#xian nu studio
xiannustudio · 8 months
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Hace mucho que no tocábamos Tumblr, ¡lo sentimos mucho! Es muy difícil acordarnos de actualizar todas las redes sociales con el ritmo de vida que llevamos actualmente. Pero como nos han llegado comentarios bonitos por otras redes sobre nuestros dibujos que rondan por aquí, nos hemos animado a volver a activarlo y subir nosotras mismas varios de ellos, y así os ponemos al día y os facilitamos la compartición y el disfrute de los mismos.
Como nuestra autora favorita de hadas, Holly Black, tenía firmas en Madrid, nos dimos caña para poder preparar unos cuantos dibujos para darle en mano de su gran saga "Los habitantes del Aire". Realizamos varios diseños sencillos que hicimos a modo de estudio de los personajes principales: Jude y Cardan, y también de todos los compis de Cardan que se dedican a complicar la vida de Jude: Locke, Nicasia y Valerian.
No sabemos si es como los imagina la mayoría, pero así es como los visualizamos servidoras. ¡Ojalá os gusten!
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serenithyhalliwell · 3 years
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Cuando empecé el fic, siempre tuve en mente el diseño que le dieron a Melody en el manga de Corazón de Melón. “Mi” Melody no viste así ni se parece al personaje original, pero creo que tanto el manga como los diseños creados por Xian Nu Studio son maravillosos.
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odree-lya · 4 years
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Princess Gaelyka OC
Game: Chan Prin Gaelyka
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mimiayachan · 5 years
I made this drawing, because I feel inspired by xian nu Studio, I hope someday to be like them because they are my favorite artists ❤❤💜
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lennekazama · 7 years
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After all these years, finally, The Kiss !! *w*
I have so many feelings about them... They are Perfection.
I can’t imagine my Psycho Beauty without this guy now. Their love is like a burning passion, written in stars. Immortal. Moon and Sun suits right for them.
Art by @krasnyzmeya, thanks again my dear ♥  Viktor Chavalier belongs to @xiannustudio ♥ Luna Morgan belongs to me !
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elena-posdata · 7 years
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Hi~ new OC for Chan Prin appears! More information about her on DA ^^
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fandogamia · 7 years
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¡Nos vemos este fin de semana en KBOOM! Las quintas jornadas de cómic y autoedición de Barcelona se han convertido en referente y cita in-dis-pen-sa-ble para todos los amantes de las viñetas. Acudiremos con un stand cargado de libros y CINCO DE NUESTROS AUTORES (se nota que les gusta la calidad).
¡Atentos a los horarios, porque @xiannustudio (Corazón de Melón, Sketchbook), @electrostuff (portadista de Borderlands Orígenes), Michael Perrinow (Perrinowmicon), Jordi March y Oriol Jardí (Cosa de Dos) toman el edificio!
Sábado 6 de mayo
11:00 Firmas de Xian Nu Studio (stand de organización)
12:00 Firmas de Pedro RM Andreo (stand de organización)
12:00 Firmas de Michael Perrinow (stand de Fandogamia)
13:00 Masterclass Concept Art a cargo de Pedro RM Andreo (Aula Polivalente)
17:00 Firmas de Oriol Jardí y Jordi March (stand de Fandogamia)
Domingo 7 de mayo
12:00 Masterclass Manga a cargo de Xian Nu Studio (aula polivalente)
17:00 Entrevistas profesionales con autores (a cargo de Cristian Timoneda) 
Podéis encontrar aquí las condiciones de firma para autores que dediquen su obra en el stand de Organización, y aquí las condiciones de acceso a las entrevistas profesionales.
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okurokuweb · 8 years
Review: Xian Nu Studio Sketchbook
(Madrid, 13 de Marzo, Yakuza Webzine).- Irene y Laura, las chicas detrás de Xian Nu Studio, fueron una parte muy importante de la Japan Weekend Madrid. Nuestros amigos de Fandogamia Editorial nos enviaron una copia de su guapísimo sketchbook donde nos demuestran sus increíbles habilidades como ilustradoras, con colecciones de encargos, fanarts, personajes originales y una que otra sorpresa.
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mclmangaproject · 7 years
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otomematerial · 4 years
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This is a Stamp of one of the 10 characters in Chan Prin Gaelyka, the otome game of Xian Nu Studio, it’s available in english and spanish c: 
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xiannustudio · 8 months
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Todos los pasos del proceso para realizar esta ilustración dedicada a El Príncipe Cruel, desde el más simple boceto, pasando por uno más completo, lápiz, tinta y finalmente color (de las manos de la increíble Noiry)...y unos cuantos detalles para disfrutar más de cerca, que en pequeñito no se aprecian lo suficiente. Si no conocéis la saga de Los habitantes del Aire de Holly Black, ¡os estáis perdiendo una joya! Así que empezad a leerla ya, empezando por El Príncipe Cruel, y así sabréis quién es quién en nuestra ilustración. Y a los que ya habéis leído el libro… pues esperamos que identifiquéis a todos con gran alborozo.😏
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supercoloroid · 7 years
Xian Nu Studio ask.fm
Algunos consejos para empezar a dibujar (mi nivel es entre 0 y -1000) ?¿ Es que no sé como puedo empezar y me gustaría un par de consejos que no sea simplemente dibuja lo que quieras
Es que los consejos básicos son los que funcionan. Aunque más que "dibuja lo que quieras", aquí te recomendamos:
- Dibuja a diario, todos los días, si puedes un par de horas, y si tienes más tiempo, pues más aún. Dibujar a ratitos desestresa, pero no te hará mejorar rápido. Y cuanto más tiempo pasa sin dibujar, más cuesta, y cuanto más dedicas, más fácil te será.
-Dibuja de todo. Y con esto queremos decir que no te limites a hacer solo caritas de personajes, si no que dibujes personajes de cuerpo entero, en diferentes posiciones, que te centres en manos, pies, pliegues de ropa. ¡Objetos, escenarios, personajes interactuando con ambos!
-Al completo. Abundan demasiados dibujos y páginas sin terminar por el mundo, cuando el mayor valor lo adquieren cuando se demuestra que eres capaz de dejarlo igualmente chulo terminado. Sea en blanco y negro, color...pero dibujos y páginas a medias, no.
Con estos consejos básicos ya deberías tener para muuuucho rato. XD
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kikotsukino · 7 years
Eternal Love / Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms / Three Lives Three Worlds
Eternal Love (Chinese: 三生三世十里桃花; pinyin: Sān shēng sān shì shí lǐ táo huā lit. Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms) is a 2017 Chinese television series starring Yang Mi and Mark Chao. It is based on the xianxia novel of the same name (released as To the Sky Kingdom in English) by Tang Qi. The series was broadcast on Zhejiang TV and Dragon TV from January 30 to March 1, 2017.
Episodes: 58 
Date: Jan 30, 2017 to Mar 1, 2017  
Studio: Gcoo Entertainment, Jaywalk Studio, San Weihuo 
Network: ZJTV
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Xianxia
Plot:  Since Bai Qian is the future Queen of the Fox Tribe, she was quite mischievous (at a very young age) and because of this, her mother in particular insists she go study Taoist Cultivation at Kunlun Mountain, with Master Mo Yuan. As the school only allows male students, Zhe Yan(High God) used his magic to disguise Bai Qian as a male to hide her identity, which, only a few people saw through her disguise (Mo Yuan is one of them), even knowing Bai Qian is a female, Mo Yuan(High God) accepted her as one of his disciple anyway because since the moment she stepped into the Grand hall of Kunlan Mountain, the sacred/magical artifact: Jade Purity Fan of Kunlun chose her as it master, and Mo Yuan knowing this cannot be handed over to one outside of Kunlan Mountain, he accepted her as his disciple because he sees that she’s fated to be his disciple. From there on, she was given the rank ‘Seventeenth’ and another identity known as Si Yin.
Although she is not a very hard working student, but she does show a high respect for Mo Yuan, and Mo Yuan does dotes on her, even to the point that he would subject himself to the heavenly trial in her stead for her to become High Immortal (and gets severely injured in the process), after this, she becomes quite studious.
After a devastating war, between the Ghost Tribe and the Celestial Tribe, the celestial tribe paid a heavy price when Mo Yuan (God of War) used his spirit to seal the demon lord (Qing Cang). 70000 years later, in an attempt to re-seal the demon lord who broke free, Bai Qian have succeeded, but her memories and celestial powers was sealed up by Qing Cang, where she was sent to the mortal realm and became a mortal (which was part of her heavenly trial to ascend to ‘High God’ status) with the alias of Su Su. In the mortal world, she meets Ye Hua and the two fell in love. In order to prevent the same tragedy (that happened to Sang Ji and Shao Xin) from befalling, Ye Hua attempts to fake his death while hiding Su Su from the Nine Heavens. However, Ye Hua's plans were eventually thwarted and Su Su was brought to the Nine Heavens. Su Jin, who is jealous of Ye Hua's devotion/love for Su Su, intentionally creates a series of misunderstanding between them and causes Su Su to lose her eyes. Thinking that Ye Hua has betrayed her, the devastated Su Su jumps off from the Zhu Xian Terrace, returning her back to her goddess status.
When Bai Qian body was found by Zhe Yan in the Ten Miles of Peach Wood, she was saved, however her very depressed self requested for Zhe Yan to give her the amnesia potion so she can erase her memories/forgets Ye Hua.
Three hundred years later, the two meet again as deities. Another lifetime another world, Ye Hua recognizes Bai Qian as the only woman he loves but the latter remains indifferent. Ye Hua begins to pursue Bai Qian for a second time to regain her affections, and eventually succeeds when his love is requited. From beginning to end, time continues to flow and the lines of their fates continue to cross: an entanglement of three lives and three worlds and a road of peach blossoms.
Ranking: 10/10 <- I know this is actually/probably the first time I’ve given a full mark to a series review, perhaps it’s even my first time doing up one on my end! But, I just really have to considering, I am really into/obsess with this drama on my end. It’s definitely one of the best, if not, the best I’ve seen. I cannot count how many times I have re-watched this on my end, I’m so glad I gotten into this drama because I don’t regret watching it. It has really given beyond on what I have hoped for, and more (so this is definitely my all time favorite Chinese Fantasy Romance Drama) Aside from a few characters that gets on my nerves (but what series doesn’t have those characters to add in the drama?), I do love a lot of characters in this (which I will do a list later (in this post) to show some of the chara’s I love/hate). What I am impress with is, the writer actually manage to solve everything (without any plot-holes) by the end of the story. Like, all the obstacles was removed, with no more questions left. At first, I actually had a question that was on my mind since the beginning and then when it was revealed I was like "ohhhh... so that's why...". I love how the love story was executed, and how each character did their roles well. I love Ye Hua’s love/devotion to only Bai Qian(Su Su), and no matter what happens, he loves her, and only her. There are times where I think the writer might do something stupid which adds to more drama, but in the end, it surprises me in a very good way, like when Miao Qing secretly add the love-potion into the soup that she made for Ye Hua but Ye Hua didn’t drink it because he knows there’s something in that soup, and I’m like “Yes!” and when Su Jin created that fake Su Su to seduce Ye Hua (when Ye Hua was doing his heavenly trial in the mortal world (without his memories at all)) to anger Bai Qian, he still didn’t disappoint me, because he’s only been waiting for one woman i.e. Bai Qian because he made a promise with her when she visited him when he was 11 years old that they will get marry when he’s older, his whole life, he waited just for her, and I’m like “awwww”. Seriously, Ye Hua didn’t disappoint me, and I love that about him! I also love how Ye Hua gives me a feeling that I can believe in him and that he's strong from beginning to the end... Strong in terms of character, and his power level was consistent and doesn’t disappoint, I also love how the battles are executed...(honestly Mashima can take a lesson from this -.-).
On my end, I’m a sucker for a good romance story, and Eternal Love has it all! I love how it was truly a touching love story for the main pair (Ye Hua x Bai Qian), with a lot of obstacles that comes their way (that made me cry), it was an emotional roller-coaster  but what I love is where there are times I have my doubts but the writer didn't disappoint and gave me more to show me how much they only love each other. I love the scenery and the effects, omg.... where am I going to find another series like this?! I love the music too! There's alot of characters I love but there's also those I hate with a passion but glad they got what they deserved in the end..but in the overall what I love the most is, the pairing/otp I love can get a HAPPY ENDING that they deserve, because that's the most important!!! It made me feel so happy for them!!!
(1) Favourite Character(s):
Ye Hua (no.1 fav on Male side):
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Mo Yuan:
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Bai Qian (no.1 fav on female side)
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A Li:
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Zhe Yan:
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Bai Zhen:
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Di Jun:
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Feng Jiu:
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(2) Characters that gives me a sense of reliability (in terms of power-level) :
Ye Hua:
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Mo Yuan:
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Zhe Yan:
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Di Jun:
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(3) Other Characters that I like:
Mi Gu:
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Lian Song ( Ye Hua’s third Uncle ):
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Nai Nai:
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Kunlan First Disciple (Die Feng) :
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Kunlan 16th Disciple (Zhi Lan):
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Kunlan 9th Disciple (Ling Yu) :
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Kunlan 2nd Disciple:
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Li Zhing:
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Yan Zhi:
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Di Jun Star Lord(Si Ming):
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Ye Hua’s two Star Lord Tian Shu & Jia Yun:
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(4) Character I HATE with a passion:
Su Jin:
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(5) Other character(s) I hate/strong dislike:
Miao Qin:
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Su Jin maid:
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Xuan nu:
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 OTP: Ye Hua x Bai Qian:
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 Also love:
Mo Yuan selfless love for Bai Qian
Di Jun x Feng Jiu
Daddy Ye Hua
A-Li’s attachment to his mother (Bai Qian/Su Su)
 Neutral (where sometimes I dislike at times):
Heavenly Lord:
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Additional comment: Within the Celestial Tribe, only the Dragon Clan, the Pheonix Clan, and the Nine-tailed fox clan are well respected within the Celestial Tribe.
Although Ye Hua is the Crown Prince of the Celestial Tribe (Nine Heavens), I guess he’s also part/representation of the Dragon Clan(?) since his true form is a Dragon <3
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And Bai Qian is the White Fox (Nine tales) ~
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Bai Feng Jiu as the red fox (Nine tales)
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Sigh, too bad, I didn’t get to see Zhe Yan’s true form (since he’s the Pheonix) <3
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guiadelcomic · 7 years
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Xian Nu Studio en el Salón del Cómic de Barcelona 2017, fotografiadas por Koukyou Zen (foto recortada del tuit original).
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fandogamia · 7 years
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Lo mejor de lo mejor, (casi) siempre en Fandogamia.
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hyongasensei · 8 years
Repaso a las noticias de la semana #50 | Ni No Kuni, Love in Hell, Xian Nu Studio, Jiro Taniguchi…
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