||ANGST|| bad writing, mentions of cheating, alcohol, explicit language, character death
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I don't know how to feel about this. Sorry in advance. This wasn't proofread and it's fueled with sleep-deprived self .
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Main Masterlist
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*gif not mine*
"Hey, what are you doing up here?" You take a sip of your lukewarm beer. Her presence offered a sense of tranquility, drowning out all the unpleasant thoughts racing through your mind.
"Nothing much. Just needed a breather." You offered her your drink, but she just shook her head and took a seat beside you. 
"It's the team's movie night." You hummed in acknowledgment.
"Exactly. Why aren't you there?" You hear her scoff beside you.
"My girlfriend ditched me, which is you by the way, and as far as I know, you're part of the team also."  You take her hand in yours and let your thumb run circles on it.
"Sorry. I-I don't think it's a good idea for me to be there."  She squeezed your hand and leaned on your shoulder. 
"Why not?" Natasha softly asks.
"You know why Natty." You mutter in a small voice. You're nothing to them but a branded traitor.
"Hmpf. They have to live with it. It was basically your job. Our job." This made you smile a little bit. She just has that power over you.
"Yeah. They just don't like me that much, do they?" 
"What? Don't say that. Give them a chance. I know that once they get to know you better, they'll see what I always see." She lightly brushes her shoulder against yours and places a chaste kiss on your cheeks. This made you blush a little bit. Your gaze returned to the sky.
"The moon looks beautiful, isn't it?"  You drew Natasha in closer.
"Yeah. It is." Her gaze, though, remained fixed on you. She would rather be with you and stay at this moment.
So this is where you've been disappearing to. In the arms of some bimbo in the back alley of a restaurant. She watches from afar as you kiss the girl (which appears to be younger than her) on the forehead.
When you wouldn't tell her where you'd been for the past few days, she began to suspect and doubt.
Her instinct as a spy led her to follow you, and also, add the influence of alcohol, insecurity, and warnings from the others.
Anger. Betrayal. Disappointment. 
Those are the only things on her mind right now.
They say you can't be trusted. 
She let them get through her head.
She's currently in a bar, nursing the pain you caused with shots of vodka instead of confronting you.
An ugly voice started screaming in her head. It wants to hurt you as much as you hurt her.
So she did.
She woke up in somebody's bed that was not hers or yours. It happened twice.
Worry and fear were etched on your face when she finally came home. It only fueled the hatred she's currently feeling whenever she looks at you.
She just ignored you and went straight to the bathroom. 
You were hurt by this, but you tried to understand her. Perhaps something terrible happened and she doesn't want to talk about it. This was sometimes the case, so you allowed her some space.
The space between you became unbearable, so on the fifth day, you tried to approach her again. Luckily, she's in your shared room engulfed in some reports.
You gently called out her name, and she just hummed in acknowledgment. This is a good sign, you think.
"So, I finally found my sister." You fiddled with the hem of your shirt while leaning on the doorframe. Natasha finally stops what she's doing. You start to explain your disappearances and describe your sister in a fond way.
You didn't notice how Natasha gripped the edge of your bed, which rendered her knuckles white from the force.
The girl you described was the same girl she saw and initially loathed.
Her stomach churns and she feels like vomiting.
You don't understand. Why would Clint accuse you of cheating? You love Natasha, without a doubt. You could never do that to her.
But even then, you just let him punch your face. He landed two before the captain interfered.
You were too confused and hurt to say anything, so you mindlessly went back to your room. Natasha was still on a mission.
Your slouched figure on the edge of the bed greeted Natasha. She gasped when she saw your busted lip and  black eye. You told her it was nothing when she asked you about it.
"You know that I love you with all I have, right? Only you, Natasha. Only you own my heart and soul. " Your lips tasted metallic and bitter in Natasha's mouth.
That night, you both held each other as if it were the last time you'd both be able to do so.
And boy, how right that was.
On the next day, you're assigned to an undercover, no-contact mission. It was indefinite how long it would take, but you were no stranger to it. However, Natasha don't want you to be alone and insisted to come with you. 
You thought it was because she didn't trust you, but you didn't voice it out. Instead, you assured her in a way you could and littered her face with kisses. You swear you'll return home safely and never do anything to jeopardize your relationship with her.
You even promise to introduce her to your sister, your only family, once it's over.
It's been 3 months since the day of your departure. 
The guilt has been eating her whole all the time. The ugly voices won't shut up. This time it only screamed one thing. 
You don't deserve her, Natasha.
She believes it.
The person beside her wasn't you. She couldn't even remember anything that transpired that night. She only remembers the dull ache and immense longing for you.
This person offered himself to her as a temporary replacement, which she foolishly agreed to. Now, she regrets it as he's part of the team. She shifted uncomfortably, but a strong arm held her in place. 
The shield in the corner caught her eye. She could only swallow the lump that formed in her throat.
She fucked-up.
You came back safe as you promised, minus the bruises and added scars throughout your body. Nonetheless, you kept your word.
It's been seven months since you last saw the love of your life, so when you arrived, the first thing you did was to find her. The A.I. already informed you of her whereabouts and you asked it to keep your arrival a surprise.
She thought her eyes were deceiving her when she finally saw you. You only grinned at her awestruck expression.
"I'm finally home."
It's been a blissful week for the both of you and Natasha. You and she spent time in each other's spaces and, of course, your bed, showing how much you missed one another. But you have yet to fulfill your last promise, so you planned a surprise for your two favorite people. 
The day started great, and you're having a blast spending it with your sister and your girlfriend. Natasha seems nervous, and there's a look that passes on her face that you can't decipher. 
After that day, something shifted in Natasha. The changes started small, so you have no idea how it ended with you and her in a screaming match.
You don't want to fight with her, so it always ends with you asking for her forgiveness and making it up to her. But it only seems to drive her further away from you.
You're hurt and starting to doubt yourself.
The first time you saw it, you were watching a rom-com by yourself since Natasha claimed she was too busy to join you. 
The device signaled a message, and if you were engrossed in the film, you would have missed who was on the video when you opened it.
You thought someone was just playing a cruel prank on you, but you just can't miss the shape of her body, the color of her hair, and the sounds she's making that you've come to memorize. It was really your Natasha.
You feel as if someone is squeezing your heart and tearing it apart. You can't take your eyes off the screen even when it ends. 
You want to lash out, want to lose control.
Instead, you ended up in front of your sister's porch in the middle of the night. She took you in without asking when she saw your bloodshot eyes. 
You didn't speak to anyone anymore. Not that it would make a difference, because you really never had anyone to talk to.
You're alone.
She could only watch you writhe in pain. If they had been a minute late, you would have already died from the amount of blood you were losing. 
Your eyes met briefly with hers when she finally found you on your bedroom floor. She's the one who carried you out carefully, not bothered by the blood all over her. 
The medical team are trying to patch you up as of now. 
"It's... it's not working." She hears Dr. Cho dejectedly say. Natasha shakes her head furiously. 
"Y-you can't give up! She's not giving up, so you don't get to give up!" She desperately shouts. 
"She's slowly dying..." She couldn't bear it. In a second, she's at your side, grasping your hand.
She feels you weakly squeezing it back. "I-I'm here, moya lyubov..."
"I... I don't wanna die, Natasha..." You pleaded out. "M-my sister... s-she needs me..." 
Her eyes became blurry because her tears couldn't stop. She can't lose you. "Y-you're not g-gonna die. I won't allow it." She takes your hand to her lips, then held it close to her chest. 
"Why are you still standing there?! Save her! Please! Just this once... " She looked around and saw them giving a sympathetic look. "Please... Tony... Anyone... She's also part of the team." She chokes out. "She's always part of the team!" They visibly flinched at this. It's too late for them to realize this now.
"Nat... Tasha..." She hears you weakly call her name. Your breath is ragged and you're struggling to get the words out. As much as you want to live, your body's giving out. She carefully places her other hand on your cheek. 
"I... I'm s-sorry... I... I couldn't be enough for y-you... " That's not true. You are more than enough for her. More than she could ever have.
She messed up the only good thing that had ever happened to her. You.
"N-no... d-don't say that. Y-you are more than enough, okay? P-Please stay..." She couldn't take her eyes off of you while you struggled to keep yours open. Your face is now devoid of any color. "I-I'm sorry... P-please..." She sobs uncontrollably.
"T-thank you... for loving me... as long as y-you can... " You managed to croak out with your final breath.
Her screams were the last thing you heard as you finally succumbed to the darkness. 
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Taglist: @babypurples @justyourwritter69 @ima-gi--na-tion @thatonebrazilian @ali-lie
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ali-lie · 2 years
Please tag me into the sequel! Awesome writing! Kudos 👌
A Formidable Mistake
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: ||ANGST|| bad writing, mentions of blood, injury, cheating, argument
Word Count: 1500
A/N: I have no idea what this is. I just woke up from a dream and decided to write it.
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*gif not mine*
Even though warm blood gushed from the side of your lower abdomen, no one noticed how you slightly grimaced and clutched your wound tightly while Captain America angrily reprimanded you right now. Not even your girlfriend would spare a glance at you, sporting a pissed-off look in the distance.
"What the hell are you thinking, Y/N?! You nearly got Tony killed and jeopardize the whole mission!" Your head hung low, taking all their frustrations directed at you. Tony is still unconscious from the whole fiasco that happened on the mission. The others would either look at you disapprovingly or with disappointment evident on their faces.
"Luckily Wanda was there in time..." His angry rants continued, and all you could do was sit in silence and accept the harsh words spewing from the Captain's mouth.
"I think it's best that you should be suspended until your head is in the right space. You really seem out of it, Y/N." He finally concluded and dismissed you. You nodded your head and proceeded to go out of the room. Not wanting to bother anyone, you start to walk in the direction of your own room, wincing every now and then. Natasha made no attempt to follow you.
You're not going to deny that you really do seem out of it for the past couple of weeks now. This may have to do with your crumbling relationship with a certain redhead. 
And finding out about her infidelity.
It all makes sense now. Her tendency to pick fights over minor things, her coldness toward you, and, most importantly, her constant absence and excuses. 
You rummaged through the cabinet in your bathroom to get the first aid kit while holding your phone in the other hand. You still can't comprehend how your Natasha could do this to you. The video hauntingly glared at you as you watched it blankly. You already felt numb and tired, so you tossed your phone aside and proceeded to uncaringly tend your wound.
You were mildly surprised to see Natasha sitting on your bed. Her expression changed briefly into a concerned one when she saw your exposed wound.
"You're hurt." She stands up to approach you, but you take a step back, not wanting her fake concern for you. Her face and steps faltered at this.
"Y/N..." The softness in her voice made you snap at her angrily.
"I'm fine!" 
"What? Am I not allowed to worry about my girlfriend?" There's a slight rise in her voice, too, but you don't want to deal with this right now. Actually, you don't want to deal with this relationship anymore. You fought and held onto it so hard, but all in vain because she gave up on it a long time ago.
"Girlfriend?" You ask in a small voice. Exhaustion threatens to overcome you, so you sit on the edge of the bed, ignoring the sharp pain on your side as you move.
"What, Y/N? What's with that tone?" She doesn't have the right to be angry with you, but you couldn't care less. You're just so tired and you feel like giving up. 
"When was the last time we actually talked, Natasha? When was the last time we held each other, seeking comfort from each other? When was the last time you said 'I love you' without having to force it out of you? When was the last time you thought of me as your girlfriend?" Your eyes brimmed with tears and held emotions that you tried so hard to keep to yourself. You blink those away and look at Natasha with a blank expression. She's not the only one who can hide emotions that easily.
She tries to open her mouth but closed it afterwards when words got stuck in her throat. She has nothing to say, after all. She doesn't have any excuses left, you think.
Even after all the things she's done, you can't bring yourself to hurt her more than she hurt you. You realize this is the end. She doesn't need to know that you knew about her infidelity. You decide to end this once and for all since she can't make that decision herself. Part of you selfishly thinks that she still has a miniscule amount of love for you, but you have settled to think that she only pities you. The same thing that the team has given and shown to you. Their goddamn pity.
"I don't wanna fight anymore, Natasha. It's clear that you don't want this as much as I want to." You take a shaky breath.  "I'm breaking up with you."
"T-that's it? That's just it? You give up? What makes you think you get to decide what I think, o-or feel?!" Her tears threw you off. What makes her think that she could manipulate you into thinking she still cares about you? You angrily stand up and push her out of the room.
"You can stop pretending now, Natasha. I don't want your pity, or- or your fake concern when we both know you stopped caring about me a long time ago. Blame me all you want, but I'm not gonna let you walk all over me." You still love Natasha with all your heart. You do. But this is killing you both. You are both no longer good to each other now. Before she could utter a single word, you slammed the door in her face.
She knocked and pounded the door profusely, demanding to let her explain. You're having none of it. You revoked Natasha's access to your room and let yourself fall into the bed, ignoring the searing pain inside and out.
It wasn't real. 
She tries to convince herself that.
You were wrong about her. None of it was play-pretend on her part. She truly cares about you. She still does. If it wasn't for the guilt that consumes her whenever she looks at you, she would've held you tight and told you that she truly loves you. Her heart constricts and her mind screams that she doesn't deserve you every time you show her how much you love her unconditionally. She's underserving of the love you're selflessly giving her.
It was her unintentional distance that drove you to break up with her. You didn't mention anything else, and that made Natasha worry if it was a good or a bad thing. 
She made a mistake a long time ago. It was made in a drunken stupor and her immense longing for you while you had been away on an undercover mission. And the worse part is, she fell into that routine. None of it meant anything to her. It was just a product of her own immense guilt and insecurity about herself.
But nothing compares to how hurt you sounded when you called out her actions. It all came crashing down on her. She wanted to touch you one last time, but you wouldn't let her. As selfish as it may sound, she realized too late that she was afraid of losing you when you ended things with her.
She's still at your door, softly banging her head against it, hoping you'd let her in. She spent an hour there before F.R.I.D.A.Y announced that Tony had been awoken and requested for the team to come. She didn't want to leave, but she knew everybody would come looking for her if she didn't show up. She wipes the dried tears away and composes herself. 
She just hopes that when she comes back, you'll let her tell you the truth you deserve to know from her. 
And maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to get through it together and start over.
The pain did not go away as you thought it would be when you fell asleep. Instead, it feels like it burned you from the inside out, and you couldn't help but grunt in agony. You ripped the blanket off of your body and noticed the pool of blood drenching your bandage and bed.
Your sight is blurry but you dare to stand up to get into the bathroom. As soon as you got up, a wave of nausea washed over you, and the next thing you knew, your body fell with a heavy thud.
"Romanoff, there you are! Where's your girlfriend? I wanna thank her for saving my ass back there." This caused the others to look at him in quite disbelief. The lack of trust in you from the team boiled Natasha's blood. 
"What do you mean, Tony? She nearly got you killed..." Guilt and shame are evident in the captain's voice. 
"Pfft, killed? That's nonsense. She saved me just in time from that maniac who was bragging about their weapon that, in theory, anyone would never recover from if they got hit with it." Natasha froze. 
"I suppose your girlfriend is okay since she's not in the med bay here with me, right? God, I hope she wasn't injured in any way because, frankly, I don't want to test that maniac's theory." 
But by the look on the redhead's face, Tony's face paled.
"We have to get to Y/N. NOW!"
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ali-lie · 2 years
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 
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ali-lie · 2 years
Not gonna lie you had us in the first half! Awesome writing!
Wake up
Warnings: Blood, Death, Nightmares, Guns, Slight panic attack
Anymore let me know
Age: 17
Word count: 2099
Summary: Natasha and her daughter are assigned to a dangerous mission that goes wrong
A/N: Please let me know what you think :)
"You're tired baby girl?" Your mother asked you as the movie you were watching comed to an end
"Mhm..." You nodded burrying your face in the crook of her neck
"You want to stay with me tonight?" Natasha smiled at the sight of you cuddled closer to her
You didn't answered and just snuggled closer to her.
Natasha turned the TV off and turned to her side so she could properly hold you in her arms.
"Good night, detka." She kissed the top of your head
"G'night Mama." You mumbled half asleep
With one last kiss left on your hairline, Natasha closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep.
Her phone ringing is what woke Natasha up in the next morning.
She quickly took a look at your sleeping form, sighing in relife when she saw that the phone's ringtone hadn't woke you up.
"Hello?" Natasha whispered into the phone in order to not wake you up
"Agent Romanoff, i want you and the whole team in the meeting room in 30! Is that clear?" Fury's voice ordered
Natasha rolled her eyes and just ended the phone call without a word to Fury.
How dare he disturb her free day that she had planned to spend with her daughter?!
It's been a while since she had a free day and all she wanted was to be in your company all day.
Looking down at you after she calmed a little, she took a moment to admire your beauty and think about how much she loves you.
You are her entire world, the reason why she keeps living. If it wasn't for you coming into her life, she would had been long dead. You saved her life in more than one way.
Leaning forward, your mom softly kissed your forehead and leaned closer to your ear.
"My love, it's time to wake up." She sweetly whispered" Come on, my baby. Open your beautiful eyes. We have plans for today. Remember?"
You slowly opened your eyes and laizily smiled at your mom.
"Good morning, Mama." You kissed her cheek
"Good morning, detka." She smiled from ear to ear " Nick called and said he wanted to talk a little with the team. Then i'm all yours. We can do anything you want today, Y/N."
"Seriously?! Why is grandpa Nick so annoying when he wants to?" You pouted
"I don't know baby." Natasha giggled" But we'll soon find out what is this all about."
Twenty minutes later and Natasha was waiting for Fury to make the big announcement.
"What's the big deal, Nick?" Natasha asked bored" My daughter is waiting for me, so could you please hurry up?"
"Your girl can wait Romanoff. We have recived very important informations about a Hydra base that, untill now, had managed to stay off of our radar. It's reported that there is a powerful atomic weapon hidden inside the building. So i want you to go there and bring me that weapon." Fury instructed
Natasha huffed in annoyance" But it's our free day!"
"And i don't care! I said that you have to go there and bring me that weapon and you will go there and bring me that weapon. Understood?!" Fury cut Natasha's protests" Oh! I almost forgot. Bring your kids!" Fury added with a firm look in Natasha's and Tony's direction
"NO!" Tony and Natasha yelled in unison
"There's no way my daughter get's involved in this mission!"
"This mission it's too risky. I won't allow my boy to come this time!"
Both parents protested at the same time.
"Enough!" Fury shouted banging his fist on the table" We need all the help we can get, i'm not only sending you in there, i'm also sending half of my men with you. We need your kids and their abilities! Peter is the Spider-Man and Y/N is the most well trained, young agent that we ever had, her agility is unmatched. They are a big feat to this team. If everything works out, i'm going to give you and your kids one free year to do whatever you want with it. Now i don't want to hear anything more."
And with that Fury stormed out of the room, leaving no time for the parents to say anything else.
Tony and Natasha shared a worried look, before following Fury out of the room and back to their own rooms, in search of their kids.
Two 17 years old in a fight to rescue an atomic weapon is something that the parents didn't wish to see but had no other choice.
As expected, you were very excited to be a part of such a big mission, much to your mother's concern. This type of missions are very rare for a reason.
And the mission was exactly how you expected it to be.
It was like a big and cool military operation.
"Hey Peter!" You said through your comms
"What Y/N?" Peter answered a little distracted
"This is just like 'Call of Duty'. It's awesome." You excitedly told Peter
"I knew i had to take your PlayStation when i had the chance." Natasha voiced her thoughts through the comms
"Hey uncle Tones?! Could you be kind enough and drop me my favourite toy?" You asked Tony
"What are you talking about, mini Romanoff?" Tony was so done with your games
"She wants her M4A1." Your mom explained for you" Her rifle. It's in the QuinJet."
"Got it. On it, scarry Romanoffs." Tony disspeared and returned a few seconds later with you rifle
He took off in his suit to the place he was assigned to be after droping the gun in your hands.
You leaded a big team of Shield agents that were given strict orders from Fury to listen and do anything that you order them to do.
The fight wasn't late in showing up.
Hydra really wanted that weapon protected and the Avengers really wanted to have that weapon so they could hide it.
But things got a dramatic turn when something exploted, most probably a grenade, and your mom's legs got trapped under some wreckage.
"I need a little help." Natasha reached her hand to her ear, pressing her comm
"I'm coming Mama." You declared
"No Y/N. Not you. You stay there." Natasha ordered you
"Too late, i already see you."
You are your mother's daughter. Too stubborn for your own good.
You helt your rifle tighter and started to look around for any potencial threat while approching Natasha slowly.
"Mr. Stark... Danger." Natasha heard Peter say through her earpiece
Before the red-head got time to understand what is happening, one gun shot and one explosion echoed through out the building.
Next thing she knows, she sees you collapsing to the ground face forward. A pool of blood starting to form around you.
The next few moments are a blur for Natasha. The panic and worry that took ever her were making her not think rational. Instead of the calm thinking, her maternal instincts kicked in.
She tryes to wiggle her way out of the wreckage, fighting with all her strenghts to reach you, but it was useless.
Tony and Thor freed her and she runned to your side while limping as fast as she could.
She was compleatly ignoring the pain in her leg that was for sure broken.
Turning you around and doing a quick scan over you, Natasha couldn't stop the sob that escaped her lips.
Turns out that you spotted a Hydra agent that was hiding in order to kill your mom.
You saw him aiming for your mom's head and you did the only thing that was fast enough to save Natasha.
Jump in front of her.
Tony blasted some energy in the direction of the agent, succefully eliminating the threat.
But you were shot in the chest and the bullet was too close to your heart. Too close.
Natasha cradeled you in her arms, holding you as closer to her chest as humanly possible, softly rocking you both from side to side.
"You're going to be okay, Y/N. Don't worry baby girl. We're going to fix you. You'll be okay." Natasha cryed as you were silently looking at her, your eyes starting to drop with each second that passed
"Why are you standing there?! Help her! We need to take her to the Medbay. She's looseing too much blood!" Natasha shouted to the rest of the Avengers as they all stood around with a sad but solemn face
They can not save you this time.
"Keep looking at me, my love. Just keep looking at me..." Natasha tried her best in keeping you awake for as long as she could, applaying pressure to your wound
You were just looking at her, having no more power to form words or move anymore but in a one last attempt you mouthed "Mama..."
"Yes baby. It's me. I'm here. Don't leave me. Please don't do that..." Natasha sobbed" Please don't do that..."
But suddently, your eyes closed and your chest settled.
" Y/N?" Natasha started shaking you lightly" Wake up! Come on! Come on, my baby. Open your beautiful eyes. Look at me! We have plans for the future. Remember? Nick said that he will give us a free year so we could do whatever you want together. We can do all the things we said we were too busy for. Just you and me kitten. What am i going to do with my time if i don't have my life anymore? You are my life, Y/N. Don't leave me, baby girl. Please. Don't leave me sweetheart."
The shaking becomed more and more violent as Natasha saw that you weren't responding her.
Her sobbs...
Louder and louder.
The pain in her chest...
"Come on! Wake up!" Natasha kept repeating" Wake up!"
"Wake up!"
"Wake up!"
"Wake up!"
Natasha shoot up, gasping for air.
Her face was tear strained, her forehead full of sweat, her hands were shaking uncontrolably, her heart was beating so fast that it felt as if it was about to jump out of her chest, her breath was coming out in weird patterns.
"Mama?" A concerned voice pulled her out of the fogg in her mind
Natasha backed away for a moment when she saw you in front of her, worry written all over your face.
She looked down at her hands but your blood was no more on them as she expected it to be.
"Are you okay, Mama?" You cooed as you got closer to her
Natasha throwed herself with all her strenght to hug you. The action causing you to fell backwards on the bed. Natasha on top of you.
"Oh, my baby. My sweet and tiny baby. My little girl. I lost you. I couldn't protect you as i promised i would do. Please forgive me baby girl. Please..." Natasha kept pleading over and over as she peppered your face with countless kisses
"Hey, hey. It's okay. Look." You pulled away from her death grip, took her hands in yours and placed them on your cheeks, starting to rub them" I'm okay. I'm alive. You didn't lose me. It was a nightmare, Mama. You didn't fail me. It was all a bad dream and nothing more."
"But i did. I-I saw you die in my arms and i couldn't do anything to prevent it. I‐" Nat bursted out in tears
"No, no, no, no. You did not. I'm here with you. Forever. You can't get rid of me so easely." You smiled in order to reassure your mom that you are okay, kissing her cheeks
You had never seen Natasha in such a state. So vulnerable and fragile. Her cries and sobs are what woke you up from your sleep. Seeing her trashing around in bed scared you and you tried to wake her.
Who would had belived it?
The great Black Widow scared to death of a simple nightmare about looseing her child.
Something no one ever expected to see.
"It was a nightmare..." You whispered softly as your mom pulled you once again closer to her chest" I'm alright. I'm safe with you" You reassured her
Natasha was relifed to see that everything was just a bad dream. But what if one day this actually happens and her life is taken away from her?
She'll make sure that this will never happen as long as she's alive. She'll protect you with all she has. She'll protect you untill her last hearbeat.
@youre-a-total--poser, @ali-lie, @froufrousnowman
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ali-lie · 2 years
Title: little delinquent pt ii
part i | part ii | part iii
Warnings: Female!reader (bat!sis), mostly family fluff, AU, hurt/comfort, language
word count: 4000~
It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment before the latter spoke up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” he tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
Keep reading
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