alliedassetfunds · 2 years
Allied Asset Funds Reviews-Here’s What the Clients Say
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Allied Asset Funds has provided best-in-class financial services for the last few years to clients from around the world, eliciting a number of glowing and thoughtful reviews on our collaborative approach to managed forex trading. Also, our extensive first-hand experience with financial analytics and innovative software has seen us rapidly evolve into one of the best fund management firms, going so far as to record some of the highest client-fulfilment rates in the industry.
The philosophical cornerstone of Allied Asset Funds’ forex managed account services is simple: creating sustainable value. When clients pick us to boost their investments and savings, they can rest assured that their objectives will be fulfilled. That’s because we take a great deal of care in how we assemble our burgeoning team (currently consisting of around 100 specialists) and of our ongoing efforts to develop it further. Whether it is cutting-edge technologies or attracting the best talent, we’ll do whatever it takes to be the best forex fund management company for you.
So here are some highlights of what clients have to say about the services offered by Allied Asset Funds, and the rationale behind our choices. 1. Safety First If you’ve followed currency pair fluctuations for long enough, you know how accurate the following statement is: forex trading is an unpredictable beast. Whenever there are signs of increased volatility or uncertainty in the market, certain currencies have greater risk and exposure attached to them, while others are considered “safe havens”. The key is to identify between them, and get the buy/sell timing right, an approach popularly known as risk-averse trading. Risk aversion can be defined as a trader’s tendency to safeguard the capital that they already have rather than pursue a chance that could potentially net them a higher-than-average return. Since risk is directly proportional to price volatility in the wild ride that is forex trading, a risky trade has the power to instantly transform a trader into a prince or a pauper. That is why we, at Allied Asset Funds, prepare each and every one of our clients a forex money management plan that revolves around a safety-first approach. 2. Stable Returns The market, as alluded to earlier, is a highly volatile monster whose movements and behaviors are tough to anticipate or prepare for. But, as our client Mr. Thomas indicates in their review, Allied Asset Funds has mastered the art of attaining that which remains elusive for most traders — stable returns. We are only able to achieve them consistently because of, after a long and arduous process of trial and error, a set of flexible and reliable forex money management strategies, implemented in a variety of scenarios. Let’s consider a couple of them now. Research, once identified early on in our journey, has been our go-to mechanism to get a feel for or insight into every aspect of the market. While Allied Asset Funds may not have the manpower to do an in-depth analysis of every listed currency, we certainly have the required talent to put in the cumulative hard-work necessary to go through every scrap of information on all the major currencies which currently dominate forex trading. The sheer number of economics papers, research studies, and theories on future developments that our team goes through on both, the currencies as well as their respective countries, is mind-boggling. We burn the midnight oil so that our clients breathe easy whenever their thoughts turn to the fate of their savings. Secondly, our FX Trading Programs offer a degree of customisation married with automation that is exceptional, even according to modern standards. Our extensive suite of tools not only carry out trades in a systematic manner, with minimal human involvement, but also enable us to execute them in a fine-tuned fashion. Certain rules, like unloading higher yielding pairs (such as NZD/USD and AUD/USD) during times of high volatility in exchange for the safe havens of Japanese yen and Swiss franc, are baked into them to facilitate seamless transactions. We’ve designed our systems with an eye on the fact that even an execution delay of one milli-second could result in crippling losses. That is the reason why some of the best forex managed accounts from the last few years are associated with Allied Asset Funds. 3. Fund Managers & Ethics At its essence, managed forex trading is dictated by the strength of the relationship between an investor and the Fund Manager. We’re fully aware of this. The trust between the two is indicative of the success or failure of the partnership, which is exactly why our Fund Manager selection process is one of the most comprehensive and rigorous programs within the industry. Whenever the possibility of a new addition to our team crops up, we assess more than just past trades. People skills, decision-making ability under pressure, sincerity, dependability, scrupulousness, etc. are not checkboxes that we merely glance at; on our measurement scale, they are qualities on par with trading knowledge and financial performance. This is how we’ve managed to assemble some of the top forex Fund Managers in the world at our firm. When it comes to ethical practices and transparency, we leave no stone unturned. All trade executions with timestamps are made instantly transparent, the latest market intelligence disseminated to all stakeholders, provisions of all relevant regulatory bodies fulfilled, highest credit rating possible achieved, and the trust of our clients unbroken. The day Allied Asset Funds breaks a promise or withholds information or misleads someone, will be the day we no longer exist. Conclusion Only a small sample of what our clients have to say about our services have been included here. That is why, we would like to hear from more of you. Feedback and reviews are the best way we can improve our offerings, identify and rectify problems, create new services based on demand, and make you trust us more. So if you’ve got a minute, please head on over to our Facebook or Trustpilot page, and leave us a review. Tell us what we’re doing right, and where we’re going wrong. Make us better so that we serve you better.
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alliedassetfunds · 3 years
6 Tricks to Stop Suffering Losses in Forex Trading
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With a daily turnover of $6.6 trillion in 2020, the global foreign exchange market (forex) is the world’s largest financial market by quite a distance. Its sheer variety and scope loosens the purse strings of all kinds of traders — from amateurs taking baby steps in finance to seasoned professionals with decades of experience, from sprinters looking for a quick payday to marathoners consolidating their accounts on an annual basis.
But the behaviour exhibited by a large proportion of traders is essentially similar: make a quick entry, bet on risky transactions, pray for a windfall, suffer losses, lose confidence, make a quick exit. It is almost as if their entire forex money management plan boils down to a stroke of luck or a blessing from the gods of finance. So here are 6 tricks to help the would-be trader in you to stick around in the market longer than most of your peers, to avoid crippling losses. Some of them are easy to follow, others are tough, but all of them will benefit you to a certain degree.
1. Research is King
Thanks to weekday trading sessions that are open 24/7, availability of considerable leverage, and minimal account opening and transaction charges, entry into the forex market is a piece of cake. This doesn’t mean whatever financial precautions and measures that one usually takes before a new venture can be ignored. Conducting research, a key element of the due diligence process, is also vital to a trader’s success — a trait common among even the world’s top forex fund managers.
Sure, there is no substitute to the trading knowledge and experience one gains from making real transactions. Every aspiring trader, however, should equip themselves with a basic understanding of the underlying geopolitical and economic trends that influence market movements. Also, since the market is dynamic and prone to sudden fluctuations, research will arm them with the tools necessary to adapt to changing circumstances and regulations, and help formulate reliable forex money management strategies — the bedrock upon which risk and trading decisions are evaluated.
2. Practice Makes Perfect
Even though it is one of the most cliched sayings of all time, it also happens to be relevant whenever someone is picking up a new skill. By offering a simulated or demo account, trading platforms have recognized the need for a playground, of sorts, where experimental trades can be placed, but without the consequences that come with using real money.
Through such simulations, beginners in the forex market not only familiarize themselves with order-entry techniques, but also build up the resilience required to deal with a crisis in confidence that inevitably follows an error in opening or exiting a position. One of the most popular trading mistakes is when a fresh-faced trader, instead of closing a trade, accidentally makes a losing position even worse. That’s why Monopoly is such a popular board game — it helps us play with imaginary money before moving on to real money.
3. Know When To Stop A Loss
There is no shortage of guide books, advice columns, and expert opinions on how to make money. But they all ignore one universal truth of the forex market — no one wins all the time. No matter how well-researched a trader is, no matter how good the forex managed account services they employ are, no matter how many decades of trading experience they have. In fact, loss is an unstoppable market force; so knowing how to recognise it and minimise it in time is a particularly valuable skill.
The stop-loss mechanism, a strategy that kicks in at predetermined market levels either to safeguard existing profits or to put an end to further losses, is the single most effective measure available to bow out of a trade gracefully. Some traders, who have a problem controlling their impulse, are even known to employ a maximum daily loss mechanism, wherein all open positions are closed immediately beyond a certain point and new trades cannot be initiated until the start of the next trading session.
4. Start Cautiously
Even when a beginner has prepared as well as can be reasonably expected and is about to start a career in the forex market, caution should be the name of the game. All of the trading practice undertaken until that point was merely hypothetical, and no amount of it can begin to precisely imitate the real thing, so kicking things off with small trades is the smart thing to do.
Real trading has certain factors like slippage (a discrepancy between the anticipated price of a trade and the price at which it is really executed) that can only be comprehended through experience. Even trusted strategies, that might have performed well in practice, have a knack of crumbling under the unique pressures of a live market. So if the intention is to stick around long enough to be a forex veteran, begin with low-level trades and take it up a notch only after learning from inexpensive mistakes.
5. Controlled Emotion
Keeping emotions in check is tough at the best of times, and is made even tougher when hard-earned savings are at the mercy of a brutal forex market. In any single year, even the best forex managed accounts suffer individual losses in the short run. But it is their response to a loss that really counts towards performance in the long-run.
For this reason, traders should eschew both the euphoria that follows a big win and the gut-wrenching despair that accompanies an unexpectedly large loss. They should instead treat losses, uncertainty, volatility, and profits with magnanimous calm, as if it is all just another boring day at the office. After all, the objective is to have a successful career as a forex trader; not just be remembered as an overnight sensation who flamed out.
6. Get Professional Help
In case all the guide books and expert advice and well-intentioned tips or tricks and practice in the world doesn’t nurture enough confidence in one’s own abilities, there is absolutely nothing wrong in employing the services of a forex fund management company like Allied Asset Funds. Forex traders lead stressful lives, sacrificing family time in search of competitive edge and trying to stay sane during times of high volatility. It is not a life for everyone. Managed forex trading, on the other hand, allows one to enjoy the best of both worlds: place trades without devoting a significant chunk of your life to research, get steady profits without the prerequisite suffering and sacrifices.
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alliedassetfunds · 3 years
5 Reasons Why Forex Account Management Services Are Advantageous For You
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Indian traders have never been as unenthusiastic about standard bank interest rates as they are right now, in 2022. This downward trend was first spotted during the early part of the 2010s, and has since dropped sharply with each passing year. People with even a passing interest in the markets, and meagre savings in their bank accounts, are instead chasing higher returns in every possible way. As a result, one of the most popular alternative avenues for generating additional cashflow has been the Foreign Exchange market (Forex).
In fact, the demand for high bonuses and rewards has been such that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently warned people against trading forex on unauthorised digital platforms like OctaFX, an official sponsor of the Indian Premier League (IPL). And if traders no longer want to fall prey to entities that are unrecognised by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), then the answer is simple: forex account management services.
As we dig deeper into the necessity for forex managed account services to combat dangerous trading, let us first attempt to answer a simple question: How are the services offered by a forex fund management company better for you than when you attempt to trade by yourself?
Sweat & Toil of Self-directed Trading
When you trade through your account, a.k.a. self-directed trading, the main objective is probably to acquire a positive return on the original investment. To attain it, the forex money management plan of a first-time trader will usually set the bar high, in the hope of turning a quick profit, only to inevitably suffer a series of losses. This is because the process of being a consistently successful forex trader involves burning midnight oil, analysing every currency pair, perusing critical economic reports, studying charts across different time periods from different sectors, etc. Doesn’t sound fun or easy, does it?
And yet most first-timers continue to trod the same disastrous path. Why?
There are a few reasons. Some are curious to see how good or bad their trading ideas perform in a real-world scenario; some hear stories of people who became millionaires after just a few weeks of trading and want to emulate them; and others just want to develop an additional stream of income. In most cases, the luck of a first-timer runs out sooner rather than later, and they can’t escape the fact that they will have to pick up the broken pieces and move on with their life.
As mentioned earlier, the objective of a trader is to make a positive return on investment. But there is no rule to say that it can only be achieved through their wits and hard-work alone. They shouldn’t let ego or impatience or unrealistic ambitions stop them from accessing the best forex money management strategies or leveraging the talents of top forex fund managers.
So why not rely on forex account management services to help you across the finish line?
Advantages of a Managed Forex Trading Account
A managed forex account, on the other hand, is one where an experienced fund manager makes trade decisions and executes transactions with your account on your behalf. Let’s go through its advantages in more detail.
1. Reliable Returns
Hard-earned savings are invested in the market not for fun or to take risks; they are invested in expectation of healthy returns. Managed forex trading is not only safer in nearly every aspect, but also guarantees steady profits on a monthly basis. If you permit a fund manager to operate $5,000 from your account, for instance, it is reasonable to expect a monthly surplus return between 10-20% — without any need to expend time or effort on your part.
In other words, forex account management services put your mind at ease and, for a change, allow you to enjoy your earnings.
2. Minimal Risk
Volatility is the very definition of the forex market, and there is a strong possibility for new investors to be exposed to sudden and heavy losses, if they don’t have an experienced hand to guide them. A forex fund management company, however, is pretty much the perfect partner one could hope for to safely negotiate any currency-pair related risks popping up halfway across the world. With an experienced fund manager at your beck and call, you wouldn’t require in-depth knowledge of the market to make sound investments.
3. Full Transparency
Awareness is a great advantage when forex account management services are brought into play. Whenever a fund manager executes a trade or makes an important decision on futures, the investor is aware of it in real-time. There is no room for confusion or obfuscation, which in turn leads to a more trustworthy partnership. And a solid investor-fund manager bond has a high probability of registering greater returns over time — a virtuous circle of sorts.
4. Greater Flexibility
Based on an investor’s preferences and their chosen forex money management plan, the fund manager can be directed to either take more risks in order to win (or lose) big in return for a smaller rate of commission, or assure themselves of a certain level of consistent profit at a higher rate. Just because you’ve decided to avail account management services doesn’t mean that your decision-making process is suddenly inhibited. In fact, in many ways it becomes more flexible.
5. Complete Control Over Funds
There is a popular misconception among people looking to enter the trading world that handing over your forex account to a fund manager means you lose control, so let’s clear up a few things. Your forex account is in your name and will always remain in your control. Any of the initial deposit in your account, that is above the minimum account opening balance, is yours to open and close. Also, a fund manager can never transfer funds from your account; they are only authorized to place trades on your behalf.
So these are some of the hallmarks of the best forex managed accounts. Sure, employing their services doesn’t mean you can check out completely. You do need to keep an eye on their operations from time-to-time, but not to such an extent that your life turns upside down, a distinctive feature of running your own account.
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alliedassetfunds · 3 years
How Allied Asset Funds Operates Managed Forex Accounts
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The foreign exchange market (forex) is the most lucrative financial trading segment in the world. This is beyond debate. With a daily turnover of nearly $7 trillion, tremendous liquidity and volatility levels, and a higher ceiling of available leverage, forex trading tends to catch the eye of everyone on the spectrum. From the lone-wolf investor, with a chip on their shoulder, looking to play the short game, to the huge consortium of investors who, being more risk-averse, tend to focus on the big picture.
The forex market, however, is a fickle beast. It doesn’t discriminate; it is dynamic and ruthless. It gobbles up ill-informed investors, takes them for a stomach-churning ride, and spits them out for fun on a daily basis. To avoid such a sad fate, you either need to master complex topics like international politics and supply chains and financial regulations, or just get yourself a managed forex account.
Managed Forex Account, explained
A managed forex account can be defined as a kind of currency trading account where an experienced asset manager (a.k.a. fund manager) makes trade decisions and executes transactions on behalf of one or more investors, in return for a performance fee or a cut of the account profits. It requires the investor(s) to place their financial assets in a forex account and provide authorisation — by signing a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) — to the manager, typically a representative of a forex fund management company, who trades those funds in the rise or fall of one currency in relation to another.
Investors who choose to employ such forex managed account services do so with the full awareness that dealing in the highly leveraged forex market can lead to remarkably large profits just as often as gut-wrenchingly harsh losses. An account like this is perfect for those who: are not experts of foreign currencies but are still eager for exposure to a highly volatile market; have a tendency to take abnormally large risks; and are willing to trust a professional to make all the big calls with regards to selection and trading.
With that being said, is there a firm, whose roster includes top forex fund managers, and with decades of forex trading experience, that you can place your faith and trust in?
Allied Asset Funds: Your Complete FX Solution
At Allied Asset Funds (AAF), our refined approach to forex markets is a result of our forward-thinking investment in advanced capabilities, both human and technology, over the past few years. As a consequence of it, along with input from our long-term partnership with talented software developers, we are able to furnish you with cutting-edge forex money management strategies that will remain sustainable for a long time to come.
In other words, we offer a comprehensive forex solution that fulfils all your needs, from trading to strategy to hedging to payment, in one no-frills package. Here is a glimpse of it.
AAF’s forex money management plan is executed by a team of highly experienced fund managers that are based in critical financial capitals all over the world. They are available to you Monday to Friday, night and day, and are armed with the knowledge of running some of the best forex managed accounts, and an innate feel for how international currencies fluctuate. You can get in touch with them either through our electronic FX centres or our e-trading platform. Alternatively, if you prefer a more personal touch during volatile market situations, you can always get on the phone and reach out to us.
FX Platforms
Our FX platforms go well beyond the traditional collection of managed forex trading tools and services that are touted by our competitors. AAF offers a wide range of integrated services that, if you wish, can facilitate hedging schemes, carry out overseas transactions, or explore new avenues for additional liquidity. Whatever FX operation you have in mind, the odds are that one of our platforms can get it done for you with just a few clicks.
Algorithmic Strategies & Insights
Within AAF’s exhaustive FX liquidity pool, there is a healthy mix of tried-and-tested patterns born out of experience and sophisticated algorithmic strategies, widely believed to be an integral component in the future of financial markets. For the tech-savvy, adventurous investor inside you, we offer an algorithmic visual medium that serves as the perfect environment to fine-tune programmatic trading strategies before unleashing them on the world.
Or, if you are learning on the go in the hope of someday conquering the forex market by yourself, AAF’s insights platform delivers meaningful, up-to-date market analysis straight to your e-mail, tablet or desktop on a daily basis. Our intelligence is aggregated from dozens of investor flows stationed in all major centres, and then anonymised to remove any bias.
Now that you’ve gained an understanding of the services we offer, there are a few more reasons why you can place your faith in us without hesitation, why we stand apart from our competition.
Why Pick Allied Asset Funds for FX?
1.          Transparency: With us, hidden fees and extra charges and outdated exchange rates are a non-factor in forex operations. AAF will only deal with partners in a simple, honest, and consistent manner from day 1.
2.          Credit Rating: Not to toot our own horn but Allied Asset Funds is a paragon of financial stability. As one of India’s largest custodians, we are proud to be accredited with a credit rating that figures among the very best in the financial services sector.
3.          Perceptiveness: If AAF is considered to provide some of the best forex managed account services, then it is largely because of the human element within our team. Our wise experts have honed their skills and instinct to such a sharp edge that they can, up to a certain extent, anticipate movements even in the notoriously unpredictable forex market.
So, there you go. These are the principles by which we conduct ourselves and swear by. If you choose to become our partners, then we promise to stand beside you in your corner and fight tooth and nail to achieve your forex objectives.
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alliedassetfunds · 3 years
How Allied Asset Funds Operates Managed Forex Accounts
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The foreign exchange market (forex) is the most lucrative financial trading segment in the world. This is beyond debate. With a daily turnover of nearly $7 trillion, tremendous liquidity and volatility levels, and a higher ceiling of available leverage, forex trading tends to catch the eye of everyone on the spectrum. From the lone-wolf investor, with a chip on their shoulder, looking to play the short game, to the huge consortium of investors who, being more risk-averse, tend to focus on the big picture.
The forex market, however, is a fickle beast. It doesn’t discriminate; it is dynamic and ruthless. It gobbles up ill-informed investors, takes them for a stomach-churning ride, and spits them out for fun on a daily basis. To avoid such a sad fate, you either need to master complex topics like international politics and supply chains and financial regulations, or just get yourself a managed forex account.
Managed Forex Account, explained
A managed forex account can be defined as a kind of currency trading account where an experienced asset manager (a.k.a. fund manager) makes trade decisions and executes transactions on behalf of one or more investors, in return for a performance fee or a cut of the account profits. It requires the investor(s) to place their financial assets in a forex account and provide authorisation — by signing a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) — to the manager, typically a representative of a forex fund management company, who trades those funds in the rise or fall of one currency in relation to another.
Investors who choose to employ such forex managed account services do so with the full awareness that dealing in the highly leveraged forex market can lead to remarkably large profits just as often as gut-wrenchingly harsh losses. An account like this is perfect for those who: are not experts of foreign currencies but are still eager for exposure to a highly volatile market; have a tendency to take abnormally large risks; and are willing to trust a professional to make all the big calls with regards to selection and trading.
With that being said, is there a firm, whose roster includes top forex fund managers, and with decades of forex trading experience, that you can place your faith and trust in?
Allied Asset Funds: Your Complete FX Solution
At Allied Asset Funds (AAF), our refined approach to forex markets is a result of our forward-thinking investment in advanced capabilities, both human and technology, over the past few years. As a consequence of it, along with input from our long-term partnership with talented software developers, we are able to furnish you with cutting-edge forex money management strategies that will remain sustainable for a long time to come.
In other words, we offer a comprehensive forex solution that fulfils all your needs, from trading to strategy to hedging to payment, in one no-frills package. Here is a glimpse of it.
AAF’s forex money management plan is executed by a team of highly experienced fund managers that are based in critical financial capitals all over the world. They are available to you Monday to Friday, night and day, and are armed with the knowledge of running some of the best forex managed accounts, and an innate feel for how international currencies fluctuate. You can get in touch with them either through our electronic FX centres or our e-trading platform. Alternatively, if you prefer a more personal touch during volatile market situations, you can always get on the phone and reach out to us.
FX Platforms
Our FX platforms go well beyond the traditional collection of managed forex trading tools and services that are touted by our competitors. AAF offers a wide range of integrated services that, if you wish, can facilitate hedging schemes, carry out overseas transactions, or explore new avenues for additional liquidity. Whatever FX operation you have in mind, the odds are that one of our platforms can get it done for you with just a few clicks.
Algorithmic Strategies & Insights
Within AAF’s exhaustive FX liquidity pool, there is a healthy mix of tried-and-tested patterns born out of experience and sophisticated algorithmic strategies, widely believed to be an integral component in the future of financial markets. For the tech-savvy, adventurous investor inside you, we offer an algorithmic visual medium that serves as the perfect environment to fine-tune programmatic trading strategies before unleashing them on the world.
Or, if you are learning on the go in the hope of someday conquering the forex market by yourself, AAF’s insights platform delivers meaningful, up-to-date market analysis straight to your e-mail, tablet or desktop on a daily basis. Our intelligence is aggregated from dozens of investor flows stationed in all major centres, and then anonymised to remove any bias.
Now that you’ve gained an understanding of the services we offer, there are a few more reasons why you can place your faith in us without hesitation, why we stand apart from our competition.
Why Pick Allied Asset Funds for FX?
1.        Transparency: With us, hidden fees and extra charges and outdated exchange rates are a non-factor in forex operations. AAF will only deal with partners in a simple, honest, and consistent manner from day 1.
2.        Credit Rating: Not to toot our own horn but Allied Asset Funds is a paragon of financial stability. As one of India’s largest custodians, we are proud to be accredited with a credit rating that figures among the very best in the financial services sector.
3.        Perceptiveness: If AAF is considered to provide some of the best forex managed account services, then it is largely because of the human element within our team. Our wise experts have honed their skills and instinct to such a sharp edge that they can, up to a certain extent, anticipate movements even in the notoriously unpredictable forex market.
So, there you go. These are the principles by which we conduct ourselves and swear by. If you choose to become our partners, then we promise to stand beside you in your corner and fight tooth and nail to achieve your forex objectives.
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alliedassetfunds · 3 years
Beginner’s Guide to Forex Fund Management & Its Benefits
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Whether it is ever-reliable blue chip stocks or never-resting foreign exchange (forex) markets, investors and traders of the 21st century have access to more trading instruments than they know what to do with. Global trading has been democratised by the rise of the internet to such an extent that anyone in the world, regardless of their location or time constraint or trading experience, can participate in an expanding array of markets.
The Indian stock market, for instance, added ₹72 lakh crore to investor’s wealth in 2021 alone. This spectacular growth was primarily propelled by increased participation from emboldened individual investors, which was reflected in the number of Demat accounts swelling from 4.09 crore at the end of 2019-20 to 7.38 crore by 31 October 2021. That, coupled with the historic easing of monetary policy and fiscal expenditure, has allowed fund management to come the fore like never before.
Fund Management, explained
Fund Management is defined as a process in which an investor hands over their financial assets to a fund management firm, with the objective of using those funds to invest in currencies or organisations (which in turn use them as operational investment) — and eventually achieve profits on the initial investment. At the end of the process, the original investor, who could be an individual or a company or a pool of investors, regain their original investment plus profit, of which a small percentage goes to the fund management firm as compensation for their services and achieving the objective.
Fund Management, in other words, deals with the management of a financial institution or an individual’s inflow and outflow of cash. Since money is never stationary and always on the move, it is paramount that any asset-liability discrepancies are never given a chance to rise. For example, Bangladesh’s Central Bank recently had no choice but to step up its efforts to avert further volatility in the forex market with mandatory submission of reports on all spot deals by 4:00PM each workday. Such extreme measures could have been avoided in the first place if better forex money management strategies were pursued.
However, to be fair to central banks all over the world, the forex market is a different beast altogether.
Unique nature of Forex Market
The foreign exchange market is the world’s largest financial market, dwarfing other types of funds with a daily market turnover of $6.6 trillion in 2020, up from $4 trillion in 2010. With a 40% increase in daily trading volume over the last decade, a rising wave of FX swaps in liquidity management, and hedging of foreign currency portfolios, top forex fund managers have never been in greater demand than they are right now.
There are also other peculiar characteristics inherent to the forex market.
1.        Short-term traders are especially attracted to it due to its penchant for high volatility.
2.        Traders can take up a significantly higher level of leverage while dealing with foreign currencies — up to 50:1 in some cases (stocks are usually associated with 2:1).
3.        And, as an added incentive for international traders who suffer from insomnia, the forex market is active non-stop from 5PM EST Sunday in Sydney through 5PM EST Friday in New York.
Thus, managed forex trading has virtually no obstacle in its quest for growth in the foreseeable future.
Why you need a Forex Fund Management Company
Just because there is no obstacle doesn’t mean that any trader with a half-baked forex money management plan can simply walk in and win big. Some of the very advantages that make forex trading so attractive also have a flip side to them.
High levels of volatility prevalent in the market could lead traders to take greater risks, leaning too aggressively on leverage to make margin calls, only to incur losses far in excess of their original investments. Since the market operates round-the-clock, there is a chance for exchange rates to fluctuate before trades are settled, introducing an element of transactional risk.
There are additional risks involved: the fall or rise of a country’s interest rates can have a dramatic effect on prices; during highly volatile conditions, a counter-party might refuse or is unable to meet the conditions stated in contracts; and excessive speculative activity, perhaps resulting in currency devaluation, is sure to attract the wrath of dealers and authorities.
In other words, you need a solid understanding of macroeconomics and international politics and financial policy to pick up the skills required to safely navigate the capricious world of forex trading. If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry. Some of the best forex managed account services in the world are available to you right now at the click of a few buttons — starting with Allied Asset Funds.
How you benefit
A forex fund management firm consists of a team of experienced professionals, and typically assigns a forex fund manager to operate your account with only one objective in mind: help grow your investment, while ensuring it remains safe from any risks posed by the vagaries of the forex market. If you want investments to feature among the best forex managed accounts at the end of a financial year, then your chances improve significantly by employing the services of a firm.
Some of the ways in which a fund manager administers cash flow to your benefit are as follows.
1.        Hedging: One of the most sensible methods to reduce the risk of unwanted moves or to mitigate loss is by hedging, and fund managers have all types of varieties up their sleeves, including hedging with multiple currency pairs.
2.        Conform with regulations: Forex trading in India is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and protected by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), and comes with a long list of “do’s and don’ts”, but you don’t have to scratch your head over the finer details — your fund manager will.
3.        Objective decision-making: It is simply impossible to keep your emotions aside when you invest with your own money, whereas fund managers rely solely on careful analysis of data and trends to guide their decisions.
4.        Tools & Strategies: With access to real-time insights, powered by Big Data and A.I., and real-world experience with a wide variety of investment-related strategies, fund managers are far better equipped to achieve your objective than when you’re alone.
To conclude, Forex Fund Management is a convoluted process involving a lot of financial expertise, in-depth research on esoteric topics, and round-the-clock changes. That is why you need an experienced and dependable partner like Allied Asset Funds in your corner to handle your valuable assets.
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alliedassetfunds · 4 years
Forex Fund Manager | Fx Account Manager | Allied Asset Funds
To be the largest and the world’s leading wealth management service provider, offering highly disciplined investment solutions,investment opportunities matchless services while setting highest ethical standards and professional culture.
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Allied Asset Funds Ltd is a principal trading firm with rich experience in financial analytics offering customized fund management services We have been regarded worldwide as one of the successful fund management company with the highest client satisfaction rate. We are a Strategic, specialized and trustable partner for our Investors to deliver competitive and sustainable returns on their investments. We are a Rapidly evolving fund management company with a Vision to help our clients achieve their desired returns with limited risk exposure and complete transparency. Our team of expert’s device the unique investment portfolio consisting of multiple currencies by combining the fundamental, technical and advanced market analysis.Allied Asset Funds is focused on developing a long term relationships with our investors to see them prosper and flourish with our fund management services. We take pride in being one of the most preferred funds management companies in the industry build on trust and mutual respect. Our Values We create a long term capital growth to our investors with our structured investment strategy and constantly strive to deliver superior performance. Our Mission Our Mission is to create steady and optimized returns for our investors with minimum risk exposure and greater financial security. Our Vision To be the largest and the world’s leading wealth management service provider, offering highly disciplined investment solutions,investment opportunities matchless services while setting highest ethical standards and professional culture.
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alliedassetfunds · 4 years
Allied Asset Funds-Fund Management Portfolios
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Hunt Down the Forex Market with Allied Asset Funds
Every Trader understand the fact that trading the highly volatile Forex market involves big risks and becoming a successful trader is a daunting task which gives you sleepless nights and put you under immense stress and pressure. Also it needs years of experience and dedication to become a profitable trader as learning the art of trading is a continuous evolving process. Allied Asset Funds Managers have years of experience and undergone rigorous training to specialize the technology to harness the wealth of Financial market. Our Data Analytics centre records every Market scenario and learn the recurring pattern to support our Fund Managers in devising the right strategy for every Trade. Allied Asset Funds Management Accounts
By becoming a strategic partner with Allied Asset Funds your funds are in the safest and experienced hands. Once the Account is setup and LPOA is signed and agreed we start trading your account right away. We understand the market movements better than anyone and our trading scenarios are unique and proven techniques. By Entrusting your funds with us you can continuously reap the benefits of the forex market by just relaxing at your home or at your favourite holiday destination. Our Portfolios SILVER$2,000 GET STARTED Estimated Profit 8% -10% p.m 80% -100% p.a PERFORMANCE FEE 40% RESCUE LEVEL 20%* GOLD$10,000
GET STARTED Estimated Profit 10% -12% p.m 100% -120% p.a PERFORMANCE FEE 35% RESCUE LEVEL 20%* PLATINUM $100,000 GET STARTED Estimated Profit 12% -14% p.m 120% -140% p.a PERFORMANCE FEE 30% RESCUE LEVEL 20%*
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Forex Fund Management by Allied Asset Funds
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Allied Asset Funds Ltd. Is fund a management company that offers foreign currency accounts management on the behalf of clients. By employing a FOREX fund management team, we aim at increasing the returns on our client’s investment and reducing the risk at the same time.
 Fund Management is generally associated with high net worth investors only, however here at Allied Asset Funds, we believe in creating equal opportunity for every individual investor. That is why we offer a variety of accounts starting from just $2000 onward. By choosing the route to our fund management services, even the clients with smaller equity can expect a monthly return of 8 to 10 percent.
 Diversified Approach
Our fund managers implement a carefully driven strategy and a forward-looking approach that involves portfolio diversification and advanced risk management. Following the diversification techniques, the fund managers will distribute the client’s equity into different assets. Since the chosen assets behave differently in the same economic situation, they do not correlate. For instance, if the price of one asset goes down, the price of the other asset would rise at the same time. This way the overall risk value is lowered and the returns are maximized.
Our fund managers are fully supported by the analysis staff, who continuously evaluate the market by performing technical and fundamental analysis. This further reduces the element of risk greatly improves the performance of client equity.
Higher Returns
Our fund management service is all about our clients that is why we closely work with them to understand their financial goals and by understanding their goals we are able to generate higher returns with the minimum risk. We offer 8 to 10% returns on a $2000 accounts. The returns percentage increases with the higher investment, for accounts, up to $10,000 the expected monthly returns can be between 10 to 12 percent. Whereas the accounts with $100,000 or more can expect a high monthly return of 12 to 14 percent. These high returns are offered with only a 20 percent risk level.
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Proactive Risk Manager System
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Identify the Market risks well in advance with our accurate market analysis capabilities. Our Risk to Reward ratio optimized for maximum and stable returns. Fundamental and Technical Analysis With the expertise of our fund manager, every trade we make goes through a thorough fundamental analysis. The analysis is further strengthened by Technical indicators and oscillators to avert any adverse risks. Leveraging Data Analytics for Forex Markets As Data Analysis and forecasting has shown positive results with Forex Markets. We use ANN, Machine Learning capabilities to understand the current Market scenario by continuously mining the past Data.
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Our Customer Trust
The Trust our investors has shown on us is a big confidence boost in becoming a successful Fund Management company. We reward our clients with stable and dependable returns in maximizing their investments. For more details please visit our website: Allied Asset Funds
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Allied Asset Funds-Terms and Conditions
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These Website Standard Terms and Conditions written on this webpage shall manage your use of this website. These Terms will be applied fully and affect your use of this Website. By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You must not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions.
Minors or people below 18 years old are not allowed to use this Website.
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These terms and conditions have been generated at termsandcondiitionssample.com.
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Benefit of Forex Managed Accounts
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Benefit of Forex Managed Accounts
The foreign exchange market trader requires a lot of dedication, patience and sometimes luck. Unfortunately, most having difficulty in order to put all this together, without being distracted by extraneous considerations. For this reason, many choose to entrust the management of money managed by a professional trader Managed Forex Accounts. For busy people, it is the best solution. Consider its key advantages.
By investing in a Managed Forex Accounts, you are making the transition from a currency trader Forex investor. The main difference between the two lies in the fact that as a trader you need to spend time and effort analyzing the markets, taking trading decisions. As an investor, you simply monitor and control their investments. You are not engaged in trade, but because you do not have to worry about your account. It can be incredibly convenient for those who wish to benefit from the foreign exchange market, without spending the time to conduct the auction.
The lack of excitement and anxiety
Trading can be very stressful, especially if you do something you can not. Many people may experience high levels of stress, fear, and greed from losses. When you open a Managed Forex Accounts you will not have to deal with trafficking and its psychological consequences. The main purpose of a financial manager – allows you to make money on Forex, being far away from the monitor, outside the trading realities.
Choice of risk and expected to return on investment
Most managers allow the investor to determine for themselves a comfortable degree of risk. All people are different, and your risk tolerance is different from others. How to choose a MAM account or Managed Forex Accounts? Focus on the degree of risk, which is willing to accept. It is also necessary to remember that the higher the risk, the higher the potential profits and losses. Many companies offer 3 or more types of accounts. An example is to allocate the account conservative, high and increased tolerance for risk.
Create an automatic stream of income from trading in the Forex
For all investors, the company is almost completely automated. Do you have a financial manager who takes care of all the shopping task, and you occasionally get their payment and performance reports. An automated trading business can provide you with an incredible amount of free time and opportunity to do other things.
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Forex Introducing Benefits
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Introducer benefits
You get the opportunity to refer a good trading environment and online platforms
Good and attractive remuneration is offered
Excellent reporting system
You become a partner with us and achieve a partnership status
All procedures are easy and quick to get started.
Are you interested to know more details?
Send an email message to [email protected]
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Be Allied Asset Fund’s Fund Manager
We are interested in Fund Managers who have stable track records in the forex trading.
Allied Asset Funds will ask verification on the real account performance through the third party if the trader have meet our risk management policies,
Allied Asset Funds is the most popular forex managed accounts in the UK and the Middle East, we have investors from worldwide who are interested in FOREX MANAGED ACCOUNTS.
If You have good trading knowledge in Currency Trading and ready to prove, share your low risk and steady profit performance results that we want for our investors then we will be making business synergies with you and we will add you to Allied Asset Fund’s forex fund managers list!.
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Why Allied Asset Funds Managed Accounts
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Forex Managed Accounts are a major part of the in-Forex market which allows foreign currency investors benefit from Forex trading. Thus it comes as no surprise that compared to hedge funding, managed Forex accounts are increasing in much popularity especially in the Forex Market niche. Managed Forex accounts are opened in the name of investor and entrusted to a licensed and regulated broker to avail professional asset managers or management company to trade the funds by giving a Limited Power of Attorney. Same time the investor will hold all rights or control in his trading accounts.Several trading professionals or asset management companies offer Forex Account Management service to investors who are looking to get a high yield on investments and are ready to take the risks of the financial market.
Allied Asset Funds founded by a group of Forex professionals with a strong vision to help and support investors. It attends to the concerns and challenges of investment, and the efficiency of their services has made them the most popular Managed Forex accounts company in Dubai. Allied Asset Funds Forex Managed accounts is clearly an answer to the many questions bothering potential investors and it assures the benefits below to its customers:
In this industry where there are a lot of scam brokers, a hard, careful selection of a Forex broker is essential because some brokers are fraudulent, so it’s important you avoid unregulated brokers or poorly regulated Forex brokers. One way most investors get scammed is by being enticed by tight spread, bonuses or large investment bonuses. Getting a low brokerage is nice but a smart investor must think more to fund safety. Allied Asset Funds Forex is a safe investment platform for your Best Forex Managed Accounts, and it has links with reputable brokerage companies.
Risk is a major issue in the capital market industry, but it’s something we can’t avoid but when successful, it’s an opportunity to make huge returns on investment. With Allied Asset Funds Forex Managed Accounts, we can limit risk when investing with a ��Rescue Level.” Allied Asset Funds offers rescue level to their investors to limit loss in case losses occur as a result of unexpected events like global financial crises, unfavorable government policies, natural disasters, etc.The Rescue Level specifies the percentage of an investor’s account balance that he/she can keep secured in case of loss. Once that level is reached, all open trades in the Investor’s account are closed and the remaining funds are no longer available to the Manager.
With Allied Asset Funds Forex Managed Accounts, you get a 30% rescue level for your investment example: John deposit 100000, his rescue level is 70000 that means will be 30000 on risk. It will be set every month based on monthly closing Equity balance.
After some months, John’s account has a 30% growth so last month’s Equity has risen to 130000, and his new rescue level becomes 91000 (130000 – 30 % 39000 = 91000). Let’s set your risk with Best Forex Managed Accounts.
Allied Asset Funds Forex has a team of professional traders drawn from around the world who work as full-time traders, monitoring market moves, news, and events and following the trends while analyzing them technically. Allied Asset Funds Forex always recruits the top fund managers with audited and verified long track record of success to manage client’s funds through their Forex Managed Accounts.
Forex trading is a risky business and finding the right level of risk is not always so easy. Risk and capital management are directly related to the size and position of the key aspects of the trade. High leverage trading will result in a high risk on Forex investments. Allied Asset Funds Forex can use a maximum 1:10 leverage-based one market variations
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Forex Trading: A Beginner's Guide
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Trade Forex
About Forex Trading
Forex trading, also known by the name of currency trading or FX trading, refers to buying a particular currency while selling another in exchange. Trading currencies always involves exchanging one currency for another. The forex trading market is today the world’s most liquid and most volatile market, with over $5 trillion traded daily.
Online Forex Trading
Among the main participants of the forex trading market, one of the most growing segments of the total pool of participants of the marketplace, are retail foreign exchange traders (individuals) who participate in online forex trading for mainly speculative reasons with the ultimate goal of generating a profit from currency fluctuations (market changes), or hedging unwanted currency risk.
Forex Trading Marketplace
The forex trading marketplace is the world’s largest and most liquid market due to a number of factors which include, but are not limited to, ease of performing transactions over the internet, the modern development of travel, ease of international communication and modern transportation, which have made our world a smaller place.
By making our world a smaller and more global place, this automatically means that people, goods, and services can travel faster and more easily. This also means that a necessity of currencies to be traded against each other is needed in order for this to happen. All these factors have determined a growing forex trading marketplace, which will only continue to grow and become more dynamic, liquid and responsive.
Why Trade Forex? Forex, the abbreviated term for Foreign exchange refers to the trading in the foreign exchange market by the speculators and investors.
Trading Forex has gained much popularity in the past few years as it offers the investors or the traders a number of advantages when compared to other available investment opportunities. Some of them are listed below-
The foreign exchange market is 24/7 active- Forex market is always active and hence the trading is supported to be carried out any time, anywhere as trading goes on 24 hours in a day according to the business hours of different countries.
Low trading cost- The attractive element of Forex trading is that it does not demand highly expensive fees.
Unmatched liquidity- Liquidity is indeed an impressive feature for any trader.
Considerable leverage available- Traders find it convenient and impressive to avail this benefit in forex trading.
Global exposure- Globalization has paved the way for investors in reaching out to opportunities anywhere far from where they live.
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Forex Account Management Services
Manage Account Tapping the potential of Forex Markets through professional asset managers at Allied Asset Funds
Allied Asset Funds offers the best Forex Managed Accounts that is rightly an answer to the investors, be it in liquidity, accessibility or returns. The professional hands behind this group ensure that your hard-earned money is well taken care of, along with assured convenience and safety for a bright financial future. Managed Forex Accounts are the most convenient trading alternative for the tight timed as well as non-professional traders whose funds are managed by money managers for a minimal fee.
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What is Forex Managed Accounts?
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A managed Forex Account is an account opened with a broker, where the trading is taken care of by a professional asset manager. However, the account holder will be the investor himself and the right to add and withdraw funds remain with him. In order to trade the account, the investor gives a Limited Power of Attorney to the asset manager.
Needless to say, Forex Managed accounts are increasing its popularity in the niche of Forex trading when compared to Hedge funds. In a layman’s language, Managed accounts is an account opened in the name of an investor, entrusted to a licensed broker to avail professional asset managers to trade the funds by submitting a Limited Power of Attorney. However, the investor holds all the rights to access his funds any time using his log id and password that is usually provided to him by the broker.
Our Portfolios SILVER
Estimated Profit 8% -10% p.m 80% -100% p.a
Estimated Profit 10% -12% p.m 100% -120% p.a PERFORMANCE FEE 35% RESCUE LEVEL 20%*
Estimated Profit 12% -14% p.m 120% -140% p.a PERFORMANCE FEE 30% RESCUE LEVEL 20%*
How to invest in Forex Managed Accounts with Allied Asset Funds? 
To open a Managed Forex Account, an investor has to follow the below-listed steps: Open an account with the regulated broker and fill in the application to sign up for a trading account in USD. An email will be sent to you from the broker with detailed instructions to validate your Trading Account. Once your trading account will be activated, you have to inform us or the broker for Allied Asset Funds's fund management services. If you need our services you have to give us a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) to do trading on your account by our qualified traders After funding your trading account, our asset manager will start trading on your account. You can manage your deposits, withdrawals and all the trading related operations through your CLIENT AREA from the broker’s website. You can monitor the trading activities on your account through your laptop or mobile from anywhere by logging in with the given details by the broker. 
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alliedassetfunds · 5 years
Best Forex Account Manager
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Allied Asset Funds Ltd has been established with a strong vision to help and support the investors, addressing the concerns as well as challenges on the investment grounds. It has been an accomplishment towards helping the investors grow their wealth without being a professional trader.
With the deepest insight over the current market scenario, investment opportunities and the threats that the investors meet today, Allied Asset Funds has appointed experienced asset managers to introduce the best forex account management service for investors.
Since our inception in 2014, we hold the pride in delivering the best and the most respectable track record to our esteemed happy clients who have consistently been expressing their interest in investing in the Forex market investment opportunities through Alliedassetfunds.com
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