alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
why do ghosts and demons respond to fake Latin chanting?
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
If you don’t have actual wings to escape Crete with your son, home-made is fine
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
Next year we will have an entire month of 420
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
The worst kind of griffin would be a fox/seagull.
Screams all day and all night and is definitely in your garbage.
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
So it appears that Autodesk did a thing.
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Go nuts, my friends.
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
did U GUYS KNOW, that the way stores get the balloons off of the ceiling is with ANOTHER balloon, w tape on the top??? and they just dont cut the string so it’s like super long and u gotta aim it right n reel it in. i just found that out today when i DID IT and it’s been the best working day of my life i had a blast blowing up balloons and fetching some off the ceiling. i had so much power? and NO ONE ELSE in my department likes that job so now it’s MY job when need be
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
YOU are invited to my POOL PARTY!!! 🏊💦🎉
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
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Extinct tree grows anew from ancient jar of seeds unearthed by archaeologists
by Stephen Messenger
“For thousands of years, Judean date palm trees were one of the most recognizable and welcome sights for people living in the Middle East — widely cultivated throughout the region for their sweet fruit, and for the cool shade they offered from the blazing desert sun.
From its founding some 3,000 years ago, to the dawn of the Common Era, the trees became a staple crop in the Kingdom of Judea, even garnering several shout-outs in the Old Testament. Judean palm trees would come to serve as one of the kingdom’s chief symbols of good fortune; King David named his daughter, Tamar, after the plant’s name in Hebrew.
By the time the Roman Empire sought to usurp control of the kingdom in 70 AD, broad forests of these trees flourished as a staple crop to the Judean economy — a fact that made them a prime resource for the invading army to destroy. Sadly, around the year 500 AD, the once plentiful palm had been completely wiped out, driven to extinction for the sake of conquest.
In the centuries that followed, first-hand knowledge of the tree slipped from memory to legend. Up until recently, that is.
During excavations at the site of Herod the Great’s palace in Israel in the early 1960’s, archeologists unearthed a small stockpile of seeds stowed in a clay jar dating back 2,000 years. For the next four decades, the ancient seeds were kept in a drawer at Tel Aviv’s Bar-Ilan University. But then, in 2005, botanical researcher Elaine Solowey decided to plant one and see what, if anything, would sprout.
“I assumed the food in the seed would be no good after all that time. How could it be?“ said Solowey. She was soon proven wrong.
Amazingly, the multi-millennial seed did indeed sprout — producing a sapling no one had seen in centuries, becoming the oldest known tree seed to germinate.
Today, the living archeological treasure continues to grow and thrive; In 2011, it even produced its first flower — a heartening sign that the ancient survivor was eager to reproduce. It has been proposed that the tree be cross-bred with closely related palm types, but it would likely take years for it to begin producing any of its famed fruits. Meanwhile, Solowey is working to revive other age-old trees from their long dormancy.”
***Does anyone in the know have any comments?
(Source: Tree Hugger)
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
i’m smart-passing
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
hey i have a favor to ask from astronomers, can y'all put little krakens on the edges of maps of the observable universe to denote that we don't know what's past that
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
I like how you can just tell tumblr that
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
authors love to talk about ‘LGBT’ this that or the other and just completely disregard anything to do with trans people. can u imagine how lgb cis people would behave if we started talking about ‘LGBT’ shit that ONLY focused on trans issues. y’all would lose your fucking minds. If I made an article recommending LGBT books and only recommended books about straight trans people, cis lgb’s would crucify me lmao
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alpineaquilegia ¡ 6 years
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