alitron · 12 years
It’s Bold Moves October y’all! 
Check out the original post from @DateByNumbers.
Basically, Bold Moves October is time to do everything and anything you’ve wanted to do. Don’t hold back. This can involve dating, but is not centered solely on dating.
But in terms of dating, October is the month to approach him. Say hi. Give him your number. Just go for it. Be ready, as @DBN says, at any moment. Don’t make excuses. Have literally no regrets. Stop waiting for your destiny and take it into your own hands.
I participated in Bold Moves October last year, and it was enlightening. I’ll be participating this year as well.
Send us your Bold Moves stories at [email protected]. I’ll keep y’all posted on mine.
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alitron · 12 years
i got a new phone!! and it's nice and new and shiny and pretty!!
and i got approved for an apartment!! so i won't be homeless next year!!
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alitron · 12 years
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Goodbye, Sandy. You were the best dog.
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alitron · 12 years
Hello from copenhagen
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alitron · 12 years
I am SO fucking tempted to try and make their LA concert in November ;~;
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alitron · 12 years
i'm at the point in the year where everything is so fucking difficult
i've dealt with school and work and drudgery and the daily grind pretty well up til now
but i just
hate that i still feel the need to do everything perfectly because all i want to do is stay at home
be pointless
how do i stop caring please tell me ?_?
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alitron · 12 years
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Cersei deals with normal issues facing kids, such as what to do while under siege, how to use sex as a weapon, sibling rivalry, sibling romance, and drinking, confronting the issues as an independent freethinking queen.
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alitron · 12 years
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"This is My Body", John Frame
went to the portland art museum with my parents today. saw the John Frame (and Rothko and Monet) exhibits. Frame's work was easily my favorite.
Some poor soul tripped and put his hand out to catch himself, but landed it on a Rothko painting, leaving a dent :\\ not sure what happened to him but man that sucks.
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alitron · 12 years
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Milla Jovovich - 2012 amfAR’s Cinema Against AIDS at Cannes, May 24th
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alitron · 12 years
my soul has been consumed by a korean boyband
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alitron · 12 years
trying to figure out some sort of pansy-ass mixed drink I can order tomorrow that doesn’t taste like alcohol and won’t get me drunk
and most internet articles I find are about getting your lady friends wasted at parties.
that’s… not… what I wanted….
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alitron · 12 years
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alitron · 12 years
I spend all of my time on my k-pop blog now
what is my life who cares woo
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alitron · 12 years
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alitron · 12 years
Elizabeth Banks: I Thank Birth Control Pills for My Son
Just over a year ago, my son Felix was born via gestational surrogacy. He came out of me nine months early and because of my broken belly, his babycake was baked in a wonderful angel’s oven and now — I can’t believe it — he’s a year old and walking. He has expanded my capacity for joy a thousand-fold.
His life would have been much harder to come by if not for the birth control pill. How’s that, you ask? Well, it’s a simple fact: The pill is used for many situations that have nothing to do with the prevention of pregnancy. The pill was prescribed to me when hormonally induced migraines kept me locked up in dark rooms for days at a time. It was prescribed to me to regulate insanely painful cramps every month — cramps so painful that I often vomited.
And here’s a little secret I am happy to blow the lid off of: The pill is often prescribed during the IVF (in vitro fertilization) process to help MAKE BABIES! That’s right, women dealing with infertility are often put on the pill to help regulate a cycle so that they might have a more successful IVF. The pill is used to manage ovarian cysts, endometriosis and other conditions too. Not to mention, it helps couples plan for wanted children.
Obviously, I’m not a doctor. I’m just a woman grateful for my necessary and very helpful medication. And I’m sure glad I don’t have to discuss any of these conditions, including infertility, with my employer.
A girlfriend and I recently wondered what would be more mortifying: having to tell her male employer she needed birth control to mitigate a heavy flow or just bleeding all over herself in the office?
So with that image in mind, I encourage all women — and the men in their lives — to protect access to birth control, and encourage our politicians to take women’s health issues out of the political process.
For more information, please visit the most comprehensive and willing advocates for women’s health in America: www.plannedparenthood.org.
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alitron · 12 years
Only write what you know is very good advice. I do my best to stick to it. I wrote about gods and dreams and America because I knew about them. And I wrote about what it’s like to wander into Faerie because I knew about that. I wrote about living underneath London because I knew about that too. And I put people into the stories because I knew them: the ones with pumpkins for heads, and the serial killers with eyes for teeth, and the little chocolate people filled with raspberry cream making love, and the rest of them. You’ve had twenty years of living, and dreaming. You probably have a fair idea of what it’s like to experience emotions, and to go places, and to do things, and to change. You’ve wondered about things you don’t know. You’ve guessed. You’ve hoped. You’ve probably lied — oddly enough, similar skills to those you’ll have used in convincing a teacher that you actually did do your homework but it was stolen by an escaped convict dressed as a nun, will come in useful in writing fiction. Ditto for the skills involved in writing a passing grade essay on something you know absolutely nothing about. Relax. Fake it. Mean it. And you don’t need to figure it all out before you start writing. You can figure it out while you’re writing. Or you can fail to figure it out; that’s allowed too.
Actually, this time I’m quoting me, in my journal:
(via neil-gaiman)
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alitron · 12 years
I've been thinking about words and gender roles at work lately.
We have to be nice and polite to the customers and it just really bothers me that really the only appropriate term for the young women who come through is "Miss"
and freshmen dudes still get called "Sir"?
"Lady" has a totally different implication now, and you always hear that no one likes to be called "Ma'am" / "Madam". So I don't know what else to say.
But why is one group juvenile while the other is adult? It just bothers me.
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