Pluto in the 1st: These are people who are concerned about their image, but also are people who come off too strong. They come off too strong because of their confidence which can translate to intimidating appearance as well. The strength and independence they have with the 1st house is powered by the intensity given by Pluto here. Also, that intimidating appearance makes them so mysterious to the public, people want to get to know them. They are a pretty interesting bunch, they have fears just like all of us but are so great at concealing that, which makes people gain their trust and rely on them once they are afraid. They are the strong pillar and a brave one at that who protects everyone. The only thing they need to be careful off is coming to strong as I mentioned before, because with the intensity they possess they might scare people off and even hurt them. As they conceal their fears, they also conceal a lot of other feelings, making them very secretive. Powerful & psychic individuals blessed with intuition and strong instincts they should not doubt but follow.
Pluto in the 2nd: These are people who are extremely focused on building something. Building something stable for themselves, such as a home and a stable job foundation which will help them enjoy their luxuries. They are so dedicated and get blinded with building their success and forget to balance out their life. They forget to let some spontaneity into their life and trust people more and signs that are given to them. They forget to look for the answers inside them. These people become very distanced and aloof with others, but with themselves too which can sometimes be a problem. This is something they need to work on, because otherwise they are so calculative and logical thanks to the 2nd house and very attentive, dedicated and loyal thanks to Pluto here. But, that obsessiveness they get can really make them feel like robots without them even realizing it. Which is why Pluto is here for transformations.
Pluto in the 3rd: Pluto here makes the 3rd house even hungrier for knowledge than usual, as we know Pluto adds the depth and intensity to everything even to their imagination and ability to absorb information. These individuals might be having problems with Pluto asking of them to pay attention to so many details, but with time and experience they will master this and achieve something close to perfection. Their imagination is also extremely limitless, they might be imagining, talking, creating something in the works of taboo subejcts, they can bring light to those subjects, death, everything dark and mysterious nobody likes to talk about they do.Their curiousity is blessed with intuition here which can lead them to the right places to look answers for.
Pluto in the 4th: These people only feel safe in their home, the environment they have put love into and care into. They have such a hard time opening up to new people, they guard their emotions and feelings so much, because with the intensity that Pluto gives they are one of the most emotional and sensitive people out there. These are people who with the renewal and transformation that Pluto gifts will be re-born and start fresh, that is something that will help them heal so much. The challenge here is with them learning to let go of situations, because that only gives them power to activate traits they could easily go without, only to avoid the problem and cling onto it. They have so much trouble letting go, this is a very important lesson for them to go through, they will be freed. The traits I was talking about are manipulation, as people who know feelings they know how to manipulate but that will not get them any further, but steps back. They are still able to silently regenerate and become new, better versions of themselves with the lessons learned.
Pluto in the 5th: Fierce but also fiercely protective of their loved ones. Pluto here intensifies their fearless nature, and their strong nature as well coming off as powerful and maybe even intimidating just like the 1st house placement. Their flow of creativity is also encouraged as their freedom of choice and doing things their way. They become even stronger and stronger with time. But their dramatic flair is also enhanced, making them seem melodramatic or over-exaggarting sometimes. These are people who are so enthusiastic and most of the time that is so contagius and it draws people in, they are just so loud with their existence it invites you in. They have brilliant, creative ideas with limitless imagination to look for more. Also, their big heart is filled with the love of romance, romantic types I must say. The only challenge they might be facing is insecurity, once they meet people who are not much like them and do not share the same enthusiasm , it breaks their confidence and it might even depress them. They just need to turn to the people they love and let them shine a light on how beatiful they are, that will surely get them on their feet, the suppot & love from the people they adore.
Pluto in the 6th: These are people who with the intesifying of Pluto they work even harder and put so much pressure on themselves. Because of that they are such perfectionists and achieve amounts of success. With the curiousity and detail-oriented nature they always investigate so deeply they know every aspect of a given subject/person, that is why they are so hard-working everything has to seem so perfect. That is okay of course, but the challenge with them is learning to prioritize things, they need to learn their priorities and allow people deeper into their life, because they become very paranoid with people, thinking everyone is so malicious and evil, which is probably not the case. They also fall into depression once some things in their life are not working their way, they are so afraid of obstacles they put them into a depressive episode, thinking the Universe is plotting something against them. But also these are people who are so loyal, dedicated, and very giving and accepting of people, once they balance everything out and transform having them by your side is a gift.
Pluto in the 7th: Because they are so giving and accepting, Pluto intensifies making them a bit obsessive on different matters especially with people, they are people persons after all. But their over-all appearance is also very intense. The 7th house people feel so much usually, and here those feelings can go to extreme matters. Loneliness, suspicion of people because they have been disappointed so many times. They want to achieve the peace and harmony with everyone, but it is so intense it can be problematic at times. Their intentions are pure, but the energy with Pluto is always so intense and powerful. These are some of the people that need to go through so many transformations. They need to learn to become more sure of their decisions, to be more objective on things and actually form opinions on their own, because they can get lost in their indecision. At the end of the tunnel once developed these people can give so much to others, such passion, care and strong emotions.
Pluto in the 8th: Here Pluto is at home, making these individuals so passionate about everything in life. Along-side that passion they are also gifted with such a dedicated nature so they can achieve all that passion. These are people who are also strong, powerful and intimidating, but very secretive and mysterious because they guard themselves. A big helper is their strong watery intuition that can detect anything and other psychic abilities they’ve been blessed with. But obsessiveness and posessiveness are also there, intensified and a challenge to be learned. These are people with such open minds to different things, things that are not mundane and they can also have problems dealing with everyday things and can be quite controlling. They want to do everything themselves, they rely on their abilities. Comfortable with sex, and they view sex seriously and as a beautiful act of becoming one with someone you love so much. They might be into astrology and withcraft. After having transformed so much throughout their life, they become such healers for people, helpers.
Pluto in the 9th: Here Pluto intesifies their stamina and strength as well as their curiousity and thirst for knowledge. Pluto also helps the 9th house with the ability of being more analytical and investigate more into the subjects that they are interested in, so they can master that subject. After that other questions are born, looking for the answers for those next, making them such philosophical individuals. They become so interested in different subjects but different people as well. Their lively nature is also intensified. The only challenge they hold is to loose up on the controlling nature they possess as well, they want everyone to think just like them because their opinions are the correct ones. Instead, they should accept friendly debates and lessen the aggressiveness they can show. Those are the tranformations Pluto provides for them throughout their life.
Pluto in the 10th: These are people who are even more ambitious and hard-working than other 10th house placements. Intense, intimidating appearance as well, but also someone who you can trust and rely on. Also, they are very controlling and self-reliant, thinking they can do it the best which is why they become bosses later on in their life. They work in a high function pretty successfully. One thing they should forget about is about growing emotionally and spiritually as well, not forgetting their family and friends which I am sure they feel so intensely for as well. Pluto also brings scandals to these placements, these people are either very traditional and do ways in the old-fashioned way, going on the right path, or become just as successful in avoiding that societal norm and doing some criminal things. Their ambition and hunger can lead them any path.
Pluto in the 11th: These are pretty complex individuals. They choose everything  so carefully, they have high standards and understand things better than anyone else, because they are always steps ahead with their vision. The 11th house is pretty social, with Pluto here intesifying they are very social and can get their own grounding with social groups and their friends. They value their friends and friendships in general, very loyal people, and people you can rely on, especially about opinions. Pluto makes them very powerful with a different, unique aura about them. They are also blessed with passion and are extremely driven and motivated to do their mission on here. They are always a bit unique, with different perspectives which is why they do not accept others’ opinions or views on things, something they can work on. Also they are very suspicious of people once insecure. They are difficult to get along with when they get cocky and let their ego drive them. Those are the challenges they need to overcome and blossom into someone who definitely leaves a mark.
Pluto in the 12th: Individuals who can freely hang out with the Pluto in the 8th house and heal the world together, of course after they’ve over come their obstacles. These are people who are so sensitive and selfless that becomes so intesified, they are so innocent. The problems they are facing are within themselves, not having high self-esteem, self-destruction and self-loathing which can get them on a very scary path, with Pluto here they will not be afraid to get into drugs, or any dark things which are usually taboo and are an easier way to deal with pain instead of the real way. If they have a great support system of friends and family they can get through anything. They will blossom into someone who is so in touch with their intuition, creativity and imagination, being able to help people and create something unseen. They will still prefer their own little world and will have difficulty living in the ‘real’ world, whatever that is, but as long as they are on a healthy road. As I mentioned with the 8th house they are soul sisters, these individuals might also be into astrology, tarot readings, etc. etc.
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Gifs | Art
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Signs as personality types
Aries:  Entrepreneur (ESTP) - “Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.”
Taurus: Logistician (ISTJ) - “ Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose reliability cannot be doubted.”
Gemini: Debater (ENTP)- “ Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge. “
Cancer: Defender (ISFJ) - “Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones. “
Leo: Protagonist (ENFJ) - “Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners. “
Virgo: Executive (ESTJ) - “ Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at managing things – or people. “
Libra: Consul (ESFJ) - “ Extraordinarily caring, social and popular people, always eager to help. “
Scorpio - Architect (INTJ) - “ Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything. “
Sagittarius: Adventurer (ISFP) - “ Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.”
Capricorn: Commander (ENTJ)- “ Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way – or making one.“
Aquarius: Logician (INTP) - “ Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.“
Pisces: Meditator (INFP) - “ Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.”
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Part #2 : Astrofacts🌌📚
•Sun in 6th house makes you feel a weird connection with your pets and you feel like they have a good impact over your mental and emotional health.
•The ruler of 7th house falling in the 8th house can indicate transformative relationships and probably you can meet your partner in a funeral,during an intense research,in an occult group in short terms ,in a Plutonian environment.
•Neptune conjuct Ascendant can make you become influenced easily by others.
•People with Neptune in the 1th house need to avoid drugs because they can completely separate them from reality.
•The ruler of 12th house falling in the 1th house can make you feel closer with other dimensions and people may see you as someone who physically is here, but not mentally and spirituality.
•12th house in Sagittarius can make you hesitate about publishing something,like your writings ,being afraid from what others will think about you or what you have written.
•Pluto in 2th house can make you very private about your possessions and probably you secretly enjoy collecting things.
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2018 advice for the signs
Aries: learn to listen; don’t just wait for your turn to talk.
Taurus: leave space for others to speak their truth. You know a lot, but not everything
Gemini: passive aggressivity is okay for for a little while but eventually you’re gonna have to deal with your problems head on.
Cancer: it’s okay to cry. Don’t bottle your emotions.
Leo: take a deep breath and count to three before you speak when you’re heated. I know don’t mean to be hurtful, passion gets the best of everyone, but not every action needs a reaction.
Virgo: running from your emotions doesn’t solve much. Try to let someone in to help you face them.
Libra: find balance within yourself before becoming the mediator for others.
Scorpio: not everyone is out to get you. Take a chance and give people the grace of surprising you for the better.
Saggitarius: Being emotionally vulnerable with someone doesn’t mean they’re trying to tie you down. Don’t be afraid of intimacy.
Capricorn: sometimes the simplest way is the best way. Try not to get convoluted with all the possiblities.
Aquarius: intelligence is important, but compassion is just as important. Be gentle with those you love and with yourself.
Pisces: Say “no”. Saying “no” does not need to be followed with a reason. You need a break. Pouring from an empty pitcher serves no one.
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What kind of fantastic trees have you got growing around here?
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*Note: If you have an interception in the 2nd House, you can often feel that self-peace is difficult to achieve. It can feel hard for you to feel secure within yourself.
Aries Risings can often get tired after a long day of fighting to get what they want. The Aries Rising views the world as a war zone, a place where they have to lead themselves. With Taurus ruling the 2nd House, being at peace and having the ability to sit in comfort and luxury can comfort the Aries Rising. When an Aries Rising is assured that they are safe, they are comforted.
Taurus Risings can feel stifled and choked up working hard to keep their environments stabilized, calm, and comfortable. With Gemini ruling the 2nd House, the Taurus Rising can feel even more at ease when they feel free to be dorky and funny with others. Having meaningful conversations and learning new things from others can help ease a Taurus Rising.
Gemini Risings can feel nervous and inconsistent when they feel like their environment isn’t calm, comforting, or deep in a sense. With Cancer ruling the 2nd House, Gemini Risings feel comforted when they are able to talk about their feelings as well as their thoughts. Gemini Risings feel assured when they don’t have the need to bounce around and be exciting for others.
Cancer Risings can feel tired and drained when they feel that they are emotionally nurturing others without rest. With Leo ruling the 2nd House, Cancer Risings feel comforted when their loved ones shower them with attention. The Cancer Rising feels at ease when their loved ones are comforting them rather than the other way around.
Leo Risings can struggle to feel calm when they feel that they constantly have to fight for the spotlight, especially if they feel that it’s not for good reason. With Virgo ruling the 2nd House, Leo Risings feel comforted when they know that their self-expression has proved to be useful somehow. Helping and serving others can be something that comforts the Leo Rising.
Virgo Risings are often very observant to the point where they can get very nervous and anxious with the world around them. With Libra ruling the 2nd House, being at peace and socializing with others can prove to comfort them. When Virgo Risings are assured that they will be fine under any circumstance, they feel comforted.
Libra Risings can feel exhausted after working hard to maintain peace and justice in their social environments. With Scorpio ruling the 2nd House, Libra Risings feel at peace when they are allowed to go past shallow social norms to be their true selves. Having intimate relationships and interactions can help ease a Libra Rising.
Scorpio Risings can often feel drained and exhausted after putting up a strong and secretive front to defend themselves from others. With Sagittarius in the 2nd House, Scorpio Risings feel at peace when they feel that they can be fun, outgoing, and even reckless. A Scorpio Rising feels at peace when they feel like they don’t have to look powerful.
Sagittarius Risings can often feel nervous when they feel their environment is rootless in a sense. With Capricorn ruling the 2nd house, Sagittarius Risings feel at peace when they can have a sense of reality and stability to keep them in tact. A Sagittarius Rising feels at peace when they feel like they have learned and applied their thoughts to something practical.
Capricorn Risings can often feel stifled and restricted when they feel that they have to assert an aura of power. With Aquarius ruling the 2nd House, Capricorn Risings feel at peace when they feel comfortable enough to be weird, quirky, and rebellious. Capricorn Risings are at their most comfortable when they feel that they can rebel and break the rules.
Aquarius Risings can often feel out of place when they constantly fight for their individuality. With Pisces ruling the 2nd House, Aquarius Risings feel at peace when they realize that their individuality is still kept even when their sense of self meshes with other people. Aquarius Risings are mostly comfortable when they gain a sense of belonging.
Pisces Risings can often feel confused or out of place when they find their self-expression to sometimes be indefinite. With Aries ruling the 2nd House, a Pisces Rising feels mostly comfortable when they feel that they can clearly assert themselves. Fighting and taking care of themselves rather than others is something that liberates the Pisces Rising.
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Old Timer’s Haze
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Second House Insecurities
**If you don’t have any planets in the second house, look at the ruling planet of your second house cusp. These are the things the signs feel that they lack and therefore value and wish to have in themselves. 
Sun in the second: Insecure of personality, feels they are boring or lack charisma
Moon in the second: Insecure of deeply felt passions and desires, feels they’re unable to control emotions
Mercury in the second: insecure of intelligence, feels they lack good speaking and writing skills, finds it hard to confront others and communicate ideas
Venus in the second: insecure of sociability or social skills, feels they lack charm or are unattractive
Mars in the second: insecure of their ability to assert themselves, feels they may be too dependent on others
Jupiter in the second: insecure of wisdom and street smarts, feels they are inexperienced
Saturn in the second: insecure of their own authority, feels irresponsible or immature
Uranus in the second: insecure of individuality or ability to rebel, feels they may conform too much or be a stickler for rules
Neptune in the second: insecure of spirituality or religion, feels they aren’t understanding or compassionate
Pluto in the second: insecure of their own personal power, feels they are weak or unable to influence others
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The meaning of life ~ and astrology
What we look for meaning in (check moon):
Aries: thrill
Taurus: comfort
Gemini: expression
Cancer: safety
Leo: joy
Virgo: satisfaction
Libra: connection
Scorpio: truth
Sagittarius: wisdom
Capricorn: success
Aquarius: freedom
Pisces: spirituality
Moon in the houses ~ WHERE we seek meaning:
1st: ourselves, self expression
2nd: belongings, surroundings
3rd: communication, being able to communicate
4th: the family, the home
5th: creativity, children
6th: health, service
7th: others, relationships
8th: karma, sex
9th: experience, discovery
10th: career, public image
11th: the collective, humanity
12th: fantasies, the subconscious
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can you elaborate on mercury signs/houses and intellect and concepts please? :)
Aries Mercury tend to think quickly and act even quicker. Their minds are sharp and jump to conclusions quickly, so they may have trouble with test taking because they go with the first thing they thought of, or answer it without fully reading the question. They like all concepts, but prefer ones that have some creativity or interest to them. They are hands on learners, they need to be able to touch or see what is going on to understand.
Taurus Mercury like to think things out, they like to take things slow and completely understand a subject before moving on. They take their time and take their notes, they like to be thorough. They like practical or logical concepts, they like when everything has an answer. They are good at listening and remembering, and are usually good at studying.
Gemini Mercury is also a fast thinker, they can learn at a fast pace. They are adaptable learners, so they can learn at any pace once they’ve adapted. But they do prefer a fast pace. They are very smart and like to read a lot. They are naturally good at remembering facts or studying, it comes easily to them. But they may get bored quickly or get distracted. They like intellectual or scientific concepts, and love to talk or debate about them.
Cancer Mercury likes to take their time as well, they like to connect with what they are learning. They like to see the connections or dig deeper into the subject. They also like to connect with the teachers of the subject, they prefer having a teacher that they like or connect with, it helps them learn and feel more comfortable in that class or setting. They like emotional concepts or theories.
Leo Mercury likes to learn hands on and through visuals. They are creative and prefer creative subjects or subjects that allow creativity. They like to show their knowledge of the subject or feel comfortable talking about it. They like creative or nonsensical concepts, they find them entertaining. They like to bounce ideas off of other people or learn with other people.
Virgo Mercury is very studious and organized. They like to study and learn, they love to read and write. Writing is something that comes easily to them, and they are good at researching. They are good audio learners and like to listen in class. They like logical concepts that can be explained fully. They are quick learners, but like to fully understand the material.
Libra Mercury also likes to learn with other people, but they are good at listening as well. They are good at debating subjects. They like to know all sides of things, they want to know absolutely everything about the subject or person they are learning about. They want to learn and understand about all sides. They like concepts that are multi dimensional. They are very quick learners who love learning new things.
Scorpio Mercury likes to dig deeper into subjects. They prefer deeper subjects like psychology, and love to analyze things. They are good at research and finding out new facts about the subject. They are good at finding information and knowing how things work. They love taboo topics, theories, and concepts. They also like to take a bit slower, but are good learners.
Sagittarius Mercury want to learn everything and anything. They love to ask questions, or have tons of questions and thoughts swirling in their mind as they learn. They love learning new things and reading, it’s fun to them. They like philosophical concepts and theories, they like to think about it. They love to think deeply or do question based assignments.
Capricorn Mercury also like to take their time, they want to get it perfect. They can be perfectionists in their work or learning, they want it to be all right and go smoothly. They want to understand it completely and to get a good grasp on it before doing anything else. They aren’t good with impractical concepts or theories, they prefer logical routes or concepts. They like to take detailed notes or pay attention to details, they are patient and hard working.
Aquarius Mercury likes to use their intellect and usually prefers scientific or debating topics or classes. They like to debate and talk about their findings or knowledge, they love to share information or learn new things. They can be a bit stubborn on their findings and opinions however. They learn quickly but don’t rush things or themselves to learn something at a quicker pace if it’s taking longer. They like abstract concepts and interesting topics.
Pisces Mercury tend to be a bit forgetful, so it may be harder for them to remember or memorize facts or study. They do like to learn, but remembering isn’t their forte. They are good at analyzing or paying attention to detail within classes, but may have trouble paying attention or truly focusing. They like different concepts, or concepts people don’t usually think of. But they do try their best and are good learners.
Fire or Water Mercury tend to want to learn hands on or are visual learners.Air or Earth Mercury are usually audio learners.
Mercury in 1st are quick at learning and love to gain knowledge. They are good at adapting and good with new concepts.Mercury in 2nd is a bit slower, and may use visuals to help themselves learn. Mercury in 3rd likes to talk with others, or talk in general to help them learn or remember facts. They like to ask questions and be thorough. Mercury in 4th likes to dig deeper or have a connection with what they are learning.Mercury in 5th tends to be more creative and uses their creativity to help themselves learn.Mercury in 6th is good at studying and making time for it, they add it into their routine.Mercury in 7th likes to socialize and may socialize more than study, but they like to study with other people, or have a system for their studying.Mercury in 8th is good at researching and finding new information on subjects.Mercury in 9th loves to question and is very curious about subjects and learning, they love new concepts. Usually do most of their work in their head.Mercury in 10th takes school seriously and likes to study and make time for their school or learning. Usually takes education seriously. Mercury in 11th may like to study with friends or help their friends learn and study. They like to debate with their friends or have intellectual friends.Mercury in 12th likes to study alone or may have trouble putting aside the time to study.
There’s obviously a lot more that goes into this, but Mercury is a good indicator for learning! Planet aspects also play a part, depending on the planet aspecting Mercury. For example, Moon/Mercury aspects would be similar to a Cancer Mercury in that they want to connect with what they are learning emotionally. 
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planets + their meaning
sun=self/creativity moon=emotions/feelings mercury=ideas/communication venus=love/romance mars=aggression/action jupiter=knowledge/luck saturn=discipline/control uranus=change/individuality neptune=imagination/healing pluto=transformation/power
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