allwalkintoabar · 4 years
Questions Addressed to Your Muse
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▌What is your name?          “ You may call me Alfred. ”
▌What is your real name?           “ Ha! Other hunters may play games of secrecy, but you will find no deception here: My name is Alfred, truly. ”
▌Do you know why you were called that?          “ It is a family name. ”
▌Are you single or taken?          “ My heart is dedicated to my sworn duty. ”
▌Have any abilities or powers?          “ Other than those basic skills of a hunter, I'm afraid not. ”
▌What’s your eye colour?          “ Green, as you see it,” he murmurs, tone perhaps less robust than it had been before.
▌How about your hair color?          “ Yellow, as you see it,” he answers, geniality restored.
▌Have you any family members?          “ I believe I may have some cousins surviving, but none I could name. And perhaps they've children by now, who's to say? ”
▌Oh? What about pets?           “ Ha, I do recall a family dog many years ago, now that you mention it. It has been some years since.”
▌That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me about something you don’t like.          “ Well, the wicked Vilebloods of course— but the state of Logarius' name is cause for even greater offense. ”
▌Do you have any hobbies/activities you like to do?          “ I'm afraid my duties permit few moments for the like, but I often learn what history I can in my spare time. ”
▌Ever hurt anyone before?          “ While Vilebloods and other creatures are my preferred prey, there have been times when a blood-crazed hunter has needed dealing with. Unfortunate, so unfortunate. ”
▌Ever killed anyone before?          “ ...So unfortunate. ”
▌What kind of animal are you?          “ I would hope for something noble and dedicated, as a stallion or a hawk, but don't we all? I’d settle for something charming like a hedgehog.” He laughs.
▌Name some of your worst habits.          “ One best not dwell too much upon shortcomings, but I suppose sleeping in has been a failure from time to time... ”
▌Do you look up to anyone at all?          “ Master Logarius, of course. ”
▌Gay, straight, or bisexual?          “ Oh, that close are we? I’d think our thoughts better focused elsewhere. ”
▌Do you go to school?          “ I studied at home mostly. ”
▌Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?          “ Now I think the likelihood of that is long past. ”
▌Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?          “ One hopes to be an admirable example for future generations, but I still have much to learn from my own predecessors. ”
▌What are you most afraid of?          “ ...That Master Logarius never be properly honored, I suppose.”
▌What do you usually wear?          “ The cloth of an executioner you see now upon me.”
▌Do you love someone?          “ I have love for many things in life and devotion to a cause and name— but so far as love for another, I do not consider it the path for me.”
▌When was the last time you wet yourself?          “ When I was a babe, I should hope! ”
▌What class are you?          “ Beg pardon? Executioner, I suppose? ”
▌How many friends do you have?          “ I... cooperate and share information with many. ”
▌What are your thoughts on pie?          “ It’s wonderful! I'm very fond of the berry sorts. ”
▌Favourite drink?          “ If we’re not counting sacrament, then a medium ale. ”
▌What’s your favourite place?          “ There are a few monuments here in the Cathedral Ward that are close to my heart.”
▌Are you into someone~?          “ If I understand the question correctly, then ‘No.’ ”
▌What’s your bra cup/size and/or how big is your willy?    [ [ i think hed leave if i asked him this 😂 ] ]
▌Would you rather swim in the lake or in the ocean?          “ A lake.”
▌What’s your type?          “ I’m fond of fellow hunters, but any servant of the Church has my respect. ”
▌Any fetishes?          “ You speak of ritual materials? I’m not holding any currently. ”
▌Seme or uke? Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive?          “ Again, beg pardon?”  He’s not sure what’s being asked, but he answers as best he can, “I’m comfortable leading a conversation but I enjoy listening with equal candor, I assure you.” 
▌Camping or indoors?          “ Indoors, it is safer. ”
Tagged by: [ [ ...myself. i just wanted to develop alfred lmaooo ] ] Tagging: [ [ u! if u r so inspired  ( ꈍ꒳ꈍ )  ] ]
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allwalkintoabar · 4 years
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allwalkintoabar · 4 years
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
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Anny Bonny in Black Sails: XXIX
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
when u make OCs but dont actually do anything with them
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
Her lip curled as the other moved slightly behind her. Even as she stumbled at that firm touch, she twisted around. Instinctively she moved to hit the dude, because…. Well, fuck him. He couldn’t talk to her like that. Didn’t he know who she was? of course not, but she’s not going to let that bother her. Whether he was ready for it or not a right fist headed straight for his chin.
                        ♢ 🄳🄸🄰🄼🄾🄽🄳🄲🄸🅃🅈🅂🄴🄲🅄🅁🄸🅃🅈 ♢
          Ned could take a hit.
          He wasn’t fast.           He wasn’t tactical.           He wasn’t particularly smart–           But he could take a hit.
          ...Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell though.
         “Agh!” he yelled, stepping back. Out of line, she was way outta line. And strong.           But she was also drunk, and while he could legally justify using his piece it woulda felt wrong given she was unarmed... 
          Ned settled for putting a lot of power behind one, ferocious - albeit slow coming - swing from his swatter.  
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
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Anne in Season 1 vs. Anne in Season 3 — aka I’m emotional about how Anne gradually stops hiding behind her hat so much
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
          “And why would I do that?” she cooed, adopting a girlish voice that didn’t suit her at all. The raider swept the other woman’s hair behind her ear with a growing sneer on her own face. “You look like you’re right where you belong – With the rest of the weak trash.”
          Lila spat in Marcie’s face before rising. “See you around, Darcie.”
A rusty chuckle left her throat at the sight. Of all the places to run into that stuck-up little stick figure of a princess it had to be Nuka-World. "Marcie Lindell– Oh, my mistake, 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑙..." she snorted. "Fancy meeting 𝑦𝑜𝑢 here."
i didn’t ask for this yet i did, didn’t i?
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Somehow, her reputation always preceded her. Marcie struggled to remember this woman’s name, it started with an L? Lisa? “Hello.” Her lips pressed together, gimsing through the forced gesture. “I don’t suppose you’ve stopped by so help me get out of here…” 
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
30 multipurpose prompts, open to interpretation
to write, draw, or whatever. have people choose a number and perhaps a character, or proceed however you wish and invent it all. 
The 11th. 
Lost at the creek. 
Above, there is an attic.
The tree is very old. 
A figure at the edge of the woods.
Horses anticipating a storm. 
One foot in another world. 
Face on the other side of a dark window. 
Driving for many hours through mountains. 
The photograph. 
In search of sea life. 
A blue tin kettle. 
Wanderer on a scorched path. 
It had no eyes. 
Please, let’s go home. 
Small birds, dry grass. 
A hero in the wrong. 
Unearthed bones. 
The sensation of falling as experienced in a dream. 
How far can you carry this?
Conversations with the crows. 
A book infested with ghosts. 
Forgetting why it mattered. 
The protection of laughter. 
Each time we climb the stairs, something changes. 
Wildness on the loose. 
The passage of time as it varies by season. 
Sunlight on rumpled sheets and the smell of pine.
I love you, they said. I love you. 
Submersion in cool water. 
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
i think im gonna make lila whiterrrrrrr
its kinda annoying bc i want to make ocs and i want there to be more diversity
but i also want them to be more flawed bc all my canon characters keep being glamorous
but then its like my more diverse creations are joke/undesirable characters 
and it puts more pressure on lance to be done well but taking inspiration from arthurian legend kinda fucks that up (royally. lol)
i mean a solution is to just generally have more diversity outside of these characters so theres less pressure to get any character right - but im already not keeping on top of all my existing awful children i adore
idk maybe i should make more of an effort to do original non rp stuff to balance out what im overall putting out into the world lol 
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
HEy man, if anyone was the bad one, wasn’t it the watcher? And this dude- well he seemed to watch rapt and horrified, but hell, he still watched even if it was mouth agape. The bat touched her chest and she sneered. 
“Excuse you, I don’t live in this shit ass place and if I was you I wouldn’t go around talkin’ like you know me. It ain’t my fault y’r little divot didn’t have any vacant bathrooms. A little pee ain’t never hurt no one.”
                         ♢ 🄳🄸🄰🄼🄾🄽🄳🄲🄸🅃🅈🅂🄴🄲🅄🅁🄸🅃🅈 ♢
          The things he had to put up with... 
         “Look, lady, when ya in a city you gotta follow the rules. And I don’t make the rules, I just enforce ‘em. Maybe when ya back in ya right head space you can explain it at the mayor’s office and see if they let ya off– But for right now, you gotta come with me.”
          Lowering the bat, he put a firm hand behind her shoulder to push her forward and ahead of him, intending to escort her to the security office–
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
me: dear atom and/or mars: im so happy and grateful for kathy and bertie and this lovely opportunity to ease this blog back into use–
ned: wHY THIS
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
“Just a small piss, gimmee a second. M'almost done anyways.” Kind of wiggling her lower half after she finished her business she shimmied back into her pants, buttoning them. She spat into her hands and rubbed them together before wiping them on the jeans.  
 The woman spat on the ground now, kind of kicking dirt over the puddle before placing her hand on the other’s chest, almost to brace herself.    “There. Y’gotta get more shitters if your gonna complain about s’m’n taking care of business.”
                        ♢ 🄳🄸🄰🄼🄾🄽🄳🄲🄸🅃🅈🅂🄴🄲🅄🅁🄸🅃🅈 ♢
          Shocked, Ned watched her in silent horror until she touched him. 
         “EUGH!” he gagged, shoving her arm away from his chest and whipping the mask of his helmet up as he turned to dry heave. “What- What’s wrong with you!?”
          When his breath half-returned to normal he lurched back to face her again and continued, one hand jabbing the bat he held at her chest while the other began lowering the faceguard back into place. “Look, you’ve had too much to drink. And that– That was just disgusting. I’m writin’ you up for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. In the meantime you need to come with me, and you can sober up in the tank–”
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
She was drunk already. How did this happen? She could barely believe it. Of course when someone is toting their liquor as the “best” she couldn’t resist, but then it usually didn’t take a handful a beers and…. well, as many shots as she had. She also should’ve pissed before she left, especially before climbing all these fucking stairs. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea anyways? Oh right. Stadium. All of em had a shitty ass stair thing like this, but still. Bertie hopped over the little railing near where a little trammy thing was (what was it for? Who’d have to go over there?) She was hoping it was dark enough in the shadow the little bit of lasting sun cast over her as she shimmied her pants down to her ankles and squatted to piss.
                         ♢ 🄳🄸🄰🄼🄾🄽🄳🄲🄸🅃🅈🅂🄴🄲🅄🅁🄸🅃🅈 ♢
         ‘Nother Friday night and he was hopin’ it would end without incident. Not like last Friday, when he ended up chasing one of old lady Hawthorne’s cats around the city for the better part of the evening. Ended up having to pay one of the little kids to catch it. Missed his plans of catching up with Declan, but what can you do?
          Least this shift was almost done. And maybe there’d be time to swing by the Dugout. He could do with a nice cold brew–
          Course he wouldn’t be the only one acting on those aspirations today. In fact, the woman he spied on his patrol seemed well beyond that part of her evening.
         “Whoa, lady!” the big man exclaimed, his hands and swatter up to shield his eyes. “Pull ya pants up – You can’t do that here!”
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
Get to know the people in my muse’s life. [CLOSED]
👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend.
Mainverse: @fionainculta is probably one of few people who actually likes him as a person …not just to annoy the hell out of him. The feeling is mutual though, Dead Sea enjoys Fiona’s company (And her uncontrollable child)
Boston verse: @pierssureshotnivans and @diamondcitysecurity  Piers because well… your boyfriend is pretty much your closest friend. Declan can tell Piers anything now, even things he’d never dream of exposing 8 years ago. 
Ned was one of few people who helped Declan when he was outcasted by everyone else. He gave him a temporary home until he found a stable job, helped him get some confidence to get out more …Plus he’s cute and chubby whats not to love?
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
decurionmortuum replied to your post: “ned: im not overweight im just big boned!!!”:
i support u ned u and ur chubby bones
aw thanks de– wait 
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allwalkintoabar · 8 years
decurionmortuum replied to your post: “ned: im not overweight im just big boned!!!”:
i support u ned u and ur chubby bones
aw thanks de– wait 
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