alwxyslouu · 25 days
Thanks to you, we surpassed our goal AGAIN, and together we have raised a little over 2.5k for the PCRF!
Now, two of our favorite girls insisted we keep donations open for those who still want to donate and submit a few prompts, and of course we couldn't say no, so we'll be accepting donations and prompts until May 31st!
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You can donate here and send your prompts here, but don't forget to read the donation guidelines very carefully.
Remember the humanitarian crisis in Palestine has reached a very grave point, but if we work together we can make a difference. Don't forget every dollar counts!🥹
art by @industrations
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alwxyslouu · 2 months
20 "we are each other's safe place" romance prompts:
(feeling emo now that I'm officially back :') feel free to useee and tag me when yall write!!)
holding each other close in silence
yearning for just one hug after being separated for so so long... </3
"i can't seem to take neither my eyes, nor my mind off of you, [name]." :'')
noticing that bright smile of theirs after you compliment them. [my heart. omds]
them rushing into your embrace after a long day
"let me ask my partner." or,
"oh, my partner at home is waiting for me, i better get going :)"
being ur partner's mum's favorite, hehehe
^ "ma... how come they're getting head rubs from you often while i rarely do?"
sulking to get attention from them and they get cuteness aggression over you (> < my cuteness aggress. for mr. japan goes crazy guys!!)
being you comes easy with them ♡
being emotionally available to one another, and having each other and knowing you're not alone <3
when they're affirmative and expect affirmations from you <communication is the best trope>
cuddling and cozying up together, being all physical but not sexual ツ✰
them wrapping their hand around yours whenever walking together
when it's their smile, that's just enough to brighten your day :')
loving and living and actually looking forward to tomorrow with them,
^ "you make me want to be a better person."
"smile for me" or, "twirl for me" :))
searching for each other in a crowded rooms, finding each other everywhere (this is just love guys, top tier.)
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alwxyslouu · 4 months
Paul really said "call me lil desert mouse" and went out and commited holy genocide looking like a kitten caught in the rain
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alwxyslouu · 4 months
The fluffiest masterpost
Domestic fluff prompts
Soft Domestic Stuff
Fluff Prompts
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts Part I
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts Part II
Fluffy Sentence Starters
Cute Interactions
Super soft intimacy
Make ‘em swoon
Casual Affections
Affections without touching
Seeking out physical affection
One Hundred Compliments
Giving the reader butterflies
Making your characters blush
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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alwxyslouu · 9 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @imsiriuslyreading 🤍🤍🤍
I’ve had the absolute PLEASURE of drawing this for one of my favorite humans and writers ever @alarainai who wrote this adorable and amazing fic that you should read right now!!!! >:)
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alwxyslouu · 11 months
college romance/dating prompts:
(feel free to use @urfriendlywriter | req by @seungspolaroid !! the 2nd,'12th and 20th-?? tag me when yall write ittt )
library dates !!!!!! with snacks.
flirting in classes. I REPEAT, FLIRTING IN CLASSES-
sneaking out of the dorms together hehe
^ and ur roommates having to lie and cover for yall!!
always going to parties together, having your leg over theirs while sitting!!
planning dates after classes, then giving up and staying in for movies and cuddles !!!
"i want to spend the day with you doing nothing."
taking time to teach/tutor each other some topics/helping eo to study
supporting their goals wholeheartedly!
cheek kisses before parting for classes
people ask you when they're absent and vice versa because both of you are always together!
college dance DATESSS. dressing up, dancing together >>>> [so swiftie coded]
complaining about a teacher you mutually dislike together
passing notes in class and giggling over it !!! sharing airpods during lunch to listen to music together ahhh
having a spa night together + movies with the entire friend group
"cuddles?" "absolutely"
massaging them/them massaging you after a long day
smiling when the other talks ab their day
feeling proud on them when they do well on a testtt :)
always babying each other infront of your friendgroup just to see the lot annoyed at the "pda" hehehe
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
fluffy prompts for characters pining on each other :)
(ackkk 8th, 9th, 10th. and omg 17th onee >\\<, feel free to use, tag meee when u writeeee <3 @urfriendlywriter )
"don't smile at me like that !"
grinning stupidly whenever they compliment you
their gaze often goes to your lips.
holding hands to comfort you
crouching to your eye level while they cup your chin, wiping your tears, "tell me what i can do for you." "stay."
"do you want to dance?" they lean against the doorframe, a pause before walking towards you with a fond smile, "if you insist."
"" I love that you are you when you are with me ""
"make me."
^ "wanna bet? i will." [IM *DEEP BREATH* *DIES*]
"if you had the guts, [name], you would have kissed me." "you think something is stopping me from doing that right now? :)"
"is that so? *subtly smirking*"
"what's your ideal type?" "you."
constantly touching. always finding reasons to touch each other.
"can you both just kiss and make up-" "*both of them* [NAME]-"
finding someone flirting with your crush, but all they have is eyes for you, and on you
"can i kiss you?" "took you so long to ask."
almost kissing. but somebody walks in. "HOLY FUCK, ABOUT TIME THIS HAPPENS! I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE CONTINUE-" they grab your jaw and kiss you infront of them.
feeling hot all over the place after the kiss ) #)'?&)%+#
"let me-- *adjusts your hair while cupping your face*--and we're good to go. shall we? :) "
the hug after the confession. the warmth it gives!!
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
50 (unconventional) date ideas for your otp
Attend an art fair together
Go on a hot air balloon ride
Furniture shopping date at Ikea
Visit an aquarium and have dinner in an underwater restaurant
Have a picnic at sunrise or sunset
Play 20 questions to get to know the other better
Take a pottery class together
Attend a silent disco party
Go indoor skydiving / bungee jumping
Take an aerial yoga class
Rent a couple bike and ride around town
Attend a poetry / book event
Have fun at a board game cafe
Visit a psychic and have fortunes read
Have a dine in the dark experience
Take a cooking / baking class together
Challenge each other at arcade games
Have a home movie night with popcorn and homemade nachos
Ice-skating when one doesn't know how to
Take a painting class / go for an art jam session together
Attend a play together
Go scuba diving together
Take a dance class together
Visit an animal sanctuary / shelter to volunteer together
Go for a kayaking adventure
Go to a comedy show
Organise a get-together potluck event with friends
Go to a drive-in movie theatre
Attend a beer or wine tasting event
Go to an escape room together
Visit an amusement park
Sign up for a themed run together
Go stargazing at a local observatory
Visit an art museum or gallery and have their caricatures drawn
Assemble a lego set together
Go on a scenic drive and have a picnic
Go on a nature trail walk together
Go camping together
Attend a themed costume party
Go to a local fair or festival
Take a horseback riding lesson together
Pet-sit a friend's pet together for a day
Play mini golf together
Have a spa day together
Take a sailing lesson together
Go rock climbing / bouldering together
Go to a karaoke bar
Take a sushi making class together
Visit an old bookstore or library
Play a game of laser tag
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
subtle ways to include foreshadowing
one character knowing something offhandedly that they shouldn't, isn't addressed until later
the crow rhyme
colours!! esp if like, blue is evil in your world and the mc's best friend is always noted to wear blue...betrayal?
write with the ending in mind
use patterns from tragic past events to warn of the future
keep the characters distracted! run it in the background until the grand reveal
do some research into Chekhov's gun
mention something that the mc dismisses over and over
KEEP TRACK OF WHAT YOU PUT. don't leave things hanging.
unreliable characters giving information that turn out to be true
flowers and names with meanings
anything with meanings actually
metaphors. if one character describes another as "a real demon" and the other turns out to be the bad guy, you're kind of like...ohhh yeahhh
anyways add anything else in the tags
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
Best Friends to Lovers Things:
big boi.
WARNINGS: Mentioned death.
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Seeing them in a different way after a long time apart. 
Lingering looks.
Bed sharing, but only platonically. (Regretfully). 
Inside jokes. 
Late night [texts] 
Smiles that hurt. 
Always being each other’s +1 to any event. 
Forced proximity, that wouldn’t be such a problem if things weren’t changing between the two of you. 
Home cooked meals, made special by the other. 
Walking each other home from work. 
Falling asleep on the couch, intertwined. 
Fake-dating; either because you have to, (friends, family, a wedding, job) or because you two made an agreement when you were younger to get married. 
Having to vet the other’s SOs. 
Soft touches. A brush on the shoulder, across the waist, through the hair. 
Everyone knowing that, oh, it’s those two. 
People asking where’s the other if only one is present. 
Minted keys to each other’s apartment. 
^ (Bonus if it’s the only copy). 
Sleepovers because you're sick and they don’t want to leave.
Their parents always asking how you’re doing, and yours asking about them. 
Bets on your relationship. 
That kind of laughter that ends up like squeaking because you can’t hold it in anymore. 
Confessing your love in the worst ways. (In the middle of an argument, while in danger, in a drunken stupor, simply because you’re tired.) 
Using them as a seat, because that’s what you’re used to. 
Slow dancing. Totally platonic. 
Prom with one another. 
Spending sad anniversaries on the couch with buckets of chocolate, their arms curled around your shoulders. 
They only trust you with their problems. 
And you only have them to cry on. 
“Goodnight” and “Goodmorning” texts. 
“Did you get home safe?” texts. 
“If anything ever happens to you, call me.” 
Self-sacrificing behavior because neither of you can live without the other. 
Chiding the other while patching them up, inches away from their lips. 
When they throw themselves into danger, you’re there to pull them out. 
“Can’t sleep, come over?” 
Movie marathons. 
Hiding each other whenever you’re not supposed to be in their room, giggling.
“I can’t imagine being with anyone but you.” 
Petty jealousy. 
“Where are you?” 
Always sitting by each other in [school]. 
Fixing each other’s clothing; ESPECIALLY tying their ties, fingers brushing against their sternum. 
“I’ve wanted this forever.” 
Them being the only person who notices the small changes you make to either your appearance or house. 
Emergency contacts. 
Sleep-deprived nights because the other’s in the hospital. 
Platonic love proclamations, until they're not. 
An accidental kiss to the cheek that leaves both of you stunned. 
“I can’t keep going without telling you how I feel.” 
That awkward phase after you start dating where everything is new and you really don’t want to mess it up. 
“It’s just me.” 
The whole exaggeration about their dating. (E;g, we’ve been dating since I’ve known them.) 
“I didn’t know you loved me.” “I didn’t know you loved me.” 
Semi-protective behavior. 
Knuckle kisses that get progressively longer. 
Dreams shared in the darkness.
Working together—which means no productivity, basically. 
Playful arguments. 
Being able to resolve actual arguments because they both value the friendship too much.
“Take the bed.” “Not without you.” 
Stargazing, your head on their shoulder. 
Being there when things go bad with each other’s families. 
The “do you want to talk?” with pinched eyebrows. 
Knowing the exact shade of each other’s eyes from memory. 
Coffee trips in the middle of the day. 
Dropped off lunches. 
Random midnight snack runs. 
Nighttime road trips. 
A shared music taste and a bass that rocks the car, windows down. 
“Don’t replace me… please. I can’t lose you, too.” 
Straight-faced covering for them, even while they sneak out the backdoor behind you. 
Mutual shenanigans despite the consequences of said shenanigans. 
“Hey, what if we—” “No.” 
That first kiss that’s a tentative touch, then turns into a fervorous kiss, hands on shoulders, jaws, cheeks, squeezing their sides. 
Wanting to take their relationship slow. 
Each milestone meaning more than the last. 
Soft singing to put one another to sleep—perhaps a song that they’ve sang since childhood. 
Being ready to drop everything to go help them no matter what. 
Smiling when thinking about them [and being called out on it]. 
Objects that you have to get for them.
Board Game competition. 
Zipping up their dress, or tying their tie and fixing their cufflinks. 
Secret languages. 
“What are we?” “What do you want us to be?” 
Standing in front of them on the [train]. 
Memories that you can’t forget. 
Growing old with one another. 
Kids who they can’t decide which looks like who. 
The most outlandish anniversaries you can think of. 
“Happy That Time We Almost Died For the Second Time!” 
Communicating through simple expressions. 
And finally, the ability to trust utmost in one another. 
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
friends to lovers prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
— hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them
— one being shorter and it being a source of great enjoyment for the other
— hang-outs that start to feel more and more like dates
— sleeping in the same bed, as they’d often do, but one morning waking up cuddling
— nickname turning into petnames
— one having to sit in the other’s lap when space is tight and them both blushing like crazy over it
— being overprotective of them in front of prospective partners
— one giving the other their jacket / covering them with it when they fall asleep
— sharing clothes in a totally friendly way
— telling them they deserve better (and silently wanting to be the one who gives it to them)
— valuing their opinions/approval above everyone else’s
— memorising their favourite things and treating them when they have a bad day
— cuddling for comfort in a Very platonic manner
— defending them against everyone, even when they’re not there to witness it
— being distrustful of the other’s bfs/gfs
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
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Jegulus fanart ?? In front of my salad ?? Yes. It’s called a hyperfixation and we can all blame @industrations 🫶💖
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
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post war wolfstar <\3
creds @likeafunerall on insta
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
Zeppazariel: this is a light hearted fun chapter
Chapter: contains mentions of cannibalism, suicide, murder, blood, homophobia, death and the end of the fucking world
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
"vampires will never hurt you" what if I want the vampires to hurt me. What if I want the vampires to f
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alwxyslouu · 1 year
Todo no alcanza - Elizabeth Calderón (#11)
Para ser una persona que nunca es suficiente soy demasiado, siento demasiado, rio demasiado, lloro demasiado, opino demasiado, soy mucho de lo malo y mucho de lo bueno, tanto que nunca me alcanza, soy demasiado escandalosa y sensible y es cansado lidiar conmigo, amo demasiado, y es abrumador porque no sólo doy demasiado, también necesito demasiado, ¿Cuándo mis demasiados serán suficiente? ¿Cuando mis demasiados me alcanzarán para merecer algo? Es tanto, o soy tanto que peso, me peso a mi misma, y llevo arrastrando esos demasiados, a veces trato de esconderlos, pero no nací llovizna, soy tormenta desde siempre. Estoy tratando de hacer las pases con todo lo que soy, lo que doy… Tengo la esperanza de que un día mis demasiados sean suficiente aunque sea para mí.
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alwxyslouu · 2 years
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