hypnagogia-if · 3 years
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You’re the star of one of the biggest TV Shows to grace the pixelated screens of the world in a long time. A series set in your own world but an alternate one; so familiar yet alien.
Your character is one of the Afflicted; beings that have visions of what is to come, all muddled during sleep, only the sense of foreboding remaining. Leaving scattered memories and a sickening feeling in your gut. It was a show, the concept and chemistry between the cast, that pulled people in. Launching you into the stratosphere of stardom.
It was only after a small accident on set that everything started to change. You started getting them— seeing them…. visions. But not just any visions.
You were actually in your characters place; transported into the city of Elasora. Where reality and fiction starts to blur.
Will you be able to pull yourself out of your waking dream? Before it becomes your living nightmare?
This story is 18+ for mature themes that will later be depicted in the story. Please be aware of this before you continue on.
Customizable MC; gender, sexuality, name, appearance, maybe even some vices.
Romance 1 of 5 characters that’ll offer varying complexities in your life. (3 being gender selectable.)
Will you start to succumb to the world your world believes is fiction? Or will you stand strong against it?
How will you let your dreams affect your day-to-day life?
Will you let anyone in? How will you explain it?
Will your reality meld with your fantasy?
Nicholas/Natasha Lewis, 31 (M/F)
-The Love Interest-
The onscreen love interest of your character with unparalleled chemistry. Your characters have livened up the show; becoming its very heart. The only problem? They can’t stand you when the cameras aren’t rolling. Something that becomes that much harder to deal with after every dream ends. How can you look them in the eyes that are filled with nothing when just hours before they had been filled with complete adoration?
(Also known as Leon/Lena Stark.)
Russian // Irish // British
Emmett/Emily Campbell, 29 (M/F)
-The Best Friend-
Your onscreen and offscreen best friend. They have stuck by you through the trying tribulations of when your career was first starting. Being their fun loving selves throughout as they gently tease you. You know that they’d always stay steadfast in your corner. Offering you a hand if you needed it. You have high hopes that this will be one of those times.
(Also known as Shawn/Sarah O’Hara.)
Spanish // Italian // American
Oliver/Olivia Allen, 27 (M/F)
-The PA-
One of the newest additions to the set that offers a breath of fresh air. Having been a long time fan before signing onto be apart of the crew; maybe they’ll offer you an insight you haven’t thought of before. Giving you a semblance of an idea, even if it’s just a fan theory, on why this is happening to you.
American // South African
Amelia Harris, 35 (F)
-The Manager-
A woman that might have a serious migraine, or worse, if you don’t start getting your act together. While she may appear cold to some you know that Amelia has your best interests at heart. You were her first, and most treasured, client. You just hope that when you need her most she’ll pull through. Like she always has in the past for you.
German // British // American
Kaidan Zhang, 33 (M)
-The Writer-
Who better to help you then the man who has made the very lore of the world you’re going to? Kaidan is one of the people that can help you make sense of what is happening to you. His warm personality and kind smile doing little to detract from that sentiment. You just hope that he actually believes you. Though you wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t.
Korean // American
Additional Characters
Felix/Fleur D’aureville, 30 (M/F)
-The Villain-
The antagonist of the show that is as deadly as they are beautiful. With a sinister smile and a dark past they’ve fostered quite the following; especially when in comparison to the sunny person that plays them. Someone who would give you the shirt off their back if you asked. A fact that makes it that much harder to connect who you’re used to dealing with, with the character that they play. A character that has become all too real. May become an RO later on.
(Also known as Aiden/Amara Heroux.)
French // Scottish
Helena Martin, 49 (F)
-The Producer-
One of the Executive Producers, who also happens to be your mother, and always makes sure that everything is in order. While she may appear to be aloof on the outside she can be quite caring; especially when in regards to you. Though she’s never been one to give you anything in your career. You had to work for your lead role in the show. Something you’d forever be grateful for.
Angelina Callaway, 40 (F)
-The Director-
One of the best directors in the game; your show was lucky to be able to get her. And while you’ve never been the closest with her, you can tell that she cares greatly for every single person on the set. Unless someone is shirking their duties (then it’d be best to get out of sight). Maybe she’ll offer some guidance in your time of need. Even if she doesn’t know what exactly she’s helping you with.
German // British
Atlas and Benji, 5 and 3 (M)
-The Protection-
The resident guard dogs on set, always there because of your head-of-security, that offer companionship to all those that need it; as long as they get belly rubs out of the deal. You’ll always be safe with these two watching your back.
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