amaintainedrisk Ā· 4 years
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 4 years
first of all, I apologize for Siri. My eyesight has been really bad since all of this has happened so I canā€™t see at all what Siri is screwing up or not. So if a sentence makes no sense, I apologize. I canā€™t see the picture.
Iā€™m still trying to piece together what happened to me. The backstory is, about a month ago I started having heart palpitations really badly. Not a fast heartbeat but a pounding heartbeat. So I thought it was cardiac issues so he went to a cardiologist and they found nothing on the echo. Thatā€™sā€¦ When neurological issues setting. all the symptoms I had before my 2009 Chiari surgery weā€™re slowly repeating themselves, but 1000 times worse. I just felt really really heavy and it felt like someone had their hands on the top of my head and weā€™re pushing my head down. All of this also made the cardiac symptoms worse. So I made an appointment with a neurosurgeon and by the time he saw me, I couldnā€™t even walk into his office. I was wheelchair-bound. I couldnā€™t lay in a flat position and I just could not breathe and every day the symptoms were getting worse. But through it all, I had all my mental faculties and I knew exactly what was going on and processed everything. I was mentally stable. The neurosurgeon ordered CAT scans but they needed to be approved by the insurance first so I had to wait andā€¦ They never got a chance to be approved.
on Tuesday, November 26, my hospice nurse came out in the morning. He brought along I knew Nurse because heā€™s switching routes so Iā€™m getting a new hospice nurse/case manager and she was going around meeting all her new patients with him. They came in and saw me sitting in the hospital bed in the middle of the living room and saw how pale I was and said I needed to go to the hospital and that I didnā€™t look well at all. I refused at the time but I had planned on going sometime later that week if things didnā€™t get any better. I was just trying to stay out of the hospital as long as I possibly could. Bad mistake.
like I said, that was on Tuesday. I felt awful but I had my phone about me. I understood everything, I felt like shit and walk to the bathroom if I had to. I couldnā€™t go up the stairs anymore though. I just couldnā€™t breathe. so that was Tuesday. The next few days are really fuzzy to me. I think it was by Wednesday afternoon I started losing it and losing control. My memories are all screwed up. I just remember sitting in the bed downstairs And talking to mom and watching things on TV and being up in the middle of the night just sitting in bed for no reason, not sleeping. I donā€™t know how to clean it. Itā€™s so fuzzy. by Friday afternoon, all hell has broken loose.
I remember very little from the day I was admitted into the hospital. I was admitted into the hospital late Friday night, just before midnight. So technically Saturday morning. But mom called an ambulance on me because I was pretty much just sitting in the bed screaming, And moaning, and when I would talk I would only say one word sentences that made no sense. And I actually remember some of the work. I was just sitting up in bed screaming the word ā€œdiamondā€œ and ā€œokey-dokeyā€œ and shit like that over and over. My mom would ask what was wrong and I would just say diamonds or okey-dokey over and over. I remember some of that. I was mentally gone and when I wasnā€™t making any sense I was screaming at the top of my lights. I remember my mom telling me over and over and over and over and over to stop screaming because the neighbors will call the cops because thatā€™s how loud I was being. But the reason I was screaming is because I couldnā€™t breathe. And I couldnā€™t convey any of my thoughts outside of one word sentences that made no sense.
here comes the embarrassing part. Except Iā€™m not that embarrassed to say it to you guys because youā€™re my best friends. in the last 24 hours of being admitted, I was peeing and pooping in the bed. Iā€™m not sure. I had a potty chair/bedside commode by the hospital bed that I was in, in the living room, and I couldnā€™t even make it to there. I remember consciously sitting in the bed and thinking that I had to go really badly but I couldnā€™t move so I just soiled myself right there in the bed. I lost control of my bladder and my bowels. When my mom came down Friday morning and found me laying there covered in urine and pooping in the bed, thatā€™s when she really really wanted to call an ambulance. that mustā€™ve terrified her. One of the reason she didnā€™t call the ambulance is because after what happened to me in Cleveland, both times, she promised me she would never call an ambulance until I said it was OK to call the ambulance. And apparently I was in the bed taking her not to call the ambulance yet so she was just following my orders that I had laid out from before. so she cleaned me up and change my clothes and thatā€™s why she kept trying to get me to talk and I would only use one word answers. Then around midnight I went to the bathroom all over myself again, in both ways and I was sitting in the bed screaming and yelling out those one word answers and just yelling at the top of my lungs. so around midnight my mom cleaned me up again, and by this time I couldnā€™t even move. She had to undress me, clean me up, and then redress me oh by herself and then she called the ambulance around midnight Friday.
DMV aunts came and rushed me to Saint Joeā€™s hospital. I donā€™t really remember that much. I remember the sound of the sirens and the EMTs coming in and having to lift me off the bed onto the gurney. I remember them trying to get an IV in the ambulance but I hadnā€™t eaten in a month and was so dehydrated they couldnā€™t. I remember arriving at the hospital and just not being able to breeze. By that time I can only communicate in grunts. I was so gone. Honestly, the first few days in the hospital? Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s real or not. Which memories are real or not, because I lack so much oxygen to the brain that honestly some of my memories are just fucking made up. Iā€™m actually going to set my mother down tonight and talk to her and ask her which memories are real and which art and what happened the first three days in the hospital because honestly, I donā€™t know. I remember somethings but I donā€™t know if the realā€¦
what happened to me? Why was I fine on Tuesday but soiling myself on Friday? The doctors think it was a combination of my neurological disorder and me internally bleeding somewhere slowly. Somewhere inside me there was a slow internal bleed and thatā€™s why I was so pale and unable to breathe. I had six blood transfusions while I was in the hospital lol. I probably shouldnā€™t laugh at that butā€¦ Wow. it was the closest I ever came to this. My doctor said that, my mother said that, and I fucking agree. My mom said it because it was the first time that even my mental faculties were gone. when I was discharged from the hospital that Doctor said my hemoglobin score was the lowest score he had ever seen in his 30 year career. The doctors and nurses said my score was the lowest score they had ever seen, with that person actually surviving. they had never seen someone with that low of a score survive, let alone remain conscious. They kept drilling that into me. That nobody has ever walked away from that Louisville score before. I think they were doing that because they wanted to make sure I didnā€™t wait so long to call the ambulance again the next time. And yes I said the next time because they think it will be a next time. They never found the bleed. Itā€™s still in there somewhere. Itā€™s justā€¦ Stopped for now. But it could start up again at any time.
The next thing theyā€™re doing is making me take that test where are you swallow a pill and itā€™s actually a camera. That way they can look for the bleed in the areas the endoscopy canā€™t reach. So they have to schedule that. Theyā€™re trying to do it quickly because the normal score is in the range of 12 to 14. When I got to the hospital, my score was two. So yeah that was pretty low. I canā€™t get my medical records until the middle of the week next week, and when I do Iā€™m going to take pictures and scan them in to show you all the levels. I should not be alive right now. I should not be alive right now. I do not know how I made it through that. Hopefully I can beat the internal bleed to the punch and get this test and find out whatā€™s wrong before fucking starts up again. I almost lost it in there. I was floating in between fantasy and reality and right now I donā€™t know which is which so thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to say for now until I talk to my mom and try to sort out my thoughts and my memories.
So yeahā€¦ Crazy month, am I right? What else is now.ā€¦ By the way, my mother pretty much save my life. And I have to give her props for cleaning me up and taking care of her daughter when she was 33 years old and laying in her own filth and respecting her wishes and not calling the ambulance until I gave the OK. but I gave the OK kind of late so I already called my mother in the hospital that if this happens again, do not wait for me to say yes. Just call the ambulance before my levels drop and I actually donā€™t survive the next time. My mom said OK. So I have that safety plan in place but yeah.
I know my mother and I have had some hard times, especially over my aunt who my motherfucking told that I was in the hospital when I asked her not to and Iā€™m pissed off about that but considering my mother saved my life I decided not to bitch her out for it. Itā€™s not like she ever listens to that anyway, she told my aunt everything so now my aunt fucking know so Iā€™m just waiting for that time bomb to hit. But since my mother cleaned me up and continue to do so in the hospital, what kind of person would I be to yell at her for that right now? I donā€™t want to be like my aunt or my mother in some respects. Iā€™m upset that she told my aunt but yeah, she cleaned me up and got me to the hospital. Iā€™m going to let this one go.
like I said, I am so fucking fuzzy on everything that happened from Wednesday the 27th to about Sunday morning. Iā€™m talking to my mother tonight to see if I can please so until then, this is my little helper today. I am most hit the dust again. fucking shocker. Hopefully they can find the bleed before it starts bleeding again but at least if it does, I know the symptoms and I can get to the hospital a lot sooner. That way I donā€™t need six fucking blood transfusions and a miracle like I did this time and apparently Godā€¦ For once.
so how was your Thanksgiving? mine was eventful.
Turning onto noā€¦ That was the scariest week of my life. I honestly felt myself end it was you moments I do recollect screaming in pain and not being able to breathe my last moment from home, and then coming around in the hospital still not been able to breatheā€¦ I thought myself floating away. I was terrified. I remember trying to talk and just being able to grunt and moan and stare down and justā€¦ OK I just burst into tears thinking about it so Iā€™m just going to end this for now lol. Iā€™ll post more when I clear up my memories better. Thatā€™s just it for now. I need a break.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
I need air
I wonder if all the guilt I have about Carly dying has anything to do with the cardiac issues Iā€™ve been having. if it does, itā€™s well deserved because I should have taken him to the vet instead of letting him suffer like that. I shouldnā€™t have been afraid that he would have a heart attack himself out of fear if he even left my room, let alone the house and entered a veterinary clinic. I should not have let that stop me from taking him, and I did. Thatā€™s not the only reason I didnā€™t take him. I cannot shake this feeling that I let him suffer and die when he didnā€™t need to and Iā€™m wondering if the mental is having an effect on the physical. Me stressing out about this constantly for months on end now, not only has kept my blood pressure up but could have weekend my heart muscle on top of it. My symptoms didnā€™t start until a month after he died and they have gotten a lot worse in the last month. I cannot help but wonder if my guilt is literally killing me. if it is, I definitely deserve it for letting my baby die like that. Maybe this is my punishment for what I have done. I canā€™t breathe but I canā€™t sleep either so Iā€™m pushing through it to write this. Iā€™m tired of having it locked up in my head. Maybe I canā€™t breathe and Iā€™m having cardiac issues because of all of this. This guilt will not ease or let up, and I donā€™t want it to because itā€™s the least that I deserve after what I have done to him. he was the only creature and living being that cared about me and loved me. If I had a loving family, I probably wouldnā€™t have focused everything I have on him and I wouldnā€™t have needed him the way I did. I still would have loved him just as much, but it wouldnā€™t have been such a needy love the way it was. He was just a cat but even four months after he dies, I still canā€™t get over it. Itā€™s embarrassing but I canā€™t help it. iā€™m honestly wondering if my cardiac issues are because I lost him the way I did.
I canā€™t breathe but all I want to do is keep talking and I just canā€™t. My chest is forcing me to stop. I overdid it already but I needed to let this out. I donā€™t know what to do about anything anymore.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
here we go again
Itā€™s been since June 18 since Carly died, and I still canā€™t stop thinking about how I let him suffer by not taking him to the vet and trusting him strong enough to go. Itā€™s been months and all I have done the last three days in a row is cry myself to sleep and dwell on how bad he mustā€™ve felt and how much she needed help, and how I didnā€™t get him the help he deserved. Because I was afraid he would get scared and have a heart attack so I just let him suffer. I keep thinking of all the instances where he was clearly uncomfortable and confused, maybe even in pain or scared and I could have stopped it had I taken him to the vet and I didnā€™t. I made the wrong choice and he died. Probably painfully. Donā€™t know why itā€™s weighing on my mind so heavy these last three days. I feel like a terrible person. I made the wrong choice. I am so ashamed. He was always there for me and I wasnā€™t there for him. He may have just been a cat but he was all I had especially since my family just hates me. I own him everything and I gave him nothing in the end and I will never, ever, Ever, EVER forgive myself for that, I deserve the forgiveness. After what he went through the last month of his life, the least I can do is feel awful and blame myself for what Iā€™ve done. I deserve it. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m dwelling on it again. The pain started to let up and I started thinking less about what happened, but it just came roaring back and Iā€™m crying so hard right now I canā€™t breathe because Iā€™m thinking of my daily suffering and needing me to help him and I did nothing. After he save my life how many times?
Itā€™s been months. This guilt will never go away and I know itā€™s because he was all I had. And this is how I treated the thing that meant the most in the world to me and loved me unconditionally even my family use me as a punching bag. I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself. I am no better than my aunt. I treated him like she treated me. Maybe thatā€™s why am growing on it. She and I have gotten into it a few times and I didnā€™t have Carly to go back to after she hurt me. Or maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m having trouble with my heart now and I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong and itā€™s scaring me. Either way, Iā€™m back to blaming myself for his death and I feel just awful for it. I made all the wrong decisions. What is wrong with me? Why did I make all the wrong decisions and why am I still harping on it so badly months later, that months later Iā€™m still crying myself to sleep and hating myself. I cannot turn my mind off. I feel like Iā€™m about to have a nervous break down for more than one reason, a carly and what happened with him is a major part of it because I feel so guilty even now. I feel so guilty that Iā€™m more upset about this bill then I am over other stuff that I honestly should be more worried about, like whatā€™s wrong with my heart. But I canā€™t think of that right now. Iā€™m too busy going over in my head all the ways he suffered and all the ways I didnā€™t help. If something is really wrong with my heart, I deserve i. Iā€™d let down and killed the only thing that loved me unconditionally and deserved my help the most. I am a terrible person and I feel so embarrassed even talking about it because Iā€™m a grown fucking woman and here I am crying over a cat. But he was my lifeline and it was because my family hated me. I felt so unloved. I know he was just the cat but with everybody hate you, even the tiniest bit of love, even from an animal, consume your life. He stopped me from going over the edge so many times and I let him down the one time he needed me. God why canā€™t I get over this? why did I even do what I did in the first place? why am I an adult crying over a cat all these months later? What am I doing? Iā€™m just breaking and I donā€™t know how to make it stop. And I donā€™t want it to stop because I feel like I deserve it. What have I done?
Iā€™m so sorry, Carly. not that it matters.
Too little, too late.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
My mother once again refused to take her seizure medication and sheā€™s having another seizure and when that happens, she gets so angry and violent and all she tries to do was hurt me mentally and physically yesterday was the nine year anniversary of me having my eyesight stolen from me because of her and she knows how hard this time period is on me, especially without Carly, but she doesnā€™t care. I have not eaten in two days because I was not allowed out of my room without getting attacked. She stole my blood pressure medication because sheā€™s mad at me and blames me for her life being ruined and she wonā€™t tell me where it is. my blood pressure is 204/1 635b and my pulse is 160. The normal is 120/80 and the pulse is 80. my only choice is to go downstairs and take what comes and try to find my meds but I donā€™t think itā€™ll work and honestly, I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to even try. I canā€™t do this right now. I feel like Iā€™m gonna have a heart attack or stroke and leaving my room will just make that worse. she fucking knows how hard this time of year is on me and every year she either gets drunk or just treats me like shit and I could not bear it this year. I donā€™t have anyone here to love me anymore. Iā€™m all alone. Not being able to leave my room was bearable as long as I had him. my mother just fucking hates me and she wants me to know it and I canā€™t do this anymore. All I can do is sit here and pray my blood pressure goes down because Iā€™m not leaving this room to look for my meds because I donā€™t want to get attacked again. I canā€™t take it physically or mentally. My chest hurts so bad and Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll have a heart attack if I go near her. I donā€™t want to give her that because I know itā€™s what she wants because she out right told me that months ago. I have her on tape saying that if I had a heart attack and died in the middle the night she would be happy. Iā€™m just trying to get through these next few days and now that I donā€™t have my meds I honestly donā€™t know. This just isnā€™t worth it. I feel like Iā€™m going to have a heart attack or stroke. So if something happens tonight, I love you. I donā€™t think it well but I want to be prepared because I canā€™t take my meds and I canā€™t come down and I canā€™t do the stress anymore. My body just doesnā€™t have it in me anymore. I donā€™t know why my mother does this or why she hates me. I honestly donā€™t want anything to happen tonight because I donā€™t want to fucking give that bitch what she wants. The only feeling I have left for my mothers hatred. But thatā€™s only because she hates me. I tried to take care of her and in return this is what happens. I have to stop talking my chest is killing me. I donā€™t know what to do. I love you. I donā€™t want to scare anyone with this entry Iā€™m just so afraid somethings going to happen tonight and I wonā€™t be able to say I love you again. My chest really hurts and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it. I canā€™t call 911 because it will get my mother arrested and if that happens we lose the apartment. Sheā€™s already taken so much for me Iā€™m not letting her take The apartment too. Iā€™m not going to a homeless shelter because of her so I canā€™t even call 911 for my chest pain. Why does she do this? Why would she take her meds? Why does she hate me and why does she do this when she knows Iā€™m having such a hard time? I canā€™t breathe anymore. I love you no matter what happens tonight. I just wish you would leave me alone and give me a break and not hurt me like this. Iā€™m so alone. I donā€™t want to die alone. Iā€™m so lone. Why did you do this to me?
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
away away
just woke myself up from a nightmare by screaming in my sleep to the point where I was actually screaming in real life. The nightmares keep getting worse. this is in the first time I scream to myself awake and the neighbors actually complained, but I canā€™t help it. I keep having nightmares about Carly and letting him down and just letting them die while he clearly needed help and was asking me for help, yet I did nothing. I wake up crying hysterically because I keep picturing him laying there asking me for help and I just walk away to leave him to die, alone and wondering what he did to deserve it. My precious little boy, and this is how his life ended because I made the wrong fucking decision. I donā€™t know how to get over that. I feel like a murderer and a terrible person and it is haunting me in my sleep to the point where I screw myself awake. I feel so, so guilty. I canā€™t get away from the guilt even in my sleep. Oh my God, what have I done? This is all my fault. What have I done? Iā€™m so sorry, Carly. Iā€™m so sorry.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
please read this before you listen to the clip. It probably wonā€™t make sense out of context. The clip is only a minute long or so but for some reason my explanation of it is 60 pages lol. I donā€™t know. Iā€™m sorry. Itā€™s been a bad day. Youā€™re about to reply.
The video/audio clip starts out with the Fossett running. You can hear that clearly. Then you hear my mother saying something muffled from the other room, and which she is saying is ā€œare you messing with those cats again?ā€œ And I went ā€œwhat? I canā€™t hear you.ā€œ And I turned the Fossett off and walked into the room where she was and asked her again. From that point on you can hear the conversation perfectly. you hear me say ā€œI donā€™t know what your fucking problem is but donā€™t start on me tonightā€œbecause she had just spent the last half hour yelling at me for all the things I listed above and calling me names and I just couldnā€™t take it anymore. I was down there giving the cats water and thinking about my precious Carly and missing him so badly when she just started yelling from the other room about playing in the sink with the cats and messing with the cats, I donā€™t even fucking know what it was in her head. I have no idea what she thought I was doing and what ā€œmessing around with the cats in the sinkā€ meant but I had just fucking had it. I hit my limit. I was standing there thinking of Carly and missing Carly and my drunk mother start around me for no reason. My drunk mother accused a 33-year-old grown woman a plane in the sink with cats. That sentence has about 40 absurdities in it. didnā€™t you hear her say about me having the sink on for ā€œthat whole timeā€œ as if there was a fucking limit on how much I could use the sinkā€¦ I just couldnā€™t take it. After 30 minutes of name-calling and abuse, followed by that time limit thatā€™s apparently they are now, I just busted out with ā€œI donā€™t know what your fucking problem is but donā€™t start on me tonight.ā€œ I just couldnā€™t take it anymore, mainly because I knew Carly would not be waiting for me in my room when I got back up there. I knew that unconditional love that was there to comfort me alwaysā€¦ That was gone now. So I was going from being downstairs with someone who is trying to hurt me, my own mother, to going upstairs and being completely alone when at least I used to have Carly. And I had that in my head when I started yelling back. A person can only take so much and I have been drowning in grief and guilt lately, I just cannot take dealing with abuse anymore. I donā€™t know why sheā€™s doing this. But I never know why she does this.
The recording is only a few seconds long because after I told her not to start on me, I burst into tears and ran upstairs just to get away from her and honestly, I donā€™t want anyone to hear that. Itā€™s embarrassing enough to put this out there, it would be twice as embarrassing for everyone to hear me crying and running up the steps to get away from my abusive mother. I just wanted to make a Quick clip so people would know what I was going through, even now in my time of need they donā€™t let up. And I just want to put them on blast for that even if it makes me look bad for being 33 years old and allowing my family to abuse me. Iā€™m just tired of them abusing me in the shadows. If theyā€™re going to abuse me I want everyone to see and hear. So even though this clip is embarrassing enough as it is, I feel itā€™s necessary in order to show my home life and what Iā€™m dealing with, even when I need it the least and I need support the most. Even when I need support the most I donā€™t get it. I get this. I get yelled at for turning on the sink.
this is one of the reasons why I havenā€™t replied or read any messages. I spent all my time dealing with my grief and my guilt over Carly and what I have left I have to waste my breath on with my mother. My mother picks fights with me and that leaves me out of breath and then I canā€™t write a text message or reply or update anything. You have no idea how hard tonight has been and how much Iā€™ve had to force myself to write the century. Itā€™s taking hours.
I just donā€™t want to let this go unnoticed anymore. I want people to hear all the ways they start fights with me and for nothing. No reason. I just wish I had taped the phone conversation where she was calling me all those names but if you go to mine vineo Account, thereā€™s a lot of videos up there where you hear my mother doing exactly that. Thereā€™s a ton of videos up there of my mother telling me things like she would be happy if I had a heart attack and died, or that I deserved to be beaten when I was three years old by my aunt. thereā€™s videos up there of her saying itā€™s nice of my cousins to tell me Iā€™m a humpback monster and theyā€™re in barest to be seen with me because at least theyā€™re telling me the truth and thatā€™s a good thing. Iā€™m not joking. My mother said all of those things, I recorded them, and I uploaded them to my account so I donā€™t feel that bad about not recording the phone call tonight because I already have all that other shit up there to prove it.
whatever, it doesnā€™t matter. I donā€™t care anymore. I really donā€™t.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
I canā€™t talk much, I just wanted to give a small update. Although thereā€™s nothing really new going on. Iā€™ve been trying very hard to deal with the guilt of Carly dying. I honestly feel like I could have done more and I let him down and I let him suffer. The guilt has been so bad that my blood pressure is sky rocketed End it will not come down. And when it gets really high, it affects my functions. I canā€™t speak or use my hands and considering my blood pressure has been in the 200s/150s When the normal is /80s, Itā€™s dangerously high and my hospice nurse thinks Iā€™m going to have a stroke if it stays up there. Medicine wonā€™t lower it and he said itā€™s because if Iā€™m stressing myself out, the medicine wonā€™t work and Iā€™m counteracting it. But I canā€™t help it. I feel so bad. If I had just forced Carly to go to the vet instead of being so afraid he would have a heart attack out of fear, he would probably still be here. He couldnā€™t go to the doctor on his own, he trusted me to take care of him and I let him down and now heā€™s gone and I canā€™t make it up to him. All I have done is cry and it is taking a toll on my physical health but it isnā€™t something I can control. I feel so guilty. Even my mother has been nothing but nice to me. My mother. My mother has done nothing but tell me it wasnā€™t my fault and I need to get out of my head and stop second-guessing myself. The woman who makes life miserable for me, the one that made it so Carly couldnā€™t have a mobile vet come and put him to sleep the previous Friday because she had a seizure because she refused to take her medicine, that woman has been nothing but nice. That tells me she must really be afraid of what Iā€™m doing to myself in order to make my blood pressure skyrocket like that and stay up that hard for so long. But again, I canā€™t help it. All I think about is how I made the wrong choice and he paid the price for it and I am just so broken. I keep trying to go into details but it gets too much and I just have to stop. I want to keep going into detail about why I feel so bad, itā€™s not grief itā€™s guilt, but I can never make it through an update without bursting into tears. I just wanted to make And update because I have it updated for like six days and I didnā€™t want anyone to think something had happened to me. Iā€™m still here. I just donā€™t know what to do with myself. I canā€™t believe how stupid I was. I made the wrong choice and because of that, a living creature died. One that I loved like my own child. Dealing with this guilt is taking a toll on my health and I want to stop but I just donā€™t think I can. If you feel guilty you feel guilty. Nothing will take that away so I have to keep dealing. Iā€™ll make an update next week sometime that goes into detail about every little thing and posted on my blog but for right now Iā€™m just going to have to try to get through the weekend. I love you and Iā€™m sorry I havenā€™t responded to any text messages. Itā€™s so hard to even breathe let alone speak. Itā€™s taken over six hours total to write this. I have to keep starting and stopping. Iā€™m so sorry.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
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This is the lowest my blood pressure has been the last week, with all the stress Iā€™ve been under. A normal blood pressure reading is 120/80. so clearly, I am in stroke territory right now with how high it is and how long it stays there.
Iā€™m just so stressed out about Carly, mainly because my mother is giving me no support whatsoever and I just hung up the phone with her where she was yelling at me about how much money sheā€™s been spending on Carlyā€™s food. Again. She knows this is our last night together and sheā€™s trying to guilt trip me about how much money she spending on keeping a carly fed so he doesnā€™t starve to death. And obviously her mental torment is making me have a physical reaction to the point where my blood pressure has skyrocketed from the stress. iā€™m about to lose the most important thing in my life and this is artist thing Iā€™ve ever had to do and not only is my mother not supporting me, sheā€™s going out of her way to make it worse. But Iā€™m not getting into all the details tonight because Iā€™m not gonna waste time talking about my fucking family when I could be spending time with my beloved Carly.
he is the only thing that matters right now.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
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lol, we have a tornado warning and instead of calling me to warn me and make sure Iā€™m aware, and Iā€™m safe, my mother calls my aunt to make sure she and my cousins are aware first even though they arenā€™t in the path of it. She was on the phone with them for over 20 minutes and after she hung up, not only did she not call me second, she didnā€™t call me at all. I was standing out in the hallway listening to the whole conversation. She kept going on and on about how worried she was for them and she wanted them to stay safe and she did not give a fuck about me at all. She was watching TV at the same time and it was on a local station where they were breaking in with the tornado warning and she kept saying ā€œoh God it looks really bad, It might hit us over here at the apartment complex.ā€œ and not one time did she mention my name or even think to let me know so I would have a good chance of survival. She just stayed on the phone with her beloved sister and nieces and nephews and even after she hung up, she didnā€™t even call me or come up to get me. She didnā€™t care at all. At all. It broke my heart but I donā€™t know why I keep letting this shit surprise me.
at least it wasnā€™t like the conversation she had with my aunt yesterday where she called her and told her I was being my usual self, a.k.a. horrible person and I kept attacking her and yelling at her and saying things to her like I couldnā€™t believe how stupid she was and I donā€™t think she can do anything right. The only problem with her saying those things to my aunt is the fact that her and I didnā€™t even talk that day. Iā€™ve been avoiding her because of how cruel sheā€™s been about Carly. Thatā€™s another story. So I did not talk to her at all yesterday but yet sheā€™s calling my aunt and lying to her to make me look bad so my aunt will abuse me the next time she sees me.
And yetā€¦ Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t warn me about the tornado morning?
I still havenā€™t been able to get Carly to the vet because he just wonā€™t stop freaking out if I take him out of the room and I donā€™t want to have a heart attack. But he wonā€™t eat at all anymore, heā€™s just drinking wet cat food. Like gravy and things like that. So I told Mom to keep buying wet cat food because thatā€™s all heā€™s eating and I donā€™t want him to waste away and starve to death. Her response? She canā€™t keep buying him that kind of food because of money reasons, money reasons that I know arenā€™t true. we might not be rolling in money but sheā€™s acting like we donā€™t have a dime to our name and she keeps exaggerating about how much the bills are to make it look that way. Little does she know that I also get an email for about 80% of the bills the same way she does so I know how much it actually costs. Like she said the electric bill was $400 this month when it was only $202. Not only did I check the email but I I called the electric company and they confirmed it. Sheā€™s fucking lying about that so she wouldnā€™t have to buy Carly food. Then she turned around and said she has no food her self because sheā€™s buying him all this food. Again, another lie. The refrigerator and all the cupboards downstairs are covered in food that she bought for herself. And when she said that to me a few days back, I got angry and went down there and threw open the refrigerator and the cupboards and said ā€œyou have no food? Whatā€™s all this?ā€œ and she started stuttering and saying itā€™s not real food, itā€™s barely ingredients to make actual food but she doesnā€™t have any actual food. I didnā€™t argue with her because I donā€™t even know what the fuck that means, but I know itā€™s a lie because I checked the labels. Are used the zoom on my phone and it took over an hour to check like 20% of whatā€™s down there and I gave myself a massive headache, but I looked and it is not ingredients. Itā€™s real food. Again, whatever the fuck that means. But now sheā€™s trying to say that either she eats or Carly eats, but it canā€™t be both and thatā€™s absolute bullshit.
I told her as much because I will sit here and suffer if it comes to me but I will not let Carly suffer if he doesnā€™t have to. No way. Then she told me that either she buys Carly food or she buys me food but she canā€™t buy both. So now sheā€™s telling me itā€™s either me or Carly and I picked Carly even though I know sheā€™s full of shit. Iā€™m blind, thereā€™s nothing I can do. I canā€™t drive to the store myself and she has my Social Security card with all my money on it and she wonā€™t give it to me. Iā€™m at her mercy. So this is day three without me eating. I carly is more important and I hate playing her fucking game but she knows I have no choice. Sheā€™s using a carly against me to hurt me.
by the way, I donā€™t eat that much. Because of my stomach problems I only eat once a day. Itā€™s been that way for many many years. And about seven times out of 10, itā€™s just a bowl of cereal. Just one bowl. A box of cereal lasts me a week and a half. And sheā€™s telling me thatā€™s too much money to spend to feed me. A gallon of milk every two days and a box of cereal once a week, thatā€™s all Iā€™m eating and thatā€™s too much to pay. She gets paid. I get paid Social Security income. And we both get food stamps. But yet, she canā€™t afford to buy me a box of cereal and some milk. Right. Sheā€™s doing that to punish me. What else is new? just fucking imagine how hard it wouldā€™ve been on me had I been a normal person that eats three square meals a day. Like, threefull square meals. I only eat once a day and itā€™s a bowl of cereal so I really donā€™t see how thatā€™s even a square meal. But yet, too much. She either buys Carly cat food or she buys me food. Thatā€™s the choice Iā€™ve been given so now Iā€™ve been scrounging around in my room trying to find snacks like old saltines or leftover cereal somewhere so I can eat. But Carly is more important. he needs that food more than I do.
Oh, and I got it all on tape, too. I recorded all of that. I Recorder her screaming at me because I love Carly and yes she said exactly that. I should not care that much about that cat. I care more about that cat than her. I have her on tape parading me for a half hour and calling me names simply because I want my 16-year-old cat to live. I will upload that sometime in the beginning of next week. I donā€™t have it in me this weekend. And I canā€™t even say why exactly because I know if somebody sees this and turns her in, she will definitely get arrested for it. She out right committed a crime and I canā€™t say shit about it because if I turn her in and she gets arrested, I end up in a homeless shelter or a group home because I have nowhere to go. And I wouldnā€™t even be able to take Carly, he would have to be put down and thatā€™s exactly what I have been trying to keep from happening this month. So if she goes to jail, it will actually hurt me more than her. Until I have another place to go, Iā€™m stuck and she knows it.
look how my family treats me and abuses me. How much they hate me. And people wonder why am so attached to Carly. For 16 years heā€™s been the only family member to show me any love back. For 16 years heā€™s dried my tears. For 16 years the heart that he has that speeding inside him right now is the only heart that has ever beaten for me and loved me. Heā€™s never abused me or made me feel hated. He may just be a cat but he is the only Family member who cares. At all. I donā€™t want to lose that because if he goes, I will be completely and totally alone. He is the only reason I have hung on this long because I always knew at least I had him. There is at least one other living being here that loved me and wanted me. Once thatā€™s gone, I donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to do.
thatā€™s a lie. Thatā€™s a complete lie. Iā€™m sorry. I know exactly what Iā€™m going to do once thatā€™s gone, which is why I want him to stick around because once heā€™s goneā€¦ We are both gone. I canā€™t do this alone. I need SOMEBODY with me, otherwise the loneliness will be too much to bear. I am trying so hard to keep him going but my mother is doing everything she can to not only let him die but let him die painfully and I will not allow that. The day she stops buying food for Carly is the day I do turn her in because then Carly and I have nothing else to lose so she doesnā€™t know it but sheā€™s playing with fire.
and Iā€™m not going to give her a heads up about that because she wonā€™t even give me a heads up about a tornado warning. Sirens are going off now, by the way. And Iā€™m on the second floor and she still hasnā€™t notified me yet. She does not care about me at all. Sheā€™s just down there right now talking to her beloved sister, a.k.a. her real daughter. And Iā€™m honestly wondering if the reason she isnā€™t warning me is because she wants me to die. Then sheā€™ll be free of me burdening her. I try to tell myself not to be that dramatic butā€¦ Why isnā€™t she warning me? If I go downstairs right now I bet anything sheā€™s hiding in a closet like she was the last time. And she just left me up here to take what comes. It honestly feels like sheā€™s doing it on purpose end it breaks my heart. this is why I need Carly. This is why. Without him, this is all I have and I am not strong enough to take that all by myself.
oh, and earlier today I was downstairs when I heard on the TV about the shooting in Virginia. I ran to my phone to Google how far away Virginia Beach was to where Christina lives so I could see if she had been at risk, and my mother asked what I was doing. And I told her I was worried about my friend because she lives in Virginia and AGAIN she made it about her. ā€œYou care more about your friend than you do your own mother. Just like that cat.ā€œ
and all I fucking did was trying to check to see if Christina was OK. I tried to see if my friend got shot and my mother took that as an insult to her. She is the most immature, selfish self absorbed person I have ever met and known about. Well, next to my aunt obviously. They are both straddling that little wine. honestly, they are more self-absorbed than fucking Donald Trump. Thatā€™s bad.
sirens just got louder. Both Niles Ohio and Warren Ohio have their sirens blaring now. I can hear both because I live right on the city line. Right on it. To the point where some of the bills are from the city of Niles and some are from the city of Warren because of the way my address is. I am right in the middle of both cities so I can hear both cities sirens when they go off and now both of them are going off. And still, no phone calls. No coming up to get me. She still down there on the phone worried about her real family.
I cannot Lisa carly. I cannot do this life without him. I cannot take the way they hurt me and do it completely alone without any comfort from another living creature. If he dies, I die. I canā€™t do this alone. My family hates me so much. They just hate me so much and I donā€™t know why. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m completely innocent but nobody deserves what they do to me. Look at what Iā€™ve posted on my VINEO Account. Look at what I posted in past entries. For God sake, look at what I just posted in the century. There is nothing that anyone could do to deserve to be treated that way. No one deserves to be paraded because they were afraid their friend got shot inā€¦ Never mind it doesnā€™t matter. iā€™ve rambled on and on once again because I could not hold it in this time. Iā€™ve been holding it in for over two weeks and I just couldnā€™t do it again tonight. She left me up here to die. How the fuck am I supposed to hold that in? I am so alone and so hate it and I donā€™t know what to do. Right now my priority is Carly. He needs to go see a vet but he is too panicky to be taken anywhere. He needs a mobile vet but I canā€™t find any that are willing to come to my area. And he wonā€™t get better without a vet.How the fuck am I supposed to hold that in? I am so alone and so hate it and I donā€™t know what to do. Right now my priority is Carly. He needs to go see a vet but he is too panicky to be taken anywhere. He needs a mobile vet but I canā€™t find any that are willing to come to my area. And he wonā€™t get better without a vet. Itā€™s A vicious circle and I donā€™t know what to do to help him. I just need a break. Carly needs a break. We need to get away from here.
Where ever we go, we are going together. Itā€™s just a simple as that. Iā€™m not going to live like this all alone and by myself, and Iā€™m sure as hell not going to make a carly do the same. Whether we leave this apartment or just leave this earth all together, we are going together. What happen tonight just cemented my resolve in that.
The news just said a tornado has touchdown 3 miles west of here. Which means itā€™s coming this way. Whatever happens, Carly and I will face it together. Whether itā€™s the storm or my family, we will face it together just like we have the last 16 years.
iā€™m done talking for tonight. I have to keep my eye on the weather and monitor it with no distractions. I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s going to come down our street or anything, but if it does, I want to be prepared because Iā€™m not going downstairs. Iā€™m staying up here with him. But I need to focus.
iā€™m sorry for whining again. At the age of 33 years old, there is no excuse for any of this. Iā€™m sorry. I love you.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
audio proof
These videos are password-protected. The password for all of my videos is ā€œdaniā€œ without the quotation marks, of course. my first name is my password to all my protected Vimeo uploads.
on the phone with my mother, where she tells me itā€™s my fault I got abused at three years old, physically, by my aunt simply because I left the room: https://vimeo.com/300103444
my mother laughing at me because I got her, and then throwing her phone and hitting me right in the face because she was mad that my phone was broke and I needed her to make a phone call for me so I canā€™t find my medication because my pharmacy wouldnā€™t carry it anymore: https://vimeo.com/297641273
my mother making excuses for my family telling me Iā€™m too ugly and deformed to be seen with me in public because of my back. The conversation with my mother saying I would feel the same way with her when she has her seizures if we were out in public, but my mother has had seizures out in public before and I have never been embarrassed and shamed of her. Thatā€™s why I kept yelling ā€œitā€™s already happenedā€ because it has and I was never embarrassed. She then goes into my cousins were just being nice when they were telling me I was too ugly to be seen with because they were trying not to hurt my feelings in public. Yeah, I know thatā€™s why I kept yelling ā€œitā€™s already happenedā€œ because it has and I was never embarrassed. She then goes into my cousins were just being nice when they were telling me I was too ugly to be seen with because they were trying not to hurt my feelings in public. Yeah, I know. : .https://vimeo.com/297632955
my mother being nasty to me and making me cry over various things. Honestly, I donā€™t remember exactly what because itā€™s been so long since I uploaded it and I donā€™t have it inside me right now to listen to it and feel that pain all over again. The few seconds I listened to it to try to figure out what it was all I heard was her screaming at me and me crying for her to stop hating me and thatā€™s all I could take so I turned it off. I donā€™t want to hear it again.: https://vimeo.com/270006846
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
passing along informationā€¦
This is a text I sent to Monsie. Iā€™m posting it here to explain where I have been and why I havenā€™t responded back even though I have a new phone. Iā€™m having difficulty speaking which is why Iā€™m also just copy and paste it in here because I canā€™t go through it all over again. But considering the only people who have my blog or Monsie, Christina, and Justin, Iā€™m not sharing private thoughts with strangers who donā€™t know any of us. We all pass along the same information anyway lol. my text to Monsie:
I love you too. Iā€™m sorry it took so long to reply. My Chiari has gotten so much worse and there are days where I canā€™t even speak. Thank you for your condolences. itā€™s been so hard since my grandparents died because of my mother. She promised me she wouldnā€™t talk to my abusive aunt and my cousins anymore once they died because there would be no reason to and of course that was a lie and she didnā€™t keep her promise so I have to keep dealing with that now too. And when I say something about her breaking her promise she turns it around to make it seem like Iā€™m a terrible person for wanting to abandon my family and demand she do the same. Iā€™m being unfair even though my aunt mentally abuses me and my cousins bully me and say Iā€™m so Gross because of my back disorder that they donā€™t want to be seen in public with me. And itā€™s gotten worse now that Iā€™m losing the ability to speak. Todayā€™s the first day Iā€™ve been able to speak in a week and a half. I donā€™t know what it would take for my mother to love me enough to put me first before them. My hospice nurse even told her it wouldnā€™t be that much longer for me and she wonā€™t even get them out of my life so I can die in peace. Whenever that will be. I just got screamed out all day for being heartless and being angry that my mother was on the phone with them today when my aunt and cousins were here yesterday hurting me. And since I canā€™t speak to fight back half of the time I donā€™t know how much more I can take. Itā€™s taken almost 8 months just to get this phone and now that I have it it might be too late because of how Iā€™m losing my ability to speak.
my mother seizures have gotten a lot worse as well. I have to take care of her even when I canā€™t speak or lift my head. When I call my aunt or cousins for help they hang up on me. So I have to do what I can and I think the stress is whatā€™s making it so much harder to speak because stress aggravates the symptoms. if I havenā€™t been so stressed out lately because of them, I probably wouldā€™ve been able to text you and Christina when you first texted me back a few weeks ago. But these are the people my mother would rather have in her life than me and I donā€™t know what to do with that. It hurts. Iā€™m terrified of the day I lose control where I canā€™t use my arms and legs and I canā€™t get away from them. Iā€™m terrified the abuse will turn physical once that happens but my mother just doesnā€™t care end it breaks my heart because your mother is the person who is supposed to protect you above anyone else and not only will she not do that, she goes out of her way to put me in the way of an abusive family. and what makes it worse is how she treats me when I beg her to make them leave or go away or write them off because Iā€™m tired of being hurt by them. They come into our house and abuse me and thatā€™s OK but if I ask them to stop coming or ask my mother to stop talking to them, Iā€™m a terrible person and I get called a bully for ā€œforcing her to write off family members.ā€œ iā€™m just scared the abuse will turn physical again when I canā€™t protect myself.
Iā€™m so sorry it took so long to respond to you and Iā€™m so sorry for whining and complaining about them again. The only reason Iā€™m doing it is because I want you to know I wasnā€™t ignoring you or your texts. The reason I havenā€™t texted back is because the stress has been so, so great it has rendered me unable to speak for the last three weeks or so. I promise I wasnā€™t ignoring you. I was just dealing with my family and trying to take care of my mother seizures because whenever I ask my abusive aunt or cousins for help, they hang up on me so I have to take care of my mother myself but my mother refuses to return the favor. I actually put a lot of conversations I recorded of me and my mother up on my vineo Account so people could hear her say things to me, like how I deserve to get beat when I was three when my aunt almost broke my arm. I just wanted people to know what I was dealing with so they knew why I was so stressed out I couldnā€™t speak. So they knew when I said my family hates me and stresses me out, I wasnā€™t lying. The only reason my phone got fixed is because my mother wanted me to record my grandfatherā€™s funeral. She didnā€™t fix the phone for me, she did it for herself otherwise I wouldnā€™t even have a phone right now. it had nothing to do with trying to help me. These last few months without you have been really rough. I put links to all those videos on my Tumblr/blog so I could document that the abuse was real. Itā€™s just been a really tough time but you texting me again means everything to me. I have health updates that I need to talk about but I donā€™t have it in me tonight, especially after all the whining I already just did to you. Iā€™m so sorry for that. I just wanted you to know why I didnā€™t text back right away. All the stress I am under is causing my body to shut down and my speech to deteriorate. I donā€™t even have it in me to check and make sure Siri didnā€™t fuck anything up in this note. Iā€™m sure she did.
I love you so much. Thank you and Christina for literally being the only light in my life right now. you have been the whole time I havenā€™t had a phone. The thoughts of you is what kept me going. All those videos on my Tumblr that I posted? Of all the abuse? If I didnā€™t have thoughts of you in my head, I wouldā€™ve ended it along time ago. thank you so much for being my guardian angel and never giving up on me. Please tell me how youā€™re doing and how your health is and if thereā€™s anything I can do to take care of you or make you smile and make you laugh or anything. You have done so much for me so please let me do something for you if I can. I love you so much. So much. you guys are my priority. I havenā€™t been able to talk in weeks and the first chance I get, the first thing I do is text you. You were on my mind 24/7. I love you so much and again, Iā€™m so sorry for all the whining. I know it gets exhausting. You are such a good friend and I am so blessed to have you in my life, little, Let alone have the honor of calling you a friend and having you call me a friend back. You are so special and I love you so much.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
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My papa has been Dead less than four hours and my mother has already started her rampage against me. I knew she would start taking her grief or whatever the hell it is out on me, I was just hoping to avoid it tonight. No such luck.
I love you guys so much but thereā€™s only so much one person can take. I have no grandparents left and the one family member who never hurt me just died. I asked if there was going to be an autopsy so we knew what happened and I literally got my head torn off, got called names and yelled and screamed out. Iā€™m locked in my room at the age of 32 years Old
I should have known better than to go to my mother for comfort. Thatā€™s my own fault for doing it. Iā€™m just so upset I didnā€™t know what to do with myself and I just made everything so much worse. I just wanted a hug. I just wanted my papa and I didnā€™t know what to do with myself so I was hoping for one night, just maybe my mother would act like my mother. But I should have known better and that honestly was my own fault for going down there in the first place expecting comfort when I know how much the rest of my family hates me and uses me as a punching bag. I didnā€™t meet my father until I was 24 years old. My grandfather raised me so itā€™s like I lost my dad not my grandpa. It hurts so bad. You have no idea how much I mean SC right now. Matt, Kim, and especially Resa. I miss everyone so much. I am so appreciative of A Monsie and A Christina and A Justin sticking by me no matter what, but honestly it breaks my heart that it seems so easy that the rest of sc just seemed to have no problem letting me go, as if I wasnā€™t worth being friends with in the first place. Especially during times like this. But I already whined about this before and everyone has moved on without me and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it. But for some reason itā€™s just a fact that is always in the back of my mind every day because of how much I loved them. never mind. Iā€™ve said this all before. Iā€™m just so lonely and I just want my papa. He was the only one who loved me in this family and thatā€™s probably why SC is on my mind so much tonight. As long as I have power, I didnā€™t tell her if my family hated me because at least I meant something to someone and I donā€™t have that anymore.
now that my papa is gone, there is officially nobody in the family who gives a damn about me. There is only so much one person can take and I would give anything to have gone with my papa tonight.. at least then he wouldnā€™t have died alone and I would finally be free of all this pain that I know is a bout to get so much worse over the next few weeks because itā€™s already starting. I donā€™t mean a fucking thing to anyone and I honestly wonder if I ever did. if I meant something it wouldnā€™t have been so easy to just move on without me and once again here I go with that bullshit whining. Iā€™m sorry. I just want this to be over with. Thereā€™s literally nothing left for me now that he and most of my friends are gone.
Iā€™m going to stop talking now because this entry I just wrote? 63 times I had to stop and correct what Siri fucked up. Yeah, I counted. Itā€™s infuriating and Iā€™m already on the edge. I just wish my papa took me with him. Iā€™m so tired of being told Iā€™m worthless every night and I havenā€™t even mentioned what has been going on the last two days alone. My mother beat the crap out of me with her purse while she was having a seizure and I was trying to take care of her. Itā€™s not just mental anymore, itā€™s physical.
I do have my uncle Billy but my mother will not let me see him. Sheā€™s mad at him because he left the family after the way my grandmother and my aunt treated him and his wife and his kids. My mother holds that against him but yet makes excuses for my aunt physically abusing me when I was three years old, and it Turning on emotional and a purple abuse after that. Itā€™s wrong for my uncle to protect his family and that makes him a bad person and my motherā€™s head, but my aunt physically beating me to the point where she almost broke my arm is just no big deal.
I called my uncle for support and my mother heard and just attacked me and took it as a betrayal. But my aunt trying to put me in a homeless shelter and doing everything she did, itā€™s perfectly acceptable for her to stay in our lives. But Iā€™m not allowed to talk to my uncle and I just got screamed out for 20 minutes because of it.
I literally have nowhere to go and thereā€™s only so much one person can take. I have nobody. I just called my uncle out of Greece and now Iā€™m going to be paying for it for days. I am already on hospice anyway so whatā€™s the point if I go now or wait until my neurological disorder kills me sometime this year if I donā€™t get Americal? My friends didnā€™t want me. My family doesnā€™t want me. The only friends that did, I can barely get to, and the only family members that cared, One I am not allowed to talk to you and the other just died.
I just wanted some comfort. I couldnā€™t get it from my mother so I went to my uncle and now I probably wonā€™t even be able to leave my room for days as punishment. It hurts so much that my mother faults my uncle for doing so little but she absolutely loves the sister I would be absolutely ecstatic if I was dead and gone for good.
ā€¦ I just wanted to grieve. I am so fucking stupid for reaching out to my mother and then to my uncle. I think itā€™s just time. The loneliness is too much. The pain is too much. It would just be so much better for everyone and my family if I wasnā€™t here anymore, something that was actually said to me verbatim last year. iā€™ve been forgotten by one group of friends and Iā€™ve been hated my entire life by my family. I give up. I just fucking give up. I have no phone to even try to find support and the only way I got to my uncle Billy in the first place was through some sort of FaceTime app thing he sent me for my iPad because he knows Iā€™ve been without a phone for over six months. Thatā€™s how my mother found out I was talking to him. she heard me through my door and I had to talk loudly because like I said, Iā€™m stealing my neighbors Wi-Fi and itā€™s spotty at best so the program only works half the time and really isnā€™t worth it. I was just desperate and boy did that fucking backfire. iā€™m just really lucky that my mother isnā€™t tech savvy and didnā€™t put two and two together and realize I was online by stealing somebodyā€™s Wi-Fi. The only real way to get in contact with me is through my iPadā€˜s iCloud account, from the one I sent at Christmas time. Iā€™m true. Iā€™m trying so hard to hang on but my fingers are slipping. I canā€™t take the abuse, the loneliness and feelings of abandonment, and I canā€™t take these memories anymore. I just want to go. I hate sounding so emo and suicidal but I am so tired of crying myself to sleep. Thereā€™s a lot of other stuff going on too but I just canā€™t tonight. I still have my temporary dental bridge in from July 2017 because nobody will take me to the dentist. I look like a fucking hillbilly and I canā€™t even smile without extreme embarrassment and shame, But over the last few years I havenā€™t really had something to smile about so itā€™s not like it matters.
I miss my friends. I miss the old me. I hate and Iā€™m extremely hurt at how easy everyone has moved on without me as if I didnā€™t even matter. And I hate being hated by my family. Thereā€™s only so much I can take. and I am humiliated that I am 32 years old and I am allowing this to happen to me so I should share some of the blame and fishing as well.
And all this because my grandfather died and I just wanted a hug. I just wanted someone to hold me while I cried for my papa. I should have known it was too much to ask for. And now that heā€™s dead, my aunt is going to be in my life even more than ever because sheā€™s a lazy piece of shit and refuses to grow up and take care of herself. She makes everyone do it for her and everyone actually does so. She has six kids and has been arrested for welfare fraud. My grandfather was taking care of a 43-year-old woman with six kids and now that heā€™s dead my aunt is going to expect my mother to do so. And my mother will.
I just want to fucking go. I just want to be with my papa. Iā€™ve been trying to hang on because I wanted to have at least a resemblance of a life, at least some happiness before I die, but thatā€™s not going to happen because Iā€™m not allowed to go anywhere, I canā€™t get my teeth fixed, thereā€™s no way any man would want to be with me if you saw the way my teeth look worse all the way my back works. Nobody wants to be with an ugly woman who canā€™t even smile. I have like two T-shirts and two pairs of pants because I canā€™t go out shopping and I canā€™t meet anybody new because nobody will take me so clearly, that happiness Iā€™ve been holding out for is never going to come. And now I feel like total shit for making my grandfathers death all about me.
iā€™m so sorry for being a horrible friend and a horrible person. iā€™m so sorry.
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amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
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i'm sorry if anybody is worried about me.
I think the most disturbing thing about the century is that Iā€™m not even scratching the surface about what has been going on around here and what my family has been doing to me but I donā€™t have it in me to tell everything right now. Itā€™s going to have to wait until this headache passes.
Still don't have a phone. The abuse has gotten so much worse and I cannot get anyone to help me. My mother and my aunt have done nothing but torture me since my grandmother died and taking it out on me. I've spent the last three months locked away in my room, and I'm lucky if I eat once a day. They have turn the Internet off so I can't use my iPad to tell anybody or talk to anyone to tell them about this. The only reason I can update right now is because I waited for my mother to leave and I want and ask my neighbor for her Wi-Fi password. She was kind enough to let me use her Wi-Fi.
One of the reasons the abuse has gotten so much worse is because my grandmother completely destroyed her house and we didn't know it. We were trying to clean it up but we didn't have time and they gave us an evection notice and now we are being sued for the damages my grandmother left. They have been taking their frustration out on me. My medicine has been stolen over and over again and I can't tell my nurse because I'll get put into a group home with people who have mental illnesses and don't take their meds. there have been reports of people being attacked there and I'm blind and can't defend myself. I know I'm being abused here but it's the evil I know. At least hear there's no chance of me being sexually assaulted again like at the Cleveland clinic.
Today alone on my mother has done is scream at me and tell me I'm worthless and how much life for her would've been better if I had been born. How much she loves my aunt and my cousins more than me. How much easier it's going to be for everyone once I'm gone. I've spent all day in my room crying while they told me this and laughing. I would not let them in my room but that didn't stop them from doing it outside the door. They wanted me to hear. I have always known he hated me and considered me a burden but whenever they get stressed out they take it out on me. Now because of what my grandmother did to her house, we might get sued and obviously we don't have the money. So it's been taken out on me and for two months straight it's just been me at the age of 32 years old being locked in my room all day long. Some days I don't even go down to eat. It has gotten so much worse since my grandmother died and that's why I haven't said anything because I'm so tired of giving bad news and talking about how much my family hurts me.
even worse, my mother seizure condition has gotten worse so I have to listen to her tell me I'm worthless every day and then turn around and take care of her at night. So she doesn't throw up in her sleep or swallow her tongue. I'm barely getting any sleep and it's worse when I don't have my meds because they're being stolen and again, if I report them, I'll get put in a group home with people who could really, really hurt me. my mother has been screaming at me all day and I can tell she starting to have a seizure so I have another long night ahead of me of taking care of the person who told me recently that if I had a heart attack and died. She would be happy. I actually recorded a bunch of stuff my mother said to me, about how I deserve to be beaten when I was a little kid and I recorded her laughing at me when I fell and hurt myself and I uploaded it all to my vineo Account. I password-protected The videos because they are embarrassing and I didn't want anybody but my friends to hear it. The password for all of my password-protected videos is just my name: "dani" without the quotes.
to make matters worse, my health has been declining as well. As my brain sinks down into my spinal cord, I am now myself having seizures. It means I've entered the last stage of my condition. but I have to suffer through my seizures alone. No one will help me so I just collapse alone in my room and wake up whenever it's over by myself and if I say something I get called a liar and that I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I'm terrified one day soon I'm going to have a seizure and I'm not gonna wake up and I'm just going to be laying up you're dead for weeks because no one will check on me. It scares me the most for Carly because I don't want him to starve to death because nobody knows to feed or water him because I'm not allowed to do it. The doctor told me I had less than two years to live in June and I've spent the last seven months alone and dealing with this by myself and knowing the end is coming and my life has been completely wasted and I can't do anything about it now without making it worse on myself. I don't want to die in a homeless shelter or being assaulted in a group home, Which my social worker has said there have been reports of in every group home in this area.
I had to stop typing this because my mother came upstairs to pick a fight with me and told me she hates me and she loves my aunt and my cousins more and she doesn't care that they abused me. They are her family and I am not . I'm her worthless burden daughter who does nothing but disappoint her. And I'm going to have to take care of this woman all night to make sure she doesn't swallow her tongue or throw up in the middle of the night. I don't have my medicine. I won't be able to sleep and I haven't eaten today and I'm having my own seizures but I have to take care of my mother because if she doesn't have me she will die in her sleep and it will be all my fault and then that would make me no better than her. I am not my family. I may be a burden and yes, it would've been better if I wasn't born but I'm here now and I'm not going to do to them what they do to me every day. I even put up a video of my mother telling me I deserved to be beaten at the age of three years old because I left the room. It's on my vineo.
do you see why I haven't updated? Nobody should have to sit through my whining and crying about the same old thing again. About a 32-year-old woman who is being abused and letting it happen. I've been waiting six months for a new phone and now the Internet is gone so i've beensk for my neighbors Wi-Fi password and I am praying she doesn't tell my mother she gave that to me. I couldn't ask her not to say anything because that would've drawn too much attention to it and probably would've screwed me over even worse. so I have the Internet again nowā€¦ Kind of. It's really spotty. But it's better than nothing.
Another reason I didn't want to update is because I know that Monsie and Christina would ask me to move in with them. and I can't with my health declining so much. I cannot ask my friends to literally be my nurses aids. Especially now that I'm having seizures and I've entered stage four. It is going to be much worse later on if I don't want to spend the last few months I have being a burden on me only two people who care about me and don't abuse me. I refuse to do that I will slowly lose my functions and I am not going to be some unholy burden thatā€¦ I can't even say because it's so embarrassing. Let's just say the symptoms, near the end, we're going to make me lose control of every single one of my functions. if that wasn't the case I would leave in a second because I am getting just so fed up with life but I'm just having thoughts of ending it every day. Not because of the physical pain but because of the mental pain of being told I'm so unloved and worthless and a burden. The mental pain of knowing my life has been a waste and at the end I'm going to die unhappy and alone. Never experiencing love or life of any kind and Diane a complete failure of a human being. I have tried so hard to get away from these fucking people but I can't without hurting myself more. my grandfather is dying now too and I can't even see him. I have no family here because my mother has told every family member that I have left a bunch of lies about me so they think I'm a horrible person too. They don't know that I spend almost every night sitting by my mother's bedside making sure she doesn't die from her seizure, only to be told I'm worthless and hated all day the next day. The only reason I ran for my neighbors Wi-Fi today is because today it has been particularly hard and abusive and it's caused me to have two seizures today alone. I'm so tired of all of this and I'm just ready to die already because there's no point in staying. Last night at 6 AM after I was done with my mommy duty and watching her over her I just laid in bed and cried and raised my arms and screamed out please help me to a God I don't even believe in. yelling out to the ceiling for someone to hold me and tell me I'm not worthless I'm not a burden. To tell me I'm loved. To tell me not to be scared to die because I won't have to die alone and my life hasn't been a waste. But of course my pleas went
unheard. I am so tired of my mother choosing my aunt over me after all I have done for her and I would do anything to get away from her but I'm out of options, especially with no phone and now no Internet except for the spotty Wi-Fi.
So that's why I didn't update. I had no Internet but even if I did, what good would it have done? It's just the same thing every day. I am so alone and so broken and so scared and it's my own fault because of the age of 32 I shouldn't be allowing this to happen. I'm so ashamed of my family, and of myself. if I could find somewhere to go that would take my Medicaid and a doctor would treat me, and it wasn't a homeless shelter or group home and it wasn't where I would be a burden to my friends, I would go in a heartbeat. in a heartbeat. but I can't find a place like that. My aunt stole my great grandmothers rings when I was in the hospital and my mother knows it. It happened years ago but today she brought it up again and said she didn't want to hear me talk about her stealing it because she's sick of me picking on my aunt for little things. Stealing family keepsakes given to me by a family member that died when I was 12 that I deeply loved isn't very little but she said I was a bad person for bringing it up. My aunt isn't bad for stealing it but I'm a bad person for talking about her stealing it and it just got worse from there when she started talking about all the ways she cares more about my aunt than me even though my aunt treats her like shit as well and refuses to help her. Even though she knows I'm the one taking care of her all night long she still packs my aunt over me and all I heard about today is how I'm not part of the family and how everyone has always been sick of me.
Yeah, this whiny shameful update really needed to happen. It's just the same abusive shit that has just gotten so much worse since my grandmother died. I was hoping it would get better but I was completely wrong and completely stupid for even thinking that. Of course it got worse.
And again my mother is now outside the hall so I have to whisper. She's faking a phone call to somebody or she actually is talking to somebody and she's doing it loud enough for me to here so I can hear her telling them all these lies about things I said or did today that I never did or said just because she wants me to suffer because she stressed out and wants to take it out on me.
ā€¦ It's been 35 minutes since I wrote that last line. I just had another seizure. The stress is literally killing me faster and I don't know what to do. If I tell on them I go to a place that's extremely dangerous and a blind person cannot defend themselves like that. I'd rather be yelled that van raped or beaten, the way people have been in there Group houses that are my only option. I looked up news reports and police reports and they are just not safe so I have to put up with this.
if you can see this or read this, thank you for your friendship because it's the only thing that has kept me going even though I haven't talk to you in months. You are all I think about and you were the only reason I have ever felt loved in my life. without you I would be dying never knowing what love felt like at all so at least you gave me back and for that I am so grateful and I miss you so much. thank you for being my friends. I'm about to go to bed tonight feeling alone and hated by my family. Going to cry myself to sleep wondering why my mother loves my aunt more than me to the point where she's happy that my aunt abused me. It's going to break me and give me nightmares like it does every night. But every morning I wake up and think of you and I hold on and I would give anything to be with you right now if only I would be such a burden. You can try to text my iPad. Hopefully I will get it now that I have Wi-Fi but my phone is completely a no go. I miss you guys so much and I love you so much and I'm so fucking sorry for being a bad friend and for once again doing nothing but whine and complain. I don't deserve you but I'm so glad to have you anyway. I love you.
I love you.
this is the link to my Vimeo Page:
although I just noticed that I donā€™t think the password-protected videos are listed so I have to post each link one by one down here. Iā€™m not asking anyone to listen to all of them. Or even one of them. I just put them up here so I can document the way my mother treats me so people know Iā€™m not making it up or lying when I say my mothers abusive. The password to each video is the same one: dani
Deserved to be beaten
Mental and physical
when they abuse me, itā€™s to protect my feelings
nervous breakdown
0 notes
amaintainedrisk Ā· 5 years
just a ride on the wheel
https://www.wkbn.com/my-valley-tributes/cheryl-leslie-palmer-obituary/1569337914 i'm the oldest of the 15 grandchildren. I'm going to have to speak at her funeral on behalf of all the grandchildren so my mind is kind of buzzing right now. so much has gone on the last few days before she died, and every day sense. She suffered greatly in the last 24 hours of her life and she died because of a hospital mistake. I'm not kidding. If the hospital hadn't fucked up, she'd still be alive. But I can't get into details right now. Her services will be held on Thursday. I cannot update or go into details until after then because I'm so busy and I have things to do and the eulogy to write, and everything else that goes along with a funeral and the death of a loved one. I've had to step up and take care of both my mother and my abusive aunt because they have fallen apart and they can't handle this the way I can. I have been at deaths door so much that I see and handle death differently so I've been trying to take care of everything I possibly can so they don't have to do it. Even after all the flights, she was still my grandmother and I loved her very much and I'm going to miss her deeply. I'll get into more details after the funeral. I also finally got my new phone in the mail. I have to take it out next week, Monday or Tuesday, and get it turned on. my old phone won't even turn on anymore, I'm using the iPad and I redirected all my text messages to my iPad, but I can't respond back. but I will finally have my new phone and be able to talk to you guys again on Monday or Tuesday. Because I rerouted my text messages, my beloved Monsie, I got your text. It meant the world to me and I love you very much and I love you too. I will text you back as soon as I get the phone turned on. I've been waiting to text you back for like three weeks now lol. My phone hasn't been turned on in like a month. Thank you for your text. It helped me get through the day. I love you.
0 notes