allabouttenille · 6 days
Dream Star Grand Prix 2024
August 31st 2024
Dream League Match One
Tenille Dashwood vs. MIRAI
In the opening rounds of the Dream Star Grand Prix, Tenille Dashwood had quite possibly the toughest start she could have asked for. Her first match was against the ever resilient MIRAI who isn’t known for going easy on her opponents. With a second match to follow later in the day, Dashwood tried multiple times to finish the match early, but MIRAI was happy to go the distance. In the end, Dashwood’s eagerness to end the match cost her as she left herself exposed. Not missing the opening, MIRAI connected with a brutal lariat to secure the victory and the first two points of the Dream Star Grand Prix.
MIRAI def. Tenille Dashwood
Kouki Amarei def. Victoria Yuzuki
Utami Hayashishita vs. NORI ends in a draw
Natsumi Showzuki def. Nagisa Nozaki
Dream League Match Two
Tenille Dashwood (0) vs. Utami Hayashishita (1)
While Dashwood tried to end her first match as quickly as possible to a negative result, her tactic for Hayashishita was the exact opposite. Only a few hours earlier Hayashishita went to a time limit draw with NORI. Eager to exploit the potential fatigue from such a long match, Dashwood took it slowly and to the Australian’s credit, it worked. The longer the match went, the more in control Dashwood looked. Eventually, a well placed kick to the knee of Hayashishita provided the opening needed. Dashwood connected with a quick Spotlight Kick but followed it up with a piledriver to make sure of the victory and her first points on the board.
Natsumi Showzuki def. Victoria Yuzuki
NORO def. Kouki Amarei
Nagisa Nozaki def. MIRAI
Tenille Dashwood def. Utami Hayashishita
Standings after two matches:
Pos. Wrestler Pts.
1 Natsumi Showzuki 4
2 NORI 3
3 Kouki Amarei 2
Nagisa Nozaki 2
Tenille Dashwood 2
7 Utami Hayashishita 1
8 Victoria Yuzuki 0
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allabouttenille · 22 days
Promo for Eternia’s The Magic of Mystacor
I have to be honest, this is not the match that I was expecting this month.
Coming off of a monumental victory in an unsanctioned match against an absolute psychopath in Giulia, a victory that even the social media team called an upset. A victory that absolutely nobody expected me to pull off. Even my own girlfriend said that she would visit me in the hospital after the match. That’s how unlikely it was for me to come out with my arm raised in victory. Nobody thought I could do it.
Except for one person.
It’s always been me.
It’s always been all about me.
Hence, why I’m so perplexed about this match up. It doesn’t feel like a number one contenders match. Surely, that would be the next step for the first ever Moonstone Champion, right? Defeated Giulia. Holds multiple victories over the current Moonstone Champion. Has been pinned a grand total of zero times this year. You’d think I’m a lock for the next shot at the Moonstone Championship. But, alas, that’s not the case.
Instead, I’m in a three way match. A match that I don’t even have to be involved in the decision in. If I’m unlucky, I could lose without being beaten. Does that seem fair to anybody? I didn’t think so. But, don’t worry. I won’t be throwing an Allysin sized temper tantrum or anything like that. I’ll take the match.
Mia Rivera, we’ve never met before but that doesn’t mean I’m going to take you lightly. It may not be a number one contenders match like I expected, but I won’t be holding back. I still want to win and show the world why it’s all about me.
As for Dani, once upon a time we started a revolution together. It’s been quite a while since we shared a ring, so I’m kinda looking forward to going another round with you. But don’t get it twisted. We may be friends, but I won’t hesitate to drop you if the chance presents itself. I expect nothing less from you in return.
As I said, I’m not entirely sure why I’m in a three way match instead of a number one contenders match, but it is what is it. I’m going to assume that Lucia has a plan. I don’t know what that plan is, but I assume it’s there.
I do however, have something to say to you, Lucia.
You once told me that I have a special talent for making enemies in the locker room. That’s me being nice.
Lucia, I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but I do have to ask. Do I need to become a problem? Because if so, I won’t just become a problem.
I’ll become everyone’s problem.
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allabouttenille · 26 days
Summer Gold Shine
August 25th 2024
Giulia’s Farewell Gauntlet
With each match of Giulia’s farewell gauntlet being only one minute long, Dashwood had multiple opportunities to get involved. Including several times when Giulia invited the Australian to come in and fight her one more time. Each time, Dashwood declined. Eventually, she climbed onto the apron but upon seeing Giulia back on her feet, Dashwood hesitated. Giulia backed up only to be ambushed from behind by CHIAKI who clearly isn’t willing to wait for Dashwood to make up her mind.
With a smirk, Dashwood drops back down and lets CHIAKI take advantage of her sneak attack. Despite the strong start, Giulia continued to fight and survived the minute long affair but is clearly worn down from the consistent beating. Finally, Dashwood enters the ring and quickly goes on the attack, knowing she only has a minute to try and beat Giulia for a second time. Dashwood manages to come close on several occasions, but is unable to keep Giulia down before the time limit expires.
Despite her attempt coming to an end, Dashwood can’t resist one final forearm to the face. A decision that would quickly come back to haunt the Australian. Without any hesitation, Giulia is back on her feet and hits back. Dashwood in turn shoves Giulia, but gets hit with a headbutt in response that sends the Australian stumbling into the ropes and out of the ring. Giulia invites Dashwood to return to the ring but before any attempt can be made, Nozaki hits Giulia from behind with a steel chair to start to next portion of the match. Even if Dashwood and Giulia are no longer on the same roster, they are still not going to be very friendly towards each other.
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allabouttenille · 1 month
Summer Gold Shine 2024
August 19th 2024
Marigold United National Championship
Miku Aono (c) vs. Tenille Dashwood
With this being Giulia’s farewell show, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Dashwood was looking to steal the headlines for herself by ending Aono’s title reign at the very first defense. At one stage, Dashwood even attempted the Glorious Driver but was unable to connect. Partially due to having never even attempted the move before, partially due to Aono’s resilience as she slipped free and turned the tide of the match.
Following the attempted insult, Aono fired off a series of hard kicks that had the Australian in retreat and reconsidering her choices. Dashwood briefly regained control while cowering in the ropes until Aono got close enough to be pulled into the ropes and hung up. Quickly, Dashwood went for the submission with the Venus de Milo, but Aono rolled free and kept her title reign in tact.
Dashwood did eventually connect with the Spotlight Kick, but Aono ended up too close to the ropes and by the time Dashwood got her to the middle of the ring, Aono had recovered enough to kick out at two. Dashwood tried to connect a second time, but this time Aono avoided it and followed up with a hard kick to the chest. Dashwood gets back to her knees in pain but quickly regrets it.
Without even hesitating, Aono fired off a buzz saw kick to the head of the Australian. Aono could likely have gotten the victory with the strike, but wanted to make sure as she follows up with a Styles Clash for the definitive three count and a first successful title defense of the United National Championship.
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allabouttenille · 1 month
Game Changer Wrestling
You Only Die Once
August 14th 2024
JCW World Championship
Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Tenille Dashwood
The last time Dashwood and Slamovich shared a ring, they were uneasy allies but you’d never know that based on how the match started. Dashwood foolishly offered a handshake, believing they were still friends but Slamovich responded with a kopo kick to start the match in an aggressive manner. Despite the poor start, Dashwood was able to take control as she focused on the head and neck of Russian Dynamite.
Luckily for Dashwood, the match was JCW rules instead of GCW rules, meaning the Russian had to play within traditional rules. This served Dashwood well as she was able to exploit rope breaks and the officials count to cut Slamovich off and even do a little extra damage on several occasions.
Despite this advantage, Dashwood was unable to keep Slamovich down long enough to apply the Venus de Milo and soon ended up on the receiving end of a vicious barrage of kicks and strikes, culminating in a lighting fast White Knight Driver. Slamovich wasn’t taking any chances as she hooked both legs to secure the victory and the successful defense. Despite their past differences, after the match, Slamovich pulled Dashwood to her feet with a nod of approval. A stark contrast to the first time they met when Slamovich defeated Dashwood, then dropped her again after the final bell just because she felt like it.
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allabouttenille · 1 month
Summer Gold Shine
August 12th 2024
Tenille Dashwood & Bozilla vs. Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa
Much like their previous outings as a duo, Dashwood opted to start the match on the apron. Largely due to the fact that Bozilla refused to even consider it herself and instead insisted on starting. Bozilla dominated early on as seems to always be the case, but the experienced Takahashi was able to fight back. Before long, Dashwood blind tagged herself in and took control with a cheap shot to the back of Takahashi.
Ishikawa would soon get involved but was unable to decisively turn the tide. For much of the match the upper hand would be traded back and forth. Until Bozilla became legal again. Ishikawa and Takahashi were fully aware that they needed to keep the German out of the match, but Dashwood persisted and got the tag she needed. Soon after, Bozilla was able to connect with a stiff powerbomb to Ishikawa to secure the victory for the team.
After the match, Dashwood seemed to be suggesting to Bozilla that they challenge for the Twinstar Championships. Bozilla had other plans and made it clear that this isn’t a long term deal and is simply an alliance as opposed to being an actual team.
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allabouttenille · 1 month
Summer Gold Shine
August 10th 2024
With Miku Aono and Giulia in the midst of a highly competitive back and forth contest, the last thing either woman wanted was to see Tenille Dashwood make her way to ringside. Dashwood claimed to be here to provide commentary, despite the fact there is no commentary on the show. Understandably suspicious of her given both women have had their issues with the Australian as of late, Giulia and Aono return their focus to each other while keeping an eye on Dashwood.
Dashwood for her part, did simply observe for the vast majority of the match and only got involved once. With the official’s back turned, Dashwood attempted to trip Giulia but Giulia not only managed to keep her footing, she also turned and viciously stomped on the hand of Dashwood. After that, the Australian kept her distance as the duo battled to a time limit draw. Following the final decision, Dashwood climbed onto the apron to enter the ring, obviously looking for a cheap shot, but was confronted by both Aono and Giulia. Wisely, the Australian thought better of it and backed away instead.
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allabouttenille · 1 month
Summer Gold Shine
August 3rd 2024
Dream Star Grand Prix Qualifying Match
Tenille Dashwood vs. Chika Goto
Having to earn a place in the Dream Star Grand Prix was understandably not something that Dashwood was expecting, but considering the Australian isn’t full time with the promotion, it’s only fair. Dashwood did initially complain about the omission, but soon accepted the reality of the situation and wasted little time in targeting the neck of Chika. Early on it became obvious that Dashwood was going to have a difficult time connecting with the piledriver, so switched her attention to the arms and shoulders of her opponent. The switch worked as the longer the match went, the less effective Chika’s strikes became. It also made the Giant Swing incredibly unlikely, much to the delight of Dashwood. Eventually, Dashwood was able to take Chika down and apply the Venus de Milo to force the verbal submission. The Australian was unhappy with having to qualify, but with a championship match coming up on the 19th of the month, Dashwood is happy to build some momentum and build upon the hard fought victory over Giulia at Eternia’s recent Set Sail for Salineas event.
Summer Gold Shine
August 4th 2024
Myla Grace & Rea Seto vs. Tenille Dashwood & Bozilla
Despite being a tag team match, Tenille Dashwood was able to spend the entire match standing on the apron as Bozilla decided she didn’t want or need a partner. With a point to prove, the German refused to tag Dashwood in and the Australian didn’t exactly object. In the end, Dashwood was hardly even needed. Her sole contribution to the match was a well timed kick to the back of Rea Seto as she hit the ropes. Connecting with the kidney, Dashwood did enough damage to give Bozilla the opening she needed to deliver a vicious powerbomb. Myla Grace considered making the save, but wisely decided not to risk a similar fate and instead remained on the apron as Bozilla secured a dominant victory for her team, despite never once tagging out. After the match, Dashwood was quick to take credit and get her arm raised in victory.
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allabouttenille · 2 months
Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport XI
July 28th 2024
Reports are circulating that Tenille Dashwood and long time foe Tegan Nox ended up meeting each other backstage at Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport.
Nox was in attendance to support Shayna Baszler, while Dashwood was in attendance to have a closer look at another long time rival in Billie Morgan.
Dashwood and Nox have a well established dislike of each other but it never previously went past cheap shots at each other on social media. That changed at Bloodsport when the duo got physical and had to be pulled apart. Both women were asked to leave the venue shortly after.
It’s unknown what caused the physicality at this time, but neither woman was willing to back down based on reports.
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allabouttenille · 2 months
Summer Gold Shine - Post Match Comments
July 21st 2024
“Giulia. It’s obvious that you and I are not, and likely never will be friends. But I thought you would be professional enough to be able to work together for a weekend. I wasn’t thrilled about it either, but I was willing to put our differences aside. We had a chance to become Twinstar Champions after all. But, twice in the last two days you’ve viciously assaulted me for no reason now, once with that cinder block head of yours. Guess being professional is beyond you. This weekend was supposed to be about Miku Aono. Next weekend was you and I. But you made sure that wasn’t the case.
The worst part is, I should have seen it coming. You haven’t won a single match in Eternia. The only match you’ve won in Marigold, was the match I won for us. Of course you’d want to take the attention off of your losing streak by any means necessary. Unfortunately for you, on Sunday I plan on extending your losing streak. After that, I have three further goals that I want to accomplish, ideally before you go into hiding in Orlando with a certain cowgirl. Marigold National Champion. Eternia Moonstone Champion. And then, just to piss you off even more, Marigold World Champion by doing what you failed to do. Defeating Sareee. After that, who knows. Maybe I’ll drop by the house that I built in Orlando and beat you again.
But, that’s a subject for another day. For now, just think about Sunday. I may not be a fan of the unsanctioned portion of the match, but believe me, I won’t hesitate to drop you on that thick head of yours and send you packing.”
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allabouttenille · 2 months
Summer Gold Shine
July 21st 2024
Marigold Twinstar Tag Title Tourney - First Round
Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Tenille Dashwood & Giulia
Despite having the chance to move forward in a tournament to crown the first Twinstar Tag Team Champions, neither Tenille Dashwood nor Giulia were interested in anything other than screwing the other over. Just like the day before, tags between the duo were needlessly aggressive with one tag in particular from Giulia driving that fact home. With Dashwood on the apron and refusing to offer her hand, Giulia responded with a straight right hand to the jaw instead. Technically, it counted as a tag.
Dashwood got her revenge later in the match as an Irish whip into the ropes saw the Australian ‘accidentally’ run elbow first into her own partner on the apron. Showzuki and Aono were clearly not sure how to proceed so instead took the openings whenever they came up and stood back anytime their opponents started fighting each other. Which happened more and more often as the match went on.
At one stage, Dashwood was caught in a sleeper and reaching for the ropes, only for Giulia to enter the ring but instead of helping her partner, yelled at her to get to the ropes, pointing in the direction. This proved to be the final straw for the duo as shortly after the unhelpful assist, Dashwood attempted to take a shot at Giulia but missed. Instead, Giulia connected with a G Trigger that sent the Australian into a Buzzsaw kick from Aono.
Instead of helping her partner, Giulia walked away and left Dashwood to fall to the Styles Clash and the three count, eliminating the uncooperative duo in the first round and allowing Aono some revenge for the loss she suffered 24 hour earlier. Dashwood and Aono now each hold a pinfall victory over each other. But, for the second time this weekend, the Australian has been left laid out thanks to her own partner, no matter how unwilling they were.
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allabouttenille · 2 months
Summer Gold Shine
July 20th 2024
Giulia, Tenille Dashwood & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Sareee, Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki
Despite being by far the least experienced member of her team, Victoria Yuzuki was left with the unenviable task of playing peacemaker between her teammates. Teammates who will fight each other in a little over a weeks time in an unsanctioned match. As such, Yuzuki ended up wrestling much of the match by herself while Tenille Dashwood and Giulia argued on the ring apron. Any time Yuzuki did manage to tag out, the peace wouldn’t last long.
At one point, with Dashwood legal, Giulia decided to tag herself in by chopping Dashwood across the back hard enough to leave a hand print on the Australian. Dashwood responded in kind by tagging in with an overly aggressive slap to the head of her alleged partner. Yuzuki, being the only one focused on the match, often ended up having to tag herself back in before her partners cost each other the match. One questionable tag came in the form of Dashwood poking Giulia in the eye and claiming it was a legal tag.
Towards the end of the match, Aono managed to connect with the buzzsaw kick to Yuzuki and was primed for a Styles Clash but the legal Giulia instead connected with a G-Trigger to save Yuzuki. With her attention on Aono, Giulia didn’t notice Dashwood gently tagging herself in. Remaining on the apron, Dashwood watches as Giulia connects with the Glorious Driver, only for the Australian to then scurry into the ring and into the cover, stealing the victory from her own partner.
Unsurprisingly, Giulia wasn’t happy despite being on the winning side. Not seeing what she did wrong, an arrogant Dashwood is quick to celebrate the victory before Giulia squares up to her, demanding an explanation. Yuzuki once again tries to play the peacemaker but throws up her hands when Dashwood pokes Giulia in the forehead, daring her to react. Giulia shakes her head before delivering a stiff headbutt, flooring the Australian in the process. Giulia obviously wants to do more, but thinks better of it and walks away as Yuzuki is left shaking her head at being caught in the middle.
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allabouttenille · 2 months
Summer Destiny 2024
July 13th 2024
A grueling 35 minutes of wrestling saw Miku Aono compete twice in quick succession and emerge as the first ever Marigold United National Champion. Aono would be forgiven for wanting to celebrate and enjoy the moment, but Tenille Dashwood had other ideas. Making her first Marigold appearance since early June, the Australian wasted little time in confronting the new champion in the middle of the ring.
Despite the fact that she had just competed twice, Aono looked ready to fight for a third time if needed. Dashwood had other ideas and wasn’t here to get physical. Instead, she was simply staking a claim to a shot at the newly won championship after not being included in the tournament to begin with. Aono doesn’t back down and despite the language barrier between the duo, is able to get the message and nods her head, seemingly happy to accept the challenge.
Happy with the outcome, Dashwood reaches out to pat the title championship belt, but Aono quickly pulls back. Despite accepting the challenge, Aono is unwilling to give Dashwood the satisfaction of physically touching the championship. Taking the hint, Dashwood raises both hands as she backs away, a smirk on her face as Aono doesn’t let her guard down for even a second, instead watching as Dashwood leaves the ring completely.
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allabouttenille · 3 months
Deadlock Pro Wrestling
Live 7
July 7th 2024
Tenille Dashwood vs. Dani Luna
Battle of the Best - First Round Match
Despite having met before, Dashwood was still hesitant to actually lock up with Luna. Her hesitation was proven correct as when Luna did finally get a hold of the Australian, the power game came into play. A series of throws and suplexes had Dashwood scrambling out of the ring but Luna refused to allow it and dragged Dashwood back for more each time. When Dashwood did finally gain control, she attempted the stump piledriver, but quickly regretted it as Luna easily powered out with a backdrop.
A second attempt later in the match had the same result, forcing the Australian to reconsider. Knowing the power of Luna, Dashwood didn’t even attempt the Venus de Milo and instead focused on hitting the Spotlight Kick. Luna had it well scouted and was able to avoid ending up prone for any length of time. In the end, Luna would attempt the Luna Landing, but Dashwood was able to shift her momentum just enough to roll through, and bring Luna with her for a roll up and the three count. It was practically out of nowhere, but Dashwood won’t care. She has picked up the victory and advances in the Battle of the Best tournament.
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allabouttenille · 3 months
All Elite Wrestling
Forbidden Door Zero Hour
June 30th 2024
Twisted Sisterz vs. All About Dee
With the continued tensions between Deonna Purrazzo and Thunder Rosa, it was only a matter of time before things escalated even further. Forbidden Door Zero Hour was the next step in the growing rivalry as both woman was afforded the chance to choose her own partner. The suspect history of Rosa meant she had limited options and ended up choosing one of her few trusted allies in Holidead. Purrazzo on the other hand, had considerably more options but still settled on her most recent championship winning partner in Tenille Dashwood.
Unsurprisingly, Rosa and Purrazzo started the match as both women were eager to renew hostilities. It didn’t take long for Dashwood to get involved illegally on several occasions which inevitably drew Holidead into the match at the same time. With all four women in the ring on a regular basis, the official struggled to maintain control. Standard for an AEW match.
The last time Dashwood and Purrazzo teamed together, they lost to MK Ultra and looked to be heading for a similar result before the Australian took a bullet for Purrazzo by pushing her out of the way when Rosa came off the top rope with a shotgun drop kick. The save meant Rosa hesitated for a fraction of a second after landing. Rosa may have hesitated after the selfless act, but Purrazzo didn’t. The delay instead allowed Purrazzo to connect with a running knee to the face, followed by the Queen’s Gambit to secure the three count and the victory.
Despite her partners sacrifice, Purrazzo showed no signs of checking on her and instead was only focused on getting the victory. Even after the match, Purrazzo simply got her hand raised in victory before finally going to make sure Dashwood was okay. Dashwood understandably questions the actions of Purrazzo, but the Virtuosa isn’t concerned and instead holds her hands up in innocence. The duo exchange a few more words before sharing a hug and raising each others hand in victory, having gotten past their disagreement.
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allabouttenille · 3 months
TNA Digital Exclusive
June 14th 2024
Following her defeat in the main event of Against All Odds, Tenille Dashwood makes her way backstage only to be instantly confronted by Killer Kelly. In recent months, Kelly is the only person on the roster who was willing to stand side by side with the Australian, even if Dashwood wasn’t too fond of the idea. The duo come face to face before Kelly puts an arm around the shoulders of Dashwood, much to her discomfort. “Where should we go next, soulmate?” Kelly asks, a grin coming to her face as Dashwood tries in vain to pull away.
“Kelly, look. I never thought I’d say this, but thank you for all your help recently. However, this is the end. Not because I don’t appreciate you or anything, it’s the opposite. You need to stay here and get Masha back. You can’t give up on that. You need to give that your full attention from now on.” Dashwood explains, Kelly originally ready to argue the suggestion but soon nodding her head slowly. After thinking about it, Kelly seems to agree that she needs to focus on Masha and let Dashwood go.
“Maybe you’re right…” Kelly responds, loosening her grip on the shoulder of Dashwood just enough for the Australian to slip free. “I know you will get her back, Kelly. You just need to focus on her now.” Dashwood encourages, getting a more confident nod from Kelly this time. “You’re right. I’ll get Masha back, MK Ultra will be better than ever, then we can get you back! Soulmates always come back to one another!” With a sadistic grin on her face, Kelly playfully boops the nose of Dashwood before walking off. The Australian may have gotten free of Kelly’s clutches, but the Portuguese Psychopath most definitely isn’t forgetting about her.
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allabouttenille · 3 months
TNA Wrestling
Against All Odds
June 14th 2024
TNA Digital Media Championship
Iron Man Match
Tessa Blanchard vs. Tenille Dashwood
Obviously full of confidence considering her history of long matches in comparison to her opponent, Tessa Blanchard is quick to saunter around the ring and is all but celebrating before the match has even started. As soon as the match starts, her arrogance costs her as Tenille Dashwood strikes a decisive first blow. Within seconds, the challenger connects with a Spotlight Kick to score a shock first victory and blow up the gameplan of the defending champion. Blanchard can now no longer simply run down the clock and wait for Dashwood to get tired, time is now her enemy.
Eager to make up for the shock first fall, Blanchard goes all out attack but Dashwood is quick to escape the ring and cut off the momentum whenever she feels in danger. Slowly but surely, Blanchard starts to get frustrated and is routinely seen checking the clock on the big screen. At the fifteen minute mark, with no further falls, both women end up fighting on the floor where Dashwood connects with a suplex before rolling back into the ring. Initially it looked like Dashwood was going for a count out victory, but Blanchard was up long before the ten count. Instead, Dashwood reaches through the ropes and grabs the hair of the unsuspecting Blanchard, only to be blindsided with a steel chair to the head.
Dashwood falls lifelessly back into the ring and it takes the official a few seconds to realize what has happened considering how absurd it seems. Blanchard has just Dashwood a second fall to give the challenger a 2-0 lead. Despite the mounting odds, Blanchard isn’t concerned. Instead, she waits the required twenty seconds before pinning the still lifeless Dashwood to get one fall back. Another twenty seconds pass before Blanchard simply repeats the process to level it up as her gameplan becomes obvious. Blanchard took the single loss, in order to gain several victories. A third attempt however, is unsuccessful as Dashwood manages to get a shoulder up, but not very convincingly.
Blanchard drags the dazed Australian to her feet and connects with the hammerlock DDT to quickly make it 3-2 in the champions favour. In less than two minutes, Blanchard has completely turned the match around and she isn’t finished yet. Another hammerlock DDT follows to give Blanchard a commanding 4-2 lead and the champion is full of confidence. So much so, that she stands back and allows Dashwood the chance to finally get back to her feet before continuing the assault. It isn’t long before Dashwood realizes the situation she finds herself in and now it’s Blanchard’s turn to bail out of the ring whenever she is in danger, the roles now fully reversed.
With time ticking down, Dashwood manages to catch Blanchard by surprise with an inside cradle to bring herself to within one fall but time is definitely not her friend right now. Knowing this, Blanchard continually slows the pace down and on several occasions simply throws Dashwood from the ring to eat up some more time. Into the final minutes of the match, and Dashwood is throwing everything she has at Blanchard, but it’s to no avail. The Spotlight Kick is avoided and the Stump Piledriver is countered every single time.
Dashwood’s final hope comes when she is able to counter an attempt at the hammerlock DDT and instead turn it around to take the champion down and apply the Venus de Milo in the middle of the ring. Having already managed to get Blanchard to submit to this hold before, Dashwood gives it everything she has. Blanchard cries out in agony but refuses to submit, instead, she watches the seconds ticking down on the big screen. Blanchard could end the pain at any time and go into overtime, but her hatred for Dashwood is so much that she would rather suffer than allow that to happen.
By the time the ball sounds, Blanchard likely can’t feel her arms anymore, but she won’t care. She managed to hold on and achieve her goal via a 4-3 victory. Hardly able to believe it, Dashwood releases the hold and stares at the final score on the big screen. Tessa Blanchard has retained the TNA Digital Media Championship and as such, Dashwood’s time in TNA has come to an end. Following the announcement of this, Blanchard shocks the world by offering a handshake to Dashwood in the middle of the ring, clearly still in agony. Despite all the cheap shots the two have taken at each other, it seems Blanchard is finally ready to put their differences behind them. Understandably, Dashwood hesitates before going to accept, only for Blanchard to drop her hand and back away with a smirk instead, making an L shape on her forehead to prove that she won’t ever change and is going to enjoy her victory.
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