“When I met you, flowers started growing in the darkest parts of my mind.”
— Unkown
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@lacunasbalustrade every time I send you a stupid text it usually means I am not getting enough sleep and when that’s put together with hours of revision I basically turn into a weird mess that does stupid things to try and get people to laugh when all it really does is .. not (it’s the message I sent about the bear)
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keep trying for a little bit longer
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Poems fascinate me and poets terrify me.
Isn't every poem an intricate web of half truths spun in a dangerously glorious way, determined to ensnare the enthusiast?
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Huh. So that’s how that grief stage starts ..
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Eat Clean
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"It's incredible how alone one person's absence can make you feel. I could be in a room surrounded by all my friends and family but without you I might as well be standing on the surface of the moon."
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Life is never Fair
People say
Life is never fair
I am living someone's dream
but for me its another nightmare
I am suffocated by my thoughts
They still think its the warm air
I am sliding on shreds of glass
except my feet are bare
If I survived a loveless childhood
the adulthood demons are all I care
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Friedrich Nietzsche
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The days mumble on in
Commas and consonants
In semicolons and sweeping hands
I am holding on so tightly while
I delicately destroy myself
Somehow the sun still beams
I know now just how effective
I am as an avalanche
Such an effortless snowball
Believe me when I say that
I had my hands above my head
Long before collapse
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~ Dory
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The days mumble on in
Commas and consonants
In semicolons and sweeping hands
I am holding on so tightly while
I delicately destroy myself
Somehow the sun still beams
I know now just how effective
I am as an avalanche
Such an effortless snowball
Believe me when I say that
I had my hands above my head
Long before collapse
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I actually have a lot of these. I approve this post as a writer
12 Emotional Wounds in Fiction Storys
Betraying a Loved One. Your character made a choice, and it backfired, badly. They betrayed someone close to them, maybe on purpose, maybe by accident. Now, the guilt’s eating them alive. They might try to fix things, but can they even make up for what they did?
Guilt Over a Past Mistake. They made a mistake, one that cost someone else. Maybe it was reckless, maybe it was a dumb decision, but now it haunts them. They can’t stop thinking about it, and no matter how hard they try to make things right, the past keeps pulling them back.
Survivor’s Guilt. Imagine surviving something awful, an accident, a disaster, but someone else didn’t make it. Now your character is stuck asking, “Why me? Why am I still here?” They push people away, convinced they don’t deserve to be happy or even alive.
Feeling Powerless. Your character is trapped, maybe in an abusive home, a toxic relationship, or just in life itself. They feel stuck, with no control over their own future.
Being Wrongly Accused. They didn’t do it. But no one believes them. Your character has been falsely accused of something serious, maybe even a crime and now they’re fighting to clear their name. It’s not just about proving their innocence, though. They’re also battling the pain of being abandoned by people who were supposed to stand by them.
Public Humiliation. They’ve just been humiliated in front of everyone, maybe it’s a video gone viral, or they were betrayed by someone they trusted. Now, they can’t even look people in the eye.
Living in Someone’s Shadow. No matter what they do, it’s never enough. Someone else, a sibling, a friend, a partner, always shines brighter. They feel stuck in that person’s shadow, invisible and overlooked.
Abandoning a Dream. They had big dreams, but somewhere along the way, life got in the way, and now they’ve given up. Maybe it was because of fear or circumstances beyond their control, but the loss of that dream has left them feeling empty.
Childhood Trauma. Something happened to them when they were young, something painful that still affects them today. Whether it was abuse, neglect, or a significant loss, the trauma follows them into adulthood, shaping how they see themselves and the world.
Being an Outsider. They’ve never felt like they fit in, whether because of their background, their personality, or something else. They long for acceptance but fear they’ll never find it.
Struggling with Addiction. They’re caught in a destructive cycle, whether it’s with substances, behaviors, or even people. The shame and struggle to break free from addiction are real and raw.
Living with Chronic Illness. They’re living with a chronic illness or disability, and it’s not just the physical challenges that weigh them down, it’s the emotional toll, too. Maybe they feel isolated, or like they’re a burden to others.
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Making plans for my funeral? HA! No .. maybe but I just think that song is a lovely way to go out. :)
What song would you play at your funeral? .. 🤔
tbh I hadn't thought about it, but now that I give it since thought, I'd like to *not have* a funeral. is that odd? I know that I'd like my ashes to be made into an object that can be given away, but other than that no death plans.
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You have a very eccentric way of looking at that..
If I were to choose a song it would probably be Ouran high school host clubs ending song in English “Sprint”.
What song would you play at your funeral? .. 🤔
tbh I hadn't thought about it, but now that I give it since thought, I'd like to *not have* a funeral. is that odd? I know that I'd like my ashes to be made into an object that can be given away, but other than that no death plans.
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~Tahereh Mafi
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I spend so much time lost in my mind that I end up forgetting to live.
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