amalthearespawned ยท 23 days
to add onto this btw - i shifted !
i decided to have at least one normal shift before i respawn for good, since i have loose ends to deal with in this reality still, and i would like to experience making a storytime at least once ;3 so i decided to get off my ass and actually put in effort, especially since itโ€™s our anniversary today.
i felt my surroundings change into (what iโ€™d assume to be) my waiting room (cr noises stopped, different textures, different smells, etc) but i was too tired to open my eyes or move around (i was also worried of opening my eyes to my cr) so i eventually fell asleep. still woke up here but iโ€™m proud of myself for making progress, as i havenโ€™t had a full shift in months. yippee
jus wanted to say happy 1,000 days with the prettiest girl in the multiverse .. ๐Ÿซถโค๏ธ ilysm
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sorry for being inactive as shit. iโ€™ve been really tired and unmotivated, essentially burnt out. just popping in right now because i love sharing my love for my girlfriend, iโ€™ll be back when iโ€™m ready ๐Ÿฆฆ
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amalthearespawned ยท 23 days
jus wanted to say happy 1,000 days with the prettiest girl in the multiverse .. ๐Ÿซถโค๏ธ ilysm
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sorry for being inactive as shit. iโ€™ve been really tired and unmotivated, essentially burnt out. just popping in right now because i love sharing my love for my girlfriend, iโ€™ll be back when iโ€™m ready ๐Ÿฆฆ
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amalthearespawned ยท 23 days
i canโ€™t wait to know my s/oโ€™s patterns, they way they fidget, the way their mouth moves when the say certain words, their facial expressions
i canโ€™t wait to know them
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amalthearespawned ยท 2 months
"oh no permashifting is unhealthy & bad!!"
you know what else is unhealthy & bad?
not feeling safe in your own home.
not having anyone to talk to.
not feeling loved.
having an abusive, both mentally and physically, family.
feeling stuck.
having your entire life controlled.
and those are just a FEW of them, permashifting can literally solve all of that. so remind me why it's "unhealthy & bad" again.
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amalthearespawned ยท 2 months
hi, sorry for disappearing again. as you know, i went off grid for a month or so. iโ€™m back now, at home, so i can get back to my usual routine.
as a bit of a โ€œcoming homeโ€ present, i have an extremely complex subliminal to share with you all. i hope i didnโ€™t disappoint.
this is for respawners only, no matter what journey youโ€™ve chosen. 100% deathless affirmations in a forced nature, with benefits ranging from immediate respawn to LOA, as well as affs related to reprogramming. i created this while incredibly homesick (for my dr) and because of how much i miss my S/O (the primary reason why i made this), so it is energy charged.
it features hemi-sync, soft rain, and heartbeat sounds for a relaxing overnight respawn. please read the full description and benefits list before listening!
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amalthearespawned ยท 2 months
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Reposting this success story bc I think itโ€™s a great example of using loa to shift !! โญ๏ธ
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amalthearespawned ยท 2 months
Dear Higher Self, please just let me fucking respawn so I can be an inspiration to everyone with my success stories and storytimes. Amen.
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amalthearespawned ยท 2 months
HERโ€™s method // day 6 + 7
decided that iโ€™ll be posting every couple days rather than every single one. iโ€™ve been busy lately, havenโ€™t respawned yet ;33
i lowkey havenโ€™t noticed anything lately ๐Ÿ˜ญ iโ€™ve been seeing a LOT of dragonflies, but idk what that means or what itโ€™s related to.
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
HERโ€™s method // day 5
similar to yesterday, i havenโ€™t really felt much. iโ€™ve been having my iron drops but theyโ€™re not as severe as they were a couple days ago, and my hot flashes havenโ€™t been too much.
otherwise thatโ€™s all ;33. iโ€™m lowkey getting into tlou and may script something for when iโ€™m free in my respawn dr. ended up watching a bit of the first game and itโ€™s cool, found a dragonfly while outside earlier & i think dragonflies are important in the games ? i donโ€™t know anything about tlou and am going in blind but idk. might be a sign to do it for fun.
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
Reminder that your DR is a real place, and you will go there, and it will be what you scripted / imagined it to be.
And if that makes you feel uncomfortable or afraid, you might have some thinking to do.
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
Is blind respawning a thing? Just respawning somewhere with only vague instructions for a direction rather than a detailed script?
id assume so. blind shifting exists, so why wouldnโ€™t blind respawning? ;33
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
HERโ€™s method // day 4
so far i havenโ€™t noticed much difference. no hot flashes today, no chest pain or anything. just sorta chilling ;33
iโ€™m honestly expecting to respawn before the end of the month. donโ€™t really know why, i just have a feeling. iโ€™ll respawn soon ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฆฆ
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
So, last night, I was really missing my DRs, especially my love interests in them. I think I even made clear that I really want, and NEED this respawn. Then while sleeping afterwards, I had a long, bizarre, complex dream while sleeping for those 9 hours (yes, with the new slade shifting brew on again). I believe I even wished I knew what the dreams meant, after I woke up.
Then, this afternoon, I was tired and took a nap for an hour or two (again, with the subliminal on).
At the end of a set of vivid/lucid dreams I had, I was suddenly aware I was in hypnagogia, and I used this time to mentally say, "I demand to respawn". I then demanded to see the silver cord I saw twice before during astral projection.
And I actually saw it, even though I wasn't astral projecting, I was in hypnagogia this time! To my dismay, it was dimmer than the last time I saw it, and I had the thought "Your journey is almost over" and "I don't need it to be brighter [presumably because I'm too far gone, so to speak]". The dimmer cord could also mean my connection to the CR is weakening, since I'm not coming back (hopefully).
The last two times I saw the silver cord, it was during astral projection, and I saw both ends and the middle of the cord. I didn't see anything on either end of the cord or on it. The cord presumably connected my CR and my DR, since it was not attached to me, and I was zooming along it, observing it floating in space. The first time, it was dimmer, and the second time, it was brighter.
This time, however, I only saw the middle, then the end of the cord, now paying no mind to the beginning of it, and I could see things at the end of it. I could see shapeshifting silver blobs flying over the cord, and what looked like silver portals along the cord. I urged to keep zooming along the cord, hitting at least one of the portals, but more likely several. I can't remember if I still saw anything at the end when the vision ended. The portals would appear whenever I said in my mind, "I want my respawn". I could also control the vision, at least to a degree, like before.
Before the vision ended, I saw a message in the stars that said, "It's time", looking like a YouTube spiritual video I saw the thumbnail for before while awake.
I really, really need this to be a good sign!
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
also me: falls asleep during methods, fantasizes about my dr instead of actually scripting and trying to get there
oh well, it'll always be a mystery
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
I love you, it's ruining my life (you're in another reality)
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
glad youโ€™re sharing your symptoms!! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฆฆ
none of the affirmations (mine at least) contain anything related to memory loss. all of them are written to where you respawn your desired way, so if you wish to erase void memories then you will. if not, the memories will remain intact โค๏ธ๐Ÿซถ
HERโ€™s method // day 1
+ HER respawn bundle
hiii!!! iโ€™ve been away for a while. iโ€™ve been having a lot of stuff going on and needed to take some time away.
iโ€™m currently not home right now, so i cant do any actual respawning methods :> not that theyโ€™re needed, i just prefer using them. but since i canโ€™t really do anything but listen to subs, i figured iโ€™d try using HERโ€™s respawn subliminal and update daily.
i donโ€™t really know when iโ€™m going home, but iโ€™m planning for this to be a permanent thing on my blog ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฆฆ
if youโ€™re unaware, HER is an og respawner who created a subliminal that she respawned with a month after making. a lot of people have said that the subliminal has helped others respawn quickly. (i may have misunderstood details, but this is what iโ€™ve been told/have seen.)
i figured iโ€™d do this to see how long it takes for me to respawn, as well as give me a way to talk about it and share my journey!
โ€ข every night i will update with a blog post about my sub results. occasionally iโ€™ll post them in the morning, depends on how much time i have during the night. ;33 just because i havenโ€™t posted doesnโ€™t mean iโ€™ve respawned, please wait at least 24 hours before assuming so.
โ€ข i will be spending 10 minutes affirming when i wake up/go to sleep for added benefits.
โ€ข otherwise all i will be doing is listening to my sub bundle, which consists of HERโ€™s subliminal & my own subs. because i love my little corner so much, i decided to upload the bundle for those who wanna try too ;33
please enjoy my future updates and my bundle ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฆฆ
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amalthearespawned ยท 3 months
HERโ€™s method // day 3
since my first update, iโ€™ve been having crazy iron drops. itโ€™s a common part of me, i havenโ€™t attempted to treat it (simply because iโ€™m broke and have more important things to worry about) but the timing is weird. only reason why iโ€™m bringing it up now is because itโ€™s becoming consistent.
normally it comes and goes every few days, i feel a bit faint or whenever i get up i almost fall over, normal iron deficiency stuff. but now itโ€™s been happening almost every time i get up, regardless of if iโ€™m mindful about it or not.
and itโ€™s just.. weird? itโ€™s only ever effected me on and off rather than a consistent way, and iโ€™ve been eating a lot of healthy food that should be keeping my iron from dropping like that.
iโ€™m assuming itโ€™s respawning related due to the timing of me starting my bundle & this happening. it didnโ€™t start getting more consistent until after i listened to my respawning sub yesterday, so idk ;33
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