artist-in-a-tardis · 3 years
Billie Piper about returning to Doctor Who.
Source: billiepiperforever
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artist-in-a-tardis · 3 years
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jealousy, jealousy, olivia rodrigo (3/∞)
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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#hello darkness, my old friend
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
When I get to see my favorite song in a new light!! I can’t believe I never correlated it with Ten and Rose!
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~Sleeping at Last
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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NASA has released new images of Jupiter, taken by the Juno Spacecraft.
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
DIY clear facemask for the Deaf, hard of hearing, and anyone who might get hassled for having their face covered. Requires sewing.
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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I do a lot of Remakes of the Beauty and the Beast stained glass, but I realized I’ve never done a doctor who one! So here’s Ten/Rose in a Disney inspired “stained glass”!
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
I know your probably flooded with prompts, but I simply must give you one more 😂 I apologize in advance for the angst once again. I adore Tentoo but you know sometimes we all need a little angst in our lives so there’s this song by Katy Perry called “Thinking of You” and I don’t know it just would make such an angsty fic from Rose’s pov
the nature of humanity is just that, every so often, a whofic writer adds to the already immense and towering pile of post-JE angst (in my case, with a happy ending). hope you enjoy my contribution to the colossus.
read on ao3
𝕊𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥
Day Zero.
Her lips are buzzing, bee-stung from kissing. Wind-burnt, most probably. If she had a mirror, there’s no doubt she’d look flushed and pink and possibly even satisfied. But she does not have a mirror, and she is not satisfied.
Of course it feels good. She recognizes these lips; she understands their taste and their shape. The pouty bottom one, and the angle of the jaw, and the way he’d shifted to cradle her mouth with his, a motion so fluid that it almost felt practiced, liked they’d done it a dozen times—it felt unbearably good.
But not right.
Nothing feels right.
As the TARDIS dematerializes, taking with it the last breath of air from their old universe, she looks up at him. The familiar face is heartbreakingly conflicted: there’s pain, tempered by resignation, elevated by—hope?
He looks down at her.
She doesn’t know what he sees on her face. But the hopefulness fades.
She knows he knows.
Day Three.
They have tried sleeping together.
That is, sharing a bed.
At first, it was some sort of last-ditch look for comfort. Two scared kids, huddled together on a hotel mattress with the sheets pulled high, trusting one another to fight off nightmares and memories and monsters alike. 
She discovers that he kicks, but also that he has an almost magnetic repulsion to being touched. Each bit of contact he mercilessly makes with her shin results in him sitting bolt upright, blinking into the dark.
They are both exhausted, by the end of the third day. And Rose determines to ask him if he actually wants her there. She rehearses what she should say. “I can get my own room, right next door. You can knock on the wall if you need me. I won’t be far away.“ 
She says it, over and over: I won’t be far away. 
And Rose thinks of the Time Lord, from whom she is now irrevocably separated.
Keep reading
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
I just realized whilst I was cleaning my shower that I use rose scented body wash and banana scented shampoo 😂 subconsciously shipping the doctor and rose at all times. But for real, if you want a fantabulous smelling shampoo that smells like banana Laffy taffy and the beach then Sunbum is for you!
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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Just a little something I’ve been working on, I couldn’t get the background how I wanted it so I just decided to blur out a pic of the console 😅
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
Is...is iced tea really not a thing in Britain? 😳
Iced tea is one of the greatest things ever!
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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The reason why Nine did not appear with Ten, Eleven, Twelve and their companions and experience an Alternate Universe was because he was always his best with Rose. Nothing more than fantastic.
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
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“Human Nature” - Digital Oil Painting
Human Nature with Rose and Thirteen… or Billie as a lady and Jodie as a governess.
Please see the notes for my links, I always double post my art because Tumblr is excluding all links from tag searches. You should find my post tagged ‘licie links’ right under my original post in the notes. I know it’s annoying, but this extra step helps me out a lot.
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
This may be a bit self-serving, but this would be an excellent time for fanfic readers who don’t normally do so to get in the habit of leaving comments on fics.
If someone’s fic is helping you get through a tough time, tell them. Chances are, the author is going through a tough time too. Knowing that your hard work is helping someone, even if it’s years after you wrote the piece, can be a bigger bright spot in someone’s day than you might realize.
Furthermore, many authors now have more time on their hands, but like everyone else, may be battling through the mental haze of fear and uncertainty. Writing can help the writer as much as the finished product helps the reader.
A bit of positive encouragement may be just what your favorite writer needs to overcome the anxiety haze and instead rekindle their joy in telling stories, at the time when they too need it most.
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artist-in-a-tardis · 4 years
…i may have put way too much time into this
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