“You don’t need to find your Confidence, it is in God, all you need is to have faith” -Regine #WorthyToBePraise #Lord #KingOfAllKings #OurShelter #Faith #ConfidenceIsInHim
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Purpose in Life
We had that question in our mind... “What is our purpose” *I’ll tell the answer at the end* In my younger years, I thought my really purpose in my Life is about, people will praise me because I’am smart, and being famous is important to me before, and I don’t believe God that time but I knew Him but I didn’t believe Him... And few years later, I’ve been in a terrible sufferings, it’s like it’s just a dream, what I’ve been through is just a dream, I can’t accept the situation at first, and I thought that I will become one of the crazy people in town because it’s hard for me accept things that I’m not used to do or situation that its been new to me. And there’s someone that been whispering to me that I should turn myself to God, because He heals the broke and mend it, and transform it in a wonderful being, He will cleanse our sinful past, and our sins, and He will transform us into a new us, a new beginning to live on with Him, He will strengthen me and He will always there for us He is our Father, our Savior, our God, our all in all. And I chose to follow that, and truly God cleanse me and washed away my past and my sins, and teach me how accept things and how to forgive and understand things, and really show me what is my purpose in my life. So guyss, this is the answer of the question that I mentioned earlier... Answer: “Be in this sinful world, living for Christ not by the world, you are here to GLORIFY AND WORSHIP GOD IN THIS WORLD, YOU ARE HERE TO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD”
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How to overcome fear
There’s nothing to be afraid here on Earth, because God is with us, who will be against us? God is on our side, we have the MIGHTY PROTECTOR, that will protects us from evil, and you know what, as I have said earlier in my post that “Our minds are covered with lies of the devil” and one of biggest lies that they have told us is “God will not save us, the only person that will save us is the evil one” my reation when I figured it out the truth, I laugh hard and realized that WHAT A LIE! And I said to my self bravely “MY GOD IS BIGGER, MIGHTIESTamong all, STRONGER above all, I HAVE A GOD THAT WILL SAVE ME!” The devil wants our lives to be miserable, they want us not to worship God, they show us the real happiness that is in them. But behold those are just lies, the REAL HAPPINESS IS IN GOD! REMEMBER: God will never leave us nor forsake us, for He is in love with us, the true happiness is in Him. God is right beside us, so why worry and fear? Just pray the hardest when it is hard to pray, believe in your prayer, ask God to give you strength and give you the minds that will wake you up of what is true.... Again, Do not be afraid, brothers and sisters.... God bless
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I read the whole chapter, God wins #BeholdTheAlmightyGod #King #Savior #Amazing
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Our minds are full of lies of the devil, Let God handle them
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Hii everyone! Good evening! This is the first post of my blog.. I don’t even know where to start.... The reason why I make my blog is because... I want to spread the word of God.... My blog is about the Journey when I start living with God.... And the struggles that I’ve been through. Truly truly I say to you, God will never leave you.... I’m so excited to begin and to tell my journey with you guysss... Hope you like it
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