hi! can you write a carlos reyes x teenage sister! reader (or gn but a teenage sibling) where reader gets injured playing a sport ( you can choose) maybe readers tears their acl (i tore mine once)
@lovelyweaslxy sorry for that wait but here it is. also i didn’t specify a sport or injury so you can imagine whatever you want. it’s pretty gn as well.
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Sudden Death (Don’t Be So Dramatic)
Main Masterlist
     You didn’t know how it happened. One second you had the ball in your possession, ready to score. But the next you were on the floor in unbearable pain. 
     You heard the whistle and the game stopped. Everything and everyone was quiet; only your cries of agony were heard. 
     As everyone crowded you, all you were thinking was that you wanted your brother. He was the only one that would be able to comfort you right now. 
     You weren’t sure what was going on but you were pretty sure that you’re being subbed out of the game and taken somewhere to get immediate medical attention. 
     No longer able to withstand it, you passed out from the pain.
     When you woke up next, it was to an annoying beeping and bright white lights. Letting out a groan, you lifted a hand to rub your eyes, only to feel a tug in your arm instead. 
     “Hey, take it easy, kid.” 
     When you were able to fully open your eyes and take in your surroundings, you found that you were in a hospital room. Your brother was sitting next to the uncomfortable bed on one of the equally uncomfortable chairs. 
     “Am I dead?” 
     Carlos let out a chuckle, shaking his head. 
     “Don’t be so dramatic.” 
     The next few hours were a blur considering that you were hopped up on pain meds. Carlos’ boyfriend could’ve come in and visited, but then again you might’ve been imagining it.
     All you did know for sure was that Carlos was there to comfort you when the pain got too bad. And he was there with food that wasn’t from the hospital cafeteria.
Permanent Taglist
@stillmanicc, @annestine, @ymzki-haruki
911 Lone Star Taglist
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Ghost Hunting
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For @thefanficfaerie​‘s OTP Challenge (2020)       Words: 533 Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader         Prompt: Spooktacular Halloween: Day 18 - Ghost Hunting Summary: Reader is winding down for the night watching Buzzfeed Unsolved and Tony comes to snuggle up and watch with.
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“What are we watching?” Tony asked before dropping himself onto the couch next to you.
“Buzzfeed Unsolved.” You answered with a yawn. You snuggled closer to him. “This is a supernatural episode. The dynamic of the show is that Ryan believes in the supernatural and his co-host Shane doesn’t. They go around investigating allegedly haunted locations trying to prove or disprove the existence of ghosts. This is one of my favorite episodes.”
“You’ve watched this more than once?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“I’ve watched every season at least twice.” You replied. “I tend to prefer their true crime series more, but you know Halloweeeen!” You warbled the holiday’s name out in your best ghostly impression.
“Right, Halloweeen!” Tony laughed as he impersonated you. “So what do you think of all this stuff? Ya know ghosts and haunted houses. When it’s not Halloween of course.”
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[Unsolved 2]
heya! we're back!
episode two <3
tags: @angelicsoul16
“This week we investigate The Whaley House in San Diego, California as part of our ongoing investigation to answer the question; Are ghosts real? This house was ranked as the most haunted house in America.” Ryan explained.
“Number one??” Shane gasped.
“Number one.” Ryan confirmed.
“Woah! Top of the pops!” You said. 
“We’re going to the top dog.” Ryan nodded.
Later on in the day, the three of you arrived at said location. You liked houses like this, it always had a real historical feeling to it. Like.. victorian. It was so pretty. 
“Here we are.” Ryan sighed.
“Y’know, we could get a nice drink after this, even if we get possessed.” You suggested.
“Oh, that’s right!” Ryan laughed with glee.
“You bet your ass we’re getting some brewskis after this.” Shane grinned.
“Alright! In we go, can’t stall forever, can we?” You hopped up the stairs.
Ryan seemed unnerved as you all entered the house, but you were just looking around. No doubt this place was expensive as hell. Especially in San Diego. 
“You could feel the history coming from the walls in here.” Ryan shuddered.
“Isn’t that wonderful, though?” Shane asked.
“Not when the history fights back!” Ryan shook his head.
“So, what’s first on the agenda?” You asked.
“An EVP in Violet’s room.” Ryan said, leading the way to her room. 
As they arrived, you looked around at the decor. Looks about par for the course. 
“This is the sorrowful room. Do you feel sorrowful in here?” Shane questioned.
“No, not particularly.” You hummed. “It’s a room.”
“Here we go, we’re going to be silent and allow for you to talk to us.” Ryan addressed Violet. 
Until Shane yawns.
“Well, what a shocker, nothing happened.” You shrugged. 
“Yeah, it’s just a bedroom.” Shane stretched. 
“Alright, whatever guys. Let’s go to the next room.” Ryan rolled his eyes.
The next area was the courtroom. You never did like courtrooms. Not that you’ve been arrested or anything, they just make you nervous. 
“Spirit, if you’re here and you’re angry, Ryan would like to feel a shiver up his spine.” Shane said.
Nothing happened.
“It would appear that they don’t respond to specific requests.” He hummed.
“That’s true. You kinda just have to wait for it to happen.” Ryan sighed.
“Maybe it’s a good portal?” You suggested.
Ryan laughed. “Maybe, maybe.”
“Aw man.. My flashlight went out.” Shane said.
“Are- Are you serious??” Ryan asked.
Shane tried to turn it on over and over again, but to no avail. Each time spawned a resonating click from the flashlight. 
“Well damn.” You hummed. “That sucks.”
Ryan began to look around frantically. 
“What’s wrong, dude?” You asked. 
“I just heard the chair creak next to me. Maybe it’s old wood.. Yeah, that’s it.” He tried to rationalize. 
“Old wood doesn’t creak though.” You pointed out. 
“Oh man, I feel weird. Like all dizzy and gross.” Ryan said.
“Well, I’d say we’re obviously stepping into supernatural territory.” You laughed.
“Welp! That’s enough of that.” Ryan stood up with a panicked look.
“Wait wait, make Shane do it!” You interjected.
“If you say so! But, you have to do it too.” Shane shrugged.
Shane sat down in the chair and nothing really happened. You waited but Shane just tapped his foot impatiently. 
“Welp, your turn Y/N.” Shane stood up with a stretch.
You sat down with a sigh. Your eyes scanned around the room, taking in the house to distract yourself. No creaks, but you did feel weird. Like a nauseating feeling churning in your stomach. You could feel something was off and yet, no harm could be done. 
“You alright, N/N?” Shane asked.
“Ugh, no. I feel like I’m gonna be sick. I hate it here.” You admitted.
Shane seemed to notice something from above you and narrowed his eyes slightly. You didn’t notice it, being too enveloped in your own thoughts. However, bit by bit, the sickly feeling started to diminish. You felt like you could breathe again. You quickly scrambled off of the chair upon feeling something snake around your ankle. Nothing was there, but you didn’t want to sit there anymore. 
“ALRIGHT WELL- Let’s go to the next room, shall we?” You suggested nervously. 
“Next is the parlor, one of the most active rooms in the building.” Ryan narrated.
“Great.” You said sarcastically, gritting your teeth. 
Shane patted your back. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Like I said, I’ll protect you!”
You sighed. “Sure, fine. Whatever you say.”
The three of you entered the parlor and you could already feel something off. You didn’t want to look for ghosts anymore. To be honest, you were terrified. 
The three of you had to take turns being alone in the room to talk to Yankee Jim. Five minutes, tops. You could do that, right? He’s just a funky ghost, he can’t hurt you. You knew that, but at the same time.. You were scared. You went after Shane did. No doubt he was goofing off the entire time. 
“...” You didn’t want to talk. You had to, but you really didn’t want to.
“Hey dude. I uh.. My name is Y/N. I hear you like boats..?” You mustered out. 
Silence. More silence. You could hear your own breathing, panicked and tight. If someone were to drop a pin, you would be able to hear it. You found yourself rocking back and forth, you didn’t know what else to do. 
“Time's up!” You heard.
“Oh thank the gods.” You breathed out, practically scrambling out of the parlor. 
“How was it?” Shane asked.
“Terrifying.” You sighed.
“How so?” He raised an eyebrow.
Ryan had already gone into the room for his turn. 
“Very dark.. I don’t like the darkness. Makes me feel, I dunno, just completely alone.” You explained.
You could hear Ryan screaming. That’s about par for the course. 
“That’s an understandable fear. Much more understandable than ghosts.” He laughed to himself.
“But really, just know that you’re not alone. Not as long as I’m here. Whenever you need me, I’ll always be here.” He put a hand on your shoulder.
You smiled. “Thanks, Shane.”
“Anytime, N/N.” He said.
Ryan finally stumbled out, looking panicked. Not too much of a surprise. 
“Welp- Let’s get the HELL out of here!” He said.
You nodded, following after Ryan while Shane followed after you. What he said was true. As long as he was around, you’d never be alone. He had you right in his grasp and he’d be damned if he let you slip. 
You’d always be safe as long as he was around. Even if he had to fight God or Satan himself, he’d protect you with all that he has. 
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shared moments [ bobby nash ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; a soft moment between you, bobby and the rest of the firehouse
⋯ PROMPT ; [ little things eight ] you and your lover sitting next to each other at the table and they rest their hand on your thigh, gently rubbing their thumb back and forth
⋯ WARNINGS ; gn!reader + general fluff [ some light teasing, bring up an embarrassing event + gentle kissing ]
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it had been a long shift – one of those that had seemed to drag on into forever. call after call came through the firehouse and over the radio as you and your truck were called to different scenes to assist or provide aid.
lucky, bobby had been smart to throw dinner together with the hopes of having a good meal before the shift came to an end. so, when there seemed to be peaceful moment, all of shift quickly gather around the table to enjoy an actual meal. not something quick from the pantry.
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"Who is that?" Eddie asked, his duties rolling up the hose quickly forgotten as his eyes followed you up the stairs to where Athena and Bobby were talking.
"That's Athena's new rookie," Buck told him, smirking knowingly.
"Now close your mouth and get back to work, before you drool on our brand new fire hose," Chim chimed in, laughing as Eddie quickly closed his mouth and looked away, cheeks burning.
"You could go talk to her," Buck suggested, nudging Eddie as he shook his head, risking a glance back in your direction to accidentally catch your eye.
You smiled in greeting and he smiled back, watching as Athena led you away, her business at the station concluded.
Next, he told himself, he'd ask for your name.
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Spend The Night *ED*
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REQUESTED : Yes - @captainamericasmotercycle ; "could you do a cute, fluffy story with eddie diaz and prompt 3 please?"
PROMPT(S) : 3 - "Sleep at my place tonight."
"Can you keep it down in there?!" You yelled through your bedroom wall as you pounded your fist against it.
Your neighbor had been no a binge with his friends, or should you say bandmates. They've been practicing since 10 that morning and it was now 7:30 at night.
Your boyfriend, Eddie, was due at your place at any moment to spend his off weekend with you while Christopher was with Buck. As you plopped yourself back on your bed, your phone rang, a picture of you and Eddie popping up on the screen.
"Hey, Eds." You smiled softly, even though he couldn't see you.
"Hey, my love. There's been a change of plans." Eddie spoke calmly.
"Oh?" You hummed, sitting up on your bed.
"Yeah, Buck decided to go on a random date tonight. So, Chris will be home tonight." Eddie spoke, you could hear Chris in the background laughing.
"Oh. Well, that's okay. We always have your next weekend off." You smiled softly.
"Or.., " Eddie dragged out, "Sleep at my place." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"I can do that." You smiled to yourself. "Let me pack a bag and I'll be there soon."
"Alright, bye my love." Eddie spoke before hanging up.
You quickly threw together a bag of clothes and everything you'd need for your weekend with your favorite boys.
Soon you were pulling up to Eddie's house and knocking on the door.
You smiled as Eddie opened the door.
"I'm ready for my sleepover with my favorite boys!" You laughed softly, holding your bag up.
Eddie laughed softly as he pulled you into a kiss.
"Well then lets get this party started." He chuckled, leading you into the house.
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Relationship Reveal | Buck
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♡ Pairing: Buck/Little Sister Diaz!Reader ♡ Genre: Relationship Reveal, Fluff ♡ Word Count: 1k ♡ Warnings: None ♡ Summary: You finally tell your big brother who you’ve been dating. ♡ Note: Day 8 of my 30 Day Writing Challenge!
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Buck shifted in the seat next to you, his fingers thrumming the white table cloth as he took another sip of his margarita with the other. He had ordered it the moment the waitress came over, saying he needed liquid courage.
Yet, since the two of you got here nearly ten minutes ago he hadn’t been able to relax at all. You hoped he would be more comfortable, especially since you picked his favorite place for lunch. It was a small Italian restaurant that the two of you loved having dinner at.
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Evan Buckley - Station Dinner
Evan Buckley x Reader
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“Listen.” Buck started as he walked into the station for the night. “I know that it is my night to cook dinner, but I have somebody else bringing the dinner in.” He informed his team before going into the locker room.
“That sounds like your skipping on cooking duty.” Hen responded.
“I’m skipping it as much as when Chimney had Maddie cook her lasagna for him.” He retorted, putting his bag on the hook.
“Hey! Me and Maddie have a kid, therefore we are one person.” The rustles of the bags being placed, as well as the sound of people leaving the station filled the air. It remained semi quiet until the team made their way up to the kitchen.
“What’s for dinner?” Bobby asked, seated at the head of the table.
“Buck cheaped out.” Eddie chimed in.
“I did not.”
“He said someone else is bringing his food.”
“Buck that’s not the rule of making meals.”
“I’m still technically bringing-” He was interrupted by his phone ringing. “Look at that, the food.” He answered the phone and replied I’ll be right there, before heading down the steps. They made jokes about Buck coming back with pizza, being shocked when he came back with a female and multiple aluminum pans in their arms.
“And it’s not pizza.” Bobby stood to grab the pans from the girl's arm.
“I told you I was bringing a quality dinner.” He places the tins on the counter before starting to open them. “This is-”
“Hi!” She began to introduce herself. “I’m Ev’s friend.” Chim wiggled his eyebrows at Hen for the unusual nickname. “I brought spaghetti, garlic bread, a salad, some chicken and some meatballs on the side. There is cake and pie for dessert”
“She brought enough for an army.” Bobby said before opening the floor for the team to eat. Everybody made small talk about the plethora of food.
“This is the most amazing garlic bread.” Eddie almost moaned at the taste.
“I did pretty good right?” Buck said putting his arm around the back of the female’s chair. She pushed his side in fake annoyance before leaning into him.
“How did he convince you to cook?”
“I like to cook.” This statement caused Buck to snicker. “Okay well I like to cook for other people. Baking is really my thing tho.”
“Her cheese cake- to die for.” He mentioned before shoveling noodles into his mouth.
“Wow, a cute girl who can cook. That’s amazing,” They made small talk, eating dinner and dessert until the bells rang. The team immediately got up, Buck lagging behind.
“Go fireman… I’ll clean and then leave.”
“You don’t have to clean. Are we still on for our breakfast date?” He started walking backwards to the stairs.
“See you then.” He turned to run before going back and kissing the girl on the cheek before running back to the bus.
“Is kissing someone’s cheek a new way to say goodbye?” Eddie questioned as soon as his friend stepped onto the truck.
“That's a special type of friend.” Chim said from his seat.
“Okay. Yes, maybe she is a special friend.” He said blushing.
“You're so lucky her pasta was good enough to get you out of redoing your cook night.” Bobby said as they pulled out of the station.
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Late at Night [1/3]
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Pairing: Commander Wolffe x gn!Reader
Summary: You’re extremely physically affectionate with everyone in the Wolfpack, except for Wolffe. It definitely doesn’t bother him. Then, you do something unexpected. 
Warnings: none, wolffe not knowing what’s going on lol, cuddling :)
It was another night out at 79′s for the Wolfpack, and of course you were there. Wolffe didn’t dislike you, but you made it difficult for him to truly relax. You smiled and laughed with the other boys, Boost, Comet, and Sinker, always leaning on them and nudging them and hugging them. You smiled at Wolffe, too, but there was a certain bite to your expressions and your words whenever you interacted with him. He didn’t know why, it was the attitude you’d taken up with him from the start. It was as if you were constantly challenging him, but he wasn’t sure what the challenge was or who was winning. It felt like he was losing, though, because you never touched him the way you touched the rest of the Wolfpack.
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brother dearest
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: Mycroft had never considered himself to be overprotective. However, he isn't overly pleased with how smitten his little brother is with you...
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: John is the only one with any emotional intelligence and Mycroft is faced with the horrifying ordeal of realising his younger sibling is dating, so they're all idiots really
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Mycroft Holmes could practically feel his blood pressure rising. Confidential documents had been stolen from the very hands of the British government, putting the democratic well-being of an entire nation in jeopardy. And his little brother wouldn't answer the phone.
The moment word of the breach had gotten to Mycroft his first plan of action was to call Sherlock. Of course, he could have hypothetically dealt with the issue himself had it not required leg work. But to his dismay, contacting the youngest Holmes seemed to be as unlikely as winning the lottery.
Tossing dignity to the wind in the name of restoring balance to the western world, Mycroft stooped to the, in his opinion, ever embarrassing low of visiting Baker Street himself. He ascended the stairs, his displeasure evident in the weight of his steps, and refused to practice the common courtesy of knocking before entering the flat. Sherlock had lost that privilege when he refused to pick up the bloody phone.
Mycroft tutted with annoyance when he found both the living room and kitchen empty. Sherlock's coat, with whom he refused to go anywhere without, still hung idle on the clothes rack. He was in the flat and Mycroft was going to find him if he had to tear away every brick.
With all the begrudgement of a man who'd had his morning routine seriously uprooted, Mycroft marched towards Sherlock's bedroom and swung open the door.
He almost immediately wished he hadn't.
Sherlock lay sprawled out on the bed, white sheets twisting over alabaster skin. His eyes were shut, his hair a tangled mess of curls and you lay by his side.
Mycroft's jaw fell so quickly he expected it to unhinge and clatter against the floor with all the comedic effect of a nineties cartoon.
Sherlock's head rested against your shoulder whilst the lower half of your face was largely hidden by his curls. Your lips brushed his forehead in a prolonged kiss and Sherlock's arm was thrown over you almost possessively. Your own hand curled softly around the nape of his neck.
Disbelief, embarrassment and anger chased each other across Mycroft's expression before he settled with complete mortification. He couldn't explain it, not really, but seeing his little brother in bed with someone made him feel ridiculously nauseous.
Sherlock shifted, stretching out his limbs like a content cat before nuzzling closer to you.
Having no idea what else to do, the eldest Holmes shut the door. After a quick and failed attempt to purge the last few moments from his memory, he made his way back towards the living room.
He was met by John.
The doctor quickly did away with his fresh bag of groceries in order to make small talk, much to Mycroft's disdain. When John got around to the reason for his visit, and therefore Sherlock's current whereabouts, Mycroft shifted awkwardly.
“He seems to be occupied.”
A look of confusion clouded John's expression. He glanced down the hallway, jutting his thumb in the direction of Sherlock's room.
“I'm fairly certain he's just–” John's words were dissolved by the bitter look that was thrown his way by the eldest Holmes. “–oh, he didn't tell you?”
“Tell me what?” Mycroft asked with a painfully fake smile.
John swallowed thickly, suddenly very unhappy with the fact that he was the one that had to break the news to possibly the most powerful man in Britain that his little brother was seeing someone.
“He uh– he didn't tell you about himself and Y/N?”
Mycroft blinked. “It would appear he left out that minor detail.”
The silence that followed was awkward at best and utterly painful at worst. John, who wanted nothing more for the interaction to end but had no idea how to make that happen, nodded. Mycroft cleared his throat and readjusted his hold on his umbrella.
He glanced back towards his brother's room and John didn't miss the subtle glare he was trying to hide. Ah, so that's what this was about. John may not have shared Sherlock's observational skills but he did have a sister. He knew what overprotectiveness looked like.
“Mycroft, you do realise that Sherlock is an adult.”
“If that's what you would like to call him.”
“Right,” John dismissed quickly. “But he and Y/N are together. They have feelings–”
What was very much beginning to sound like a new rendition of ‘the birds and the bees’ was shortened by a scoff on Mycroft's behalf.
"My brother is barely capable of understanding his own feelings, you think he can handle someone else's?"
“You'd be surprised.”
Surprised was certainly one word for it. Mycroft simply couldn't imagine his brother being emotionally involved with anyone, regardless of how much imagination he tried to employ. He failed to imagine Sherlock in any situation that involved intimacy or vulnerability, let alone with you.
As if the very thought of you had doubled as a summoning spell, you entered the kitchen, steps lazy and eyes tired. If you were surprised to see the eldest Holmes you hid it well.
“Mycroft,” you greeted with a tight-lipped smile.
Your eyes moved between him and John, trying to piece together what exactly you'd walked into. John cleared his throat. You fought the urge to just go back to bed.
“Can I get you anything?” You motioned to the kitchen.
“My brother, if it's no trouble.”
“Showering,” you yawned. You decided not to add the bit where Sherlock had mentioned needing to ‘cool off before facing the devil so early in the morning’ upon realising his brother was in the living room. “He won't be long.”
“I see. I hate to show up unannounced. But I tried to call this morning and it seemed he was unavailable.”
You smirked despite yourself. Mycroft's grasp on his umbrella tightened.
After a few agonising moments that consisted of you cluelessly making yourself a morning cup of tea, Mycroft glaring holes into your back and John all but hiding behind his newspaper, Sherlock joined you.
His hair was damp, curls frizzed up due to the warm water. Mycroft hadn't seen it in such a state since Sherlock was a child. The unruly nature of his hair, as well as its tendency to make him look far less intimidating and far more endearing, often led to embarrassment. Which is why Mycroft was so surprised to see him so at ease.
Sherlock didn't so much as acknowledge his brother's existence as he made a beeline towards you, accepting the tea you offered and leaving a lazy kiss against the side of your head. He was smiling fondly all the while.
Said smile immediately fell when he spotted Mycroft. Sherlock muttered something about god under his breath and took a long, almost purposefully so, sip from his mug before speaking.
“Terrorist attack or security breach?”
Mycroft raised an unamused brow.
“It's ten o'clock on a Sunday morning, from my understanding you should be having tea with the prime minister or something–” Sherlock waved his free hand around dismissively. “You wouldn't be here if it wasn't of national importance. So which is it? Suspected terrorist attack or a security breach?”
“That, brother mine, is something you would have already been clued in on if you'd learned how to answer my calls.” Mycroft intended for his words to be somewhat scolding but judging by how Sherlock reclined in his chair and crossed his legs he figured his attempt at exerting some sort of authority over his younger brother had failed. “Now, it's not as threatening as initially believed but still relevant enough to warrant some sort of investigation. Which is why I need you to–”
His words fizzled out at the sight of you moving to stand behind Sherlock's chair. Your stance was relaxed, comfortable, as if you felt you belonged where you stood, as some sort of watchful protector. Mycroft glowered.
You seemed unfazed and Mycroft couldn't tell which he hated more, your hand now on Sherlock's shoulder or the fact that his brother was smirking because of it.
By some miracle, he managed to make it through the rest of the briefing without giving away just how much he wanted the floorboards to open up and swallow him.
He didn't know why the sight of you both together irritated him so much but by god was it getting under his skin. The glances you shared that Mycroft knew had hidden meanings behind them. How his brother, who needed a week's recovery in his room after any social interaction, preened under your touch. The youthful look in his eyes, the boyish smile. It was somehow painful to look at.
Mycroft could still recall when he was the only one that could placate his brother. When they were children, spending hours in their garden estate, finding insects and frogs and recalling their Latin names. Anything to keep their brilliant young minds entertained. He remembered how Sherlock would light up with each new nugget of information Mycroft gave him. Even into their teenage years, he was the one Sherlock trusted, the one he looked to for help and guidance. It had always been him.
But now, now there was you.
He had you to confide in. To talk to. To irritate with a tirade of useless facts that anyone else would think irrelevant. He had you to look out for him and comfort him and Mycroft couldn't understand why this was angering him so–
The notion that his little brother had, in fact, grown up and didn't need him anymore came as a very unwelcome realisation. Mycroft had the sudden desire to leave the flat as promptly as he could.
“Well,” he cleared his throat. “I should be getting on. I trust you'll fill me in on your findings?”
Sherlock groaned, in agreement or dismissal it was hard to tell.
Mycroft, who now wanted nothing more than to leave, turned to make his way to the door. “Good day, doctor Watson.”
John nodded, not failing to notice the change in Mycroft's stance.
‘He's copped on then.’
Partially because of your closeness to the door and partially in an attempt to rectify whatever you'd done to wrong Mycroft, you moved to show him out.
He passed you silently but as you stepped back to close the door, he stopped you.
He seemed uneasy, an emotion that looked unnatural and foreign on him. His nerves were infectious and you quickly found yourself growing anxious, expecting him to gift you with some horrific piece of information to pass on to Sherlock to save him from dealing with the mess of telling his brother himself.
His actual request was something much softer.
“Take care of him, will you?”
It took a few moments for you to blink away your surprise. As confused as you were, you nodded all the same.
“Of course.”
Mycroft responded with a nod of his own, offered a surprisingly genuine smile and then turned to leave. He'd descended the stairs entirely by the time you finally closed the flat door.
“What was that about?” Sherlock asked nonchalantly.
You shook your head. “Absolutely no idea.”
John took a sudden interest in his newspaper in an attempt to ignore just how hard he was biting his tongue.
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thank you for reading!
Sherlock tag list: @miraclesoflove @ilovefanfictions @mylovelysnowflake @quentawewe @bakerstreethound @andreasworlsboring101 @doozywoozy @xxinvisiblexx @the-worst-critic @the-queer-dungeoneer @jellyfishbeansontoast @starrykitn @starryeddie @ladymercury8 @themorningsunshine @evelynrosestuff @mywellspringoflife @simp-for-scammanders @Xhz17x @allieberries @kealohilani-tepise
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Scenario: you are a single mom and you lose your little boy in a dinosaur museum exposition, you are looking like crazy for him. And when you find him he is sitting with Sherlock. 🦕
I want you to know this will probably end up as a mini-series because the idea is just so adorable 😭
Blurb Thursday-Send in one of the scenarios or dialogue above along with one of the characters I write for!
When Sherlock arrived at the museum the expert who agreed to meet him was no where in sight. He waited over an hour before deciding the man wasn’t going to show up. He’d have to consult someone else to figure out more about the fossil that was tied to his case. Perhaps there was a worker here who was competent enough to give him an answer or-
“Is that a fossil of a micro-raptor?” A voice asked from behind him. He turned to find a little boy, no older than seven staring up at him.
“Yes, it is,” Sherlock replied, his brow knit in confusion as he scanned over the crowd of people around him. Where was this boys mother? Why was he alone and most of all why was he speaking to him?
“There’s only about three hundred of those, and they’re all owned by museum’s! How’d you get one?” The boy questioned, his eyes lighting up. Sherlock paused his search for the child’s caregiver at hearing that.
“Is that so?” He said, glancing down to the stone he held. Perhaps this little boy could be of some help to him. Sherlock held the stone up for him to see better.
“What can you tell me about this fossil?”
The boy looked like he was about to vibrate out of his own body he was so excited.
“Everything! What do you want to know?!”
You glanced over the crowded museum exhibit as your heart hammered against your ribs. You’d barely turned your back for two minutes and Cyril had vanished into thin air. You knew he was small for a boy his age but surely you should’ve been able to spot him even amongst all the people around you.
“Cyril?” You called out. Hoping you’d simply somehow missed him. Dread clutched at your lungs when you didn’t hear his cheery voice yell back. You were starting to go into a full blown panic as you rushed from room to room trying to find your son. You were on the brink of tears, considering going to the security guards when you spotted the familiar red coat with the felt spines you’d sewn onto it. He was sitting on a bench with a man you didn’t recognized. You rushed over to him, dropping into a crouch as you cupped Cyril’s face in your hands.
“There you are! What did I tell you about wandering off?” You demanded, relief flooding you at seeing he was alright. In fact, he seemed better than alright. You’d never seen him this happy before.
“Mum, Mr.Holmes said I helped him!” He beamed proudly. You glanced to the man sitting beside him, your wariness kicking in once again. He didn’t seem very menacing and if you weren’t being cautious right now you might have said he was handsome.
“Your son is quite smart,” He commented, breaking you from your thoughts. You offered him a small smile as Cyril hopped down from the bench, taking your hand in his.
“Thank you,” You replied, not sure what else to say. Cyril piped up as the man stood to leave.
“Are you going to catch the bad guys, Mr.Holmes?”
“Most likely,” He stated, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. He nodded to the two of you before disappearing into the crowd. You watched him leave, his name repeating in your mind. You’d heard it somewhere before but you weren’t exactly sure from where. Not that it mattered. It wasn’t like you’d be seeing him again anytime soon. You gave Cyril’s hand a gentle tug as you guided him towards the exit.
“Come on, love. Let’s go get you some lunch.”
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A little flirting never hurt nobody ft. Echo
Pairing: Echo x Jedi!Reader (i put some female pronounces in there but no Y/N)
Warnings: None
Words: ~0.8k
A/N: This was requested by @fabulousapple with two prompts and it took me four attempts to get it right. Hope you all enjoy my misery this little drabble.
Prompts: “Are you flirting with me?”
“You are shaking.” “I can’t feel my legs.”
You and Anakin have been friends since he came to the temple, both of you around the same age and bonding over being discovered extremely late but still taken in. It wasn’t long until you two had a brother sister dynamic going on, and acting that way too. The council saw this as an attachment but what were they to do about it? Throw you out? Yeah no.  It continued during the whole duration of your training as padawans and when the war started, only growing closer together and supporting each other. Like you supporting him or him supporting whatever was going on between you and one of his arc troopers.  It was not long since you partook in the trials and became a jedi knight. After it they wanted you to take a battalion on your own but you declined and joined Anakin instead. You served along with him and the battalion on many occasions and it was only right to annoy your big brother every opportunity you’d get. So now here you stood in front of Anakin and Rex, getting introduced to the two Arc Troopers Fives and Echo, the later on catching your eye immediately which didn’t go unnoticed by the other three.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, General.” Oh the way he said it with the smirk on his face made you weak. Was he really trying to flirt with you right now? “Well it’s Commander for now Echo, but thanks. It is also a pleasure to meet you.” You gave him a charming smile and wink. Maker, did you just flirt back? It felt like you were throwing everything overboard the Jedi taught you because a handsome man made pretty eyes at you and talked in such a tone that had you wondering what he was implying. You felt a fluttering in your chest when he cocked his head at you and looked you directly in the eyes. Echo will surely be the death of you. The two of you completely blended everything around you out, including the three figures that took a few steps to give you some space and observe what the hell was going on between you. Echo could feel his palms growing sweaty and his knees growing weak but he didn’t falter, nor did he avert his gaze from you. He felt a sudden boost in himself and before he could think it over he said it.  “You know I have never seen someone prettier than you.” Both of you were stunned for a second before you talked.  “Are you flirting with me, Echo?” Oh the way you said his name was music to his ears. “Perhaps, is it working?” “Oh it definitely is.” Anakin, Rex and Fives were still watching the two of you dancing around each other and Echo being as bold as never before. They were silent the whole time. Fives beamed with pride upon seeing his brother so confident and shooting his shot. He was aware that since the moment you walked in that Echo was fixated on you. But man he never expected him to go for it that hard. “Can I have your private comlink frequency, Commander?”  “Oh you can have whatever you want, Arc Trooper.”  You gave him your frequency before being ushered away by Anakin and Rex for a meeting. Before you rounded the corner you looked over your shoulder and winked at him. He disappeared from view and you immediately turned bright red. “Seems like you got yourself a man now. I hope I get an invitation for the wedding.” “Oh shut up Anakin.” “I want one too.”
Echo was still standing there in shock. He still couldn’t believe that he not only just asked his new Commander, that he just met, for their comlink frequency and flirted with them but that it actually worked. Echo stared at the comlink he held in his hands. It was her private comlink. He was only shook out of his trance when Fives clapped him on the back and laughed. “I can’t believe you went for it, vod. You are shaking, are you alright?” Echo looked over at his brother for the first time with a glint of joy in his eyes. “I can’t feel my legs.” Fives burst out laughing and helped Echo over to a place where he could sit down.  “She got to you that much, huh? I am proud of you for shooting your shot but you better not let the others know about your weak old legs.” “Very funny, Fives.” “What?! I am just looking out for you!”  Echo glared at him but couldn’t shake the smile pn his face, nor could he stop thinking about you. He would definitely call and talk with you later. 
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Okay….brain broken tonight….seriously cannot focus on much of anything 😆😆😆
So how about this as a prompt:
“Just focus on me….and my touch….”
HEHEHE. This got filthy.
18+ below the cut (MINORS SKEEDADDLE - PiV sex, multiple orgasms, squirting)
"Fives, I can't," you plead from where he's got you pinned, his hands pressing into the backs of your knees, practically folding you in half.
"Yes you can, pretty girl. I know you can. One more for me."
You've lost track of the number of orgasms he's gotten out of you at this point. He dragged at least two from you with his tongue and fingers before slipping his cock into your warm, wet cunt. He'd started slow, but once he pressed your knees back, he was able to hit that spot, zoning in on it and never relenting. Every stroke of his hips shot sparks skittering across your vision, the head of his cock stroking the place inside you that brought utter bliss with every press of his hips. You'd chanted his name as tears streaked down your cheeks, begging for him to let you release, and he'd built each orgasm carefully, constructing it with such precision that you couldn't help but scream his name. Sweat trickled down his temple, tracing along the Aurebesh numeral tattooed there as his hips slapped against you again, your cunt making absolutely obscene noises with each thrust. You'd felt hazy, drifting on some other plane as you recovered from your last orgasm, but now that familiar pressure was building again, and your toes were starting to curl as he pushed you towards the precipice once more.
"One more for me," he rasped. "Give me just one more."
You whine, arching off the bed as your fingers dig into the sheets hard enough to drain the blood from your knuckles. Each slide of his cock inside you thrums your nerve endings like a musician playing an instrument, and you feel everything starting to tighten.
"I-I-I'm not sure I can."
He smirks, leaning down to press his sweaty forehead against yours, his goatee scraping your cheek as he whispers into your ear.
"Just focus on me and my touch. I know you can give me what I want. Just one more for me, pretty girl."
With that, he sits back, picking up the pace. You moan loudly, and your brows furrow as the tears begin to pool in the corners of your eyes again. It feels as if you're going to explode, and now you want nothing more than to have your release.
"Fives, please. I'm so close. Please."
He's panting from the exertion, but that does nothing to stop the smirk that's tugging at the corner of his lips. He brings his thumb to your clit, applying the amount of pressure he knows will send you flying over the edge.
"Cum for me pretty girl."
It's unlike anything you've ever experienced. Your entire body locks down, and you're not certain if you're screaming or if it's just a loud ringing in your ears, but your vision whites out as Fives gets what he wants. Your cunt clenches, and you faintly hear Fives hiss just as your head falls back into the pillow, and your mind goes fuzzy. You feel your legs slowly being extended from their bent position, warm hands rubbing the backs of your knees and your calves as your heels sink into the mattress. When you open your eyes, Fives is still kneeling between your legs, grinning like a fiend. It's then that you notice he's soaked and there's a massive wet spot beneath you.
You feel your face heat up, but he surges forward to kiss you, still slightly breathless.
"Well... that was certainly something."
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pov: your instagram but you're married to Spencer Reid
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Liked by ash.s, davidrossiofficial and 279 others
y/n.reid: Spence sends me a text with this photo and the message do you wanna spoon?
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d.morgan: he knows how to use the camera on his 20-year-old flip phone? -> mommyjareau: his 20-year-old flip phone has a camera?
doctorreid: i didn't receive an answer? -> y/n.reid: the answer is yes, obviously
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Liked badass_em, d.morgan and 312 others
y/n.reid: the biggest gossiper out
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babygirlpg: is that the mickey mouse mug I got him? -> doctorreid: yes, and thank you again! -> y/n.reid: it's all too cute for me
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Liked by aarhotch, davidrossiofficial and 358 others
y/n.reid: BAU family Christmas at the Reids
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mommyjareau: thank you for having us -> y/n.reid: love you <3
babygirl.pg: how do your lives look like they're out of a movie? -> y/n.reid: Spencer -> doctorreid: Y/n
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Liked by mommyjareau, aarhotch and 309 others
y/n.reid: long day bud?
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d.morgan: why am i not surprised he sleeps like a corpse? -> doctorreid: i do not -> y/n.reid: sorry babe but you do
babygirlpg: shoes? on my couch?? -> doctorreid: sorry... -> babygirlpg: you're forgiven
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Liked by badass_em, davidrossiofficial and 294 others
y/n.reid: best wood joke, go
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a.blake: Talking trees love to die-a-log -> doctorreid: When logs are exported to another country they are called depor-trees -> babygirlpg: The best way to get trees online is just to log in -> y/n.reid: i said best, these are terrible -> aarhotch: yeah, wood you cut it out?
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Liked by aarhotch, mommyjareau and 342 others
y/n.reid: the only time Spencer is willing to wear matching socks
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d.morgan: and jeans, what? -> doctorreid: i can do casual -> d.morgan: @/aarhotch we need casual Fridays so we can verify this
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Liked by thecallahanclan, davidrossiofficial and 337 others
y/n.reid: the age-old question: what is Doctor Spencer Reid in deep concentration over?
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babygirlpg: new cardigans? -> mommyjareau: new converse? -> davidrossiofficial: coffee? -> thecallahanclan: how many people own boats? -> doctorreid: the answer is Y/n
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Liked by aarhotch, d.morgan and 325 others
y/n.reid: (S)uper (S)exy (A)gents
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babygirlpg: very true -> y/n.reid: for the whole BAU
thecallahanclan: Y/n's Angels
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Liked by davidrossiofficial, doctorreid and 341 others
y/n.reid: the cool kids
view all 39 comments
badass_em: miss you all!! -> y/n.reid: the coolest cool kid of them all ^^
babygirlpg: smoldering Chocolate Thunder, confused Rossi, badass JJ, and adorable Spencer
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Are you going to share this coat with me... + Dan Torrance x Reader (I think that was the quote lol)
Full quote: “Are you going to share this coat with me all night?”
(Dropping that there so I don’t have to search my page again later)
It had been a while since you had taken the Rivington out on a ride with Dan. You knew he liked to sneak off here whenever he could, and you usually let him go alone, figuring that this would be a good time for him to have space. After all, you had your shop. He had the Rivington.
Today, however, he had asked you to come along. Something about the foliage this time a year made the ride more beautiful than normal, and he wanted to share it with you. 
Autumn in New England was always hit or miss. Sometimes it was cold, and sometimes it was like the second summoning of summer. When you had left that morning, the sun in the sky was warm and inviting, making you lean towards it being the latter kind of day. You set out with just a long sleeve shirt on when you went to work, but you were already cold later on when you went to meet him at the train.
“You’re going to be cold,” Dan chuckled as you came into view.
“The sun says otherwise,” you winked, trying to overcome the chill through your own mental will power. Just think warm thoughts.
“Well, don’t say I didn’t tell you so when you’re shivering and asking for my jacket later. I don’t give my jacket out to idiots,” he teased. “Even if they’re as pretty as you.”
You rolled your eyes and slipped into the seat beside the driver’s. “Are we going or are you just going to stand there?”
Dan shook his head at you as he slipped into the spot next to you. “Sweetheart, has anyone ever told you that you could command the world if you wanted to?”
“I don’t want the world, Danny,” you said softly. “I just want you.”
Dan started up the train and pulled out of the station before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You leaned your head against him as you took in the view.
“You were right,” you murmured. “The leaves are pretty.”
He was also right about the day being cold. As soon as the train pulled into the shade, you were doing your best to repress a bout of shivers that threatened to engulf you.
“Are you alright?” he asked, glancing sideways at you. “You’ve gone stiff.”
“I’m f-fine,” you said, trying to keep your teeth from chattering.
“You’re cold, aren’t you,” he said with a slight smile. It wasn’t a question, because he already knew the answer.
“N-no,” you said, in denial.
With an exaggerated sigh, he slipped one arm out of his coat. “Here. This is your arm.”
“My arm?” you asked in confusion.
He wrapped the coat around both of you so that you could put your right arm through the sleeve. His own right arm tucked around you to pull you close into him. “Better?”
A slight blush tinted your cheeks, not from the cold. “Much.”
Part of you wondered why he even owned a coat this large, but you shelved that question, snuggling into him.
A soft stillness fell over the two of you as you traveled around the track, listening to the wind in the leaves and the engine of the train. You chewed your lip as you debated asking Dan something you’d been wanting to know for a while now. It was a question that came to mind whenever he zoned out, going far away from the moment to a place you didn’t think you’d ever see yourself.
“Did you ever think you’d end up here?” you asked finally as you saw the station up ahead. If you didn’t ask now, you didn’t think you’d ever ask.
He let out a small sigh, “Thought I’d be dead in a ditch. I never thought I’d settle down in my wildest dreams. Much less did I think I’d settle down in a place like this and find someone like you.”
“Are you happy?” you asked, tilting your face up to look at him.
He smiled down at you. “Of course, sweetheart. After running from myself for so long, it’s nice to have a reason not to hate myself.”
An amused smile flitted across your face. “What’s the reason? Being sober?”
“No,” he said, kissing your forehead. “The reason is you. If you can love me, then maybe I’m not the monster I thought I was.”
Dan took the train back into the station and the two of you got out, still attached.
“Are you going to share this coat with me all night?” he asked with an amused smirk.
“Why was it so big if you didn’t get it specifically to share with me?” you countered.
“What?” he asked with a laugh.
“You heard me! Why buy a big coat if you didn’t mean to share it?” 
“You’re ridiculous,” he laughed, “I didn’t buy it. It was given to me by Billy.”
“Excuses, excuses, Torrance,” you grinned, going to slip your arm out.
“Wait,” he sighed, getting out of the coat instead and tucking you in it.
“I thought you said you didn’t give your coat to idiots,” you said innocently.
“Yeah, well, I changed my mind,” he said. 
“What’ll you wear?” you asked, pulling the coat around you and inhaling the scent of him.
“Well, we’re heading back to my place aren’t we? I’m hoping I won’t have to wear anything there,” he said playfully. He leaned in to add, “In fact, I was hoping we could both actually wear less.”
“And if I’m still cold?” you asked with a raised brow.
“I think I’ll be able to warm you right up,” he purred, looping his arm through yours and leading you back home.
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Congrats on 400 followers!! 🤗💙 Could you do a Dan Torrance sfw ABC?
Thank you so much!!!! Of course you can have ABC of Danny boy! This was fun to do and I want to cuddle him now.
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It takes a while for Danny to open up. He’s had a rough past, and closes himself off to protect himself and others. He always tensed up when you showed any type of physical contact, but slowly started to melt into them. After things became official between the two of you he slowly started reciprocating, but is still nervous about it.
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
You guys met through Billy. Most people in town know Billy, he is the quiet sweetheart that does what he can to help out. So he introduces the two of you, the two closest people to him. From there your friendship blossomed and he’d start seeking you out to be around you.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Danny boy just needs to be held ok? Sweet boy just has so much going on and cuddling with you helps ground him. His favorite cuddle position is where you're on your back, and his head is resting on your chest, your arms cradling his head brushing through his hair. His arms will be around your waist trying to get impossibly closer to you and you tangle your legs with his, which makes him oh so soft.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
He loves the idea of getting a small apartment with you, just something small and quaint. A proper home for once in his life with the one person he feels safe with.
He likes to keep a tidy place, if there is too much of a mess it starts to overwhelm him. He likes cooking, but most of the things he knows how to cook are simple dishes. He likes when you cook food you’ve had when you were a kid, a smile always adorning his face as you cook.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
This man would have tears in his eyes, but refuses to let them fall. But he would make sure he is respectful and make you realize that it really is him. He doesn’t want you to feel worse than you already do.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)
He is very hesitant about wanting to fully commit to you. He loves you, but he has so many demons. He thinks you deserve better than an ex-alcoholic that has mountains of trauma and this weird shining thing that haunts him most nights.
I feel like he wouldn’t feel the need to make it “official” anyways. Just being with you in general is enough for him. He doesn’t need this grand gesture or a piece of paper to show that he loves you. But he will do whatever makes you happy.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Dan emotionally is very rough around the edges, he really does need a bit of TLC. He himself tries to be soft towards you, and give you everything he thinks you deserve in a s/o. He wishes so much he could do more.
Physically he melts in your arms. The moment you hold him in any way he can’t help but smile for a moment and hold on to you tighter, or nuzzle into you. He’s been through shit and somehow his demons keep finding him, but when he is in your arms he feels safe. He’s not necessarily clingy, but he loves being held and holding you.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Like I said this man loves to hold you and he loves to be held. His hugs at first are timid, but you always squeeze him as hard as you can in the biggest bear hug you can muster. After you reciprocate his hug he grows more confident in it.
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
As said before Danny is hesitant about most things because of his past, so it takes a while for him to even think “wow I love this person”. He knows he cares for you and does love you but the thought of really being “in love” scares him a bit. But nevertheless he does admit it out loud when you're holding him one night after a particularly nasty nightmare, or day just needing comfort.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
So I feel like during his time he got clean he’s learned to control his emotions more, so it’s hard for him to get jealous. He also trusts you 100% in that area, he knows you and knows you wouldn’t cheat on him. But when he does I feel like he gets a little pouty, and quiet. Once you realize you’ll grab his hand and squeeze it reassuring him that everythings ok.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He’s usually into the soft kisses, the ones where you both end up melting into each other. Your bodies start to relax with the feel of each other and you can feel the care in the kiss. IMAGINE AS HE LINKS HIS FINGERS WITH YOURS AS YOU KISS SOFTLY
But don’t let the man fool you, when the time is right he will kiss you with a fiery passion. It's incredibly sexy when he kisses you as if he owns you, but this is reserved for behind closed doors.
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
He wasn’t good with kids before, but after working at Teeny Town and Abra he got better. It’s funny because he doesn’t do a high pitched voice like others usually would, but he would talk with interest and curiosity in his voice.
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
So mornings happen differently. There are the mornings he gets up somewhat early to go conduct the train in Teeny Towns, and there are the mornings where he sleeps in a little later after a night working at the hospice center. Either way when one of you gets up you're always pressing a kiss to the top of the others head when they wake, and before they leave for work.
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are the same as the mornings. The nights where he’s home are spent with the two of you dancing around each other as you cook, clean, or do whatever it is you do in the afternoons. But when he goes in to work, you always pack him some food to munch on later in the night and he can’t help but smile at the thoughtfulness. When he comes home he loves seeing you curled up in your shared bed, more often than not you’re in one of his shirts.
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
It takes a while for him to open up to you. I mean most people think he’s crazy when he talks about the things he sees, or looks at him with pity because of his past. You never pushed him to talk about anything, which is how you gained his trust. Before you guys became an item he told you everything, and you sat there with sad, but understanding eyes. You grabbed his hand and told him that you believed him, and how that it doesn't change how you feel about him. Safe to say he was fighting tears after that and internally SWOONED.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He gets frustrated but not that angry anymore. But he is also pretty patient, especially with other people. The hardest part is being patient with himself.
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
Dan remembers most things about you, but there are a few things that might slip his mind.
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
His favorite moments with you are when you're cuddling, but one of his all time favorite moments was when you had just got off of work and Teeny Town was full of families. On your way home you walked right up to Billy and asked how you could help. At some point you ended up running around chasing the kids, while giving one a piggyback ride. You looked so happy, as you helped entertain the kids waiting for a ride on the train. He knew you were tired after work, but yet you still came over to help plant some flowers and help the tired parents with their kids.
S - Security (How protective are they?)
Dan is pretty protective, that’s why it took so long to let you into his life. He doesn’t want anything happening to you, and if something happened to you because of him? He’d never forgive himself. He still hasn’t forgiven himself for past slip ups.
T - Try (How much effort do they put in?)
Sweet boy tries. He tries his best everyday with what seems to be the weight of the world on his shoulders. You see that and are incredibly proud of him either way. But when he goes out of his way to do something for you? You feel special. Life is hard already, and extra hard when you have shit to work through. So you always make sure he knows that you appreciate everything he does, even if it's only for himself.
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
Danny boy worked real hard to stop his drinking, but of course because of that he acts a little different when he’s overwhelmed and doesn’t have alcohol to help. The main thing is he really wants to just be alone, and is used to being alone. Learning to trust and have a friend in Billy is one thing, but having a significant other? There’s gonna be a little more work needed.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s pretty lax about his appearance. After he got clean he manages himself a little more than he used too, and after he got with you he tries a littlemore. He takes care of himself more and when you go out with each other he makes sure to look a little nicer for you.  
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I wouldn't necessarily say “incomplete” but more of a loss. Being incomplete is like saying you will be okay again. He’s lost people before and worked through it, but he still feels it like the day he found out.
X - Xtra (Random HC)
After you move in together you realize there’s a cat that roams around, so you guys “adopt” it. You always leave food out and even bought a little bed and put it outside for it. It’s a little white and grey cat with light blue eyes. You named it Spoon, not knowing what else to call it while you washed some dishes. Danny chuckled at the name and somehow found himself calling the cat Spoon as well.
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
Danny doesn’t like people who are impatient, or super closed minded. With the things he’s seen and dealt with he needs someone who won’t judge, someone who can believe what he’s been through.
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Dan has insomnia. How can he not with everything in his head? So he doesn’t look forward to sleeping. He has medicine for if it gets too bad, or if he can’t go back to sleep. If you happen to wake up with him you make some tea to help relax the both of you back into sleep. You’ll curl up into each other and pass out watching an old show or movie you both like.
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Dan Torrance x Reader
Words: 1398
Note: This is probably one of the fluffiest things I’ve ever written
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It’s no secret that you were a bit ditsy and misplaced things constantly. Everyone who has gotten to know you found that out one way or another. Whether you misplaced your keys in your bag, or if you left your glasses at home. You were always missing something, even if you didn’t know it yet.
When you first met Dan Torrance he could immediately feel the slight chaotic energy you gave off. It was a surprise to him that you were good friends with Billy, especially since Billy seemed so put together. You were all working in Teeny Town when you went to grab something from your bag. You groaned loudly, not able to find what you were looking for.
“What’s wrong?” asked Billy.
“I can’t find my chapstick.” You sighed, still rummaging around your bag.
“Check the little pocket on the left.” Dan offers.
You’re brows furrow, “I never put it there, why?”
“Just a feeling.” He answers.
Keep reading
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