aurorabrodyarcher · 3 years
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The Basics
Name || Brody Archer
Face Claim || Jordan Fisher
Birthday || February 5, 2004
Gender || cis male
Pronouns || he/him
Sexuality || Bisexual
Magical Informaton
House || hufflepuff
Year || 7th
Blood Status || Muggleborn
Activities || Herbology Club, Knitting Club, Muggle Appreciation Club
Wand || Silver Lime wood with Unicorn Hair core, 11 ¼ inches
Amortentia || Freshly dug/laid soil, and baking apple pie
Details & Bio
Personality || Kind, Friendly and Insecure, Trusting Bio ||
Brody Carmine Archer was born February 5, 2005 to muggle parents Edith and Jonathan Archer. Brody grew up in a loving, middle-class home. Edith and Jonathan owned and operated a very popular bakery in their small town, one that had been in their family since his grandparents opened it in the 1950’s. Despite the strange things that would happen around the house, fluctuating with some of Brody’s moods, his parents never looked at him as odd or abnormal. And, thankfully, Brody was never one to throw many fits or be too terribly moody, so magical outbursts were often overlooked, classified as ‘one of those strange things’ and tucked away in the backs of minds.
When Brody was 11, and the Archers received word that he was, in fact, a Wizard, they couldn’t believe it. Naturally, he and his parents had a million questions, and yet found solace in the few answers they’d received. It didn’t matter that Brody was magical- in fact, both Edith and Jonathan support him endlessly. Brody grew up as an only child, and often found himself very lonely. So, he turned to two things for comfort- reading, and baking. Naturally, being the son of generational bakers, he began learning his way around the kitchen at an early age. As he’s grown, Brody has learned to be comforted by baking, and he enjoys making new creations to share with others. Reading is a passion of his as well, along with knitting, and hand-making other homemade items (such as soaps, balms, and salves, which he now incorporates magic into for that extra oompf).
Growing up, Brody did not have the easiest time in the muggle school system, and shortly after being told he was a Wizard, his parents pulled him from public school and enrolled him in a homeschool program, not quite ready to send Brody to the magical schools they’d heard about. Brody did well in academics, not perfect but always wanting to make his parents as proud of him as possible. Once he entered high school, they enrolled him in school in the magical world, hoping he’d have an easier time with other Witches and Wizards. From there, he transitioned into Hogwarts to complete his higher education.
Brody is known for being a sweetheart. He seems to always be around to offer a smile, a hug, or a helping hand. He loves making things for his friends, fellow students, and even professors. Brody is a people person, but also a people pleaser, which can sometimes land him in hot water when he over-extends himself. However, he does harbor many insecurities, especially when it comes to knowledge of the magical world and being muggle-born. Although he has never experienced flat-out bullying due to his blood status, he worries some may see him as sub-par, or not as good as those with lineages. Due to his insecurities, relationships don’t always come easy for him, and he has some social anxiety issues.
Wanted Connections
A best friend/confidante
A flirtatious connection- someone he has been flirting with/has been flirting back, but no solid relationship has been established
A study buddy
Other Herbology lovers
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aurorajosietate · 3 years
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Name || Josephine Tate Face Claim || Kat McNamara Birthday || October 31, 2005 Gender || cis female Pronouns || She/Her
House || Ravenclaw Year || 6th Blood Status || Pureblood Activities || Charms Club, Ravenclaw Cheer Team (Flyer), Tutor Association, 6th Year Ravenclaw Prefect Wand || Blackthorn Wood with Unicorn Hair core, 10 ¼ Amortentia || New books and Smoke from a bonfire.
Personality || Determined, Understanding and Type-A, Guarded Bio ||
Josephine Mykel Tate was born on Halloween night, 2005. Daughter of Witch Bella Tate and Witch Cassandra, Josie was born via a Wizard sperm donor- a close friend of her mothers’. Her mothers, both graduates of Hogwarts, were thrilled when she began to show signs of magic. Growing up with two Witches afforded Josephine many privileges others may not have been afforded, and her knowledge of the magical world is deep and complete. Since childhood, she has been fascinated by every magical object and creature she’s come into contact with. As the daughter of a magical bookseller and a teacher at the magical school for younger students, education and academics have always played important roles in Josephine’s life.
Despite her studious ways, Josephine has always had a bit of a wanderlust, a thirst for adventure that she hopes to quench after graduation from Hogwarts. For now, though, she focuses heavily on her schooling, as well as her extracurricular activities. Since childhood, she has been involved in dance in some way, so the Cheerleading Team was a natural leap for her to take upon enrolling in Hogwarts. Although she is known for being one of the top students in her year, as well as a Prefect, Josie is a wonderful and loyal friend. She has a truly caring soul, and in many situations finds herself playing the role of the ‘Mom friend’.
While she is friendly, outgoing, and a great shoulder to lean on in times of need or struggle, Josephine has a bit of an edge to her. She hides it well, and does her best to remember not to take her feelings out on others. She can be guarded and sometimes moody, having experienced her first and greatest heartbreak approximately a year and a half ago. During a trip to a muggle mall when she was 17, Josie met who she believed to be the love of her life- a muggle boy by the name of Michael. The two connected instantly and began dating soon after meeting, and their relationship turned serious quickly. They spent time making plans, dreaming of their future, and even picked out engagement rings for after they’d both graduated their respective schools. Disaster struck when Josie finally met Michael’s parents, and he let it slip that she was a member of the magical world. His parents flipped out, believing her to be evil, and calling her a freak. They forbade the couple to see each other, though for a while they did not allow that to deter them. Secrecy worked, until it didn’t, and his parents found out what they’d been up to behind their backs. It was then that the up and relocated their family, leaving Josie behind. She never heard from her love again.
Wanted Connections
A bestie/confidante
Other Cheerleaders
A flirtatious/returned flirtation situation
Other Prefects
Studdy Buddy/Other Tutors
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edtvnks · 7 years
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AVAN JOGIA—— Well, if it isn’t EDWARD (TED) TONKS, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SIXTH years. Most people think that they’re HUMBLE and RESILIENT, but they can also seem pretty HEADSTRONG and IMPULSIVE. Sometimes people call them the PALADIN. Sure, they’re a MUGGLEBORN, but that doesn’t define them. 
a serial monogamist 
a song that really epitomizes ted currently is titanium (the cover by boyce avenue)
teddy dear was born into a poor muggle family, and they had very few opportunities for getting financially better, but they all loved each other. respect and humility were a huge part of what he learned growing up and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for his family
when he was 11 and got his letter, his parents uprooted everything and moved to london so he’d be closer to kings cross and diagon alley, even though they had little funds to do it with and didn’t really understand how important these places are to hogwarts wizards
ted is pretty humble and never brags about anything he has the luxury to receive, and is a very hard worker. he struggles with most magical subjects but he’s never tried to give up in his six years
he’ll kick your ass if you’re privileged and have the GALL to complain about dearest mum and dad around him. (he calls people out when they’re acting entitled bc he does not stand for that ish)
has no idea what career he wants bc he is good at nothing so far
like i said he’s a serial monogamist, but his relationships so far have never lasted very long and tbh his first girlfriend was when he was 10, SO like exes plots are very much wanted for this one
uhhh yeah that’s tedward for y’all, HMU FOR PLOTS
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meliabnes · 7 years
hey demons, it’s me, ya girl, comin @ u with another character heck yeah !!!!!
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ANA DE ARMAS —— well, if it isn’t AMELIA BONES, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. for those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SIXTH years. most people think that they’re IDEALISTIC & PROACTIVE, but they can also seem pretty UNRULY & OBSTINATE. sometimes people call them the FIREBRAND. sure, they’re a HALFBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
first off, her pinterest is heeere
amelia is a new muse so please bear with me while i figure her out!! but basically what i have so far: 
she is a soft punk lil idealistic hufflepuff who would fight the government if she could and wears combat boots & spiky leather jackets over flowery sundresses. dyed her hair pink the muggle way at the beginning of the summer and it’s kinda faded now
probably has a sleeve tat of flowers 
she was raised in a household full of love & people -- although it’s just her, edgar and their parents, they have a large extended family who’s always dropping by -- by parents who instilled a strong sense of morals in her & always taught her to do the right thing
and she does try and do the right thing most of the time but she can also be very impulsive and often does the first thing that pops into her head 
she does have a habit of partying -- has definitely smoked a few joints in her lifetime and is no stranger to getting smashed & making Bad Decisions like dancing on tables or hooking up with random people dont tell edgar
but on the whole she tries to Live Her Best Life -- she is v politically opinionated, is vegetarian, has probably been to at least 4 protests, tries to reduce her carbon footprint & all that 
she just Cares about the World ok
big believer in “if you want something done right you have to do it yourself”
idealistic af, truly believes that good will win & things will get better
try changing her mind on anything tho and you will have a Hard Time of it. it has been done before, it is possible, but she’s v stubborn on most of her opinions and will argue for them too
idk ?? what else to say??? took me 10 years to write this intro and it’s so short smh 
pls plot with me
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rsmrta · 7 years
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here’s my next bb, because i have no self control. she’s my smol angry bean, francine ollivander! 
she will punch you in the throat if you ever call her francine
she’s 16 years old, and a small gay elf princess
frankie dearest is the daughter of none other than mr. ollivander, glorious wandmaker
contrary to popular belief, she is not the picture perfect heiress of the business. she’s actually quite aggressive when angered and will win if there’s ever a cussing competition at hogwarts. 
she’s a romance virgin (also a virgin virgin) and has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend because she scares most people away with fights before anyone can get close enough to make her sad
her dream is to become a professional adventurer because staying in wizarding britain is too boring for her
she’s actually pretty friendly and loves talking to girls and being in girl groups, but also will hang out with the boys because she loves getting down and dirty and talking nonsense and also because boys cuss more in her experience
she got kicked off of the quidditch team because she started too many midair fights with the other teams (mostly ravenclaw and slytherin, she loves most hufflepuffs), and once threw the quaffle at the scorekeeper and hit slughorn who was sitting in the second row.
she’s always mouthing off to dumbledore because he only laughs and encourages her (it’s mostly a playful thing on her part) but she is lowkey terrified of mcgonagall
highkey she wanted to try out for the play but only for the role of danny zuko and mcgonagall didn’t let her so she said ‘screw all of you’
anyway, so to her childhood
she grew up with a brother (hmu if u wanna play him wink wink) and their dad began teaching them basic magic before he was supposed to, so she’s pretty skilled in magic for someone that once got her head stuck inside one of the shelves at the wand shop
she and her brother are fairly close and he’s one of the reasons she’s such a tomboy and knows how to physically fight (and is always trying to physically fight)
other than all of her raging anger issues, she’s an angel
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cresswxlls · 7 years
✰°⋆˖✰°⋆˖ ┊ JORDAN FISHER —— Well, if it isn’t DIRK CRESSWELL, the RAVENCLAW superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re CHARISMATIC and ENTERPRISING, but they can also seem pretty RESTLESS and IMPATIENT. Sometimes people call them the SILVER TONGUE. Sure, they’re a MUGGLEBORN, but that doesn’t define them.
okay, because i really have no chill, there’s really way to much information under the cut . but he does have a stats page here in addition to the mess!! 
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so like lily, dirk here managed to become one of those connectionless muggleborns that slughorn wanted to collect anyway. for dirk, it was largely because of the years he spent travelling around the world with his father -- a muggle archaeologist and museum curator.
his mother was a squib who was encouraged by her pureblood family to disappear as soon as she hit sixteen and useless. she tried her best to merge herself into the muggle world, and even managed to fall in love with dirk’s father, but found that she was always distant and unsatisfied, still longing for the world she’d lost. when dirk was around three, she left dirk and his father, and since then he was accustomed to being a team of two. 
they were always really tight; his father home-schooled dirk so he would never have to leave him at home while he went off and did all these fantastic things. they had an apartment that they would come back to for a few weeks at a time, but dirk found he was better suited for dig sites and foreign hotels. he never really picked up on his father’s love for the history of places, but he adored languages, and was able to become nearly fluent in whatever local dialect they were around 
neither he nor his dad knew his mother was a squib? an she ghosted years ago, so his hogwarts letter was a major shock to the system. but not one that drove a stake between their relationship! deal with a cursed object or two ( actually cursed, leftover from ancient wizards’ grave-sites ) and you’ll find you’re not that surprised to learn that more magic exists. the pair remained tight, and dirk still loves returning to travels with his dad during the breaks 
it also wasn’t a shock to either of them that dirk ended up in ravenclaw. the boy was built to want to know things, and built to find them out. there are few things dirk can’t pick up on either using his own sleuthing skills or else the power of a well-placed smile and charming statement. your boy could have also been a slytherin with how good he is at well-meaning manipulation, but his need-to-know attitude pushed blue and bronze over the edge. 
one thing he really loves about the wizarding world are the breadth of other languages it opens the door to. he’s taken it upon himself to learn gobbledegook. he wishes he had the lungs to learn mermish, and tries his hand at casual parseltongue when he feels like the challenge. 
his favorite subjects are DADA and ancient runes, and he likes using both to help out his dad with the more enchanted items when he can. he thinks he wouldn’t mind going into cursebreaking, but the idea of ministry work also appeals to him -- some sort of ambassador role, either with other wizarding governments or other magical creatures. 
he’s well meaning but distracted more often than not, and tries to mastermind his way through every conversation. even if he’s just casually talking with some friends, he knows there’s always something to be learned from the conversation, and he can’t help but redirect interactions in a direction that’s interesting to him; he ends up with a lot of gossip and secrets on his hands, and while he doesn’t really spread them around or anything, it is a comfort to him to surround himself with things no one else knows. 
he ... does not like emotions! they make him very uncomfortable!! honestly as much as he loves his dad, the two of them have never really said it, like with words or anything. dirk can talk himself in or out of any situation, but add feeling into the mix and he’ll want to disintegrate on the spot. 
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aliceprvwett-blog · 7 years
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CRYSTAL REED —— Well, if it isn’t ALICE PREWETT, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re BRAVE and LOYAL, but they can also seem pretty CHILDISH and SHARP-TONGUED. Sometimes people call them the ACTIVIST. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. (( sarah; est; 19; she/her ))
yeah idk what that gif was either, all i know is she looks freakin’ gorgeous!
anways, time to focus.
     meet alice violetta prewett, your resident hufflepuff cutie. she’s a pureblood and comes from a family that does not believe in blood purity, therefore she has very strong feelings towards it? like she most likely has gotten into altercations with various people over it and has without a doubt stepped in to define a muggle born student. she is a big believer in equality and if there were rallies she would be the girl on someone’s shoulders waving a sign and screaming at the top of her lungs.
     alice is a freak for charms and just excels in it. she has had her eyes on becoming an auror since she was in her third year and works very hard at her schoolwork so she is able to hopefully obtain an offer to begin training after graduation. she has her eyes on joining the Order, as many of her closest friends are already members.
    some other info on my sweet potato is that she has a very short temper and when she gets angry, she is very quick to retaliate. it is something that gets her detention quite often which is the last place she wants to be. in her free time she is constantly outside. it doesn’t matter what the weather is, if you can’t find her you’ll find her on the grounds somewhere.
so i’m trash and that’s all i have right now. i start work tomorrow so i need to throw some laundry in quick. i will either edit this post or actually post a proper biography. i’ll also post a starter soon. please message me for establishing connections and plotting i love u all so much xoxo
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sturgthatpod-blog · 7 years
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JOE KEERY —— Well, if it isn’t STURGIS PODMORE, the HUFFLEPUFF superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re ENERGETIC and PASSIONATE, but they can also seem pretty INCREDULOUS and IMPATIENT Sometimes people call them the IRREVERENT. Sure, they’re a HALFBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. (( ALEX; pst; 25; she/her ))
im crying i love this mans
lol you thought he was cool. u are mISTAKEN. SPENDS WAY TOO LONG ON HIS FUCKING STUPID ASS HAIR and he is just the worst. tries way too hard omg. but he’s so good deep down. deeeeep down. way down there. somewhere
please call him sturg it would make us both happy haha
he is v. warm and enthusiastic about lots of things. he gets way up in arms about lit the most random shit? like tell goblins are oppressed and he like??? DA FUQ WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME? gets himself wrapped up in new projects way too often but then the logistics and work that needs to go in just kills it??
so dramatic and over the top. someone give him his oscar so he’ll shut up thanks
he is v genuinely warm and invested in people?? like?? give this boy all the friends. he fucking collects that shit. he tries hard because it dude?? its so nice to be liked??? so he’s super flexible. BUT TBH it’s like you’ll love him or hate him.
member of cvrsed. plays the bass like some kind of asshole. he took a lot of piano lessons as a kid and knows how to play several instruments but FUCK if rock n’ roll doesn’t get his heart racing with all that nOISE. and loud oPINIONS.  it makes him happy. he also has a big fuCK YOU TO SAY TO WIND INSTRUMENTS. he hates them omg feels like he’s running a marathon or something with all that blowing shit. pls he iS SO EXTRA
yeah boi
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FROY GUTIERREZ —— Well, if it isn’t DIRK CRESSWELL, the RAVENCLAW superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SIXTH years. Most people think that they’re PERCEPTIVE and NOBLE, but they can also seem pretty METICULOUS and JUDGMENTAL. Sometimes people call them the PERFECTIONIST. Sure, they’re a MUGGLEBORN, but that doesn’t define them. (( MARK; EST; 21; HE/HIM ))
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*LMM voice* look at my son. this is gonna be a weak ass intro bc my brain isn’t working properly today BUT!!!!! come plot w me & hmu and im sure i’ll give u more shit
ok so he’s a year under the marauders as per the books
ravenclaw as fuck
member of the slug club, chaser and prefect
proud muggleborn
unlike the vast majority of my characters he actually comes from a happy home life & that’s why he’s so concerned with the war---he dgaf if he gets hurt but he checks the papers daily and writes home regularly to make sure his parents are safe
calculating when it comes to people but reckless when it comes to Doing Stuff
he’s got a very strong sense of right or wrong 
i know in canon he’s neutral but tbh???? fuck that???
you mean to tell me the muggleborn goblin lover would stay neutral during the war? 
Ding Dong You Are Wrong
as soon as he heard whispers about the order he hit that fuckin Follow button
also dirk’s lowkey tryna start up something like SPEW almost 20 years before hermione 
hella overachiever but also a lazy perfectionist (can i get an amen?)
“he has something to prove / he has nothing to lose” applies 100% to him (two LMM references in one post my Theatre is showing)
absolutely That Kid who takes muggle studies as a blowoff class
here’s his about page (bio tba)! wc page hasn’t been created yet bc im The Worst but again... hmu and i’ll give u some BS
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augrkwd · 7 years
Steven R. McQueen —— Well, if it isn’t AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD, the SLYTHERIN superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re AMBITIOUS and CHARISMATIC, but they can also seem pretty MANIPULATIVE and SELF-ABSORBED. Sometimes people call them the POLITICIAN. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them.
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HELLO nice to see u again welcome to augustus bc he’s a trip. lmao good news is??? i actually wrote up a bio before taking up a character????? weird right who am i anyway u can see that over here but here’s some basics about him
he’s a fuckin tryhard like his dad was a dick but it just made him very eager to please so he’s just doin the most in both academics and quidditch. work hard play hard am i right
didn’t grow up super rich like other pureblood asshats so he doesn’t quite have the same level of superiority that some of his housemates do 
lowkey still thinks he’s better than everyone tho 
kinda fell into blood purity ideals as he got older; especially now that he’s begun associating with death eaters and the likes 
overall just very power hungry like he doesn’t care about whose side he’s on. he just wants power. 
specifically wants to be the minister like it’s been a lifelong dream tbh
on the outside tho he’s very friendly and like... idk he’s good at hiding that he’s an asshole. you wouldn’t expect him to be a death eater when you met him you know what i mean?
definitely two-faced and a kiss ass with his professors and shit
oh also his dad got killed and he’s highkey not even sad about it 
gus what’s your favorite cards against humanity card? DADDY ISSUES
ok this was a really bad intro im sorry guys. i don’t really have specific connections yet so just hmu if u feel inspired i guess 
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grcceless-blog · 7 years
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hello ! im nars and this is my totally unproblematic muse .... mary macdonald !! aight so below the cut will be a few things about her :)) i will hv a proper bio up tho but that’ll take a few days sksksks
the space for her backstory that i will write soon i promise
her personality;
she’s an overall good person, with a good number of friends and her grades are exceptionally good. good, good, good. that’s all she’s ever been her whole life and that is really all anyone expects from a girl like mary macdonald. 
however, she does have another side of her, a more rebellious side where she has a partner in crime ( a wanted connection !! ). they do all sorts of rebellious acts such as cut class together, roam around Hogwarts way past curfew, etc etc.
she is very intelligent to the point where the sorting hat was debating with her whether or not to put her in ravenclaw instead, of course, she fought to be in Gryffindor because of the amount of friends she’s made in the train were mostly sorted in Gryffindor. s m a r t a s s
she is very, very insecure of herself. not just looks-wise, but also personality-wise. all her life, her parents has stressed out how important someones personality is to other people and it’s not always how a person looks. mary likes to think that she is a very kind-hearted soul that would never hurt someone intentionally. even if she hates a person, she’d deny even hating the person. does this makes sense??? if it doesnt, kill me it’s 2.28 am and im coffee driven lol
iM oUt oF iDeAs pLeaSe jUst bEar wiTh mE aNd accePt tHis iNtro xx
p.s : also if you want to plot, just hmu !! i’ll be happy to fill any wc :)
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maxinebouchet · 7 years
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my tiny child max or maxine bouchet
she gives no fucks. like she literally could careless about what’s going on around school she just wants to play music and get the hell out of there to someday become a bad ass rockstar.
shes not like many ravenclaws in the whole smarts department, shes by no means book smart. she does okay in her classes and often times you will find her copying her assignments. she’s just very wise and knows how to get out of situations logically. very good problem solver, you’d love to have her around in an escape room.
the only thing she cares about is her family. aka her friends. 
her dad was actually the reason why she came to england CAUSE OH YAH SHES FRENCH he was an auror placed on assignment to help fight the rising deatheaters but he was killed so now she’s a lil orphan baby cause her mom abandoned her when she was a tiny baby
she hates talking about the war and could care less if you’re pureblood hound magic muggle whatever
she’s a killer drummer in the hottest band everrrr
she hates to stand out or be placed in the limelight, shes content with blending in
never had a relationship what are those??? has casual sex encounters but hasnt ever felt “the spark”
shes a good bro tho she will be your wing woman for daysssss
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triviashcklblt · 5 years
AISHA DEE —— Well, if it isn’t TRIVIA SHACKLEBOLT, the SLYTHERIN superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re BOLD and CAPTIVATING, but they can also seem pretty AGGRESSIVE and DECEITFUL. Sometimes people call them the CRIMSON. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them.
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trivia claire shacklebolt, younger sister of the famous kingsley, only by ten months though and she’ll always remind you
her parents are pureblood supremacists and both hold positions high up in the ministry. but they are not supporters of voldemort as they fear the damage that would bring to their family’s reputation
trivia was always the family disappointment, cold and aloof where her siblings at least appeared open and kind, violent where they where gentle, malicious where they where forgiving
in an ill gotten attempt to gain her parents approval she joined the death eaters which only caused them more annoyance
is always in one of two modes, aloof and flirtatious or violent and malicious, most often resorting to the latter when she feels attacked in anyway.
not the most magically talented, much to her parent’s dismay, as most of her talents lie in the less wand based subjects such as herbology and divination. 
despite her parents constant disapproval nearly everything she has done is in an ill fated attempt to win her parents approval
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muckinnon-blog · 7 years
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HEY FAM, I’m Jules, my pronouns are she/her or ve/ver, I live in California and I’m tired of this FUCKING HEAT. I wish I lived in Scotland. Anyways, here’s Marlene, it’s my first time playing her really in a group this way so I’m super excited. I’m totally up for plotting and I capslock wayyyyy too much. 
SOFIA BLACK D'ELIA —— Well, if it isn’t MARLENE MCKINNON, the RAVENCLAW superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re ADROIT and PROGRESSIVE, but they can also seem pretty BLUNT and ARGUMENTATIVE Sometimes people call them the INTELLECTUAL REBEL. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. (( JULES; PST; 22; SHE/HER OR VE/VER )) CHARACTER INSPO: Dee from IASIP, Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton the Musical, Veronica Mars from Veronica Mars. 
+ loyal, curious, confident, stable, strategic
- stubborn, dogmatic, loud, pompous, brash
Growing up the youngest out of three, the only girl, in a conservative Jewish Pureblood family was what Marlene knew. She had a happy childhood, easily, but one that was extremely sheltered. So much so, she wasn’t aware that muggles really existed ( despite having a few in her family tree -- which is why she’s Jewish ). Having a family that was perfectly nice, perfectly happy with each other and encouraging of Marlene’s curiosity to an extent was perfectly nice. She read every book she could get her hands on in their cottage by the sea in Eastborn. She explored the beaches, the grounds, people watched from afar. She dressed up for Pureblood parties and fucked around with James Potter at them, already over everyone being so cordial and prim. Her brothers and her loved each other, Andrew the oldest was Quidditch obsessed and Michael the middle boy was an artist. Her life before Hogwarts was like clockwork, the cogs in the machine were moving perfectly and Marlene grew tired of it. She made trouble by asking question after question, none of which were really answered by her parents. The books weren’t enough, she’d read them a few times over. The countryside was beautiful but she wondered was was beyond the sea line. Infinitely curious, Marlene wanted to know more, craved to know more and when getting to Hogwarts -- she was sorted into Ravenclaw for this very reason. 
Marlene was angry when she realized how much her parents had hid from her. How much they’d neglected to tell her. How much they had limited her. If there was anything she realized she hated, it was not knowing, so she absorbed all the information she could from possibly everyone she could. After she saw the prejudice towards muggles, muggleborns & halfbloods a fury was born. How could they not tell her what the world was actually like, warts and all? How could they not tell her the world was not just friday night dinners, books, neutrality and quietness? Marlene, who came to Hogwarts questioning, loud, and observant went home questioning, loud and furious. How could you! How could you not do something about what was happening in the world! How could you not tell me how fantastic muggles were! Her parents had no answers simply because they were just ignorant. Marlene refused to act like things were okay when they weren’t, she refused to stand still look pretty for her parents at pureblood events, to be anything but a storm when there were women & people around her she saw were so oppressed – that became her rebellion. Her disconnect from them. She took it too far, it was an extreme but she needed to be what she was to pave a path. It was something she knew she had to do and it was how Marlene McKinnon, the BURNING comet kerosene sapphire girl was born. 
There was so much she had to make up for, and so much she was willing to learn. Her muggleborn friends were promptly questioned about their lives, her halfblood ones too. Anyone who dared to hurt them or hurl insults at them -- Marlene didn’t allow. She shot off at the mouth, easy, at the bigots she seemed to find so many of. BLOOD TRAITOR, she wore the label proud because she was standing up for what she believed in. Marlene would spend time learning how to duel, perfecting her technique, doing her schoolwork and receiving near perfect grades, drinking copious amounts of coffee because she loved it but also because it helped her to keep on going. Marlene was rude, but fun, and sometimes you had to tip toe around her. Mold to HER. She demanded presence, and that’s what was rebellious about her – she was a different kind of woman than the one she should’ve become based how she was raised, a huge feminist, she made people apologize to her first and she wouldn’t dare swallow her pride. Marlene was determined, would go around picking fights because she could and thought that pureblood bigots in particular needed to be knocked off their pedestal ( maybe just so she could stand on it – or help other women, other oppressed people do so ), she never hid that she loved girls and boys be damned what anyone else thought. That’s why she was rebellious, not because she partied, did drugs ( which, was limited to pot due to Qudditch and now underground rebel group  ), and other various other things. She chained smoked off the ledge of the Astronomy Tower when she needed to stop and gain some clarity. 
While some of her housemates lived in shades of grey, she didn’t, in fact, she quite resented it having the sort of black and white mentality she has. But, she could enjoy the challenge because she always needs a challenge. Marlene feels the only way she’ll learn, truly learn and at all understand this war is if she makes things harder on herself. She wants to see the grey, but there isn’t time for it when there’s a war based on blood status brewing around her. Even if she neglects to make proper boundaries, even if she neglects so much, this is who she is, it’s who she has to be. It’s the only way she feels she can make up for her own blood in a sense, for her own privilege as well as protect her friends – by making herself a target of sorts. It’s odd because with this combination you’d think that she would be somewhat lost in the world, it seems like she gives so much to her friends but really, she’s not at all lost in it which is something a lot of people her age can’t say. With this, Marlene has cultivated a strong sense of self – she is true. You can never say that you do not know who Marlene McKinnon is, but more importantly, she never strays from being herself.
marlene is a little shit, sarcastic, loud, an excellent dueler but more likely to punch you in the face first than hex you.
is in love with muggle shit. muggle EVERYTHING. muggle ANYTHING. MUGGLES. 
is not one too ever apologize really, and if she does it’s because she knows she’s fucked up
honestly will fight you and your ignorant ass mother and will not hesitate to insult bc NO CHILL
a big fan of the holyhead harpies
beater for ravenclaw ( i asked for her to be the captain too ) and honestly loves quidditch
loves languages and wishes she could travel the fucking world 
tbh even tho she’ll physically fight you she’s pretty bad at it SO she’s probs had her ASS BEAT LOL
is a big big ass nerd i s2g, loves the hobbit, her brother calls her a hobbit
her middle brother is gay, her oldest is straight and they’ve jokes that marlene is RIGHT in the middle 
got more into judaism from other muggle jewish students, another reason she’s so !!!!! about fighting because this is very much reminding her of the holocaust bc it is genocide what voldy is advocating and she is ready to fight. never again. never again. 
though she is jewish she’s been breaking so many rules while at hogwarts but definitely keeps kosher at home. 
in the future in the order, i see marlene being a strategist, she is observant and able to read people well if she tries and she’s able to assess strengths and weaknesses. her brain moves a million miles a minute and she’s able to see ninety scenarios before they happen, so it makes her a good strategist. she’s a very good dueler too but she’s got an excellent brain that’s often overshadowed by her ..... fucking loud ass mouth
also, marlene is on the asexual spectrum?? i would see she’s demisexual tbh, but she’s very sex positive. she’s just not obsessed with sex or trying to get laid or anything. 
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