alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
“I’m not too crazy about giant insects. Wouldn’t be opposed to never seeing any of those ever again.” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Which is cooler: unicorns or dragons?
“Unicorns. I have a better chance of riding a unicorn than a dragon. Dragons will probably just kill me on the spot.”  
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
do you sing in the shower?
“I don’t sing but I do hum on occasion. Hope I’m not bothering anyone when I do it.” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Truth or dare?
“Both. Why not?” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
If you were given a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
“I suppose I would try to draw what’s immediately in front of me. Admittedly, I’m not that good, but I’ll still try.” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
What would you do if someone took your hat again?
“No. That’s not happening again.” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Would you rather dye your hair a wild color or breakdance in front of the entire crew?
“I think I’d rather dance. Plus, no sense in dying my hair if I wear a hat on my head most of the time, right?”
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Which crew member is the easiest to impersonate?
“The Captain. All you have to do is stare intently at someone and not smile. Like this.” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Waffles, oatmeal, or pancakes?
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
What's something someone told you that really influenced you (positively or negatively)?
“Someone told me that ‘If they have enough wealth and power, nobles with use people like pawns and cast them aside without a second thought...They don’t care about anyone if they don’t suit their immediate needs r don’t entertain them’ I didn’t believe them at first. Seems incredibly foolish that I didn’t in hindsight, but that was my youthful optimism getting in the way of things. I know better now. Learned from experience.” 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
As per usual, Mara had been skulking about by herself, enjoying the time she had to roam. Silence and space had become sacred to her ever since she had come aboard the ship, the confined quarters of the ship far from what she was used to. The locals seemed content to give her plenty of space and she did the same in return. It was a respite of sorts, as much as she was coming to enjoy the companionship of the other crew. 
Approaching the docks she felt quite relaxed, surprising herself by looking forward to hearing others tales of their adventures. Rounding the corner, boots clicking on the cobblestones, she kept her head down and hat pulled low. The place seemed to be suddenly crawling with uniforms, and it seemed timely that they should be making their exit soon. 
A familiar voice and distant but sudden din caused her to look up with surprise. It took her several moments to locate the cause, and by that time it was far too late to be of much use. That was their fearless Captain alright, and he was in the thick of it as per usual. The familiar voice was much closer, and she nodded at Alonso, quickly closing the gap between them. Already her hands were on her hips, pistols drawn and at the ready. 
“What’d we do this time?” She growled as the echoes of angry voices grew both louder and closer. 
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Adrenaline was coursing through Alonso’s veins and he felt those pre-battle nerves flutter in his stomach for a moment. However, the moment he tugged on the strap that slung his rifle across his back and took the weapon into his hands, he felt the butterflies dissipate The ever familiar weight in his hand was a comfort and did everything to calm him down and steady his nerves in the heat of battle. There were more than a few times when Alonso referred to his beloved rifle as a safety blanket of sorts. And while it might seem strange, could anyone really blame him with the way he was able to take shots and hit his marks? Not really.
Alonso’s gaze moved from the docks and the swarms of Navy uniforms to Mara’s famliar form as she rushed towards him. Alonso shook his head and cocked the gun, the movement smooth and deliberate. “I’m certain we didn’t do anything, but I might know some other fellows that might have.” he said, his normally jovial voice filled with disdain as he recalled the wine tasting and the pirates he had seen cause an uproar.
Alonso didn’t need any sort of confirmation, he automatically placed the blame on them. He had watched from a distance as the fight broke out, the authorities arrive from the scene, and then the noticeable uptick in police force in the following days. That was all the confirmation that he needed. “C’mon,” Alonso said, nodding his head towards one of the clear alleyways behind them that had a ladder leading to one of the roofs, “I think we can provide some support from above, don’t you think.” and just like that, Alonso trademark smirk graced his features as he started for the ladder and started to climb up.
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Got You in My Sights || Alonso & Mara
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Got You in My Sights || Alonso & Mara
Now that they were leaving, Alonso didn’t have any problem with walking around with his signature rifle strapped to his back. Truth be told, when he walked around town without it, he felt a touch nervous, not that the expression on his face would give the slightest indication that he was feeling that way. Occasionally, a townsperson would noticeably flinch away or gasp at the sight of the rifle strapped to his back, to which Alonso would respond with a charming smile and tip of his hat. He didn’t say anything beyond a simple and warm “Hello” but it seemed to be enough to ease whoever he came across. 
Thank the gods, because he had noticed the slight up tick in authorities since the wine tasting and those other pirates came in drunk and bragging about their latest score before the police came in to break up a fight they had started. Despite that, he was completely ready for the lot of them to make a smooth exit with little to no trouble. Unfortunately, Alonso seemed to greatly underestimate just how paranoid the law was in regards to pirates in this area. That was probably his first mistake.
Alonso had just spotted Mara and was about to say ‘hello’ to her when off in the distance, on the edge of the docks, Alonso saw the Captain conversing with the group of Naval men. For a good long while, things seemed to going okay. Alonso had fully expected the Captain to have some sort of contingency plan and to be in completely in control, but soon Yiran and Dax’s entrance, followed a group of men in uniform broke the tension. The men by the ship drew their weapons and a full blown battle had errupted
“Shit..!” Alonsp swore under his breath as he reached for the rifle on his back and watched as the docks swarmed with Navy. 
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
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Óscar Jaenada by Rebeca Saray
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
“You know, we might be playing cards, but I might just take exception to how much you’ve called me a liar today,” Wren snickered, toying with her cards as if moving them around and staring at them would somehow make them better. “Now I know that I can bluff you, because apparently you think I’m lying even when I’m telling you the truth.” Her cockiness was under threat as she watched Alonso spread out his cards face up on the table, the collective gasp of the crowd sending a shiver down her spine. For all her talk about Alonso pulling cards from up his sleeve, Wren kind of wished she had one of her own right now.
Her expression never failed though. She kept her eyes on him as she debated over what seemed like minutes but was probably only a couple of seconds whether to admit defeat. But it wasn’t like she had much of a choice. “You’re lucky I like you.” She spread her cards across the table with his, losing, but only barely. “Good game.” She extended her hand.
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“My apologies, my darling. But can you blame me when cards on the table and money’s on the line?” And deception and poker faces were the name of the game. As easy going as Alonso was and despite how much he wore his heart on his sleeve, when the time came to lie and deceive others, that charming and easy going smile of his was his ultimate poker face. Years of living and serving a court full of noble backstabbers and being subjected to the whims of short tempered people that could easily order his execution made it essential for him learn how to lie.
Besides, saying that one was in a relationship with Anna just seemed as fantastical of a lie as saying you were sleeping with the Captain. “A good thing indeed. Good game Ms. Scarborough,” Alonso said as he got up, shook her hand and tipped his hat in his usual polite manner. “Maybe we can play some more once we find our selves with more free time once again.”
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Many of the stereotypes concerning pirates are blatantly untrue– in all her years aboard the Spectre, she had never seen a “plank walking” or a parrot perched on a shoulder. But if there was one perceived notion of pirates that was painfully accurate, it was how they fought in tavern brawls. No decency, no strategy, and certainly no skill was needed or used. Just fists and spit and unbridled fury. Anna was momentarily distracted by someone tripping over a fallen barstool and landing face first into a table of provolone, but the sight of authorities and Alonso’s hidden warning swiftly returned her attention to the task at hand. 
“Right,” she replied, quickly turning and allowing his guidance, all while keeping her features as steady as the glasses she carried. Blending with a crowd was second nature to her, as it was for most criminals, and she had a particular expertise at invisibility should the conditions be right. Luckily, these conditions were perfect. So she linked her arm with Alonso’s to play the part of the scared wife right, and discreetly searched for an opening. 
“Watch out for the pothole to your right, dear. Pass that and our troubles should be behind us,” She gave a quick nod to the “pothole” in question, a straggling authority which must have fallen behind, before returning her gaze ahead and hoping Alonso understood what she meant: pass that guard, and they should be out of the authority’s gaze.
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Anna’s arm looped around Alonso’s and he pulled her in closer. It wasn’t as though he thought that he couldn’t defend herself, but he was just acting purely on instinct. However, perhaps that was a good thing. the fleeing crowds were growing considerably more and more panicked with every passing second. In Alonso’s honest opinion, the reaction was a bit much, but he was also a seasoned pirate and grew up in the slums where fights like this happened almost every week, but by all accounts these folks were normal people. Middle class to upper class, mostly upper class at the wine tasting, that probably never had to deal with a single ruffian in their life.
Alonso caught sight of the member of the police squad. He paid them no mind and continued to press forward. Once they were past and out of sight, Alonso kept going for another block just for good measure before turning off into an abandoned alley way leaving him and Anna alone, “Well that was certainl interesting,” Alonso commented, momentarily adjusting his hat.
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
What color do you wear the most?
“Uh.. I’m not entirely sure to be honest. I suppose it depends on the day and where we are. However, I am quite fond of the color blue.”
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alonsodesoto-blog · 7 years
Wanna get a drink?
“Already tempting to bribe me, are we? Well, I can’t say ‘no’ to that.  I admire your directness.” 
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