allthingscastle 8 years
I hate this. I love both Stana and Nathan, but I wish all this stuff about them would have waited to come out after the season finale because now when I watch Castle I have mixed feelings. All I can think about it how I wonder if they were fighting then or how Stana won't be back if anyone will be back at all. It's just sad and it sucks..馃槶
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allthingscastle 8 years
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#i love my family
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allthingscastle 9 years
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allthingscastle 9 years
That would be awesome!
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allthingscastle 9 years
So true! Haha
So, kids, what have we learned today?
You simply do not mess with Caskett. They will fuck you up. They will fuck you up in your own game and with your own scalpel.
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allthingscastle 9 years
The progression is unreal.聽
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allthingscastle 9 years
Ryan looks fine as hell!聽
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Beckett鈥檚 Angels (x)
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allthingscastle 10 years
The last one has to be my favorite, totally was not expecting it. haha
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#the real favorite is all five聽(inspired by x)
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allthingscastle 10 years
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http://www.buzzfeed.com/bprofitt/22-reasons-why-detective-kevin-ryan-is-the-most-un-v954?s=mobile This is what I've been saying from the beginning!!! I love Ryan! He is by far my favorite supporting character in Castle!!
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allthingscastle 10 years
i completely forgot she was in How I Met Your Mother! this is just perfect! couldn't get any better than this right here!
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allthingscastle 10 years
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"You promise?"
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allthingscastle 10 years
Watching 'Still' for like the millionth time bc I mean it is only the best clip show to ever be put on television. And watching all the clips from season one makes me miss Castle's scruff. I wish they'd bring it back some. He needs to stop waking up every morning clean shaven. 馃槏馃槢馃槡
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allthingscastle 10 years
i think this is so funny but I'm just trying to figure out why they decided jonah hill shouldn't be in 29 Jump Street and instead replaced him with Seth Rogan? just curious
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allthingscastle 10 years
Okay so IDK if any Castle fans watch Once Upon A Time but...
i just recently started watching it and i have fallen completely in love, i never thought i would like it, but i needed a new series to watch on Netflix and i figured 'why the hell not?' haha. Well i made it through 10 episodes in one day (yes i am binge watching it, haha) well our internet went out his morning and is still not on and i am pulling my hair out! i want to watch it so baddddd!!!
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allthingscastle 10 years
I thought she was absolutely perfect in this episode. She is already an awesome actress but her performance in this episode absolutely blew me away! When she ran out of the room after seeing castle drop the money off, that acting it was just amazing I have no words for it. I love stana katic she's the best! 鈽猴笍
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The Stana
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allthingscastle 10 years
The Urban Dictionary definition for Richard
Richard Tall, almost towering, large features, arms, legs. Beautiful heart. Kind, usually reserved about sharing his feelings. Although he is able to communicate well, he feels much more deeply than he speaks. Only those that are close to him will ever really know him. Will see 'it' through even if he is unhappy, his commitment unwavering. Will make many mistakes believing he has made a 'wise' choice. Realizes logic does not bring happiness. Falls in love only once, usually shocking (completely different upbringings) to him. When he does find her, he is relentless in his pursuit. However, it is not calculating, unconsciously he maneuvers his actions to allow himself to be with her. A strong, powerful force, a positive energy, other men are always questioning, "what's so great about Richard?". Spiritual leader. Excellent lover, very good with his entire body, making women fantasize about him regularly. A very thick, yummy kisser. Richard is a kind, good, lovely, beautiful, sweet, aggressive, sensitive man with a consecrated heart. Richard is super sexxy! I believe this describes Richard Castle very well!
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allthingscastle 10 years
I loved this bc I have read so much fanfic where he was missing or had died and Kate wouldn't let anyone mess with his chair and if they did she freaked! So to see her actually say it on the shows was awesome!!!
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