altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
anime girl: *breathes*
her tiddies: 
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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Oh no, it’s Trivia Boy
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
“If they’re here to smoke, know I’ll go with you, just keep it outside” is the most fascinating line to me and I’m so interested in what it means
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
I met my favorite person this weekend.
I have these Native American reenactments in the summer, okay. We dress in authentic Native garb and go teach about our culture and whatnot at historical events. There’s this one on a weekend that housed all reenactors from Ancient Greece to World War II–you can walk through a timeline of living history. It’s cool.
So there are these guys in a tent on the far hill called the Scottish Highlanders. They bring about two to five people to their thing per year. They do all the good medieval Scottish jazz. Kilts, weapons, challenging you to fights.
But theres this one guy that is there every time. I always go visit to hear him give in depth talks about Scottish Reavers and their malitia and weaponry and stuff. He’s fun, so I go talk to him and he’s asking about what school I’m going to, what I want to do, etc.
So I tell him I want to be a history teacher and I like to write. He asks me if I have anything published, and I say no, thinking he means an actual book. But he waves me off and asks, “No, online. Have you ever heard of Fanfiction.net?”
Let me explain a thing. This guy. Is well over six feet. His biceps are bigger than my head, he’s about 45 years old, he has the thickest Scottish accent you’ve ever witnessed, he can wave two axes around like nobody’s business, he usually resolves friendly arguments with full on battle in armor with real weaponry with the scars to prove it, and he kind of has a biker gang.
And this guy starts telling me about the 700 page Doctor Who fanfiction that he’s been writing for six years and still running. 
Shamelessly continues to explain how he gets together with his badass biker buddies and they ride to his house with bottles of Jack Daniels and talk about the next fanfiction that they’re going to write together. (More Doctor Who, Xena Warrior Princess, Agents of Shield, Lord of the Rings…) They dare each other to write crossovers for interesting character interaction. This guy raves with excitement over character development and analysis. 
I cried. 
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
blogs are getting terminated for bullshit reasons and n*zis and p*dophiles are still on here but let’s make the text fucking change color because that’s what’s important
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
studio pin stole my art and they might steal yours too
hi tumblr
i dont like doing this, but i really dont have any other choice. studio pin is a russian animation studio who blatantly stole my character design & my drawing style to use in a short film, which they plan on turning into a series. due to russian copyright laws, there is nothing i can legally do to stop them, even if i did have the money to do so.
the best thing i can think to do is to warn as many artists as possible about this thieving company so that nobody else has to go through what i have gone through.
here is the comment i posted when i first found out about the theft, as well as their reply:
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here is proof that they are stealing from me:
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here is a link to their social media account:
the online art community does not need any more predatory companies getting away with lifting the content we work so hard to create and share.
do with this info what you will
(& please refrain from viewing their videos, it just gives them more positive attention)
thanks for looking
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
i dont hear much abt asian zodiacs??? anyways im year of the dragon how bout yall
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
also @ you femme bitches w bad eyesight zenni is finally selling pink heartshaped prescription sunglasses so, just being a prep ally n reporting in on that
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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Watch: Still unsure if white privilege exists? This should clear it up.
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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2016 ariana appreciation post
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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This makes me MAD
A tiny town with a smaller population than some high schools has contaminated water, so Michigan declares a state of emergency, supplies residents with bottled water, and is dumping all the contaminated water in preparation of hooking the town up with a clean water supply.
MEANWHILE nobody gives two shits about Flint, a MAJOR CITY with OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND RESIDENTS.
Spot the difference!
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
He made the Harry Potter tune so wavy
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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This is literally the most heart warming story I have read on Twitter so far. I think this is exactly what friends should do, and I feel everyone deserves people like this.
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altcemetaryduex · 6 years
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“When I was a child, girls would never wear trousers. But then women’s lib came along and they started to wear them all the time. So I figured, if women are allowed to wear trousers, men should be allowed to wear skirts. That’s liberation too, right? So I started with a kilt and realised I quite liked it. After that I tried other skirts. I now I wear them regularly. Not all the time mind you - just whenever I feel like it.
People sometimes tease me and ask why I am wearing a woman’s skirt. But look at me. I am quite clearly a man. So this is not a woman’s skirt. It’s MY skirt. It’s a man’s skirt.”
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