alwaysracheljoyscott · 9 months
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21 year ago, Rachel this wrote in her diary.
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alwaysracheljoyscott · 9 months
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December 25th, 1998. Rachel in her last christmas with Dana and Bethanee.
         For all who are reading this Merry Christmas to you and yours. xx 
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alwaysracheljoyscott · 10 months
Do you think Heaven’s real? If so, do you think Rachel and the other 12 victims are there? I hope so. I was born in the late 2000’s and i’ve never met or seen any Columbine survivor. I do hope I’ll see them all once I die, though, so I wanted to ask you if you think Heaven’s real!
Yes i do. I myself am Protestant. The Bible tells us in several passages about heaven and says that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. I don't know the religion of all the victims, some were Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses.. so I really can't tell you. Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, do not believe in Jesus. Whatsoever It's a very long subject to write in an ask, but we all hope that the souls of the victims are in heaven alongside God resting in His arms, they were such wonderful people/children who had their lives taken in the most cowardly and cruel way. Hey, thank God a lot of people survived the massacre, Anne Marie Hochhalter and Austin Eubanks (may God be with his soul) were in the library and made it. I posted about them here if you want to look. X
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alwaysracheljoyscott · 10 months
Rip Rachel Scott 
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alwaysracheljoyscott · 10 months
Did Rachel happen to wear glasses? I know that sounds like an odd question, but I have to know.I
Not that I know :) xoxo
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alwaysracheljoyscott · 10 months
Hello!!!!!!! it's been so long since my last post and I missed here so much 🥲, but y'all know how adult life can be busy. But here i am, Rachel and this page are too close to my heart.
So i would like to re share some "news" that was shared a few years ago on Rachel's sister's Facebook page in her memory because i want it to be registered here too. 🙂
"I’ve held onto this piece of styrofoam for a long time. Playing games was big part of our childhood. Tripoley was a favorite, especially when we were with family. One year we didn’t have a board so we made one and autographed it. I sent these pics to my cousins last night. We laughed and agreed we miss those days.
#1994 #RachelJoyScott #Peace #PokerAndCards #SweetMemory"
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"For Christmas my family was gifted some new photos of Rachel we had not see before. Glenda Childs, thank you!! ❤️ This meant so much to my family. Glenda was a big part of Rachel’s life as a Youth minister and Girl Scout leader for several years. Glenda spoke at Rachel’s funeral, she provided support, and catered food after Rachels death. And today, she’s in my house right now teaching my own daughter and a class of 15 students with her assistant Livy. She made a huge difference in my sisters life and faith and still does in the lives of young people. Rachel dearly loved Glenda and so do we!! Thank you!! #RachelJoyScott"
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"Even though it’s been over 24 years since Rachel passed, my heart completely choked up reading this again tonight. I’ve read it many times before and been ok. But sometimes your heart just aches for your loved ones. I know many of you relate. I’ve never shared this before because it’s been sacred to me. I found this letter in Rachel’s room after she died. She was supposed to give it to me in 1997 for my wedding, for a memory book my sisters made for me. I used to tease her that I’d never see it, even though she swore it was done. (Yeah right Rach!) But 1999 came and she was gone. Rachel left our family several gifts behind. But this is one of the most important ones to me. I wish I had known I only had a year and a half left with her. I would have done so much more. But Rachel - being the amazing sister she was - she gave me a final goodbye. I cannot express how much this meant to me the day I found it. It was finished. The back has pictures and dried flowers she pasted together. But I’ll keep that part to myself. Thank you Rachel for being such a wonderful sister. I truly do miss you with all my heart. I can feel you tonight."
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I was 13 when the Columbine tragedy happened and like so many others I will never forget it and it impacted my life.
Today I was listening to old bands i used to listen to in middle school and high school and Youth of the Nation by P.O.D. was playing. It of course made me think of Columbine.
And it just took me back to that time. I’ve spent the day crying as I read old interviews and take time to remember the victims and the survivors. I came across your tumblr. Thank you for honoring those who were lost.
Crazy how something that didn't happen directly to us can affect us in this way. Thank YOU for message me. Wish you all the best. xoxo
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hey, are you still active? i need to talk
No I spend months without login in, but now every once in a while I'm came here, Rachel is just too close to my heart.
Send me message. xoxo
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Sending love and peace. <3
Thank you. Hope you are doing good in these crazy time that we are living. xoxo
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Twenty years ago, I would have made fun of Rachel. Not anymore. Her legacy means a lot to me. Thanks for your blog.
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Rachel with her cousin Sarah.
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Thanks to Rachel, I started believing in god.
This is beautiful thank you for letting me know. 💖 That's the purpose of her life, keep growing in faith God loves you.
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Soooo gorgeous 💗💖💜❤💟💝💛 
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A new picture of Columbine victim Danny Rohrbough with his mom🤍🌹
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New statement from Rachel’s mom at the 21st anniversary.
‘’ As April the 20th comes, it is a bittersweet anniversary. Bitter with the loss of innocent life taken and sweet with the knowledge that through death so much good has come out of it. The story is still as strong and impactful through all these years. Rachel always joked about being the Queen and all of us serving her. Well, she got her wish—our whole family shares her story with great love and a tear in our eyes, but with great sacrifice comes great reward. We are truly blessed!!
Love, Beth (thankful to be Rachel’s mother)’’
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I pray hard for Rachel's family today. I pray for all the families that were disgraced on 4/20, today may be a day to confirm that the 13 lives lost have not been forgotten after 21 years. I send the best positives thoughts, thoughts of strength, of light, of peace, of comfort for the families and survivors and on this bitter day, may the memories and moments with the angels be a sweeter point. 
Thoughts on the mother of Anne Marie Hochhalter, Carla, Austin Eubanks and Greg Barnes, who has suffered so much suffering from this tragedy that they took their own lives. You are warriors. 
That in these 21 years all the Columbine families have peace, comfort, relief and solace, I don’t know if it is possible to heal from such a loss and tragedy overcome the loss of a child, but may the heavens grant them some relief. 
        In respect to all the Columbine victims and all the families and survivors, 04/20/2020, It’s time to remember it’s time to hope.
New statement from Rachel’s mother, Beth, and her brother, Craig about the 20-years Columbine shooting.
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The 13 angels❤️👼
On April 20th 1999, 13 innocent people were senselessly killed in a shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado. Today, 20 years later, we still feel the void of their absence. We remember their lives, the people they were, and who they could’ve become. Although their time here was cut short, they live on in our memories everyday. We will not forget them.
Daniel Conner Mauser (15)
Corey Tyler DePooter (17)
Rachel Joy Scott (17)
Lauren Dawn Townsend (18)
Kyle Albert Velasquez (16)
Isaiah Eamon Shoels (18)
Matthew Joseph Kechter (16)
William David Sanders (47)
Cassie René Bernall (17)
John Robert Tomlin (16)
Daniel Lee Rohrbough (15)
Kelly Ann Fleming (16)
Steven Robert Curnow (14)
Remembering the 13🕯
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