alyss-of-hearts · 4 years
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Commission - 8 - Alyss  Marionne Alyss © Alyss Viktor © Makma & Xian Nu Studio (Amour Sucré Manga - Corazón de Melón Manga) ¡IMPORTANTE! No se realizan encargos de Amour Sucré - Corazón de Melón - My Candy Love. Pero podemos dibujar personajes diseñados exclusivamente para el manga (Viktor, Severina, etc.). No commissions about Amour Sucré - Corazón de Melón - My Candy Love. But we can draw characters designed exclusively for the manga (Viktor, Severina, etc.) Muchas gracias por confiar en nuestro trabajo. ^3^ De momento están los encargos cerrados, pero visitadhttp://xiannustudio.blogspot.com.es/2014/12/listado-de-precios-para-encargo-price.html
 si queréis encargarnos más dibujetes cuando los volvamos a abrir.
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alyss-of-hearts · 5 years
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Stumbling through the bedroom door with a grunt and carrying her heavy gym bag Courtney looked up to see an irritated Castiel hunched over her desk looking up at her massive iMac screen, no no no, fuck. “Uh Castiel?” Her eyes flickered to his fingers that suddenly stopped drumming on her mouse. “Cas-?”
"Court, seriously what the hell am I reading?" Castiel chuckled as he turned around to face Courtney, she was nervous under Castiel’s glare, she still wasn’t used to him being here—with her— in her diminention.
"Bro, I don’t even know most of the time." The nervousness in her voice made Courtney cringe as she dropped her eyes and quickly walked to her bed where she dropped her gym bag. "Uh, how did you find it?" She mumbled over her shoulder as she aimlessly dug around in her bag.
"I was watching netflix and the internet crapped out so when I restarted firefox this ‘tumblr’ was on the screen." Courtney could hear Castiel push himself off her desk chair and saunter over to the bed beside her. "What do you want?’ " Castiel chuckled as he flopped onto the bed and looked up at Courtney who was still avoiding eye contact like a mother fucker. "When have I ever said ‘What do you want’ ? Pff Its a lame title, couldn’t you have come up with something better than that?" His hearty laugh sped up the beating of Courtney’s heart, I have always just imagined what he would sound like. I was so far off…Courtney silently glanced down Castiel who was lying down and fiddling with the little lamb stuffy she had on her bed. Ugh, those clothes need to come off right--
"—but I noticed something." Castiel had been talking the whole time Courtney was daydreaming about the 100 different ways she could peel Castiel’s clothes off with her teeth.
"Y-Yeah what?" Courtney stammered as she quickly zipped up her bag before throwing it down onto the floor and sat down cross-legged beside Castiel.
"You have quiet a temper." Castiel looked to her with his grin that Courtney only thought about when trying to nail down his character while writing.
She threw her head back with a laugh, Is he serious… “What? and you fucking don’t?!”
"See?" Castiel cocked his eyebrow, that same smirk still on his lips as he rolled over to his side.
"Yeah and your just full of sunshine all the time right?"
"All the time"
"You lying sack of shit, if it was you actually dealing with all that greyface shit you would want to knock some heads together too. " Courtney huffed, although a smile was tugging at the corner of her lips, knowing Castiel was enjoying the fact he was getting her worked up.
"Pff." Castiel shrugged
"Oh yeah? did you see the whole bit where they wouldn’t fuck off about the shit with you and Debrah?"
"…yeah" Castiel’s face fell in an instant, out of the corner of her eye Courtney watched out of the corner of her eye as Castiel shifted around and ran a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.
"No problem." Courtney mumbled, trying desperately to come up with conversation. "Did you see the one where I shopped you in Alyss’ clothes?" Instantly her eyes lit up with excitement, "Mo would love to know what your reaction will be," She reached out for her purse and grabbed her phone which had a few hundred texts from her ‘girlfriend’. From the moment Courtney told Mo about Castiel showing up Courtney’s phone has been hit with a few thousand plus fangirl messages and inquiries about Castiel’s physique.
"Who?" Castiel said as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Oh Alyss is the one with the pink hair right? The one who can’t make her mind up?"
The giggle that escaped Courtney was well on its way to being a cackle,
"Yeah her. Mo is her mun."
"Oh she’s one who squealed in my ear when you shoved the phone in my face?" Castiel grumbled irritated. Courtney snickered remembering when Mo didn’t believe her that Castiel was with her and demanded a phone call and proceeded to do nothing but scream in the poor boy’s ear.
"Pff. yeah. Well, she had an ask one time putting Alyss in your clothes." Courtney could feel her cheeks getting redder by the second, Castiel’s grey eyes were intense as he listened to her, she could almost see the irritation build up. "And I kind of put you in her clothes as a response." Courtney flashed the biggest ‘don’t hit me, I’m too cute’ grin in her life.
"Pff. You did what?" half laughing half grumbling Castiel quickly pushed off the bed and B-lined to the computer and opened the blog up again, "Show me."
Courtney walked over and leaned over Castiel who had taken a seat in front of the keyboard, I’m going to have a permanent red face after all of this. Pulling up the right post Courtney pulled back and rested her elbow on the back of the chair, “I did a damn good job on that one.” Her goofy grin instantly dropped when castiel quickly looked back to shoot her a dirty look before turning back to the screen and proceeded to look further into the blogs 131 pages of content, she had to quickly hid her face in her arms to stifle the laughs that where threatening to burst out. Onmce she was able to reel-in her laughter Courtney’s focus turned to Castiel, everything about him was perfect from the the strength in his shoulders and forearms to the un-natural vibrancy of his red hair, No shit otome boys can be nothing but beautiful—
"What the fuck is this?" the sudden anger in Castiel’s voice shocked Courtney she jumped back away from the chair, she had never expected his angry voice to be so harsh.
"This! Why the fuck would you write about this?" Castiel’s jaw was clenched as his angry eyes stared Courtney’s down as he pointed to the screen.
"If I get closer promise not to rip me to pieces?"
"I won’t make any promises." Castiel didn’t flinch, he was seething with anger as Courtney crept around the chair and leaned into read the post Castiel was getting to mad at.
"Fuck." was all Courtney could say, her stomach had dropped along with her vocal chords, there were gonna be no words that would help her get out of this shit fit Castiel was about to throw. Her eyes traveled over smut drabble she wrote about Castiel’s and Debrah’s first time together,
"Castiel I—" Instantly Courtney was pushed back so castiel could get up to get away.
"Who the fuck gives you the right to write about something like that?!" Castiel roard, his whole body was shaking.
"Castiel please, its not that big of a—"
"Don’t. Don’t you fucking dare say its not a big deal! Thats the most private thing for you to write about—"
"Someone asked me about—"
"I don’t care who asked you to come up with that, it could have been the Queen of fucking England and I still wouldn’t give a shit." Castiel’s chest was heaving, he was tying to keep calm but Courtney could tell this wasn’t going to end any time soon. "The stories of me with these other girls that don’t exists in my dimension, fine have at her; but you leave my actual life out of your writing." Courtney watched in silence as Castiel paced around the room as her own anger started to boil over. "You didn’t even have it right!—
"Listen! don’t fucking blame me for wanting to give your character some depth, make you seem like you could actually be real—"
Courtney took a step in front of Castiel and stared up directly into his face, anger twisting both of their features, “NOT IN THIS GOD DAMN DIMENSION YOUR NOT.” Courtney took a deep breath as she stepped away from Castiel trying to tone down her voice. “You are nothing but a group of pixels in a dating sim game. I wanted to make you something more than that in this dimension, to the fandom who loves you, you cannot blame me for that.” The venom was harsh in her voice, Courtney was well aware and regretting every word the moment is spilled out. With tears threatening to spill over she turned around and left an angry —and probably hurt—Castiel in her room as she stormed down to the guest bedroom in the basement and flopped onto the blow-up mattress and quickly fell asleep.
—-time lapse—- "Courtney…"
Courtney woke up to the sound of her me and a large hand gently rocking her shoulder, “Mhmmmm” She rolled over sleepily, as she looked up to castiel’s silhouette sitting on the edge of her bed, temporarily forgetting the fight her and Castiel had a few hours ago, “Castiel?” "We need to figure out a way get me home…" Castiel’s voice trailed off, he sounded drained of all his energy. "Listen what I said before, I’m sorry I was just being a bitch, I didn’t—" "Yeah you were. But no thats not it." Castiel slowly lowered himself onto the bed, Courtney rolled onto her side as she shifted away to make room for his head on her pillow but stopped suddenly when she felt his hand on her hip. The red in her cheeks could have rivalled Rudolf’s nose. Looking closer at Castiel’s face as he stared up at the ceiling she could see his eyes slowly fill with tears.
"I read the posts about Lysander and Demon." Castiel’s tone was dead and in an istant she knew which posts he was talking about. The ones where the two individuals that meant the most in Castiel’s life passed away. Courtney’s heart was torn to shreds as tears of her own started to fall.
"Castiel, Im so sorry—" She couldnt stop herself; the sobs came in droves as she nuzzled up against his arm. All she could hear was a heavy sigh as Castiel shifted around, thinking he was trying to push her away Courtney backed off but to only have Castiel roll onto his side and wrapped his arms around her to pull her against his chest.
"You started it."
"Pff. Shut up."
"I am sorry—"
"I just miss them…" Castiel trailed off as the pair of them, emotionally exhausted, slowly drifted off to sleep.
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
I pray so hard that there will come an episode where Candy and Castiel finally start dating only to realize they'd probably breakup and get back together in every episode after. The final episode is probably gonna be like... *Oh no! You missed your wedding ceremony!*
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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I can just tell by how much I like the sketch the lineart will never happen soooo doodle sketch of Armin with Alice.
I won’t ever get around to finishing it, but I was thinking that despite how eye-catching Alice’s lolita coords are, Armin seems to have never noticed her until one day her coord is based off of a character in a video game. Things would go from there, but I was thinking that she would mention something about an Easter event at her mansion and invite Armin and Alexy over. Etc., etc., haha somehow Armin will get her into gaming and be spoiled like crazy~
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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“Now you can be my pet!!!”
Yes, I only now started catching up with mcl24. I miss play with Castiel as my main!
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
you're so amazing can i have your autograph, alyss?
As Alyss walked out of her atelier, a man with long hair approached her. It was well past evening, and she could hardly make out his face, but she could tell by his sense of style that he was fabulous.
“Autograph?” She gasped, had he been a fan of hers from years prior? She hadn’t modeled in years. “Well, I suppose you may.” She smiled as she signed her name. “Who should I sign it to?”
“Dimitry…” He replied, his face slightly flushed in shyness.
“I have to get home quickly, but maybe we’ll meet again in the future, Dimitry.” Alyss waved as she dashed off with a smile.
“Yeah…” He looked down at the autograph and read out her name. “Marione Alyss… Marione…? Mary…?” Dimitry whipped his head back up, but no trace of her could be found. “Mary!” He fell to his knees and began to weep.
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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Awww, the day has come when we get to be chemistry partners with our crush.
It’s supposed to be like a dream come true.
But aren’t we in like our senior year by now?!?
Why are we only taking chemistry.
For Candy’s sake I hope it’s AP, but with Castiel and Rosa there, I’m going to have to assume otherwise.
This is just a silly edit, I’m waiting for the damn guide because I know I’ll regret it if I don’t.
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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This arrived like forever ago and I never got to fangirl about it! The art was beautiful as always and it was great to see an option that actually lead to a romantic end. The entire manga series was basically playing an entertaining extra episode only to end up with the handsome Viktor. *swoon~* I suppose if you didn't like him you could just go on your merry way back to your friends at Sweet Amoris, lol, but I'd prefer to smoosh my face against Viktor's. 
Castiel looks disinterested in the whole ship but still takes good care of everything! I wish special packages were available for the English beemoov store, but all in all this collection is good and done! ^^
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
((Eeeep~ Thanks for the birthday doodle, V~ <3))
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psst it’s transparent
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
bum taps lead to adorable crushes~
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the moment he realised he was in love with her or something
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
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The site knows when you want it to match... e-e
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alyss-of-hearts · 9 years
alice-lolita replied to your post: armin-ask-mcl asked:Will you fina…
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alyss-of-hearts · 10 years
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Shopping…Alyss-mun you gave me such a hard one xD I don’t even like doing that myself :P
Well here is my best take; mind you I only did two styles.
Just poking fun at Nathaniel’s original outfit change. I’m sure Rosa was disappointed he changed without consulting her like last time xD
He couldn’t see over the pile of clothes in his arms. They just kept being tossed at him as he followed Rosa around the store. She seemed to just be throwing clothes at him without actually looking at them.
Was that a tank top?
“Rosalya, I don’t think I need all these clothes.” He tried to tell her as gently as possible.
The white haired girl shook her head. “If you ever decide to change your style, you will have had my expertise. I will not allow you to look like a walking monstrosity!” 
He had a feeling he knew who she was referring to. “I’m sure Nathaniel had a good reason to change his look, Rosa. It doesn’t mean I’m going to change mine any time soon.”
He heard her snort. “After all the work I did to get him a decent outfit, he throws it away to look like a…peacock!”
“Well he is the one wearing the clothes. I’m sure he picked out what he liked best,” Lysander said, trying to calm her down a bit.
“Just go try on the outfits,” she ordered. Not wanting to get her more upset, he obediently went to the dressing rooms.
Setting the pile down, he noted the strategic way she had piled the clothes. The clothes that went together were piled in one direction. A shirt and pair of pants (sometimes an accessory) were all facing one direction. Then a new outfit would be facing the other.
Putting on the first outfit, Lysander wondered if this was even a style. The pants were too baggy and nearly fell down. He had to tighten the belt to the end to keep them on his hips; just barely. The tank top or what Rosa called a man tank left his arms bare.
“Come out Lysander,” Rosa called. Not even bothering to give himself another look, he stepped out.
She was scrutinizing him seriously. “The baggy pants look doesn’t suit you. The top looks nice though. Showing off a bit of arm is always nice. I’m sure Candy would appreciate that.”
He felt his heart give a lurch at the mention of Candy. He wondered if she would like this new outfit. She never commented much about his choice of dress before.
“Next!” Rosa shooed him back inside.
The next outfit was a pair of khaki colored chinos pants. They fit nicely this time. A simple brown woven belt was already put through the loops. A light pink polo shirt was the next thing he saw on the pile. Then on came a dark navy blue blazer. Lysander looked down at the silver tie with white polka dots.
Did Rosa really expect him to put that on? Then again he did wear a cravat all the time, so a tie wouldn’t be that much of a style change.
He came out of the dressing room. Rosa frowned and came over. She fixed the collar of his polo so it laid on the outside of his blazer. She fixed the tie so it was completely straight and tight. She button the first button of the blazer as well.
“Hmm…you pull of the preppy style nicely. All you need is a pair of loafers or boat shoes.“ She nodded in approval.
Lysander saw his image in the large mirrors. “It’s similar to how Nathaniel use to dress,” he commented.
Rosa shook her head. “Nathaniel dressed professionally. Clean cut and simple. This is preppy as in expensive and you look like you could be in an Ivy League college during the 1950s.”
He missed his old clothes already. “Are we done?”
She shook her head. “I have more for you to try on. Now come on, get into the next outfit.”
This was going to be a long day.
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alyss-of-hearts · 10 years
((Wao Alyss, WAI you gotta piss of the D-vamp!?!))
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alyss-of-hearts · 10 years
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"Ehh??? I won't deny that we can all disagree with one another, but I'm sure you all know me well enough to know that I don't try to start fights. I mean those two may argue, but it's usually over something petty. Though if they can't work things out on their own, I'll have the final say in things." Alyss laughs. "Viktor and Castiel normally have enough alone time with me that there usually aren't many problems... though I must admit I won't get much sleep when they're both home."
When something like deciding what they should have Alyss cook for dinner comes up, they have to seriously come to an agreement because the first and last time they didn't, they left it up to Alyss to decide and she ended up making food out of spite that was so spicy that they couldn't handle it. She was trying to hold in her laughter the whole time as she ate.
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