alonelily Ā· 2 years
Ok absolutely insane idea but season 4 AU where the Initiative ļæ¼gets Buffy along with Spike and they think the Slayer is just another type of demon so they experiment on ļæ¼them both and get creative with their behavioral modification chips. They put the one in Spikeā€™s head where he canā€™t hurt people and they put one in Buffyā€™s head where she canā€™t kill demons, just to make sure the chips can effectively differentiate between the two. ļæ¼They escape and now they *both* have to deal with the reality of going against their natures. Obviously Buffy literally cannot live like this, people will die and the world will end at some point, she has to get the chip out. With the current incarnation of their ā€˜truceā€™ cemented by their shared traumatic experience, and also the fact they are physically incapable of killing each other, Buffy and Spike make a deal; theyā€™ll help each other fight the Initiative and watch each otherā€™s backs, and theyā€™ll both get their chips taken out together. ļæ¼Until then, Spike has to kill demons and vampires for Buffy and Buffy has to fight the humans that are hunting them both.
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alonelily Ā· 3 years
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alonelily Ā· 3 years
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Inspired by this.Ā 
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alonelily Ā· 3 years
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source (x)Ā 
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alonelily Ā· 3 years
yā€™all wanna see smth dumb i made
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alonelily Ā· 3 years
Zuko having a connection to the spirit world but instead of it being something deep and profound, itā€™s just because he spent three years pre-finding the avatar running towards the first weird magical shit he saw.
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alonelily Ā· 3 years
letā€™s say that being hot as a form of empowerment for all women could even be a thing. letā€™s say itā€™s possible to look hot for yourself and not for men. where did your idea of hotness come from? why is it important to you to look hot? who decides whatā€™s hot? why must you change something about yourself or cover something about yourself to get hot? what makes you not hot at your most unmanicured state? why? how did you know what to do to get hot? do the people around you view hotness in the same way?
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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and then he proceeded to make spockā€™s life an emotional living hell
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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husbands! twitter | ko-fi
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
were shatnerā€™s acting instructions literally just ā€œact like everything spock does turns you onā€ I mean
spock nerve pinches guard
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spock raises an eyebrow
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spock introduces himself
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spock is sassy
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spock does maths
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spock touches a wall
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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ā€œThese new Romulans. ā€œOh, Vulcans are the worst, and Vulcans ruin everything, and Vulcans try to take over your life.ā€ Itā€™s like, you know what, motherfucker? My First Officer is Vulcan. I know all of that. How do you know all of that?
Iā€™m allowed to make fun of my First Officer. I asked him and he said yes. Weā€™ve been working together for about three and a half years now and I signed up for the shipā€™s open mic night and, uh,ā€“oh, thank you very muchā€“and, uh, I love and respect my First Officer very much so I said to him, ā€œHey, weā€™ve been a command team for three and a half yearsā€ and he said, ā€œWeā€™ve been a command team for three years, seven months, eight days, fourteen hours and twenty-six minutes.ā€ I said, ā€œDo you mind if I make fun of you on stage?ā€
And my First Officer said, ā€œYes, I will permit you to perform humorous material about me on stage. But refrain from saying that I am a bitch and that you do not like me.ā€ I was like, whoa, the bar is so much lower than I ever imagined. Thatā€™s it? Also, I wouldnā€™t say that. What kind of show would that even be? ā€œHello! My First Officer is a bitch and I donā€™t like him!ā€ Thatā€™s like a support group for officers in crisis, with keynote speakers Admiral Marcus and Admiral Komack. Also I would never say that, not even as a joke, that my First Officer is a bitch and I donā€™t like him. Thatā€™s not true. My First Officer is a bitch and I like him so much. He is a dynamite six foot Vulcan bitch and heā€™s the best.
He and I have totally different styles. When my First Officer beams down to a planet, he does not give a shit what anyone thinks of him in any situation. Heā€™s my hero. When I beam down to a planet, I need everybody, all day long, to like me so much. Itā€™s exhausting. My First Officer said that beaming down with me is like beaming down with someone whoā€™s running for mayor of nothing.
My First Officer and I went on a diplomatic mission. The negotiations werenā€™t going so well. I was afraid that the prime minister was gonna be mad at me, so we went to a banquet they were throwing. Iā€™m talking to the prime minister with Spockā€“my First Officerā€™s name is Spockā€“heā€™s standing next to me. The prime minister introduces me to his daughter and he says, ā€œOur planet would be proud to join the Federation if you would marry my daughter.ā€ And I said, ā€œI wish!ā€ And then my First Officer said, ā€œIllogical.ā€ And fully walked away from me, walked all the way over to the drinks table and just stood there Blair Witch style. And Iā€™m still talking to the prime minister and he goes, ā€œDo youā€¦ Do you want to marry my daughter?ā€ And I said, ā€œNo.ā€ Even though I had just said it was my greatest wish in life. I was hoping that he believed me, that it was secretly my great wish and that Iā€™m in an abusive secret relationship with Mister Illogical over here so I canā€™t ask for the things I want in public but on the ship at night we argue about it. And Iā€™m like, ā€œYouā€™ll see! One day Iā€™m gonna resign my commission and leave you and marry the prime ministerā€™s daughter!ā€ Heā€™s like, ā€œIllogical! You will never marry the prime ministerā€™s daughter!ā€
My First Officer is Vulcan, as I said. Iā€™m human. We have differences in our cultural upbringings and we realized this recently. Not with our kids, cause we donā€™t have any kids. People always ask us, ā€œAre you gonna have kids?ā€ And we say, ā€œNo.ā€ And then they go, ā€œNever? Youā€™re never gonna have kids?ā€ Look, I donā€™t know ā€œnever.ā€ Seven years ago I got drunk and got into a fight with four guys the night before I signed up for Starfleet. Now Iā€™m afraid to get a flu hypo. People change.ā€
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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Seasons Greasons from your friends aboard the Enterprise
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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Heroes at Home (2020)
written by Zeb Wells art by Gurihiru
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
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this is a far too serious, unfunny comic about spock & bones playing scrabble. i made it for ME and ME ALONE
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alonelily Ā· 4 years
My cold heart warmed a little when I read this
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