In a larger sense, the phrase remedial refers to teaching that is developmental in nature. Although there are students in our institutions who do not have any specific flaws or defects that need to be corrected, there is a group of students that require immediate aid in improving their reading and other essential functions. It’s not so much a matter of re-teaching or correcting errors in their instance. It is, however, teaching them for the first time those fundamental abilities that are clearly absent. Remedial education entails meeting a student where they are and working with them to improve their performance. It is simply effective teaching when the student and his or her needs are the center of attention.
Our main goal is to provide support and attention according to the needs and interests of the students , can organize and design individualized educational programmed to improve their backwardness in various subject , Teacher must enhance the students to engage in various skill oriented training such as communication, problem solving method, generic skill, creativity and use of IT skill etc. And Teacher must encourage them to develop a positive attitude towards learning. In the other hand, The goal of a remedial teaching learning program is to provide learning support to students who are performing poorly in school. By incorporating School curriculum and teaching strategies, teachers can provide students with learning activities and practical experiences tailored to their abilities and needs.
This program is the worth doing for , cause this will help young students to develop their skills and intellect. The basic premise of remedial instruction is to help students to ‘catch-up’ to their peers and thus prevent ongoing academic issues. When students fall behind, a gap opens between their abilities and that of their peers. Over time, this gap gathers pace and widens to the point where learning in other areas is affected.
The students who will attend the remedial classes will have a new knowledge. Furthermore they will be given also a free food like snacks , candy and a free tools like paper ,pencil , bullpen, crayons and a ruler. They can also borrow a book to read while he/she is on remedial and they can do a journal that contains an important information in any subject that the teachers told on remedial classes.
The topics on remedial classes include a subject of English, Mathematics, Sciences if the students are a elementary or a high school student. But if that student is a senior high school therefore the subject in senior will be included/ available on remedial classes to teach students of senior high school for example his/ her subject is Empowerment Technologies therefore this subject will be teaches to them on the remedial.
The estimated budget needed for the remedial classes is an amount of 15,000 to 20,000 it’s depends on the students who will attend the remedial classes because the amount of money is going to use in buying the things that those will be given on student. And that includes the free food like snacks , candy and a free tools like paper ,pencil , bullpen, crayons and a ruler and these are will be given to them.
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Video presentation and advertisement about remedial classes
If you want to contact me , these are the following:
Althea E. Almodjel
San Jose, Tingloy, Batangas
Facebook Page: Althea Almodjel
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Watch this !!!!!....so you can better understand this current environmental issue about the pollution of mask in the sea!
This YouTube video that i insert is the Divers have discovered face masks washed up on coral reefs close to the Philippine capital of Manila and they say that it's gotten worst . But if people were educated to dispose properly,we can save it!.
But the question is why those garbage like plastic and facemask ended up in the ocean/rivers?🤔
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I think one of the factor is climate in the Pacific region... our country is Too hot that cause heavy rains and strong winds some of those trash especially made of light materials like facemask and plastic bags either blown by wind from open garbage container and washed out to the rivers and oceans since most of the market place and downtown areas are near in coastline and don't have professional divers to collect that at all everyday. Locals are eager to catch fish to feed their family because the way of Living in this region is below average, very poor, pricey even local fish due to the downfall of national economy and this government still cannot help to solve the increasing poverty every year.
This makes me sad....as a filipino living in the Philippines, I am always really disappointed by the amount of trash/garbage/rubbish just discarded in the streets/beach etc. We regularly go on clean up missions to collect plastic etc. from beaches, but if everyone could just take responsibility for their own actions, I believe that the world would be a better cleaner place.
Why did I choose this current environmental issues?
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I choose this because I want to inform my fellow filipino's people that we must be responsible , because i know that few filipinos are used to throwing anywhere I just hope people's attitude change and care more about the environment.Remember that the nature is helping us to live ,so be nice!.
And also the things that end up in the water turns my stomach it's terrible until you see coral dies see mass fish deaths and see dolphin and whales die from eating it .I'm incredibly sad so please use the trash can! Or we must do the reduce, reuse and recycle that we can save our mother earth.
This is so heartbreaking, the nature that God entrusted to the human was abused, not giving a value on it, someday it will show to us how worst their destruction that cause by human, heartless, with out nature, earth and life is not in balance, and continuing destruction of different nature or races which God cannot bear it, and justice will arrive to us. So I must tell to every people who live in earth that it's time to awaken!!!!.
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The moral values that I read in a short story entitled "Sinigang" by Marie Aubrey J. Villaceran, a professor at the Department of English and Comparative Literature in the University of the Philippines, Diliman .There is a moral in every narrative that we may apply to our own lives.Obstacles and adversity arise in our lives to put us to the  test of our ability to test ourselves.
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✓If someone betrays us, we must forgive and accept it.  We can be taught to forgive if we love someone, no matter how  much he or she sins for us, since if we forgive him or her and give  him or her a second chance, he or she can still right his or her error.
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✓Never regret anything that has happened in your life it cannot be change ,undone of forgetten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on. Because on this road called life you have to take good with the bad , smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistake ,but never forget people change . Things go wrong but just remember the rides goes on.
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✓Don't live in the past, thinking about mistakes or changes you made. Think of your life as a book, move forward, close one chapter and open another. Learn from your mistakes, but focus on your future, not on your past. Remember that Nobody's perfect ,not me not you , not them, We all make mistakes. We say wrong things. We do wrong things. We fall. We get up. We learn. We grow. We move on. We live.
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And lastly,
✓Be with someone who is ready to take commitments. Because being in a relationship means giving someone the right to love you and even the “right” of allowing to hurt you. But if that someone is prepared enough to be committed then s/he’ll take the full responsibility of loving you beyond words and trying not to break your heart as much as she/he could.
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What is the meaning of Humanities and Social Sciences ?
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The humanities and social sciences is the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental economic and political contexts.
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To pursue my career in becoming a teacher in the future I choose Humanities and social sciences,it's for students who are curious about what is on the other side of the fence. In other words, i am prepared to face the world and speak with a large number of people. This is for anyone thinking about majoring in journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, or other social science-related fields in college. This strand could lead to a career as a teacher, a psychologist, a lawyer, a writer, a social worker, or a reporter in the future.
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As a matter of fact ,I'M AN INTROVERT. I'm the kind of person who is quite in large of group or in public.I love to think rather than talk. You can only see the real me if we're close, smile and laugh a lot especially at the most anppropriate times. I'm awkward,clumsy, shy, strange but this is me take it or leave it.I typically sensitive to noise yet i enjoy being alone.I hate tellin??on people about my problems, cause they don't need to worry about me.To be honest, I'm the one who listens to other people's problems and comforting them.
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But it doesn't mean that if I am an introvert I can't fulfilled my dream to became a teacher someday. I know that the path for my dreams is not that easy. But this doesn't mean that I will surrender,as a matter of fact this will make me stronger and have the perseverance to be able to achieve my dream. Because I believe that I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me!.So , as a learner I want to improve my skills, to achieve my goal and fullfilled my mother dreams that her dream in becoming a teacher too .She lost her dream in becoming an educator or it's disappeared because she is a mother at the age of 17 so as her 2nd daughter ,I want to fulfill it not just because of my mother but together with my father who past away last month .
Is becoming a teacher is right for me?
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That question sometimes coming in my mind . But I believe that if I become a teacher I can educate many students . Because a Teachers can shape young minds in a way that has a lifelong impact. The job requires the right personality, temperament, and mindset to be the best teacher possible. Before committing the time and money necessary to obtain a teaching degree and training, I ask myself if my personal and professional interests fit with the teaching profession. I'll also want to be fully aware of the educational and certification requirements necessary to becoming a teacher. To help with this important decision-making process, I ask myself the following questions:
• Am i patient?
•Do I have a passion on helping others?
•Can I think outside the box?
• Am i a conscientious and organized person?
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So , Before choosing a teaching program, I should identify my teaching preferences. Basically, I ask myself why i want to become a teacher. By answering this question, i'll be able to determine my preferred grade level, the subject matter, and if there are any special students i'd like to teach. Knowing this information not only shapes which teaching degree and training path to take, but also tells me what kind of classes to take and organizations to join.
How Long Does It Take to Become a Teacher?
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The time it takes to become a teacher depends on three significant variables: my education and professional experience, what I want to teach, and my state's teaching certification requirements. But as a general rule, it takes at least a bachelor's degree plus a teaching license to become a teacher. This means to became a teacher can expect to spend four to five years in school and working towards certification.
Students who attend school full-time to earn a bachelor's degree may be able to start teaching soon after graduating, assuming they have begun the certification process while still in school Other students may need to add about a year to the four years it takes to earn a bachelor's degree to complete the certification or licensing requirements. If a master's degree is required, another two or so years can be added to the total time it will take to start working as a teacher.
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