Zira having Crowley put the gun down in s1 is much funnier to me after s2
"Yes, yes, let's not do that again"
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Crowley's hearing "I can finally make you good enough to deserve Heaven"
but Aziraphale's saying "I can finally make Heaven good enough to deserve you"
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season 3 predictions
yes this is just a "moon's haunted" joke what about it
blank versions bc i like the backgrounds
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not crowley at some point next season telling some random stranger oh my friend? he went to heaven and getting the "he's in a better place" speech and crowley absolutely going LIVID
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“heaven gave Crowley snake eyes so he couldn’t see the stars” no, Crowley picked snake eyes so he didn’t have to see what he’d lost, and then it bumped into him anyway after giving up a flaming sword
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"crowley's suffered more than jesus" "aziraphale has unhealed trauma" MICHAEL SHEEN HAD TO KISS DAVID TENNANT AND PRETEND HE DIDN'T ENJOY IT IMMENSELY WHOS THE REAL VICTIM HERE
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Piss off!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
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I went through every possible emotion in those last 20 minutes, plus some that I made up on the spot! how are y'all?
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#What if this is my last straw
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Quick comic to get out my FEELINGS I want to THROW UP Neil
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His voice cracking did that to me
Its crowley putting the sunglasses back on after aziraphale reveals his choice that broke me
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If there is a GO season 3 and a new baby christ is going to make an appearance I sure hope them and Adam Young have some interactions 👀
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I have just realised there is no God in Good Omens 2 (apart from Job's arc but I'm talking about present), in fact, no narrator at all, and I'm wondering now if perhaps it's because the Plan meant to end the world and there is no actual script for what happens in s2 for God to narrate.
It obviously goes against Ineffable Plan and the plans and projects Metatron talks about, but then again, Ineffable Plan was just something Aziraphale sorta came up with, and Metatron
Metatron is just sus.
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I’ve cracked the code. Next time you correct someone on your pronouns and they respond with that generally positive but slightly defensive vibe like “oh sorry, I’m new to this so it’ll take me a while” just hit em with one of these:
“No worries, I’m practicing at reminding people and you seem like a safe person to practice with”
Boom. Took the perceived blame off their shoulders and made the connection for them that being corrected = being trusted. Rinse and repeat. It’s also not a lie, correcting people on my pronouns is stressful and personally I really am super cautious about it
I figure some angry people will jump into the notes on this one so let me clarify: trans people do not have to be nice or coddle cis feelings. Some of us like living low-conflict lives though, so get off our dicks about it
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Look how happy it made him
my levi sim just slit zeke s throat help😭😭
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Something I find incredibly cool is that they’ve found neandertal bone tools made from polished rib bones, and they couldn’t figure out what they were for for the life of them. 
Until, of course, they showed it to a traditional leatherworker and she took one look at it and said “Oh yeah sure that’s a leather burnisher, you use it to close the pores of leather and work oil into the hide to make it waterproof. Mine looks just the same.” 
“Wait you’re still using the exact same fucking thing 50,000 years later???”
“Well, yeah. We’ve tried other things. Metal scratches up and damages the hide. Wood splinters and wears out. Bone lasts forever and gives the best polish. There are new, cheaper plastic ones, but they crack and break after a couple years. A bone polisher is nearly indestructible, and only gets better with age. The more you use a bone polisher the better it works.”
It’s just. 
50,000 years. 50,000. And over that huge arc of time, we’ve been quietly using the exact same thing, unchanged, because we simply haven’t found anything better to do the job. 
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