aliceing-blog · 12 years
" I didn't know it was that bad...! "
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The blonde's head tilted slightly in question, hands interlocking behind her form. " But wouldn't it be better if someone left, because they weren't invited in the first place? " Perhaps the logic was different in the other man's head, but that's all that she could make some sense of from what he had said. 
“Good. That trick will only lead to trouble! Disappearing here and reappearing there, it’s no good! No good at all!
He’s a proper demon, that kitty. Oftentimes he sneaks into my tea parties, invisible, and leaves without asking! Who enters a party uninvited then promptly leaves equally uninvited?”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
" Well, not exactly... "
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" I don't believe he's ever taught me how to disappear, though! " The only thing she knew about his abilities-- well, at least the humanized Cheshire-- was that he was able to make himself invisible to the other inhabitants of Wonderland, with the exception of Alice.
“Ah, so it was him who taught you! What a rotten cat.
I do hope he never informed you how to disappear as well as he. It’s rather infuriating taking to nothingness like an ignoramus.”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
Oh dear, it really did seem like he was familiar with the both of them. Though the logic didn't quite work out in her head; hadn't she seen absolutely everyone in Wonderland? Maybe she missed a couple of people... No big deal, really, she could get to know him now!
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" O-Of course not! He was like that ever since... ever since he was a kitten! "
The girl stammered, absolutely awed at this man's way of speech. What a strange conversation this was turning out to be!
Hatter stands abruptly.
“Yes! Both of those! The White Rabbit, who serves the Queen, and the Cheshire Cat, who barges in just as rudely as this group here!
I hope it wasn’t you who taught him that!”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
" Ah, I didn't know... Pardon my intrusion, then, sir. "
The Hare? Does he mean... the White Rabbit? What about Dinah-- the Cheshire Cat? Strange, she hadn't seen him anywhere, yet it seemed he was quite familiar with those she was acquainted with. Or perhaps there were others?
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" I'm not exactly sure, really! I am friends with the White Rabbit, though! And Dinah-- I mean, Cheshire was my pet... "
“‘A bit’ is a bit of an understatement, madam! It’s awfully rude, in fact!
Barging into a tea party uninvited is on the list of worst things that could be done!”
Hatter scratches his finger, trying to relieve himself of the feeling surrounding it. Something about this girl seems familiar.
“Do I know you, by the way? Are you a friend of the Hare? Or perhaps, the Cat?”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
The teacup just manages to miss the blonde, as a hand lifts up to her lips in utter surprise. This man...
" Pardon me, but don't you think it's a bit rude? "
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Despite her words, the look on her face was more of curiosity than anything. Something about him seemed different, she felt something different than she would have around anyone else. How foreign...
Hatter glances up from his cup, when suddenly
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He chucks his full teacup in the general direction of the mob of students and faculty, then shouts.
Meanwhile, the remaining chairs of the table are completely empty.
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
Headcanon: Music
{ I think Marianne, much like anyone else, appreciates music. She prefers classical over anything else because it's so calming, and just pleasant to listen to in general.
Though she doesn't have a chance to listen to it often-- scratch that, she didn't have much of a chance. Now that she's enrolled in Tancho, the resources to listen to music are now much more readily available, and surely, she takes advantage of it often. At least, when she's doing things like homework; it's to help her concentration.
Aaaand that's pretty much all I can think of right now. More will probably end up coming to mind much later. ` u`; }
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
do you prefer the day or night?
" I actually prefer the day, rather than the night. I feel that in the day, you can appreciate a lot more in what's around you and things like that! You get a better view; and plus, it's easier to read!
To be honest, I'm sort of scared of the night, because of what could be lurking around in the darkness... "
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
SoF Memes!
So it struck me that we don’t really have any general meme post. Obviously we don’t want the RP dash cluttered with too much OOC or anything like that but I think prompts would be really nice to give ideas to others for posts. Not to mention occasional helpful critiques for those who would be interested in that. Feel free to bold what you’re accepting in your ask. And don’t forget to be conscious of copious OOC responses and pass around the love~!
Drabble prompts
Who/What/Where prompts
Truth or Dare prompts
Character Questions
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
Only a few more seconds of wait were required, as she spotted an elder male strolling towards her, a rather large axe in hand. Azure eyes widened just a bit at the sight; not that she truly expected him to hurt her, as his demeanor was the utter and complete opposite of murderous-- but a slight shiver ran through her at the thought of someone swinging that around at school. Then again, there was always the possibility of people needing to practice such skills in case of an emergency...
“Was I disturbing you? I can take it elsewhere, so just say so.”
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Now that the mystery had been solved, the female shook her head gently, closing her book so that her finger would serve as the bookmark to keep her page.
" Don't worry about that - the noises were making me curious. " She glanced up, a smile blossoming across her lips. No, it hadn't been much of a disturbance at all - yet it was the unknown aspect of it all that had stopped her in her reading. She had wanted to know what was making the subtle sounds, possibly only audible because she'd been in a quiet location-- and she'd found her answer.
" But if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing? "
And that simple statement was the signal of her interest being sparked to life; then again, it had already started, ever since she'd caught the soft rustling of grass. Blonde bangs were pushed aside, further revealing the features of her face as she waited for his reply. From the looks of it, determining from the axe held in his hand, he'd been practicing with the weapon, perhaps a fighting of sorts. She didn't know anything past that... but that was where the other came in. It was probable that he'd affirm her suspicions; or even negate them. Whatever it would be, she was curious to find out.
❀ daydreaming in wonderland [ open! ]
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
❀ daydreaming in wonderland [ open! ]
It was a nice, sunny day - typical of the Tancho Academy. The female found refuge under a large tree, a book in hand. How she'd longed for this moment-- just a quiet moment to herself, to read. So much work had been piled up lately, in every class, so much that it hadn't given her much of a break. She'd visited the campus library several times, but only for homework, not for recreational purposes. A quiet, relieved sigh escaped her lips.
And so she sat, cradling a book in her lap, eyes focused as they roamed across every printed line on the page. It made her happy, whenever she took a break like this; more specifically, it was always pleasing to just sit down and read a good book. They carried adventures of all sorts-- and being able to indulge in the storyline and let herself fall straight into the depths of the print was the best feeling in the world. Every word lured her deeper and deeper into the pages, yearning to find out what happened next.
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It reminded her of the days back when she frequently sought out Lewis. Occasionally, when she wasn't by his side, listening to every tale she compelled him to tell, she herself would lay down on her bed or even outside under the shade of a reliable tree and read for hours on end; her cat, Dinah, would always remain by her side or in her lap, purring for a caress from the blonde. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen her dearest cat in such a long time... oh, how she missed that feline. If only she were there with her... her reading environment would be perfect.
But a soft rustle caught her attention, curiosity aflame. Glancing up with wide azure eyes, the girl looked around, looking for the source of the suspicious sound.
" ... Hello? "
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
" In a sense, yes. I mean, I've been having trouble, so I figured it would work if I just didn't sleep for a while longer... " A small smile appeared at her own logic. Now that she really thought about it, perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to deprive herself of even more sleep when it was necessary to at least get some sense of it-- school was still in session and she needed all of her concentration to do well!
Though, she did often find herself glancing out the windows quite often...
" Somewhat. I was hoping for better results, but I don't think I can do much more. " Oh well, she would have to resort to making a final attempt at sleeping again. Hopefully this little escapade had served her well in making her just a bit more drowsy, enough to put her right back to sleep once she returned.
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" I understand. It must be hard for a teacher, with all the work they have to do. " She added in a reassuring tone, though she doubted that she could ever understand the pressure and workload of a teacher without having been one herself. " Maybe a good night's sleep will help you get right back on track with everything. " The younger female followed suit with a determined nod of her own, planning to follow through with her own advice-- she could only hope that she could.
We will never sleep || [Shion/Marianne]
“You rather not sleep?” Shion asked with a raised eyebrow. Seemed the exact opposite of what the man was hoping for. He’d rather be asleep. “Well it’s understandable. Did the walk help at all?” He smiled slightly at the blonde as he asked.
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The teacher laughed a bit at she looked at him with curiosity. He didn’t think there was anything entertaining or interesting about the work he’d been doing but the girl had asked with such a genuine expression. “Grading essays.” He replied with a nod. “I seemed to fallen behind a bit,” There was small hint of shame in his tone as he said this part, followed by a small sigh. “I still can’t seem to stay focused.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as they walked.
Shion looked around campus, frowning a bit at the lack of light on the pathways. Even with the curfew, students seemed to get out. And what if one fell and got hurt in the darkness? That wouldn’t be very safe. But by now his vision had adjusted, a good sign.
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
" Sure thing...! " Her words had managed to retain a subtle cheerfulness, despite the immense wave of exhaustion that had just washed over her entirety. The blonde waited for the male to join her by her side as she turned her back to the academy building, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
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She perked up immediately at his inquiry, pausing for a fleeting moment in order to collect her thoughts. Her sight was set on the pathway, as they made their way towards her dorm.
" Actually, I had come out here in the hopes of getting rid of-- well, my sleeplessness. I've been having trouble with it lately, probably due to the new school and all. " 
Glancing up, the girl focused on the elder male. Curiosity had made its way into her expression, reflected in her eyes the most. " But what about you? You said you're a teacher... were you working in the school building? "
We will never sleep || [Shion/Marianne]
Shion gave a small laugh at the girl’s curtsy, not out of mocking but more from his surprise. She was a sweet girl it seemed, polite and nothing like most of the students he’d met. It was quite refreshing actually. Despite his fatigue he was having an enjoyable conversation with the blonde.
“It’s not problem.” The white haired teacher said with a nod. “You’ll have to lead the way though Marianne.” He said with a small nod.
Shion’s path of walking around the school was pretty much from the school building, the dorm, and back. Sometimes he wondered and other times he left campus, but for the most part he was pretty consistent.
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“So Miss. If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you out here?”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
It's safe to say that Marianne was rather thankful that this man had decided to let the incident go-- as was expressed in her grateful words. " Thank you very much, sir. " Her hands had been lowered and were clasped at the front of her skirt, head bowing quickly in return.
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" Oh - of course, that's not a problem. "
Well, she'd have to find another remedy to her temporary insomnia besides getting a couple of minutes in the crisp night air, because she wasn't going to be able to stay out for much longer. " I-I would like that very much, thank you...! " In hindsight, it'd be better to have someone out with her in the darkness of the night, wouldn't it? There were plenty of chances for mysterious creatures to roam around where they could not be seen-- monsters... Her nightmares were often full of them.
Better to be safe than sorry, after all.
We will never sleep || [Shion/Marianne]
He watched the blonde girl with a confused expression. None of the other students he’d met were this respectable. Shion let out a small sigh, running a hand through his colorless hair- a habit of his.
“It’s alright,” He muttered. “Since it’s your first offense and since you were honest, I don’t think punishment is really necessary.”
Shion offered the girl a weak smile although in the darkness it was hard to see. Stifling another yawn he looked back to the girl. “I do need you to go back to the dorms however. Or else there will have t o be consequences.” There was a hint of guilt in his voice as he said this. She was just out for a walk- trying to enjoy the night. But it didn’t matter. He had a duty to take her back. “Would you like me to walk you?”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
" Yes-- " 
Ah, she hadn't been notified of the curfew. Or, at least, she hadn't read that far into the student handbook to be informed about it! Cough. Regardless, the girl's gaze fell to the ground sheepishly, a light blush of embarrassment dusting her cheeks-- though hardly visible in the lack of light.
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" Oh...! No, no, it's fine, I just... couldn't sleep, is all. " Yeah, she'll use that. " But... if there's any punishment necessary, then I'll accept it. " She needed to fess up to it anyway; otherwise, she'd be left feeling guilty!
So he was a teacher... Well, he must have been a teacher for a higher level, because she hadn't recognized him at all, even through the limited amount of visibility that the night provided. " It's nice to meet you. " Even in such a peculiar manner, of course.
We will never sleep || [open]
Shion blinked through the darkness, trying to adjust his tired eyes to see the girl who’d spoken. It took a bit longer than normal but it was understandable his senses weren’t at their strongest. Fatigue did that.
“Marianne?” He repeated the weak words the other had spoken made him feel a slight bit of quilt. Had he been so stern when calling to who ever was around, that he scared her?
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“Are you a student here?” Scared or not there was a curfew for students and if this girl was out than she was breaking it. “It’s just students aren’t meant to be out this late, and you startled me. Sorry for snapping at you.”
He bowed his head slightly to accompany his vocal apology. “I’m Shion by the way. I teach here.”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
" Don't worry, ma'am; it's my job as a student to assist a teacher, after all! "
Marianne knew this all too well; her mother had lectured her day after day in proper manners and etiquette that a good person must have-- and of course, the relationship between an elder and younger person applied to a teacher and student, as well. 
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Books cradled in her arms, she shook her head. " Nothing at all! There's no real need, anyway-- I'm just here to help! " She had piled up the other books in the meantime - glancing at the stacks, she paused for a moment. " Well, I'll have to make a couple of trips... But please, lead the way to your classroom! So we can get these where they belong. "
afternoon! || intro - open
“Oh goodness, I would truly hate to work you too hard.. I would usually do it on my own, but I will have to take you up on the latter.”
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“‘I’m very sorry to put you to this trouble, miss. If you know of anything you’d like in return, just come right out with it.” Luce seemed almost embarrassed to ask for the help of a student on her first day.
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
Through the late hours of the night, Marianne found herself constantly jolting awake, with no hope of ever catching any length of rest. Perhaps it was the new environment that unsettled her and caused the insomnia to plague her. Tossing and turning, her eyes finally were glued to the ceiling, a slight sigh escaping her parted lips.
No, she couldn't sleep. Maybe a small walk would help her recover from her sleepless state? She couldn't stay awake forever, after all.
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The girl quietly made her way outside of her dorm, making sure not to awaken any of the others living with her. She would hate to cause trouble this late at night... And they would question why she was awake in the first place! Well, surely, she would answer simply that she could not fall asleep, but there wasn't much she could do about that--
The sound of another set of muted footsteps aside her own caused the blonde to freeze as well, the night obscuring any and all vision of the other before her. Her eyes took a moment to adjust - then seeing what exactly she had encountered. A taller male, perhaps a senior? But then again, they had come from the academy building...
"Who's there?"
She took a moment of hesitance before responding, words carefully enunciated, as to not alarm him any further. " I-- ... Marianne. " Her hand lifted to grip the collar of her top, fingering it uneasily. Despite the assurance that this was, in fact, another resident of the academy, she still couldn't help but to give in halfway to the doubt in the back of her mind.
We will never sleep || [open]
A light in the school building was still on, belonging to Tancho Academy Ecology teacher.
Shion sat in his class room, maroon eyes staring off at the ceiling as he let out a small sigh. The papers he was supposed to grade were still bare of any marks from his red ink and he couldn’t focus for a second. It was almost childish; immature that he couldn’t keep his mind on one thing. He wanted nothing more to sleep. Even if it was just in this chair, in the class room he was supposed to have left hours again. The  dark circles under his eyes told a different story.
How long had it been since he’d actually slept for more than a doze. The man had been trying, time after time but sleep would not come. He was locked in an awkward haze of being awake and passing out on the ground.
Giving up for the night, Shion pushed the chair back out from behind his desk, and got to his feet. He glanced down at the papers still scattered on his desk, running a hand through his white hair before sighing. It’ll be there in the morning. He thought with a shrug before switching off the light and moving out the door.
He stumbled out into the hall, holding his head slightly. The sudden movement had caused his head to pulse violently- the precursor to a headache. Shion ignored it however.
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  It’d be gone eventually, right?
So Shion walked out of the building greeting the cool night air with a smile. He let out a small sigh. Despite the cool and comforting air he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous as he walked back, and at the sound of footsteps he froze, hands forming fist.
“Who’s there?”
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aliceing-blog · 12 years
Just a quick stroll through the garden wasn't going to hurt, right? Marianne had decided on a whim to visit the school garden, as she had heard many good things about it - wanting to see it for herself. Regardless, Marianne adored any sort of flowers, even planting some herself when she lived with the White Rabbit. Too bad those withered, though...
Lithe steps took her deeper into the rows of bushes and plants, mind wandering idly. She wondered what one of these roses would look like growing in a pot in her dorm-- and with her misplaced attention came a consequence; she had run into another person completely, falling to her bottom in the process.
Despite the sudden knockdown, she glanced down curiously at the bright spot of red that had appeared in her lap, picking up the delicate flower gently. Observing the plant, she admired the beauty of it; it had managed to bloom quite prettily. Just about then was when her eyes flickered back to the person in question. " It's fine-- "
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Those... those clothes....
Her eyes strayed upwards, gaze finally reaching the familiar stranger's face, taking a moment to absorb the matching blonde hair, the pale skin of their face, the azure eyes-- recognition flashed through her eyes, widening slightly in response to the immediate surprise manifesting itself in the smaller female. Alice, Alice, Alice--!
Rose in hand, the blonde stood up, about ready to throw her arms carelessly around the boy - before she stopped to reconsider; this was her brother, but was he... going to hurt her? He was covered in blood... Regardless, she shook off the thought, putting on a brighter smile.
" Alice... You're here...! "
oranges and lemons{open
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If bells could talk, it seems as though the flowers did the same. However, their evil whispers were doing nothing but giving the senior student a bad case of hay fever! With another violent sneeze, Alice was heavily considering going back inside. But it was so nice out today! And it felt like more than a literal breath of fresh air to be outside after that…teeny tiny, itty bitty incident that just hit the school, leaving Alice with a fresh batch of bloodstains on his good blazer. Well, at least this time, it wasn`t his own blood…  He hummed the morbid little nursery rhyme to himself as he walked down the garden path, hands swinging with the tune. “Who makes up these fairy tale stories and rhymes anyway?” He sighed to himself in musing. “And they always sound so depressing.” Who would make such a depressing, twisted story? Ah. He could think of someone, actually. “Here comes a candle to light you to bed, and here comes a chopper to chop off your head! Geeze! What kind of rhyme for kids is that?” He picked a rose off of the bush adjacent to him, stray petals falling on the stark white of his clothing. He thought of the Queen who hated the bright red of those roses - man, life here was so different!  Alice was so preoccupied with his ridiculous pondering that he ran right into someone, dropping the rose out of his hand and right onto their lap.  “Oh, I`m sorry.I…wasn`t looking.”
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