Chevron Seven.
Chevron One.
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Jaime/Brienne + quotes (ASOS)
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Chrys Watches Got [x] / requests for individuals [x]
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Jaime and Brienne’s child about to say their first words: t… t…
Brienne: train? telephone? :)
Baby: the things I do for love
Brienne: o_o
Jon: o_o
Tyrion: o_o
Sansa: o_o
Arya: o_o
White walkers: o_o
Beyonce: o_o
Bran: ._.
Jaime: … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Thank you, that’s the post we were waiting for. Actually, we were about to do one quite similar ourselves. Thank you.
I really like Tormund as a character, I like that he is brave and smart enough to join forces with his enemies to save his people. I love that he is into Brienne and considers her attractive and wants to have her babies. I would consider shipping him with Brienne IF she showed any sign that the feeling is somewhat mutual.
But all she shows is revulsion and embarrassment, you know, the same way most women do when they’re being catcalled by some random creep they never talked to.
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It troubles me that people are finding it sweet, because he’s a good guy and no one really finds her attractive at first sight but him, so it must be true love, right? I mean, what are we really telling each other here? We’re sending the message that if you’re considered unattractive and believe no one can love you for who you are, you should totally hook up at the first guy who thinks you’re hot, even if you are creeped out by the way he leers at you from the very first moment.
I can also understand why some people don’t want to see Jaime ending up with Brienne, because she deserves so much better and he is such a damaged soul, with a sordid past, etc. I get it and I respect it. In real life I’d probably advise Brienne to run away from that guy, too. 
But the difference is…. no matter the objections we can come up with, Brienne is very interested in Jaime. And he is also very interested in her. 
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I think mutual interest, affection, respect, admiration, willingness to sacrifice themselves for the other, companionship, etc. should be something absolutely mandatory when you ship two characters, regardless of their faults. If one of them is lacking, then he/she really shouldn’t be in that ship to begin with.
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Ok, so we just discovered this amazing tribute video of Jaime Lannister, who is (in our opinion) one of the most underrated characters in the TV show (and one of our favorites, of course) and we can’t help to share this amazing piece of art by TheGaroStudios (x). It gave us goosebumps! 
He’s so much more than the Kingslayer... He’s a Kingslayer with a cause. The Kingslayer everyone should thank and be grateful for what he did: he saved them all.
Wanna know who Jaime Lannister really is? Then watch the video ;)
“There are no men like me. Only me”
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(Book) Jaime appreciation post (II)
Here goes the 2nd part of the appreciation/comparison post of book Jaime and show Jaime when rescuing Brienne from the bear (when book Jaime and show Jaime still had something in common)...
Part II:
Well, what in seven hells do I do now? He filled his fist with sand. “Kingslayer?” he heard Brienne say, astonished. “Jaime.” He uncoiled, flinging the sand at the bear’s face. The bear mauled the air and roared like blazes. “What are you doing here?” “Something stupid. Get behind me.”
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He circled toward her, putting himself between Brienne and the bear. “You get behind. I have the sword.” “A sword with no point and no edge. Get behind me!”
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Brienne tried to dart around, but he kicked her legs out from under her. She fell in the sand, clutching the useless sword. Jaime straddled her, and the bear came charging.
There was a deep twang, and a feathered shaft sprouted suddenly beneath the beast’s left eye. Blood and slaver ran from his open mouth, and another bolt took him in the leg. The bear roared, reared. He saw Jaime and Brienne again and lumbered toward them. More crossbows fired, the quarrels ripping through fur and flesh. At such short range, the bowmen could hardly miss. The shafts hit as hard as maces, but the bear took another step.
“You thlew my bear!” Vargo Hoat shrieked.
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“We’re taking the wench.”
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“Her name is Brienne,” Jaime said. “Brienne, the maid of Tarth. You are still maiden, I hope?” Her broad homely face turned red. “Yes.” “Oh, good,” Jaime said. “I only rescue maidens.”
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“Ser Jaime?” Even in soiled pink satin and torn lace, Brienne looked more like a man in a gown than a proper woman. “I am grateful, but . . . you were well away. Why come back?”
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A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Jaime only shrugged. “I dreamed of you,” he said.
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Jaime VI, ASOIAF A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
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Don’t think that Tormund is even in the same league...
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This is a thing that exists
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Chrys Watches Got [x]
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(Book) Jaime appreciation post (I)
After being extremely pissed at what D&D have done to Jaime in the show (especially after 7x03), here comes a post to remind everyone about that amazing character development that we should be witnessing since season 3. We really can’t understand what’s the whole point of stopping a redemption arc of one of the most interesting and complex characters of this story, a character you begin hating and despising but end up admiring and loving (for most people) because of the person he’s becoming/become. We think we’re gonna leave the ranting here because we had finally managed to (kind of) cool down since yesterday and we don’t want to get salty again.
So, here goes our appreciation/comparison post of (book) Jaime/Season 3 Jaime, showing the beginning of that redemption arc (when book Jaime and show Jaime still had something in common). Hope you enjoy it!
Part I:
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Jaime ran his fingers through his hair. “Walton,” he said, “saddle the horses. I want to go back.”
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“Back?” Steelshanks regarded him dubiously. He thinks I’ve gone mad. And perhaps I have. “I left something at Harrenhal.”
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Jaime’s head jerked round at the sound of a distant roar, faint but ferocious. It echoed off the walls of Harrenhal, and the laughter swelled up like the sea.
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All of a sudden, he knew what was happening. Have we come too late? His stomach did a lurch, and he slammed his spurs into his horse, galloping across the outer ward, beneath an arched stone bridge, around the  Wailing Tower, and through the Flowstone Yard.
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They had her in the bear pit.
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Brienne wore the same ill-fitting gown she’d worn to supper with Roose Bolton. No shield, no breastplate, no chainmail, not even boiled leather, only pink satin and Myrish lace. Maybe the goat thought she was more amusing when dressed as a woman. Half her gown was hanging off in tatters, and her left arm dripped blood where the bear had raked her.
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At least they gave her a sword. The wench held it one-handed, moving sideways, trying to put some distance between her and the bear. That’s no good, the ring’s too small. She needed to attack, to make a quick end to it. Good steel was a match for any bear. But the wench seemed afraid to close. The Mummers showered her with insults and obscene suggestions. “This is none of our concern,” Steelshanks warned Jaime. “Lord Bolton said the wench was theirs, to do with as they liked.” “Her name’s Brienne.”
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“Pull her out of there.”
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Bellowing in fury, the bear showed a mouth full of great yellow teeth, then fell back to all fours and went straight at Brienne. There’s your chance, Jaime thought. Strike! Now!
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She moved around the pit, keeping the wall at her back. Too close. If the bear pins her by the wall… The beast turned clumsily, too far and too fast. Quick as a cat, Brienne changed direction. There’s the wench I remember.
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Where’s the blood? Then suddenly he understood. Jaime rounded on Hoat. “You gave her a tourney sword.”
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“I’ll pay her bloody ransom. Gold, sapphires, whatever you want. Pull her out of there.”
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“You want her? Go get her.”
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So he did.
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Jaime VI, ASOIAF A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin.
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Watcha want? Some FanFiction?
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As you might not know for now, we do love fanfictions, so we thought of creating one where YOU can be the main character along with that fella we love so much. So here it goes...
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Part I:
The soft morning breeze caressed the cold skin of your face once again.
The murmur of the birds manages to wake you up. Stunned, you notice the discomfort of some wooden boards under your back. The headache has increased and you notice the dryness of your lips. It's been a long time since you last had a drink. And as much as you think, you cannot remember how you got on that boat in the middle of the sea. You get up to look around. Sea, sea and more sea... Sights coast beyond your field of vision, unable to recognize the land that expands in front of you. Confused and with shaking hands, you realize you can’t even remember your name.
Suddenly, you feel some nausea when the boat in which you are seems to be approaching the landing. Alone in your thoughts, you are soon surrounded by soldiers armed with the most brilliant swords you have ever seen. The stomach scales down your throat. Unable to utter a single word, your throat dry and lips almost afflicted, the tip of one of the swords reaches your chin.
“And who the hell are you?”, a man with blond hair receives you with a lot of men waiting for his command.
“Sir Jaime, we should probably kill her”, yawned one of them, just too bored to stand there. He was meant to be drinking with his day-whore. “The Queen does not expect any visit, and we’re in times of war, sir”.
“I know anything but war, Ammett. I will make decisions here”. Your heart is beating so fast listenning to his deep voice you almost feel like you are about to faint. “Oh, come on, get off that boat and answer me”. You cannot move. You are completely shaking. “Are you deaf?”.
“I… I don’t know…”, you mumble.
“How come you don’t know if you are deaf?”, he looked amused.
You hear a voice in your head. "Not good". You have heard that name before, elsewhere. Jaime. Sir Jaime. It's like a myth, an old memory. A tale not to sleep about the ferocity of a man who kills the king he swore to serve. You think for a moment what kind of lie will help you survive the next few hours. But the image of that God protected by a golden armor fades before your eyes… And before you can admit that you do not remember anything other than the sea behind your back, you faint.
To be continued...
Fancied this first part?
Let us knoooooooow!
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Happy 47th birthday Nikolaj!
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The fact that she tries to give him back the sword Oathkeeper and he kind of says, "It's yours. It's always been yours," the subtext is it's almost like saying, "You keep my heart. It's yours. It's always been yours." (x)
Nikolaj, captain of the ship ♡
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“How do you want to go?” “In the arms of the woman I love.”
Pain shuddered through him... and suddenly the bathhouse was spinning. Brienne caught him before he could fall. Her arm was all gooseflesh, clammy and chilled, but she was strong, and gentler than he would have thought. Gentler than Cersei, he thought as she helped him from the tub, his legs wobbly as a limp cock. 
“Guards!” he heard the wench shout. “The Kingslayer!”
Jaime, he thought, my name is Jaime.
- Jaime V, ASOIAF A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
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Jaime watched her eyes. Pretty eyes, he thought, and calm. He knew how to read a man’s eyes. He knew what fear looked like. She is determined, not desperate.
- Jaime Lannister in Jaime I, ASOIAF A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
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