 Those who are still keen on interacting with Niki can go follow her new blog! Moving her to a sideblog doesn’t mean I have any less interest in writing her, I’m just tidying things up. I’ll keep this blog up as reference/an archive. 
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 Those who are still keen on interacting with Niki can go follow her new blog! Moving her to a sideblog doesn’t mean I have any less interest in writing her, I’m just tidying things up. I’ll keep this blog up as reference/an archive. 
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 Those who are still keen on interacting with Niki can go follow her new blog! Moving her to a sideblog doesn’t mean I have any less interest in writing her, I’m just tidying things up. I’ll keep this blog up as reference/an archive. 
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 Those who are still keen on interacting with Niki can go follow her new blog! Moving her to a sideblog doesn’t mean I have any less interest in writing her, I’m just tidying things up. I’ll keep this blog up as reference/an archive. 
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 Those who are still keen on interacting with Niki can go follow her new blog! Moving her to a sideblog doesn’t mean I have any less interest in writing her, I’m just tidying things up. I’ll keep this blog up as reference/an archive. 
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i made this available on redbubble if you want it!
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Eat your heart out @lastofthepast  
I couldn’t stop thinking of Silver Shroud! Nikita. 
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When the fog’s strong and Nikita wants to dance with her hunters. 
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I heard she's too hot, hot damn
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“That’s no rumor, but a fact.” 
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anonymously leave a rumor about my character in my inbox
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The desperation was not lost on Jo as Nikita moved her onto her back and set forth a fierce pace. Her hand tried to close the wound, to stifle the blood as to minimize her scent in the air but it was all to no avail. Instead she continuously threw wary glances over her shoulder, trying to swallow her terror as the distinct feeling of dread clamped over her heart. She could sense things in the shadows, see things moving through foliage and they were far worse than a mere gulper.
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Her fingers grasped at Nikita’s shoulders as she unwittingly held her breath, pale lips parted as she considered speaking but no words came out. It was better that way, noise would only encourage most. These creatures did not fear man, it was the other way around. They had been knocked down a few notches on the food chain the moment the bombs dropped.
 The sum of Jo’s fears were only a small portion of Nikita’s misplaced excitement. She could feel the rush of adrenaline leading her legs forward. Guiding each step with an added rigor. To fight, to die or to come out victorious were all good outcomes. As long as she had a taste of someone’s blood. 
  Still, the Nucleus wasn’t far now. It would only take another breach of trees to reach it. So she bounded through the foliage faster, practically running at this point. 
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Relief flooded through her as the battle for survival was won. Oh they were still in danger, the fog always found some new and dangerous beast to push out from the depths of hell. Jochebed couldn’t figure out why this island in particular was touched. Sure, it was a lovely place in a very morbid sense, but she couldn’t figure out why Atom thought it to be special.
“Okay,” she replied, clearly in a daze as she limped forward with her hand sprawled over her wound. In the end it was her that they were after, her blood attracted every creature and she suspected that most won’t stop until she was dead.
  There were beasts in the woods, creeping behind the mist. Something at the back of Nikita’s mind, perhaps the voice of Far Harbor itself, betrayed the gravity of their situation. Edged them to run. 
  The trapper quickly set the cultist on her back, striding with a determination so fierce it could have set the forest on fire. She made no attempt to tell Jo of the animals closing in, instead she moved. Never looking back and never faltering. 
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     Jochebed hobbled, her hand splaying over her torn thigh as she tried to give the hunter the room she needed to fight the gulper. It was a tense situation, one that put her on edge and reminded her of just how severe the situation was for her.
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     Helplessly, Jochebed watched as the gulper that lunged at her, but Nikita caught the head and held it at bay as it snapped at her. Both of Jochebed’s hands flew up, unsure of what to do to help. She didn’t want to jump in and make things worse. Especially with how bad her leg was.
 Nikita pushed forward with the blunt side of her sword, knocking the gulper onto it’s back. The beast scrambled and drooled in an instinctive panic. Making noise as the trapper flung the blade it’s way, catching the soft flesh of it’s stomach. 
 As quickly as it had come to feast, the gulper changed it’s mind. High tailing it out into the woods. Though as it disappeared, Nikita could barely make out the sound of something else clipping it by the tail and taking it as theirs. 
 “Come, we have to keep moving.” 
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I feel stupid and contagious! 
Patti Smith’s version of this song will always be my fav and it fits the trappers so well! 
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“I’m sorry that we’ve interrupted your hunt.” DiMA says, not sorry at all that those yao guai will have gotten well clear by now. “You will be appropriately compensated of course, upon our safe return. Anything you need.” Insurance.. he was sure to need plenty of it. He was no fool to believe the word of a trapper, even one who seemed to have a slightly better grasp on their sanity than the others which he’d encountered. Holding up his hands in apology he inclined his head towards her slightly, almost courtly. “Nikita though of course, my apologies.. and your men? What do I call them? My colleagues here are Chase and Dejen.” It was only good manners to introduce them, though he doubted they’d be sticking with this group long enough for names to have any real value. He followed Nikita into the woods without any hesitation, brushing aside large fronds of fern and low hanging branches as they all trudged along. Neither he or Chase made a sound as they passed, carefully picking their way through the undergrowth in practiced motions, used to the terrain. Dejen was a different story, stumbling every few steps and cursing as he was stabbed by yet another patch of thistles and thorns. DiMA hoped the trappers would be patient enough not to kill him where he stood, but hunters didn’t usually take kindly to people crashing through their hunting grounds. It tended to scare off the prey. In an attempt to direct their attention away from Dejen’s clumsy racket and avoid becoming the next piece of ‘interior decor’, DiMA caught up with their leader and conversed with her in lowered tones. “How long have you been a part of this group Nikita? These men obviously respect you a great deal. It must be difficult to control a band of such.. independent types.”
 “These men’s names are Rocko, Ivan, Bjorn and Silver.” Nikita made no effort to point them out. That was for them to guess. At least she’d been kind enough to present them in the first place. “They don’t talk as much as I do. Unless you’ve learned to sign. Some of us have a hard time hearing.” 
  The trappers noticed Dejen’s tumbling, stealing glances towards his clumsy steps. They shared a quiet laugh among themselves, gesturing with their hands and signing a few secret jests. Perhaps they would have liked to strike him dead where he stood, though it’d been made clear by Nikita that wouldn’t be a possibility. Not yet. 
 “A long time,” It was hard to tell when she’d first stepped onto the island. Time was a blur in the world of trappers. Days and nights blended into each other until they were a slew of hours. It was easier to pin seasons than it was to tell a sunset apart from a sunrise.  “When you hunt with others, you develop a sense for their skill. You can judge what they’re like on the battlefield. So, they know perfectly well they’re weaker than I am. And that I would cut them down as quickly as they’d rebel...It’s not difficult to lead them when they yearn to live.” 
 Nikita’s laugh was light, almost a whisper as she climbed over tree roots. “Besides, don’t mistake our prowess for being solitary beasts. We need one another to survive. We’re hunters after all. We work best in packs.” 
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