littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
She's had fifty chances. Half of the people that get akumatized become that way because of Chloe. She doesn't deserve the Bee Miraculous at all. Don't you already have to be a good person and prove that you're a good person to get a Miraculous, like how both Marinette and Adrien helped the old man in the origin episode? God, I just hate Chloe so much and don't care if anyone disagrees with me.
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“ My confession: I want Chloe to become the holder of the Bee Miraculous- not because she’s ‘special’ or 'deserves’ it- but because I believe that everyone should have a second chance. Even if they don’t deserve it.” 
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Hey, yo, I agree. But, I just gotta say that I don't think dating Hook has worn Emma down. I think becoming the Dark One, traveling to the Underworld, and fighting the Evil Queen all while under the threat of fate and death and that hand shaky thing has worn her down. (Not to mention that the actors get older each year and they can't stop how they look different with aging) They've gone through a lot of shit, man. Can't blame it on Robin and Hook, who have been there for them and encouraged them, and loved them unconditionally, and risked their lives for those beautiful women. I'm a SwanQueen shipper for life, but both CaptainSwan and OutlawQueen had undergone development from the first day they met each other. It wasn't love at first sight like Snowing. It was slow, steady, and beautiful. Yes, the writers shouldn't retcon shit and fuck up two beautiful, badass female characters, but you can't say that Robin and Hook aren't good for Regina and Emma.
hey guys do you remember when Emma and Regina were two strong, independent women who didn’t need men to be fucking badass and awesome and then the AMAZING writers smoked some crack and spent an entire summer in Texas and they conveniently decided that they should date two people who are literal crooks and now their judgement, sense of stability, and even physical traits(I’m not talking about being hot, I’m talking about how Emma has looked worn down and sickly since she started dating Hook) have been altered but it’s all good because at least they have someone in their beds at the end of the day even though it could’ve totally been each other because it makes sense but whatever, gotta please the patriarchy :)))))))))
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
No reason?
I hate when my stepdad tries to tell me I have no reason to be depressed. "You have a roof over your head." "You have clothes." "You have food." Yes, I have the basic essentials to live. But the problem is... I don't want to live.
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Height differences are S A C R E D
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
James Potter: - Was a bully - Jinxed people when he was bored and laughed at it - Was totally okay with Remus being a werewolf - Became an unregistered animagus so that his werewolf friend wouldn’t have to suffer through the full moon alone - Realized within a few years what a douche he was to people - Changed for the better - Loved his wife and his son with all his heart and wanted only what was best for them - Joined the Order of the Phoenix as soon as he left Hogwarts - Faced Lord Voldemort without a wand, in hope of buying Lily and Harry time, knowing that he stood no chance of surviving
Severus Snape: - Thought muggle-borns were inferior - Called his only friend “mudblood” - Became a Death Eater - Told Voldemort about the prophecy, bc he was 100% okay with killing an infant - When he got to know that it was Lily’s son, he asked Voldemort to spare HER, not caring how she would feel to have her son and husband killed - Bullied Harry simply because he was James’ son - Bullied Neville until he became the poor boy’s WORST FEAR (that same poor boy who witnessed his parents get tortured to insanity by Bellatrix, yet SNAPE was his worst fear.) - Shamed Hermione for her teeth until she cried. And then she permanently changed them. - Threatened to kill Trevor when Neville failed to do a potion - Used his position of power as a teacher to make students’ lives miserable - Told everyone Lupin was a werewolf, and intended to get him fired - Knew that Sirius didn’t tell Voldemort the Potters’ location (I could explain how but I can’t bother now) but still wanted him to get a dementor’s kiss bc of what happened when they were 16 - Helped Harry in the end
But sure, go ahead and tell me Snape was a better person than James.
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
I'm still so ticked off that Violet, Klaus, and Sunny couldn't stay with her and just be goddamn happy
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Kill me
It hit me that the reason Martin Chatwin likes to hang around playgrounds and kids places is because he never had a childhood of his own
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
This is all painfully true, as a writer and as a reader, honestly I'm one of the best ones cause I write as well and know how annoying the other types of comments are.
Wattpad Rants:The Types of Wattpad Readers
As an author who has been on Wattpad for over a year and now has over 6,000 followers and more than 135,000 votes on all my stories, I can say that I’ve encountered almost every type of reader there is.
Let me share with you some of them.
1. The User
Typical Comments: Hi! I love your work! I’ve been following you like forever! And I have voted for each and every one of your stories! Can you please check out mine? And leave some votes or comments?
The Catch: It’s all a lie. When you check, they’re not following you. They haven’t voted for any of your stories. They’re just messaging you so they could gain reads and votes on their own stories. 
2. The Boss
Typical Comments: Why are you so slow in updating? What’s taking you so long? Update now. If you take a bit longer, I won’t be reading this story anymore.
My Comment: Wow, right? It’s like they’re paying me to write so they have the right to demand those updates. They’re rude and so irritating. They’re even more demanding than your boss.
The Catch: These are usually the users who don’t even vote. They can compose a lengthy update demand but won’t even lift that finger to vote.
3. The Know-It-All / Smart-Ass
Typical Comments: The spelling of “Wattpad” isn’t W-A-T-T-P-A-D it’s W-O-T-P-O-D. It’s like you don’t even know what a dictionary is. How are you even a fucking writer?
What they do: They correct each and every part of your story in a rude and irritating manner.
The Catch: They are WRONG. They couldn’t be more wrong but when you stand your ground, correct them and even give supporting evidence, they get mad. If you also check their works. they have the same errors and if you check the comments, they are mad when this gets pointed out.
What I think: Some types like these only want to bring people down. If they truly know what they are doing then they should have done it in their own stories. People are inherently quick to notice mistakes and slow to praise. The best thing to do is to politely thank them for their help and also to politely give them facts or evidence. It’s up to them whether they accept it or get mad because they have to save their pride.
It’s them who’ll look stupid, not you.
4. The Best Ones
Typical Comments: Please do continue writing. Do not mind those who hate. We love your work and will always be here to support.
What they do: They read, they vote, they point out mistakes in a nice manner.  They offer their support in everything that you do. They wait for updates patiently. They understand that authors have lives and responsibilities.
My Comments: For my readers who are like this, you know who you are. Thank you so much for all your support. You are the reason that I am still on Wattpad right now. :)
Sometimes the silent readers also belong in this category. I’d rather have silent readers who do not vote or comment rather than having haters.
5. The Ranters:
Typical Comments: I hate your female character! She is such a bitch! Why can’t she see that he’s perfect? Hell, I’d like him for myself! (long rant which nearly exceeds the character limit of the comment box)
What they do: They rant about everything, every chapter. It’s long, it’s repetitive but it’s their opinion.
What I think: I just let ranters rant. It’s a free world and everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. Also, I know that I can’t please everyone so I just try to please those who matter. 
Rants are okay with me as long as it’s the story they pertain to. If they target me and say insulting things– then you are now blocked, buddy.
6. The True Haters
Typical Comments: you b***ch! you’re so fu***ng stupid! I hate you! I hate your country! your family! Everything about you I can hate, I definitely hate!
What I think: Meh. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. LOL. These are the types of people who seemed to have been raised in the gutters. They don’t have any polite bone in their body. They use words that wants to make you scrub their mouths with soap to clean it. They don’t have anything good to say. Maybe it just gives them some sort of “high” to hate on other people and ruin their day.
Their hate is not even about your story. It’s about you and everything in your world. 
What to do: Ignore and block. There’s no use having your day ruined by good-for-nothing people who are mad and jealous with the world at the same time.
7. The Askers
Typical Comments: Hey, when’s the next update? What happened to Character A and Character B? Where is the setting of this story?
Seems like simple questions, right?
The Catch: You’ve placed everything on your author’s notes already, either before or after the chapter. But these people don’t like to read. They prefer wasting their time typing a really long comment rather than read your author’s notes.
What to do: Breathe in, breathe out. Pray for calmness.
Accept the fact that some people don’t read everything. Calmly point out that this was already written in Chapter Blah and if they could read the author’s notes next time.
These are just some of the people I encountered. I know there’s more but for me, there’s only one kind that matters: The Best Ones.
It is for them that I write. And for the others? You’re important to you know.
It’s because of you I strive to improve myself. One of my goals is to write something so beautiful that it makes the ranters closer their mouths, the haters to become angels, the users to truly read and vote, the bosses to commend me and for the know-it-alls to not find a single mistake. 
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Reblogging for future reading time
Peter Pan
-he gets jealous (SMUT)
-Peter is absolutely in love with you and you take it to the next level (SMUT)
Little John
-Pan is very possessive lol duh
Perfect Life
-yo have a perfect life but Peter still took you
I Told You So
-Baelfire likes you but so does Pan
Over And Over [Part Two]
-song reference for Over and Over by Three Days Grace
Back And Forth
-you’re sick and you need to go back home
-song reference for alphabet boy by Melanie Martinez
Pure Evil
-you’re the most feared villain
-you hated each other and then boom!
-you get kidnapped by pirates and Peter saves you
Half A Heart
-you go the underworld to save Peter before it’s too late
Badass Princess
-you’re a badass princess
Second Chance
-Pan bans you and regres it
Mad Hatter
-you’re the mad hatter
-he cheats on you (another version)
-you speak two languages
Different  [Part Two]
-you’re a mermaid (that’s it lol)
-a oneshot inspired by the song “Lost Boy” by Troye Sivan ;)
Silent Treatment
-Pan says something mean so you ignore him
Tasmanian Devil
-you have wild pet that reminds you of Pan
You Don’t Own Me
-song reference for “You don’t own me” by Grace ft. G-Eazy
-where when the shadow took rumple away he had a little sister (1 year younger then rumple) who ran of into the jungle and pan finds her and let’s her stay in Neverland with him.
-you blush like an idiot but Pan finds it cute
Bad Blood  [Part Two]
-song reference for “Bad Blood” by Taytay Swift
-Pan cheats on you with Wendy and you go cray cray
-you suffer from bipolar disorder and Pan finds out
-you have been taken by Rumble and your evil step mother because they want your powers and they try to kill you but Pan saves you
Gender Blender
-you are the leader of the lost girls and your group beat the lost boys’ asses
-you’re Regina’s daughter and Regina abandons you to become queen and when they go to find Henry she finds you
Too Late  [Part Two]
-Emma’s your mom and when they go to Neverland to find Henry, she finds you and tries to save the both of you but it was too late
Rumple’s Parents
-Rumple is your son and he tries to kill you because you and Pan left him
-you’re powerful like your mother, Regina and you convince Pan to not kidnap Henry and just kill rumple instead
Magic Box
-Pan gets frustrated with technology so you laugh at him
-Pan needs to accept that you died
Long Time No See
-you were in an orphanage and Emma knew you
Jealous Game
-your best friend makes Pan jealous by flirting with you because Pan was all over Wendy
-Pan finds out that you’re ticklish
-you’re crazy and you’re the queen of Wonderland
Better Than Wonderland
-Pan brings you somewhere better than Wonderland
Robbie Kay
-Robbie is afraid that you don’t love him back
Break The Distance
-you see Robbie for the first time
-you’re hispanic
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
trying to prove a point to my parents
like if you think there are only 2 genders
reblog if you think there are more than 2 genders
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
i can’t believe robin only had like one jacket and henry’s got only one scarf to keep him warm and emma’s only possession clothes-wise is that red jacket (we don’t talk about that ugly ass burnt sienna one) and snow’s lost all her hats and hook literally lived in that musty pirate uniform for two and a half seasons (during which there was a whole year time jump) and meanwhile,, regina goes into her limitless closet every day and picks out one of her 50 coats and pulls out one of her 200 scarves to match and i guess i’m just happy the costume department at least cares for regina’s well-being
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Person: Sirius finds Remus beautiful despite his scars.
Me, an intellectual: No, Sirius finds Remus beautiful WITH his scars.
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
the well known Harry Potter cycle
Step 1: thinking Snape is a bad guy
Step 2: thinking Snape is a good guy
Step 3: realising as you mature as a person that Snape was actually a terrible person after all and was an abusive bully who didn’t grown out of this stage even into his late 30s and an obsessive person who thought he was entitled to Lily just because she showed him friendship and no matter how many bias memories of his you are shown you will never see him in any different way 
unfortunately some people are still stuck in stage 2
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
This was beautiful
Not hating, but for me Cameron brings absolutely nothing to his role as Ian. He could never in a million years do what Noel does with Mickey. It's almost impossible to tell what Ian's even thinking half the time. He should def stick to Jerome/Gotham.
Okay, firstly. An actor’s job depends a lot on the script that the actor’s given. The scripts have been shit since S6, Ian-wise. They haven’t allowed him half of the character development they gave Mickey, half of the emotional heaviness of Mickey’s scenes, half of the quality. And we’re talking about writers who dropped the bipolar storyline because it was ‘boring’. 
Before that? In S5? Cameron did a wonderful job. Not good, but great. His depiction of mental illness was so spot on - every mentally ill Shameless fan will tell you that. 
You’re arguing that it’s impossible to tell what Ian’s thinking half the time, and you’re comparing him to Mickey - but that’s just how the characters are. Mickey wears his heart on his sleeve - he’s always very explicit about what he feels, even when repressing it, it’s right there for everyone to see. Ian is different, because Ian doesn’t only hide his feelings to others - he hides them from himself. He hides them so much, he doesn’t even feel them.
I do agree that Noel and Cam act in very different ways, and if you don’t like Cam’s acting, that’s fine. Sometimes people prefer ‘warmer’ actors, and others prefer ‘colder’ actors. 
Cam is very icy, still, enigmatic, and he adapted these assets to an emotionally repressed mentally ill teenager who lives in an environment where he doesn’t feel allowed to express himself. 
This would be easily solved if the writers would do something to ‘free’ Ian, and make him go back to a more genuine behavior (first 3 seasons). The problem is, the writers don’t think there is any problem to solve. 
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Yo yo yo...
I'm fairly new to Tumblr and have exactly 0 followers, so this probably won't get around much. But I just wanna say and tell my fellow tumblr peeps that I do one shots, drabbles, fics, all that fun stuff. And I am in a great many fandoms, so you could request stuff and I'll be all for writing it. Thank you, and goodnight.
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
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Hollywood’s hottest couple is Spideypool but you’d only know it if you were paying VERY close attention at the Golden Globes
You may not have caught this — it happened fast — but a new romance took flight tonight. As the melodic chords of the La La Land soundtrack sounded a win for Ryan Gosling in the Best Actor, Comedy, category, fellow nominee and Canadian Ryan Reynolds was too busy to notice. The Deadpool actor was caught on video kissing Best Actor, Drama nominee Andrew Garfield.
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littlewolflet-blog · 8 years
Victuuri gave me the Pair Skate
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Johnlock gave me the Hug
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and now Spideypool actors gave me the Kiss
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2017 is a great and beautiful year for my ships
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