aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
“Have you seen this?!” His usually chipper demeanor was replaced by one of anger and frustration (and perhaps a twinge of fear). Dirk slammed the Daily Prophet down on the table, nearly knocking over his cocoa. “Shit.”
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“‘MUGGLE FAMILY DISAPPEARS; Ministry investigating.’ And that’s it. As if… as if they aren’t worthy of a lengthier feature. No names, not a picture–nothing. Like that poor family was an afterthought to the Prophet!” Glancing around, he realized he’d drawn attention of neighboring tables. He sat back down, having said his piece. “—anyway, how’s your morning been?”
     alice’s eyes immediately fell to the newspaper that the boy had nearly just thrown beside her. feeling her heart nearly stop in her chest, she read the headline. the war was beginning to escalate and things like the news article only made alice feel that she had no control whatsoever. she took the paper and scanned it once more, angry to find that his statements were 100% correct. the witch carefully handed the paper back to him and said, “what a tragedy, i can’t even imagine how worried their loved ones must be. and you’re right dirk! the prophet has been rather lousy as of late when it comes to reporting these sorts of things.” she scraped at the leftover food on her plate with a fork before replying, “my morning’s just fine. i would ask how your’s is but i think i can already tell.”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
“ — word to the wise – i, ah, REALLY wouldn’t recommend going in there right now. ”
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“what seems to be the issue?”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
Solemnly she smiled at the fellow Hufflepuff. Words of encouragment were usually her own brand. But now she couldn’t admit to it, not here at age seventeen just months from when she would no longer have the safety of the castle to fix her mistakes. “Alice, I think I’m better off just not working with a wand when I don’t have to. I’m a hypocrite.”
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alice was never someone who just gave up. she had a heart of gold, which was perhaps one of her biggest downfalls. she cared entirely too much about everyone but herself. “let me help, please? i promise we will figure it out together. but if not it’s entirely okay. it won’t be the end of the world, i swear.”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
                                              “LOOK I’M JUST SAYIN’ —- you want in, it’s gonna cost you more than that. the buy in for these games ain’t cheap, despite how your handsome host looks.”
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“i think you have the wrong girl, fletcher. i’m not the type to waste my money on a game.”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
frnklongbottm :
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        he noticed her far before she’d spotted him. he always noticed her. his friends often teased that he seemed to have a RADAR when it came to alice prewett, an almost alarm that sounded whenever she was within sight, and though he usually laughed it off he sometimes wondered if it was true. resting back in his seat, feet kicked up on the table, he watched with a smile on his face as she tossed her hair over her shoulders, smoothing down her robe ( though he had previously believed it could not be any smoother ) and finally making her way towards him. 
        greeting her with a grin, he was a moment away from speaking before she interjected. closing his book with an abrupt SNAP, he shook his head, standing up and tossing a salute benjy’s way as a sign that he was leaving. ❝ ‘course i’m not too busy for a lil’ adventure, miss prewett. ❞ holding out his arm for her to loop hers through, he widened his grin. ❝ c’mon, partner — the snow has been leaving me rather bored, as of late. ❞
frank was one of alice’s closest friends. but as of late, she had been unsure if the feelings that she had towards him were simply platonic. she cared deeply for him. and every time she saw his face, she swore that a swarm of butterflies threatened to burst straight from her stomach. she watched as he sprung out of his chair and towards her. that feeling in her stomach started up again, and she swore that her cheeks turned scarlet red.
instinctively she grabbed a hold of his arm, leading him towards the nearest exit to the exterior of the castle. she navigated them quickly down the stairs and towards the forbidden forest. alice teased innocently, “i don’t know what i would do without my knight in shining armor, there’s no telling what we’re going to run into in there.” as they trekked through the snow she asked, “tell me mr. longbottom, anything new and exciting as of late?
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
ofceliaavery :
Celia immediately sprayed herself on the space of the brunette’s bed. She hadn’t expected to see Alice, but she was glad for her presence regardless. “I shouldn’t be a witch, Alice. I should have been a squib. I’m horrible at magic.”
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alice sat back up, looking intently at celia. it pained her to hear her speak so lowly of herself. she made direct eye contact with her friend and said, “celia avery. now you listen here. you are an extraordinary witch. it just takes time, cece. you’ll get the hang of it and i will help.”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
ofceliaavery :
Celia hated transfiguration. She had always been terrible at it. She ran up to the dorm room, a bit embarrassed from having turned her Christmas bauble into a pile of ash rather than a quaffle. “Is it okay if I do?” Celia asked still standing in the doorway.
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alice was always good at sensing when something was off, especially when it came to celia. she sat back up and whilst clearing a space for her on the bed she asked, “what’s the matter, ce? and you know you don’t even have to ask.” she patted on the space she had just cleared and waited patiently for her friend.
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
     boredom was something that often plagued the witch, and as a result she had taken to exploring the exterior grounds of the school. for the most part, she knew every inch but being outside was something she enjoyed. doing it with someone, particularly a certain gryffindor boy, was even better. after seeking out a handful of his friends she was given his location and immediately made a beeline for him. her face practically lit up at the sight of him and although he was just several feet away and probably had already seen her, she quickly smoother her robe out and tossed her hair behind her shoulders.
     "i hope you’re not busy because i am in need of my partner in crime, frank. it just finished snowing and i am just dying to find fresh unicorn tracks.”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
one of alice’s favorite places was her bed and she had ran away to take a brief nap rather than actually go to her potions class. she had convinced herself she had deserved it after all. just as she was preparing to pass out she noticed someone familiar make their entrance and said, “i’ve had a rough day, don’t tell me you’ve come to join me?”
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
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CRYSTAL REED —— Well, if it isn’t ALICE PREWETT, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re BRAVE and LOYAL, but they can also seem pretty CHILDISH and SHARP-TONGUED. Sometimes people call them the ACTIVIST. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. (( sarah; est; 19; she/her ))
yeah idk what that gif was either, all i know is she looks freakin’ gorgeous!
anways, time to focus.
     meet alice violetta prewett, your resident hufflepuff cutie. she’s a pureblood and comes from a family that does not believe in blood purity, therefore she has very strong feelings towards it? like she most likely has gotten into altercations with various people over it and has without a doubt stepped in to define a muggle born student. she is a big believer in equality and if there were rallies she would be the girl on someone’s shoulders waving a sign and screaming at the top of her lungs.
     alice is a freak for charms and just excels in it. she has had her eyes on becoming an auror since she was in her third year and works very hard at her schoolwork so she is able to hopefully obtain an offer to begin training after graduation. she has her eyes on joining the Order, as many of her closest friends are already members.
    some other info on my sweet potato is that she has a very short temper and when she gets angry, she is very quick to retaliate. it is something that gets her detention quite often which is the last place she wants to be. in her free time she is constantly outside. it doesn’t matter what the weather is, if you can’t find her you’ll find her on the grounds somewhere.
so i’m trash and that’s all i have right now. i start work tomorrow so i need to throw some laundry in quick. i will either edit this post or actually post a proper biography. i’ll also post a starter soon. please message me for establishing connections and plotting i love u all so much xoxo
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