Oh boy (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
Moving back to New York was one of the worst decisions Tony had ever made. He'd do it again in a heartbeat, of course. Supervillainous crimes always seemed to happen there and he wanted to help, so here he was in his tower that he shared with the Avengers, ready for the next call to action.
He just wished supervillains would take the winter off, so he could go someplace warm, like his Malibu house or South America or something. Hell, at this point he'd accept a trip to fucking Arizona. He'd fit right in there, he groused to himself, shaking hands curled around his coffee maker to try and soak up some of the warmth. All those old people.
Early onset arthritis. Tony eased one hand closed into a fist, wincing. He'd been diagnosed a decade ago after a particularly cold winter when he'd thought he'd had mono or something. "It'll get worse," his doctor had warned. Tony had staved off a lot of aches and pains by simply moving somewhere where the weather wouldn't affect his joints, and the pain was manageable with over the counter painkillers.
Here, in New York, with a blizzard blowing outside, Tony felt as if every degree the thermometer dropped was a twist of a knife in each and every joint, but especially his knees and hands. It was unfair. He had a state of the art air system, with his penthouse and workshop set to a perfect seventy-four degrees, but his body somehow knew it was sleeting outside and so was revolting.
He couldn't even pick up his coffee cup this morning. He'd needed to use his fucking cane to get out of bed.
The worst part was he could feel Steve's eyes on him like a physical touch. He'd never thought of the downside of sleeping with a super soldier until this morning, when he'd groaned as he'd forced himself to stand and found, to his horror, that Steve had forgone his early morning run to have a lie in with him. So Steve had seen the cane he'd needed to push himself to his feet, the extra padding on the handle to ease his grip, how Tony had come into the kitchen and grabbed a mug with extra wide handles on each side like a child's cup and then hadn't been able to fill it himself.
He wondered how long it would take Steve to decide his own body was a threat to the team and firmly but politely tell him to stop putting on the suit.
"Are you always in pain?" Steve asked quietly, finally coming over to pick up the coffee pot and pour him a cup.
"Worse in the cold weather," Tony said, trying not to sound too tetchy. There was no point in lying. Steve had watched him wrap both hands around the pot's handle and still not have the willpower to pick it up despite the pain. "Part of the reason I lived in Malibu for so long," he added, a thread of defeat weaving into his voice as Steve opened the fridge to get his creamer for him. He hadn't wanted to be in the cold even for a moment. Steve had obviously been able to tell.
Steve turned to face him, expression impassive. "So it's not just the arc reactor then."
"Quite honestly, I didn't even think about the reactor once this morning," Tony sighed dropping his eyes to his feet. He'd been too focused on the pain in his hands, how insurmountable the task of standing had seemed for a moment. Sure, his chest hurt, but it always hurt. The arthritis was sometimes worse than others. And today had been the first sleety-frozen-cold-to-your-bones day of the season.
Steve took a moment to stir his creamer in (the spoon was too small for him to grip, Tony lamented) before he turned, sliding the mug over to him. He watched Tony cradle the mug's handles in both hands before he carefully lifted it for a sip. "Are you in pain in the suit?" he finally asked.
Tony didn't do him the disservice of lying, instead carefully turning his eyes away as he answered, "My hands always hurt. The suit is one of the only times I don't feel bad, though. It's automated, so most of the movements I make are helped with the machinery. 's why you've seen me doing so much work with the gauntlets on lately." He hunched his shoulders, embarrassed. "It wasn't to protect me from soldering. It was so I could hold the solderer without dropping it."
"I see," Steve said solemnly. He stared at Tony's coffee cup for several long, silent seconds, then turned abruptly and left the room.
Probably to go tell Fury he needed to be removed from the team, Tony figured morosely.
He had just finished washing his cup when he heard the elevator open again. He turned, limping into the living room.
"Your boyfriend broke into the Xavier Institute to try and bribe Storm into changing the weather and Xavier is pissed," Natasha said flatly, Steve's ear held tightly in her hand.
"...Did. Did you run all the way there?" Tony sputtered, confused.
"I was on a mission," Steve grumbled, as if he had not just risked life and limb to ask one of the most powerful mutants in the world to ignore the natural weather patterns just because Tony's arthritis was flaring up. "She said no though. Told me to get you more omega-threes, whatever that means."
"Okay," Tony squeaked.
"I am more concerned with being on the mutants' bad side," Natasha began, scowling.
"Storm just thought I was cute," Steve said morosely, at the same time Tony answered, "Xavier won't come near me because my brain's loud and I bother him. I do that on purpose though."
"Oh my God," Natasha whispered, pinching the bridge of her nose, as Steve started googling foods he could make for Tony.
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Steve loves seeing Tony in a three-piece suit.
Steve loves fucking Tony when Tony’s in a three-piece suit.
Words: 4,118
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“Sometimes when you're in your workshop, or at the data crux it's all I can do not to bend you over your desk right then. Or to ask you to bend me over the desk.” Steve is proud of the frankness of his own voice, even if he feels the tips of his ears warm. Tony lifts his head, eyes wide as he gapes at him, setting his phone aside, and sliding further up his body to press their lips together in a slow lingering kiss.
“You know, if you hadn't wrung me out like a towel earlier we could explore that-” Tony purrs between kisses, humming when Steve rolls them over and settles atop him. “In detail even.”
-Or Steve has had a fantasy or two about Tony, and Tony makes them come true.
Words: 4,339
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Steve sends Bucky a link to a song that changes more than either of them could ever expect. Tony, head of a brand new prosthetic research team, meanwhile, has a decision to make: reveal his identity as Iron Man and risk alienating Bucky and Steve, or remain a mystery to Bucky, Steve, and the internet at large. The feelings Tony has for both men doesn't make the choice any easier. All Steve and Bucky want is to take Tony on a date, if he'll have them.
Words: 26,530
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Steve, America's top cop, meets Tony, in the middle of launching Resilient, in a hotel room in Seattle. There, Steve finds unexpected comfort in Tony's presence. It wasn't supposed to be an assignation. But then, a snowstorm wasn't supposed to strand them together, either.
Words: 9,848
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Part 2 of STH verse
Steve and Tony have (finally) gotten together! Now it's time to explore some of their kinks...
Words: 13,354
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Part 1 of STH verse
“It’s the science,” Tony blurted, and that definitely only made it worse. He spat it all out at once, trying to get it over with: “It’s the science, okay? Steve has all these enhancements, he’s not normal, and everybody knew— it is in literally every scientist’s notes! — that there was some change to sexual functioning, but nobody knew what, and I’ve thought about it, okay? That’s it! That’s the only reason! Nothing more!” He spread his hands defensively and then, only then, dared a look at Steve.
Steve looked... thoughtful? Or maybe constipated, or bored, or just drunk. Whatever it was, it wasn’t punching Tony in the face, so Tony decided to take it and run.
“Look, it’s pretty much got to be the stamina or the recovery rate,” he blurted, because apparently he had no control over his mouth. “The only question is, which. But it’s just for science, okay?”
(Spoiler alert: It was not just for science.)
Words: 35,680
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This would be easier if they could just talk.
Words: 7,559
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Tony is a mobile massage therapist, and Captain America needs to relax. What could go wrong?
Words: 16,261
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Clint’s plans get turned upside down twice in one day, Tony is having a completely rational freak-out, but Steve would just like to get a word or two out, that's all.
Or, the story where a witch screws with Tony, Tony makes a surprise visit to Bed-Stuy, Clint is a good bro who deserves compensation, and there is no plot at all. It’s all crack, fluff, and jokes around here.
Words: 11,212
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After the war with Thanos is over, there's still this: Steve is in love with Tony, but Tony is getting married to Pepper. It's fine.
(Until it isn't.)
Words: 37,081
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For the better part of a year, Steve has been obsessed with finding Bucky to the point where he's neglecting everything else - including his boyfriend, Tony. Tony puts a brave face on and acts as supportive as he can, but on the inside he's falling apart.
And no one knows it until the night Tony snaps. In a fit of desperation, JARVIS calls on Phil, the only one capable of understanding because of his age play with Clint, to care for Tony. Phil might not be used to taking care of someone as little as Tony Stark, but - until Steve gets the emergency message to return - he'll be damned if he lets that stop him.
Words: 13,444
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Tony's new hotel booking app seems to have a glitch when Tony uses it -- for some reason he always ends up sharing a hotel room with Steve.
Words: 2,659
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"Make a wish," Tony says, soft in the coffee shop, Steve's heart tucked between careful fingers, "Make a wish, any wish."
He is every wish Steve never thought to make.
Tony tells him to make a wish, and Steve wants to say,
"No point. There is nothing more impossible than you."
 Or, the one about the coffee shop, two boys, and a sea of tiny paper stars.
Words: 3,733
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It's been months since the Avengers were pardoned. One by one, they'd all gone home, until Steve finds himself alone in the grand old building T'Challa had given them.
But everything when Steve answers the doorbell, and Tony Stark strides in with more grey on his temple and make-up on his face than Steve remembers.
Words: 13,886
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Tony was most definitely not flirting with him. Not for a lack of trying, but it turned out that Tony Stark was unable to form coherent sentences around that man. Because of course he was.
Words: 3387
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Tony's hands are the kind that create new worlds and opportunities for people who haven't learned what it means to live and not survive, hands that touch paper and make it bloom into something beautiful on a level beyond art because it saves lives and homes and is only the very tip of what he can do with those hands calloused from hard work and determination.
"I'm sorry about your hands," Tony says, and Steve laughs.
"Tony," Steve tells him, quiet and plaintive as he spreads his bloody, bruised hands out. "I use these hands to draw something and it changes nothing. You use your hands, you could make a machine that saves an entire third world country halfway across the world."
Words: 5351
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