bittersweet rp lines
“i’m not going to leave you.”
“you will always be my everything.”
“i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“… stay with me?”
“it’s okay. i still love you.”
“everything’s okay now. let’s just forget about it, okay?”
“you can cry. i won’t judge.”
“… hey, we can go out, if you want.”
“i’m trying. i really am.”
“do you want me to hug you?”
“can we… lay here? and do nothing?”
“… please don’t yell at me like that. it’s scary.”
“i’m sorry if i made you angry.”
“can you tell me what i did wrong?”
“please come back. i’m sorry.”
“hey… is something wrong?”
“you can stay with me. i don’t mind.”
“shhh, shh, it’s okay.”
“i’m here, i’m here.”
“i’m so sorry. but you don’t understand. and that’s okay.”
“i don’t understand…”
“what do you want from me? what do i have to do to make you happy?”
“… i care about you a lot, you know.”
“can we hold hands? i think i need it right now.”
“why do you still care about me? even when i hurt you?”
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((Ok, so. As excited as I am about this. I’m nervous. I’m not a fan of the plot synopsis given in this article, as I think it sounds like a self-insert fanfiction. Call me crazy but I think that The Amazing World of Gumball Movie should focus on Gumball and not some rando normal person who just showed up. Also, shouldn’t we focus on the apocalypse that’s currently happening? I am now worried about the possibility that this movie that I’ve been waiting for for years might turn out to be bad. Just calm down Alli, you can’t judge it by one paragraph in an article. Ben Boquelet is directing and producing, I’m sure he knows what he’s doing. It’s fine. It’s fine.))
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   I can spoil 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇪​🇳​🇩​🇮​🇳​🇬​…
              —  Everybody dies.
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Don't let them make the world forget me
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i wish being a good person could erase all the bad things i’ve done.
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Anne Boonchuy
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((Thinking I might come back here and write again now that my internship is over. (Of course, I may be still working for them part time a little later, but that’s a whole other thing.) ))
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          my  TRAUMA  is not a plaything… not a joke… 
                                   not for your fucking entertainment. 
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((Sorry I disappeared for a while. I got a new internship at the beginning of June for video editing and it’s been....a lot. The internship isn’t great, which I won’t go into here, but it’s been keeping me busy and I still might not be used to working after so many months of not doing it. So I don’t know how much I’ll be around this summer. Hope you understand and I’ll try to be on when I can.)) 
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💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
((Aww, that's sweet. Thank you!))
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“Nope! All me!” Luz said proudly. Well, she had to draw on the magic of the titan to cast spells, but she was the one casting them, which was the important part. She tried not to let what other people said affect her, but she couldn’t help but feel a little thrill when she proved people wrong. 
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Luz didn’t let his remarks bother her, heck she was a little flattered that he thought she could outdo them all. “Like this!” She said, pulling out a piece of paper with her light glyph on it and activating it, creating a little ball of light. “Ta-da!” 
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He looked confused for a moment, expecting Luz to fail or make herself look ridiculous trying. Like most other witches, he held common belief humans couldn’t do any magic at all. “This has to be some illusion right?…..right? Gus is hiding in a locker or something, or you got some other friend to make it for you…” His tone of confidence dropped and was replaced with doubt. 
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"Do you think they noticed me?" ( I realized they BARELY interacted yet - SO - Gumball for Sarah )
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"Don't be silly! Of course they did!" Sarah said. He was Gumball, how could anyone not notice him? Of course, being next to Sarah probably helped with this. Despite this being a formal event, Sarah had showed up in full cosplay. She was dressed as a magical girl of some kind, defending her outfit by saying that she was, in fact, wearing a dress. "Go talk to them!" She encouraged, already getting ideas for fanfic of these two in her head.
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At the Royal Ball
"Who IS that person?"
"Care to dance?"
"Have you seen the prince? He's so handsome."
"You should introduce yourself."
"I want nothing to do with them!"
"I'm sorry... Do I know you?"
"I have met so many people today. I'm afraid I forgot your name..."
"Would you like a drink? The champagne is amazing."
"I shouldn't be here. I'm not one of these blue bloods."
"I feel so out of place here. Can we go home?"
"Have you seen the princess? She's so beautiful!"
"I feel as though I have been waiting for this moment all my life."
"Stop trying to set me up with people!"
"These shoes are killing me."
"Do you think they noticed me?"
"This crown is soooo heavy..."
"During the next dance I'm just going to slip out. No one will notice."
"All this pomp and circumstance... How I loathe it."
"If they come at me one more time they will find out just how heavy this scepter is."
"All I want is a cup of tea."
"Is there any real food here? Tiny bits of things on platters just isn't cutting it."
"Isn't this night magical?"
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“Ready as I’ll ever be” Sentence Starters
“Believe me I know.” “I’ve sunk pretty low.” “But whatever I’ve done you deserve.” “Quiet!” “I’m the bad guy, that’s fine.” “It’s no fault of mine.” “And some justice at last will be served.” “Now it’s time to step up or it’s time to back down.” “And there’s only one answer for me.” “I’ll stand up and fight, cause I know that I’m right.” “Now it’s time to rise up or it’s time to stand down.” And the answer is easy to see “And I swear by the sword.” “If you’re in, get on board.” “Are you ready?” “I’m ready.” “We’re ready.” “Ready as I’ll ever be.”   “Are you quite sure we can do this?” “Together we will guarantee.” “I’ll make them hear me.” “Now it’s time to redeem or it’s time to resolve.” “Prove they can trust me.” “And the outcome will hardly come free.” “I’ll save my home and family.” “Now the line’s in the sand.” “And our moment’s at hand.”
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Luz didn’t let his remarks bother her, heck she was a little flattered that he thought she could outdo them all. “Like this!” She said, pulling out a piece of paper with her light glyph on it and activating it, creating a little ball of light. “Ta-da!” 
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Ugh, Mattholomew. She hadn’t bumped into him since attending Hexide, but she still hadn’t forgiven him for hurting Gus. “As I matter of fact, I actually go to this school now. So involving Principal Bump isn’t necessary.” She said matter of factly, she didn’t want to get into a fight if she could help it. 
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“I thought you stole another uniform and dyed it ever color you could find. Hasn’t anybody explained to you you’re supposed to choose ONE coven?” He gestured to his own being one color. “Are you trying to outdo all of us now by doing everything? How do you even do magic?” 
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muse headcanons!
send me a symbol and i’ll tell you:
☠: my muse’s biggest fear ☮: when my muse feels the most at ease ☺: something that makes my muse happy ☹: something that makes my muse upset ♫: my muse’s favorite song, band, and/or music genre ✇: my muse’s favorite movie, director, and/or film genre ♔: my muse’s celebrity crush(es) ❤: what my muse looks for in a person they like ☂: my muse’s favorite season or time of year ∞: if my muse believe in ghosts, aliens, etc. ✧: what my muse’s netflix queue looks like ✎: what my muse’s best subject in school is/was ♧: something my muse is really good at ✺: something my muse loves and never gets tired of ✗: something my muse hates or gets angry about ☆: what my muse would be famous for if they were famous ✿: what my muse would like to do when they’re older ✈: where my muse would go if they could move anywhere ✆: the last person my muse called and what it was about ✉: the last person my muse texted and what the text said
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finally me and it's no big deal!
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ANNE BOONCHUY ICONS!! Please reblog when you save, it really helps me out!!! No credit necessary BUT don't claim you made them :P!!
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