alvhbook-blog · 12 years
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I've got to Get This Into My Life!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
sauce: ugly christmas sweater in boston
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Abraham: !!!!!!!!
Henry: Unlike that video by Electric Six, you aren't even showing a lot of skin here.
Abraham: !!!!!!!!!!!
Go vote everybody (if you are like, American).  Please please don't leave everything to the last minute, know where you should vote ahead of time and what you need to bring, don't wait till the last hour - that way if you forgot something you'll have time to go back for it.
If there are any artists reading this blog, could we have a Go Vote version with a tall teenage Abraham in a Playboy Bunny gear please?  As in, SHOW MOAR SKIN!
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It’s the Election Bunny!
Jermaine Rogers for #govote. 
visit rockthevote.com to find your polling station and if you’re eligible for early voting.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Abraham: You promised you wouldn't bite!
Henry: And I wouldn't, not unless you ask me to.  No matter how much I wanted to.
Henry: If you let me, I would have a small taste of your sweet blood, just enough to make you sigh for me to take more, I could have you offer to let me take everything, but I'll rather keep you.
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ALVH - Blindfold
idciamme’s lovely prompt! I’ve been so productive today, thanks to this! You’ve been all so kind! Thank you!! Well, feel free to continue!
I’ve cut the picture because I really hate how the hands come out T_T  ps: henry is licking Abe’s neck. No fangs. Not yet.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Don't listen to him Henry, I bet you can still make him cream his jeans.
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ALVH - I don’t care!
Some lovely Old!Abe, because I think is tender <3  I love the movieverse version of the relationship between Old!Abe and Henry, no angst, no bittersweet fight and tears… I figured that when Abe begin to grow old, Henry begins to come in the house more often, greets Mary and their sons and takes a chair near his friend’s armchair… and they talk about everything, laughing. TwT Like one big family. 
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Awww, I don't think they look like hipsters, I think a sweet old hippie couple, ore more like, Beatniks.
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The day Henry made a choice..
..that some men are just too interesting too die.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, last words
So I was trying to draw them in fitting clothes for the 60s but then something went wrong and now they look like a pair of hipsters.. just.. why?
I’m so in love with this book, I just want to never stop telling people about it! I just wish the film could live up to it- but at least the cast was good imho so I’ll just stick with Dominic’s and Benjamin’s faces.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
This hits many of my guilty kinks, smoking, smoking, going along with dress ups, and smoking.  Curse my frail mortal lungs, but if the world ends tomorrow I will have my last smoke.  ...and oh yeah, I just love Henry dressing Abraham up.  Picture dear Abraham blushing a lot when they get to the Glam Rock age.
A fill for this prompt here, by whatwoulddahmerdo.
In the nineteen twenties, when smoking wasn’t so much a past time as a fashion statement, Henry took to cigarettes. Abraham personally hadn’t seen the point, as the medicinal purpose of the things wouldn’t affect them...
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Signal Boost: If you ship Henry/Abraham, guidedaxe tumblr & LJ is having a contest for this pairing (for book AND movie):
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Dude, I wish my muses were like, reliable and non-mousy, but no viagra on earth can prop them up again in the face of promises promises performance anxiety.
The sign-ups for the Abery 100 Celebration have just been opened and everyone is welcome to sign up.
Things You Should Know
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Moonlight by montislupus
Pairing/Characters: Henry/Abraham
Abraham has difficulty adjusting to his new situation at first. Despite his body railing against the bright lights of the daytime, he persists in waking up as the sun rises, and sleeping his way through the darkness. Henry thinks it rebellion, a personal vendetta against what he has become
Wish I had more coherency, but *happy noises*.  I like Henry's characterization, I think Abraham is indeed Henry's universe, but there are other stuff as well.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Deaths and Desires - 1. Coal Red
Warning: this might be triggering with dub-con and non-con themes.
Pairing/Characters: Henry/Abraham
Summary: Abraham's nightmarish experiences when he comes back to life.  197 words.
1. Coal Red
Death, Abraham's dead now, but there is no peace, he knows this.  He's screaming underground, convulsing within the confines of his coffin, and he's still within the theatre as it burns down.  
The bright red flames that quick-crawls over the curtained walls is blinding to look upon, and smoke as thick as blood fills his throat and chokes him.  He's rooted to the floor as the coal red ceiling falls, and he's pinned on his back as wood splinters and stabs into his body.  
Abraham cries, the pain unbearable, like fire beneath his skin. Then the steely arms of death wraps around his body and drew his back against its cold chest, wraps its mouth around his neck, and penetrates his flesh so deep he can feel it down to his bones.  Abraham shudders in its grasp, in agony and in ecstasy, moaning around the bloody wrist forced between his stretched lips, drinking in centuries as his new maker takes him.
When the fever fades at last, enough for Abraham to think, he thinks, he doesn't know what he is anymore.  He doesn't know where he belongs in God's universe anymore - he belongs to Henry now.
~~~ end ~~~
"I have seen the devil's face"
AN: Should really dig up the book first, but as I remember it, even someone as healthy as Booth had a hellish few days before he was well again, and I think Crowley made a mention about how he'll need a while to see his companion healed again.  When someone is poisoned with a Fool's Dose, it was said that they were given enough to experience the agony, a few days, just not enough for the 'benefit' for waking up as a vampire.  
Since Abraham was actually dead, I think it's going to be a long few days when he's mostly inside terrible terrible nightmares, while a very desperate Henry repeatedly forces him to drink, and drank from Abraham as well (the bite has an ecstasy effect, canon, when Elizabeth bit Abraham), and Henry was just desperate for contact.
Keep in mind that Henry had like a week where he dealt with Abraham being dead, during which he probably checked up on the body to put ice on it or whatever while he debated whether or not he should bring Abraham back, whether or not he could - because headshot doesn't look like the body is in Good Enough Shape for the dead to be brought back.  By the time Henry not only decided he would do it (at the memorial service) but actually got to Abraham's body, he would be as CRAZED as the people who are burying people in the pet semetary crazed, desperate, feverish himself.  Henry would have to handle Abraham's unmoving corpse before there was any sign he had his beloved Abraham back in the world with him, and when the sign arrive - it would be Abraham in agony, for days, while Henry rocked Abraham in his arms, bit him, touched him, and maybe fucked him.
Written while listening to this: Portishhead - "The Rip".  I have srsly lost all juice for and mostly forgotten about 50 Shades of Death and Desire, then I go to sleep listening to Portishhead's weirdo album Third, have a few really weird dreams, and THIS.
Reblogging: Reblog to link to this post, please don't include anything beneath the Read More cut, thank you.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Reblogging another Dominic Cooper. Post is tagged ALVH but I don't remember seeing this Henry in the movie, the impression I left the theatre with was movie!Henry, completely unlike book!Henry, was a bit greasy, and a bit of a chihuahua at Abraham's heels...non-threatening but intrusive and unwelcomed.  Book!Henry was like the OPPOSITE of that, quietly intimidating, and acknowledged.
Hmmmm, don't remember which bag I've left my ALVH novel in right now:( but I think Henry was wearing a blue shirt, sleeves rolled up, when Abraham first woke up in his dungeon underground cabin.  I have the impression that 1800s Henry Sturges definitely carried himself with the air of a reserved gentleman.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
They were never (intentional) drabbles, they were sudden brain invasions.  Still, whenever Henry comes home to Abraham, Expect Sexy Timez by default.
Henry Sturges Coming Home - early 20th century
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(Soruce: nati-em, via calipygousdominiccooper )
I’m reblogging this Dominic Cooper photo in the book blog because he looks very Book!Henry in this picture. Early 20th century I think.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Henry Sturges Coming Home - early 20th century
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(Soruce: nati-em, via calipygousdominiccooper )
I'm reblogging this Dominic Cooper photo in the book blog because he looks very Book!Henry in this picture. Early 20th century I think.
Abraham had grew used to sunlight on his skin again, they are in a period where they feel hopeful and happy. In a house with tall windows and long light curtains, and Abraham would nap beneath the window with a sleeping mask over his eyes.
Henry would take advantage of the speed of the new fast cars to drive back and forth across the country, and in the evening, he would come home and rouse Abraham from his dreams by playing on the piano in their living room.
Sometimes Abraham would get up and wrap his arms around Henry's chest, sinking his fangs into Henry's neck and drinking as the music grew frenzied and Henry begun to arch off the bench.  He'll reach his hand into Henry's pants, grab his hardened prick and stroke and hold Henry till his lover begged for release.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
Mmmmnnnn...e he he he, he totally did.  It is strange and lovely how Henry cared for Abraham, and how Abraham trusted Henry in that.  Making the ending of Casualties extra heartbreaking.  Even though the boys were being under the responsibility of human guards at the time, I think Henry definitely, despairingly, felt that he had failed to protect Abraham properly.
I imagine Abraham to look and feel like 25 again.  In some vampire lore, vampires are frozen at the state of their death forever - like, in Silver Kiss, Simon said that if he turned Zoe's mother into a vampire, that wouldn't cure the cancer - it would keep hear 'alive' by regenerating cells but she would still suffer from it, it can freeze but not reverse?
Vampirism in ALVH doesn't only infect and transform the living, it could bring back the dead - those intact and within a week, by older powerful vampires, as Henry informed Abraham when little Eddy died.  Eddy died of a disease that ate away at his body for at least a month - for him to be brought back, if they had done it, vampirism would have to repair all that was damaged.  Ditto for Abraham, who at the time of his death, had been unconscious for 9 hours with a bullet lodged just behind his eyes.
As to why Jack Barts only has one arm - perhaps it hadn't had a chance to grow back yet before he was slayed by Abraham.  It could be a very recent injury - Abraham was not the only hunter around, Seward also did it, and Seward was older than Abraham
Srsly, on Henry being Abraham's master again, Abraham was totally crying in his arms openly after Ann died, and Abraham was 25 then?  Abraham, usually the composed one, lets his guard down when he's with Henry.
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In the book he’s patience, he does his duty as Abe’s master like it’s the only thing that matters in his whole long life.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
mabe (Mary x Abraham) song: "Thief" by OLP song
Used to listen to this song all the time and get teary, listening to it now and it fits them. It is my pet canon that Abraham was there when Mary died, or with her in her last days (whether she knew he was there, jury's out).  This song was about a terminal disease eating away at a loved one, but I think it could also apply to Mary's madness.
Our Lady Peace - "Thief"
And I can't see the thief that lives inside of your head  But I can be some courage at the side of your bed 
Someone help us understand who ordered  This disgusting arrangement of time and the end  I don't want to hear who walked on water  Cause the hallways are empty, clocks tick  As the world implodes we fall in to it  And we can't go home because this  Will not go away
I don't want to understand this horror  There's a weight in your eyes I can't admit  Everybody ends up here in bottles  But the name tags are the last thing you wanted  As the world explodes you fall out of it  And you can't let go because this  Will not go away There's a house built out in space  And can't see the thief that lives inside of your head  But I can be some courage at the side of your bed  And I don't know what's happening and I can't pretend  But I can be all, be all  Someone help us understand who ordered  This disgusting arrangement of time and the end  I don't want to hear who walked on water  Cause the hallways are empty, clocks tick  As the world implodes we fall in to it  And we can't go home because this  Will not go away There's a house built out in space  And I can't see the thief that lives inside your head  But I can be some courage at the side of your bed  And I don't know what's happening and I can't pretend  It's a long, long get away, it's a long, long get away  Make it home again, make it home again  It's a long, long get away, it's a long, long get away  And I can't see the thief that lives inside your head  But I can be some courage at the side of your bed  And I don't know what's happening and I can't pretend  But I can be all, be all I'm here  But I can be all, be all I'm here  It's a long, long get away
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
“Seriously every time something bad happens to Abe, Henry is instantly there, like, “Shhh, everything is going to alright, my precious flower.” and Abe’s just yelling about vampires.”
Karina about the book Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (via kristilynn)
Em effin’ win right here!
(via guidedaxe)
It is even better if you picture Creeper Henry whispering it huskily, carefully shifting Abraham in his arms as Abraham continues to cry about Ann - it wouldn't do for Abraham to discover Creeper Henry's secret boner at such a time.
I wish there was someway I could upload an audio of that.
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
I think movie!Henry throughout, is mostly like present-day tanned Henry, but that Henry during Abraham's lifetime was very different, and not as cheeky as movie!Henry looks.
My impression of book!Henry through Abraham's eyes, is that he's a bit well, frozen, like he had been sleeping out of time, he forgets how young and easily provoked Abraham was, when they first met.
But that over time, over their association, Henry gets more lively.  By the time of Seth of the Shopkeeper, my impression of book!Henry is that he would look as movie!Henry did throughout the entire movie.
I just had the feeling that movie!Henry was too modern during Abraham's lifetime, but that applies to all the characters really...
...and again, I luuuv this picture!  I'm going to pretend this happens in the AU where Abraham goes to stay with Henry after the death of Ann / after he was killed by McNamar and Henry had to vamp him. And Abraham is like, Mr.Mope until Henry takes him vampire hunting - overseas.  The blue is the light coming in from the skywindow in their bunk.
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ALVH - Blue
Something I’ve done during my vacation. This is my bookverse!Henry, I’ve used the movie’s one base for the face, but with longer hair, like the book’s description, and no beard. What do you think? I should continue to use movieverse one? 
Ask me for suggestions, I love you.  
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alvhbook-blog · 12 years
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I need to get my hands on this book.
I love the look of peace on Abraham's face in Ettlinger's drawing here, subdued but soothed.
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