alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
Look, if you’re dealt a bunch of lemons, you gotta take those lemons… and stuff them down somebody’s throat until they see yellow.
Five (via incorrecttua)
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
Five casually adjusting his tie after using it to kill someone is the amount of fucks I aspire to give
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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somebody get this geezer a decent cup of coffee
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!? IT'S MORE-MURDERBOT DAY! 🎉 . Artificial Condition, the sequel to All Systems Red, one of my absolute FAVORITES from last year, is out today!! Go get yourself a copy! . Artificial Condition isn't just as good as the first one, it's even better! Our favorite AI is teaming up with ART (wait until you find out what that stands for) and it's just my favorite anti-hero squad ever! Also: more murder, more conspiracy and more Murderbot background story. Just totally crash! . (side note: I already got to read the third one too and GUYS, start this series already if you haven't yet. YOU'RE MISSING OUT! I wish this series would never end)
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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Criminally underhyped (adult) SFF books! Hit me with recs! GO! . I know bookstagram is swarmed with YA books but some adult titles still get a lot of attention too. So many AMAZING ones don't though, and it makes me sad. . The Song of the Shattered Sands series is one of my favorite fantasy series and I barely know anyone who has read it / know of about 2-3 people who've posted about it on IG. YOU ARE MISSING OUT PEOPLE. Not only does it score in terms of diversity, but I also LOVE the setting, the desert. And then there's the relationships!! FRIENDSHIPS! casual sex, not much romance. AND THE MAGIC AND WORLD BUILDING! KICKASS LADIES. A+++ . Please buy and read immediately before I feel the need to start shouting about it from the rooftops. . #underhypedSFF (should make this a regular thing, me thinks)
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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Finished not one but two AWESOME books this weekend (while also being hella productive, say what now), whoop. And this didn't even happen thanks to my polyreading but I pretty much binge read each of these in a single day, they were THAT good. . NORSE MYTHOLOGY: I'm a sucker for Norse mythology and Loki is my all-time favorite, duh, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I loved this one. Gaiman did a pretty good job at introducing you to the most known/important facts like where Thor got his hammer from and all that jazz. I'm pretty familiar with most of these but was happy to read a new tale or two. . SPACE OPERA: this book has it all! Epic fun, diversity galore, fully fleshed out alien races, and behind it all some character's background story that will give you the FEELS. Valente just keeps hitting you with truths about how royally fucked up humans are while making you laugh out loud at the same time. Very absurd, highly recommended! . Hope you all had a great weekend and managed to get some reading done!?
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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IS IT MAY YET??? . I usually love when months go by surprisingly slow and April seems to be one of these for me but GAH, I just really want to read the next Hobb book!? (it might have something to do with me accidentally stumbling upon what I think was a spoiler... I'm not sure if it really was one LOL don't ask...) . I'm now realizing how good it was to always be behind during the #plentyofhobb readalong because I was always able to jump right into the next book LOL
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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Happy weekend everyone! What are you all reading? . I'm in the middle of so many books, it's hard to decide what to continue but I've read almost all of Space Opera today and will probably finish it. IT'S SO GOOD. I hope no one takes it the wrong way/gets too excited, but it kinda makes me think of Small, Angry Planet. Not so much the plot, not at all actually, but the diversity and all these fully fleshed out alien species. Plus it's such absurd fun, I love it. . #weekendreads
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alwaysbookd-blog · 6 years
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SHINY NEW BOOK MAIL YO! . I own lots of Valente's books (and I don't even remember for how many years I've been saying I'm FINALLY going to read Deathless) but this will only be my second one I'm going to read of hers. I'M SO HYPED THOUGH. it's sounds right up my alley and I've already heard good things so...Not even remotely sorry for starting yet another book although I'm already struggling each day when deciding what to continue. . ONLY ONE MORE DAY UNTIL THE WEEKEND GUYS! and wow do I need this one. I haven't even made any plans yet because I'll probably just lazy around as is needed.
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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Does anybody else sometimes feel like going all MY PRECIOUSSSS and wants to keep favorites to themself, let no one else "touch" them!? . I couldn't be more happy when my favorites get all the hype they deserve and authors get to write even more books thanks to that so of course it's good, but sometimes, just sometimes... . I'm glad that Shades of Magic has such a huge amount of Schwablins though because the fanart coming out of it is A+++. I could cover a whole wall with all the amazing pieces out there. (I mean just look at my precious Sufferland, my ship is even in water in this one LOL) . [artist of that Holland painting: yukinayee.tumblr.com]
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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I couldn't help myself and ordered more of these... . I did take the time and actually went through all availbe 50 to find out which ones I'm interested in though, so this is the final set (+3 I got before)... As long as no one tells me that I'm missing out by not reading a specific one that is. . Has anyone read any of these yet? I can't wait to try out all these new to me authors! Short fiction is always a good (and cheap LOL) way for me to find out whether I like an author's writing. . #tbrtuesday
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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I got a second set of these and now I need to decide what other books I want to display on here. Obviously some favorites, but I'm not sure what else besides the ones you can see in the picture. ARRANGING BOOKS IS HARD. I hate playing favorites. I've no trouble naming my TOP favorites but after that... . Would you find it easier to name 3 or 10 favorite authors? For me it's always been the fewer, the easier somehow.
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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With my Schwab books all gone from my main bookshelf, I now have lots of space to fill! I'll definitely have to do some rearranging. I'm even considering giving Hobb her own shelf now, considering how fast that collection is growing rn. . Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you get to enjoy the awesome weather if you've got it too! I'll go back to reading Ship of Destiny...
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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IT FINALLY FEELS LIKE SPRING AND I COULDN'T BE MORE HAPPY! . obviously I couldn't help myself, and quickly dismissed my to-do list for today and went outside to read. . I started reading Ship of Destiny last night and am enjoying it a lot so far, just as the previous two. I'm also very proud that I finally managed to catch up to the #plentyofhobb readalong! (also: recent book purchases indicate I'm definitely infected with Hobbsession by now) . Hope you're all going to have a great weekend with lots of time to read!?
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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Tadaa, my complete Schwab collection! . I think I'll immediately add a fourth case on top, which I'll DEFINITELY need with all the new books/editions coming out this year (SoM box set, Vicious US+UK, Vengeful US+UK, City of Ghosts, Archived collection, Our Dark Duet PB,... 😍😭😍). . I'm so happy that I have these right by my bed now. Very practical too for when the urge to reread hits me once again in the middle of the night.
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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I'm just so done with winter and it's constant darkness (OMG I woke up to snow, AGAIN, this morning. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE), that it's quite fitting to start this scifi thriller where people have been living in constant darkness for over ten years (not sure I could still call that living, I would be so miserable) but Dayfall is hours away and a murderer is having their fun while everyone is ready to freak out. . I have high hopes for this one! The idea definitely sounds promising and I'm always up for some murder in a futuristic setting!
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alwaysbookd-blog · 7 years
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LOOK HOW AWESOME THE COMPLETE PB SET LOOKS!!! I'm so happy @torbooks went for the black spine for ACOL! It looks amazing! Guess who's a very happy Schwablin rn?! . BRB starting another reread.
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