amaetheon · 3 years
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Here’s more of that juicy au head cannon shipping stuff y’all
I’m sorry
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amaetheon · 3 years
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Happy Pokemon Day!!
Drew something for my fave shiny duo! ✨
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amaetheon · 4 years
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give up your life to save another?
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amaetheon · 4 years
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gay birds
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amaetheon · 5 years
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gamefreak said gay rights!
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amaetheon · 7 years
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     Giratina is not identifiable by name because his banishment occurred long before his imprisonment. Instead, his imagine is supplemented for the Undertaker, a figure draped in shadow that steals the souls of whomever he looks at. His body is a wisp, never taking physical form, and where there should be scales is the molten slime that supplements the skin burned off when he fell from heaven. His eyes are said to be empty holes that he replaces with the pupils of your loved ones in order to enchant you to Sendoff Springs, where he will pull you through the water and into the underworld.
     The folktale is so deeply engrossed in lore that the existing legends tend to believe them themselves, having never seen the Undertaker himself and never knowing a deity of death prior to Yveltal. Giratina’s actual backstory is a great source of shame and sadness for Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia, so they hold their tongues and never correct the rumours that depict Giratina as a malicious entity as opposed to a living creature. Yveltal would gladly correct the misinformation about her creator, if only other Pokémon would listen to her.
(gif credit: shelgon)
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amaetheon · 7 years
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but you’re a king and I’m a lionheart
an impacting conflict of interests with ho-oh and suicune, more on that later
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amaetheon · 7 years
are you planning to do anything with the new legends and stuff shown in us/um ?
I definitely am! I don’t have the games on hand right now, but any information I can scrape up I’ll add to the lore, including the new legend forms and especially Necrozma. I’m still giddy about having the legends fight Necrozma in my story before it happened in the actual story/art; that’s pretty rad. I’m more excited than ever to get writing, so hopefully I’ll be more active here than I have been the past few months.
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amaetheon · 7 years
another question: are there any more differences between the supernatural legendaries and the "normal" ones ?
The biggest difference is that normal legends can adapt and change their abilities, but supernatural legends are intended for one role only and cannot change it. For example, Zekrom and Ho-Oh, while representing their typings, are free to be whatever they want and do whatever they want with their powers. A legend like Rayquaza can represent the sky, but he is more flexible with his position. On the other end, Dialga and Palkia are the masters of time and space, but cannot be anything else. The Lake Trio are emotion, Xerneas and Yveltal are life and death. 
Supernatural legends are usually more powerful, but natural ones have more variety in their movepools. In terms of beliefs, natural legends are less xenophobic and more accepting of neighbours, while supernaturals will only have a handful of legends they can tolerate. Supernaturals live in dimensions, while natural legends live in natural habitats.
With the exception of Xerneas and Arceus, no supernatural legend can breed. Natural ones have that ability, but unless its rooted in their culture to breed (Eon Duo, Shaymin) then they won’t. 
As far as main ideas goes, those are the big ones I can think of. :]
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amaetheon · 7 years
question: do the legends eat and sleep for necessity or only because they like it ? Or does it depends on the legend ?
It depends on the legend! If they are created by Arceus (ex. Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Xerneas) or are supernatural in nature (ex. Mew, Deoxys, Lunala and Solgaleo) then they have no obligation to eat or sleep, and only partake in it for leisure. However, nature-born legends like Rayquaza, Lugia, Moltres, Reshiram etc. can die from starvation and are just regular Pokemon with intensive powers, which means they have the same basic needs. 
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amaetheon · 7 years
Hi there! I just wanted to say your 'NEVERMORE' PMV is absolutely inspiring. Love every part of it. Beautiful work. I keep looping it!
Holy cow, thank you! That means the world to me. The fact you sent me a message makes it even better. You’ve definitely made my night.
Thanks again for letting me know. It’s people like you that inspire me to keep doing work like that!
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amaetheon · 7 years
Lunala and Solgaleo : “Ultra Beasts? [forced chuckle] Never felt that, never heard of that. Never tasted that. Never smelled that. We're legendary Pokemon, We don’t know what y’all- never! Necrozma? Ha! Is that some kind of sauce… We don’t…?”
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amaetheon · 7 years
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HAPPY FUCKIN BIRTHDAY @amatelaseu !!!!!!!
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amaetheon · 7 years
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More Information Below
The biggest models are the current days king and queen, while the smaller colour palettes are the original Solgaleo and Lunala that came to Alola, and the children of the king and queen that star in the story. I imagine Solgaleo and Lunala are a common type of Ultra Beast, and that they have a clan mentality there where queens and kings look after the offspring of other Ultra Beasts. The two originals managed to get to Alola from an accidental wormhole that their friend Necrozma made, but decided to stay and live in the new region because they loved it so much! Now one thing to note, the current day Solgaleo and Lunala are not the children of the two originals , they are two random Cosmog chosen by Arceus to continue the royal family's line after Necrozma betrays his two friends. Hopefully that will be a story I can explore more later.
ALSO ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THOSE ENTERED IN MY CONTEST. A few individuals have asked for more time because of family-related issues, so I'm prolonging it for the end of the month. If you still have an outstanding entry, please get it in. :]
Now for the information dump, oh boy.
   Original Lunala
   Height : 13'01"
   Weight : 264.6 lbs.
   Ability : Shadow Shield
   Personality : The original Lunala loved life and everything in it. She was also very trusting, a trait which would lead to her death. Despite not knowing the language or abilities of the world she came to live in, she loved learning and adapting to her surroundings. She was fascinated by every little thing, because she saw the beauty in even the heart of darkness. She also had the unique personality that let her be friends with legends like Necrozma and Kyogre, both who are perceived as stuck up and bitter.
   Battle Effectiveness : The original Lunala preys on her opponent's weakness by using Hypnosis. She believes an incapacitated opponent is the easiest one to defeat, so she'll abuse Dream Eater as her main method of attack. She sees Moongeist Beam as a sacred move and refuses to use it except when absolutely necessary. She'll never lead an attack, but she will act as support on the sidelines.
   Special Abilities : As an Ultra Beast that had grown up in Ultra Space, Lunala is able to do a lot of things that would be seen as magic to the outside world. She can regenerate lost limbs and wounds with ease, can teleport with the flap of her wings instantly, and can take and give energy to the world around her. She also has full control over the moon and sea.
   Backstory : After accidentally stepping into a wormhole that transported her, her husband, a Cosmog herd, and Necrozma into the mortal plane, Lunala was forced to live out her days as a mock Legendary Pokemon. She befriended the grudged island guardians and worked to make Alola a place that was desirable to live in. Soon the native Pokemon began to welcome her into their fold, and she was praised as the queen of the moon. She didn't actually find out there were other legends alive until Kyogre happened to swim by the island one day. She and her family were taken to Arceus, who allowed them to stay so long as they checked in with the council every year. Kyogre and her ended up becoming best friends despite their amazing differences. She never expected she'd be betrayed, but after Necrozma was able to link a portal back home her former friend wished to lay destruction on the land he called a prison. The three fought, but the hoard of Ultra Beasts proved too much. She was slain at the scene, along with her children, and left as a sign of what would happen to those who tried to leave Necrozma.
   Moveset : Moongeist Beam, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Moonlight
   Lunala (Natsuki)
   Height : 13'01"
   Weight : 264.6 lbs.
   Ability : Shadow Shield
   Personality/Backstory : Natsuki (named after Johto's moon) started off as a youngster, happy as could be, though life soon gave her a bad hand of cards. She was thrust into a leadership position at a young age because she was the strongest female Cosmog alive at the time and was taken from her nest in Alola to grow up with her mentor. As soon as she was old enough to learn Moongeist Beam she was taken from said mentor, Lugia, and asked to rule alone on a desolate island. Loneliness ate at her conscious and she tried hard to make friends. However, because she was an Ultra Beast, no one would talk to her except Ho-Oh and Lugia. Both were taken from her when the Brass Tower burned down, and her isolation made her paranoid and cryptic. It got worse when her first litter died stillbirth deaths, leading her to believe that Arceus and the Undertaker were mocking her. All of these negative feelings fed on her paranoia and when Xerneas mocked at the next legendary council’s meeting, she lashed out, declaring all outsiders to be against her. The battle between her and Xerneas left her eye and body scarred, and Arceus ordered her to leave she did so bitterly. From that point forward she refused to attend meetings and isolated all Alolan legends on the island. She’s a worrier to the extreme, and extremely protective of her children. The only legends she trusts are her husband and Lugia (and temporarily Cresselia).
   Battle Effectiveness : Her battle technique is remain out of sight and out of mind, only coming out to attack when her opponents are distracted. This helps her get the upper hand in many situations, and she'll often rely more on Phantom Force than Moongeist Beam. Her darker coat also allows her to blend in with the shadows, a trait her daughter lacks. She abuses this power in nearly every fight, since her crippling defences mean she can be taken out in a few good hits.
   Special Abilities : She has the same abilities as the previous queen, but her Ultra Beast abilities are severely weakened because she chooses not to use them. She can teleport but not instantly, she can only take life and not give, and she can only partially heal wounds. Her connection to the moon is stronger though.
   Moveset : Moongeist Beam, Moonlight, Phantom Force, Moonblast
   Baby Lunala (Mahina)
   Height : 13'01"
   Weight : 264.6 lbs.
   Ability : Shadow Shield
   Personality : Mahina is nothing like her mother. She trusts strangers and loves meeting new people. She also loves proving herself and trying to out do her brother so she comes off as the strongest of the duo. She's very loud and makes a lot of squealing noises to draw attention to herself, something she thrives on. Mahina believes there's a bit of good in everyone. She's also a natural caretaker, as she's been looking after her mother since she evolved into a Lunala.
   Battle Effectiveness : She is much tinier in comparison to her mother, but also more bulky. She prefers to ram into opponents with her speed and get as many hits in before fleeing. Her defence is her main concern, so she relies heavily on Moonlight to restore health before firing off many related Moonblasts as possible.
   Special Abilities : She has the same abilities as her mother, but has basically lost all of her Ultra Beast powers. She later, however, recovers the ability to use her third eye after digging deeper into the roots of what it means to be a Lunala.
   Moveset : Moongeist Beam, Moonblast, Moonlight, Cosmic Power
   Original Solgaleo
   Height : 11'02"
   Weight : 507.1 lbs.
   Ability : Full Metal Body
   Personality : Though definitely more reserved than his wife, the original Solgaleo was a happy soul. He and his wife would love to go out and explore as a team, and he had a lot of love in him for his family. Even the Cosmog herds, all of which he was not related to, were given a share of his love, and he took his role as a guardian protecter very seriously. He did take more caution when it came to friends, but never faulted in trying to make everyone feel as though they were welcome. There was some xenophobia present in legends like Groudon when he first arrived, but he soon proved him and many others wrong, eventually befriending them. The love he had for his wife knew no bounds, and he died covering her body to stop Necrozma from desecrating her corpse.
   Battle Effectiveness : Solgaleo is not frail, but has to keep his defences strong. Sunny Day gives him more of an advantage, but also opens up his weakness to fire. He relies a lot on Morning Sun to keep him healthy and strong, and rarely uses Sunsteel Strike unless it's an emergency.
   Special Abilities : Like his wife he can heal wounds with ease, teleport, and take and give life to the world. He's also in control of the sun and monitoring how much sun is given to the plants. He can accidentally open portals if he releases enough energy at sunhigh. His coat is so light it glows even in pitch black darkness.
   Moveset : Sunsteel Strike, Morning Sun, Sunny Day, Solarbeam
   Solgaleo (Haru)
   Height : 11'02"
   Weight : 507.1 lbs.
   Ability : Full Metal Body
   Personality : Haru (named after Johto's sun) is much more laid back compared to his wife, but he too is tired of the constant fighting and bickering between them and others. His ragged coat reflects his mind, tired and seeking peace in a life that's granted him none. He's not a slacker, but he is reluctant to do much of anything. He's much more submissive compared to his wife, and won't stand up for his ideals because it creates noise. He tries to be a good father because of his wife's crippling mental illness, but even as their sole role model he can fall into pits of depression now and again. He wasn't close to his mentor like Natsuki was, so Ho-Oh's "death" didn't have much of an impact on him, those it did train him to fear humans.
   Battle Effectiveness : He's not as attack oriented as the original king, but has trained himself to use Flare Blitz to combat stronger foes. Because he hates fighting, he'll often try to use Noble Roar to scare opponents into leaving him alone, and if that doesn't work, he'll fire off Sunsteel Strikes.
   Special Abilities : He has full control over the sun and has some of his Ultra Beasts abilities like being able to heal and give life back into the earth, but has lost the ability to transport. He also cannot make portals of his own will, but can enter and live in the Ultra Space without any trouble.
   Moveset : Sunsteel Strike, Morning Sun, Noble Roar, Flare Blitz
   Baby Solgaleo (Kala)
   Height : 11'02"
   Weight : 507.1 lbs.
   Ability : Full Metal Body
   Personality : Kala is easily excitable and loves the thrill that comes from hunting. He can't stand being indoors and prefers associating with nature at all times. He's also a legend that loves fighting, when unavoidable. As a Solgaleo wearing scars is seen as a badge of honour, and he takes a great deal of pride in his chest scar. He's sweet with his sister Mahina, and the two share a friendly rivalry. He wishes he had more time with her, but funnels this enthusiasm and want into his fighting. He'll stop at nothing to protect her and their family, and always tries to impress his sickly parents to make them smile.
   Battle Effectiveness : Kala is more steel-type focused, and loves to have his opponent at a disadvantage. This is present in Metal Burst and Flash Cannon, both which have the chance of lowering the opponent's stats. He's offensive, often getting up close and trying to soak up hits while dealing the most amount of damage as possible. He's got a lot of spirit, and doesn't give up until the bitter end.
   Special Abilities : He has the same abilities as his father, but has basically lost all of his Ultra Beast powers.
   Moveset : Sunsteel Strike, Morning Sun, Flash Cannon, Metal Burst
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amaetheon · 7 years
Hobbiton: Lugia, I'm so sorry.
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amaetheon · 7 years
It's been a hundred and fifty years since the Brass Tower burned down and Ho-Oh fled the region, never to be seen again. Lugia laments the supposed death of his close counterpart, and the depression that came after that bitter night.
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amaetheon · 7 years
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sneak preview
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